Python is english letter

How to check if a character from a string is a letter, a number, a special character or a whitespace in python ?

Examples of how to check if a character from a string is a letter, a special character or a whitespace in python:

Create a string in python

Let’s create for example the following sentence:

Check character type

Check if a character is a letter

To check if a character is a letter, a solution is to use isalpha()

Check if a character is a number

To check if a character is a letter, a solution is to use isalpha()

Check if a character is a whitespace

To check if a character is a letter, a solution is to use isalpha()

Check if a character is a special character

To check if a character is a special character, a solution is to check if it is not a letter, a number or a whitespace:

if not ("!".isalpha() or "!".isdigit() or "!".isspace()): print("It is a special character") 
It is a special character 

Another solution is to define a list of special characters:

sc_list = list('[@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|> <~:]')c = '!' if c in sc_list: print("It is a special character") 
It is a special character 

Iterate over characters

Now let's iterate over each character and check the type:

for c in sentence: if c.isalpha(): print("character '<>' is a letter".format(c)) else: if c.isdigit(): print("character '<>' is a number".format(c)) else: if c.isspace(): print("character '<>' is a space".format(c)) else: print("character '<>' is a special character".format(c)) 
character ' ' is a space character ' ' is a space character ' ' is a space character 'H' is a letter character 'e' is a letter character 'l' is a letter character 'l' is a letter character 'o' is a letter character ' ' is a space character 'W' is a letter character 'o' is a letter character 'r' is a letter character 'l' is a letter character 'd' is a letter character ' ' is a space character '!' is a special character 



Greetings, I am Ben! I completed my PhD in Atmospheric Science from the University of Lille, France. Subsequently, for 12 years I was employed at NASA as a Research Scientist focusing on Earth remote sensing. Presently, I work with NOAA concentrating on satellite-based Active Fire detection. Python, Machine Learning and Open Science are special areas of interest to me.



How to check if a word is English or not in Python

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

Here I introduce several ways to identify if the word consists of the English alphabet or not.

1. Using isalpha method

In Python, string object has a method called isalpha

word = "Hello" if word.isalpha(): print("It is an alphabet") word = "123" if word.isalpha(): print("It is an alphabet") else: print("It is not an alphabet")

However, this approach has a minor problem; for example, if you use the Korean alphabet, it still considers the Korean word as an alphabet. (Of course, for the non-Korean speaker, it wouldn’t be a problem 😅 )

To avoid this behavior, you should add encode method before call isalpha.

word = "한글" if word.encode().isalpha(): print("It is an alphabet") else: print("It is not an alphabet")

2. Using Regular Expression.

I think this is a universal approach, regardless of programming language.

import re word="hello" reg = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]') if reg.match(word): print("It is an alphabet") else: print("It is not an alphabet") word="123" reg = re.compile(r'[a-z]') if reg.match(word): print("It is an alphabet") else: print("It is not an alphabet")

3. Using operator

It depends on the precondition; however, we will just assume the goal is if all characters should be the English alphabet or not.

Therefore, we can apply the comparison operator.

Note that we have to consider both upper and lower cases. Also, we shouldn’t use the entire word because the comparison would work differently based on the length of the word.

We can also simplify this code using the lower or upper method in the string.

4. Using lower and upper method

This is my favorite approach. Since the English alphabet has Lower and Upper cases, unlike other characters (number or Korean), we can leverage this characteristic to identify the word.

word = "hello" if word.upper() != word.lower(): print("It is an alphabet") else: print("It is not an alphabet")


Check if a character in a string is a letter in Python

In this Python tutorial, we will learn to check if a character in a string is a letter using Python programming language.

For this, we will have a string in which we will have some string and a integer. Then we will look for letters in that string.

Table Of Contents

Method 1 : Using isalpha() method

First method that we will be using is the isalpha() method of string class. It returns True if all charaters are alphabets and return False otherwise.

SYNTAX : string.isalpha()

Frequently Asked:

Here, first we will check for whole string variable whether it has integers inside it or has only alphabets/letters. It will return True if the given string has letters only. If the given string has both characters/letters and integers then it will return False.

See the example code below,

# initialized a string with integer and letters str_var = '312341AFc' # returns true if string has only letters else returns false print(str_var.isalpha())

Now, to iterate and check for characters inside the string, we will be using for loop with isalpha() method to check if each character in the string is a letters or not.

See the Example code below

# initialized a string with integer and letters str_var = '312341AFc' # iterating over the characters of the string # to check if it has letters or not. for char in str_var: result = char.isalpha() print(char, ':', result)
3 : False 1 : False 2 : False 3 : False 4 : False 1 : False A : True F : True c : True

In the code and output above, we have used the isalpha() method to check if the character in a string is a letter or not. First we checked the whole string then we iterated over the string variable and checked for the each char, if it is letter or not. It prints true in front of character which determines that it is a letter.

Method 2 : Checking using ASCII values and ord() function

Now in this method, we will be using the ASCII values and ord() function to check if character in a string is a letter.

But first what is ASCII Value and ord() function?

ASCII Value :: ASCII Stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, and it is the most used character encoding format.It is a 7-bit character code in which every single bit represents a unique character.

Every character in english alphabet has a unique ASCII code.

  • ASCII code of A to Z (Upper Case) starts from 065 and ends at 090.
  • ASCII code of a to z (Lower Case) starts from 097 and ends at 122.

ord() function : The ord() function is a built in function in Python programming language, which takes a unicode character as an argument and returns the ASCII code of that character.

Here what we can do is, loop through all the characters in the given string, and using ord() fucntion check if the ASCII value of the each character lies between 65 to 90 or between 97 to 122.

See the example code below,

# initialized a string with integer and letters str_var = "13A24K3243253434s59w459" # iterating through str_var for x in str_var: # checking for upper case alphabets if ord(x) >= 65 and 90 >= ord(x): print('Found letter', x) # checking for lower case alphabets elif ord(x) >= 97 and 122 >= ord(x): print('Found letter', x)
Found letter A Found letter K Found letter s Found letter w

In the code and output above, using the ord() function we successfully found out the letters in the string str_var. In this method we fetched the ASCII value of each character in string using order() function and then checked if they are letters or not.


In this Python tutorial, we used two different methods to check if a character in a string is a letter using Python Programming Language. You can always use any of the methods depending upon your requirement but the most used and easy to understand and also has the shorter syntax is method 1 which is by using isalpha() , method 2 also can be very useful because through which you can find for special characters in the given string but you need to know about ASCII values.

Also we have used Python 3.10.1 for writing examples. Type python –version to check your python version. Always try to read, write & understand example codes. Happy Coding.


How to check if a character in a string is a letter in Python

In this article, you will learn how to determine if a character in a string is a letter in Python. Here, the term “letter” refers specifically to alphabetic characters and excludes any numeric or special characters. When working with strings, you may encounter situations where you need to verify whether all the characters in a string are letters. For example, let’s say you are developing a program that prompts the user to enter their name and stores their details. As a first step, you need to ensure the validity of the user’s name by checking each character they input. To accomplish this, you will check whether every character in the name is a letter or not.

Using the isalpha() method, we can determine if all the characters in a string are alphabet letters (a-z) or not. This method is not only applicable to the entire string but can also be used on a specific character within the string to check if it is an alphabetic letter or not. Additionally, for longer strings that include sentences or spaces, we can utilize another method to detect if there are any characters other than alphabets. In this tutorial, we will discuss all these methods in detail.

If you want to learn more about strings and lists in Python, visit Python Tutorials.

using isalpha() method to determine if character is a letter

Python has a built-in Isalpha() function which returns True if the character is a letter otherwise returns False . To check if each character in a string is a letter, you can iterate over the string using a for loop and apply the isalpha() function to each character. This function helps identify numeric or special characters within the string. Let’s understand this with an example:

#take a string as an input from user input_str=str(input("Enter your name: ")) #iterate over the input string using for loop for ch in input_str: #return true if the character is alphabet otherwise return False res=ch.isalpha() print(ch,res )
Enter your name: jo$n12 j True o True $ False n True 1 False 2 False

You can directly apply Isalpha() function over the string to check if the string contains only alphabets or not. For example

str1='Ali' str2='fat!m@' str3= 'David22' print(str1.isalpha()) print(str2.isalpha()) print(str3.isalpha())

Additionally, if you want to check a specific character by its index, you can use str2[3].isalpha() to check the fourth character in str2 . In this case, the fourth character is "!" , which is not an alphabet, so the program will output False . However, it’s important to note that the isalpha() function returns False if it encounters a space in the string. Therefore, this method may not work as expected when checking characters in a long string that includes spaces or a sentence

USING ISALPHA() AND ISSPACE() to check if a character in a string is letter

In the case of strings consisting of spaces, we can use isspace() function. It returns true if the space is detected otherwise returns false. By using a combination of isalpha() and isspace() function, we can check whether all the characters in a string are alphabets and spaces/not. If the character is an alphabet or a space, it is considered as part of the alphabets. If it is neither an alphabet nor a space, it is considered as a non-alphabet character.

def check_string(input_str): if all(x.isalpha() or x.isspace() for x in input_str): return True else: return False if __name__ == "__main__" : string = input("Enter a string: ") print(check_string(string))
Enter a string: Hello World True 

In this example, each character in the input string is checked using these two functions. In this way, we can check even the whole sentence also.

In this article, you have learned how to identify if characters in a string is a letter or not in Python Programming. You have also learned how to deal with strings of sentences consisting of spaces. There can be various scenarios where checking if a character is a letter in a string becomes useful in Python programming such as validating user input or password validation etc. To execute operations like tokenization or text classification in text analysis or natural language processing applications, you may need to filter out non-alphabetic letters from a string. For such application, we can use the above-mentioned methods to check all the characters within a string. If you have any queries regarding this article, please let us know in the comments section. Contact us.


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