Python input file error

How to fix EOFError: EOF when reading a line

When using the input() or raw_input() function in Python, you might see the following error:

This error usually occurs when the input() function reached the end-of-file (E0F) without reading any input.

There are two scenarios where this error might occur:

  1. When you interrupt the code execution with CTRL + D while an input() function is running
  2. You called the input() function inside a while loop
  3. You’re using an Online Python IDE and you don’t provide any input in STDIN

This tutorial will show how to fix this error in each scenario.

1. Interrupting code execution with CTRL + D

Suppose you have a Python code as follows:

Next, you run the program, and while Python is asking for input, you pressed CTRL + D . You get this output:
    This is a natural error because CTRL + D sends an end-of-file marker to stop any running process.

The error simply indicates that you’re not passing anything to the input() function.

To handle this error, you can specify a try-except block surrounding the input() call as follows:

Notice that there’s no error received when you press CTRL+D this time. The try-except block handles the EOFError successfully.

2. Calling input() inside a while statement

This error also occurs in a situation where you need to ask for user input, but you don’t know how many times the user will give you input.

For example, you ask the user to input names into a list as follows:

Next, you send one name to the script from the terminal with the following command:

When the input() function is called the second time, there’s no input string to process, so the EOFError is raised.

To resolve this error, you need to surround the code inside the while statement in a try-except block as follows:

This way, the exception when the input string is exhausted will be caught by the try block, and Python can proceed to print the names in the list.

Suppose you run the following command:

When Python runs the input() function for the third time, it hits the end-of-file marker.

The except block gets executed, printing the names list to the terminal. The break statement is used to prevent the while statement from running again.

3. Using an online IDE without supplying the input

When you run Python code using an online IDE, you might get this error because you don’t supply any input using the stdin box.

Here’s an example from

ideone stdin box in Python

You need to put the input in the stdin box as shown above before you run the code, or you’ll get the EOFError .

Sometimes, online IDEs can’t handle the request for input, so you might want to consider running the code from your computer instead.


This tutorial shows that the EOFError: EOF when reading a line occurs in Python when it sees the end-of-file marker while expecting an input.

To resolve this error, you need to surround the call to input() with a try-except block so that the error can be handled by Python.

I hope this tutorial is helpful. Happy coding! 👍

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EOFError: EOF when reading a line

So as we can see in the pictures above, despite having produced the expected output, our test case fails due to a runtime error EOFError i.e., End of File Error. Let’s understand what is EOF and how to tackle it.

What is EOFError

In Python, an EOFError is an exception that gets raised when functions such as input() or raw_input() in case of python2 return end-of-file (EOF) without reading any input.

When can we expect EOFError


We can expect EOF in few cases which have to deal with input() / raw_input() such as:

  • Interrupt code in execution using ctrl+d when an input statement is being executed as shown below
  • Another possible case to encounter EOF is, when we want to take some number of inputs from user i.e., we do not know the exact number of inputs; hence we run an infinite loop for accepting inputs as below, and get a Traceback Error at the very last iteration of our infinite loop because user does not give any input at that iteration
n=int(input()) if(n>=1 and n <=10**5): phone_book=<>for i in range(n): feed=input() phone_book[feed.split()[0]]=feed.split()[1] while True: name=input() if name in phone_book.keys(): print(name,end="") print("=",end="") print(phone_book[name]) else: print("Not found") 

The code above gives EOFError because the input statement inside while loop raises an exception at last iteration

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The important part here is, that I used an infinite while loop to accept input which gave me a runtime error.

How to tackle EOFError

We can catch EOFError as any other error, by using try-except blocks as shown below :

try: input("Please enter something") except: print("EOF") 

You might want to do something else instead of just printing «EOF» on the console such as:

n=int(input()) if(n>=1 and n <=10**5): phone_book=<>for i in range(n): feed=input() phone_book[feed.split()[0]]=feed.split()[1] while True: try: name=input() except EOFError: break if name in phone_book.keys(): print(name,end="") print("=",end="") print(phone_book[name]) else: print("Not found") 


In the code above, python exits out of the loop if it encounters EOFError and we pass our test case, the problem due to which this discussion began.

Hope this is helpful
If you know any other cases where we can expect EOFError, you might consider commenting them below.


Python EOFError

An EOFError (End of File Error) is a built-in exception in Python that is raised when the input() function reaches the end of the file while attempting to read a line. This typically occurs when the user presses Ctrl+D (on Unix-based systems) or Ctrl+Z (on Windows systems) to indicate the end of the input stream.

Here’s a simple example that demonstrates how to handle an EOFError :

try: user_input = input("Please enter some text: ") except EOFError: print("EOFError: End of input stream detected")

In this example, if the user presses Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Z while the input() function is waiting for input, the EOFError will be caught by the except block, and the program will display a message indicating that the end of the input stream has been detected.

In some cases, you might want to ignore the EOFError and continue executing your program. You can do this by simply including a pass statement inside the except block:

try: user_input = input("Please enter some text: ") except EOFError: pass # Ignore the EOFError and continue executing the program

In this case, if the user presses Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Z while the input() function is waiting for input, the EOFError will be caught, but the program will continue executing without displaying any error message or taking any other action.

It’s important to note that the EOFError is typically raised in interactive environments where the input is read from the standard input (stdin) or from a file. If your program reads input from other sources, such as sockets or APIs, you may need to handle different exceptions depending on the method used to read the data.

In summary, when working with the input() function or other functions that read input from a file or the standard input, it’s essential to handle the EOFError to ensure that your program behaves gracefully when it encounters the end of the input stream.


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