Python json load to string

Python JSON

JSON is text, written with JavaScript object notation.

JSON in Python

Python has a built-in package called json , which can be used to work with JSON data.


Parse JSON — Convert from JSON to Python

If you have a JSON string, you can parse it by using the json.loads() method.


Convert from JSON to Python:

# the result is a Python dictionary:

Convert from Python to JSON

If you have a Python object, you can convert it into a JSON string by using the json.dumps() method.


Convert from Python to JSON:

# a Python object (dict):
x = «name»: «John»,
«age»: 30,
«city»: «New York»

# convert into JSON:
y = json.dumps(x)

# the result is a JSON string:

You can convert Python objects of the following types, into JSON strings:


Convert Python objects into JSON strings, and print the values:

print(json.dumps([«apple», «bananas»]))
print(json.dumps((«apple», «bananas»)))

When you convert from Python to JSON, Python objects are converted into the JSON (JavaScript) equivalent:

Python JSON
dict Object
list Array
tuple Array
str String
int Number
float Number
True true
False false
None null


Convert a Python object containing all the legal data types:

Format the Result

The example above prints a JSON string, but it is not very easy to read, with no indentations and line breaks.

The json.dumps() method has parameters to make it easier to read the result:


Use the indent parameter to define the numbers of indents:

You can also define the separators, default value is («, «, «: «), which means using a comma and a space to separate each object, and a colon and a space to separate keys from values:


Use the separators parameter to change the default separator:

Order the Result

The json.dumps() method has parameters to order the keys in the result:


Use the sort_keys parameter to specify if the result should be sorted or not:


Python JSON to string

Python JSON to string

In this article, we will see how to convert JSON format to string using Python programming language. But before that, we should know what is JSON; this is elaborated as text written in javascript object notation. In Python, to deal with such JSON formats or files, we have to import json module in the Python program, which is a built-in module. Moreover, the data is usually transmitted using API calls to retrieve JSON data; therefore, we need to convert it into a string for easy storing and working. In this article, we will see a method provided by json module in Python for converting JSON to string such as dumps().

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Working on Converting JSON to string in Python with Examples

This section will see how to convert JSON format to a normal string format in Python. Firstly, to convert any JSON format to string in the Python program, we need to import json module in the program. There are two ways of converting JSON to string in Python; one way is to use json method dumps(), and another way is to use an API such as requests module in Python.

In the below section, let us demonstrate these two ways with examples.

To convert JSON format file to string in Python using json module method dumps(). Let us see how to convert it in a string format.

Example #1

import json print("Program to demonstrate conversion of JSON to strig in Python:") print("\n") course = print("The JSON format is as follows:") print(course) print("\n") print("The type of the given data is as follows") print(type(course)) print("\n") print("The above JSON format is converted to following string") con_str = json.dumps(course) print(con_str) print("\n") print("The type of converted data is as follows") print(type(con_str))

Python JSON to string 1

In the above program, we have first imported json module, and then we will declare a variable “course” in which we will store JSON data, and the type of variable course is printed using the type( course ) method, which will result in type as and then we will use dumps() method to store the JSON data in string format which means Python objects have to be stored in a file in string format. So in the above program, we will pass this JSON data to the dumps( course ) method, and the result of this method is in string format, which is stored in a variable “con_str”. So we can see the type of the “con_str” variable, which will result in string format .

Now we will see another way of converting JSON data to string in Python using API using requests module. In this, we get data using API, which is JSON data to convert it to a string.

Example #2

import json import requests print("Program to demonstrate conversion of JSON to string using requests module") print("\n") print("The dummy json data by") r = requests.get("") json_data = json.loads(r.text) print(json_data) print("\n") print(type(json_data)) print("\n") print("The converted data from JSON to string is as follows:") con_data = json.dumps(json_data) print(con_data) print("\n") print(type(con_data))

Python JSON to string 2

In the above program, we first import json and requests modules in the Python program. Here we import json module to deal with JSON data, and we import the requests module to fetch the JSON data directly from the website using the get() method of the requests module. So in this program, we fetch JSON data using requests.get() method by passing the proper address in this; we have to take dummy JSON data from Twitter. Then we will store this data in the variable “json_data” using the loads() function, and to know what is the type of this variable, we have passed this variable to function type(). Then we will convert this JSON data to a string using the dumps() function, and we pass the variable “json_data”, which contains JSON data, and the converted string format is stored in the variable “con_data”. Therefore, we can see the result of converted string and the type of the variable “con_data”, which will result in . So the output of the above program is shown in the above screenshot.

From the above examples, we can also convert the back string to JSON format. This is just the opposite of what we did in the above section. This is also very simple to convert string to JSON data where we first import json module and then we use a loads() function which accepts a valid string and returns valid JSON data. We should note that we can convert JSON format into any Python object in Python, such as string, list, dict, etc. Usually, JSON data will be of the list or dictionary format. Now let us see JSON data converted to floating-point output with a small example.

Example #3

import json from decimal import Decimal print("The JSON data is as follows") json_data = '' print(json_data) print("\n") print("The converted JSON data to float type data is as follows:") float_data = json.loads(json_data, parse_float = Decimal) print(float_data['number'])

float type data

We can see the output screenshot in the above program, where we have JSON data into float data.


In this article, we can conclude that converting JSON data to string format in the Python programming language is simple. In this article, we use json module to deal with JSON data, and we also use the dumps() function, which takes JSON data and converts it into the string format. We also can fetch JSON data directly through the website using the requests module in Python with get() function.

This is a guide to Python JSON to string. Here we discuss the introduction and working on converting JSON to string in python with examples. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –


Convert JSON Object to String in Python

We are often required to convert JSON objects to a String in Python, you could do this in multiple ways, for example, json.dumps() is utilized to convert JSON to string and also we can directly use the str() and repr() methods that will convert json object to a string.

  1. Converting json to string by using json.dumps()
  2. Converting json data from file to string by using json.dumps() with json.load()
  3. Converting json to string by using str()
  4. Converting json to string by using repr()

1. Quick Examples of Converting JSON Object to String

Following are quick examples to understand converting json object to a string. In the later sections, I will describe these in detail.

2. Using json.dumps() to Convert JSON Object to String

The json.dumps() method is available in the json module which allows you to convert a python object into a json string. It converts into json string, If we try to return the type of the converted object, it is of type ‘str’.

2.1 Syntax

Following is the syntax of the json.dumps() method.

Here, python_object is like a dictionary, a list of dictionaries etc.

2.2 Examples

Example 1: Let’s have a python dictionary with country details and convert this into json string.

 # Json to string - Using json.dumps() country_string = json.dumps(country_json) print(country_string) print(type(country_string)) # Output: # # 

We can see that after applying json.dumps(), the object (Dictionary) is converted into string.

Example 2: Let’s have a json file and convert this data into a string.

Here, we will use the json.load() method to load the json into our environment. After that we will use the same like previous example to convert into string.

3. Using str() to Convert JSON object to String

The str() convert the given python object to string. It takes an object as a parameter and converts it to a string. If you pass JSON object, it converts the object to a string.

3.1 Syntax

Let’s see how to use the str() method.

Let’s have json data with country details and convert this into json string using str().

 # Using str() print(str(country_json)) # Output: #

4. Using repr()

The repr() is also used to represent the python object in string format. Like str(), it won’t convert the given JSON object to a string. It just shows the string representation of the given JSON object, Like str() it will take json_object as a parameter.

4.1 Syntax

Following is an example of the repr() method.

4.2 Example

By using the repr() built-in function, let’s convert the json data with country details into a json string.

 # Using repr() print(repr(country_json)) # Output: #

5. Conclusion

You have seen how to convert the json object to a string in python using the json.dumps(), str(), and repr(). By using json.dumps() approach, we have seen converting JSON object to a string and json file into a string through json.load() method.

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