Python google sheets insert row

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A simple Python wrapper for the Google Spreadsheet API



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A simple Python wrapper for the Google Spreadsheeta API.

  • An object oriented interface for Worksheets
  • Supports List Feed view of spreadsheet rows, represented as dictionaries
  • Compatible with Google App Engine

Before you get started, make sure you have:

List Spreadsheets and Worksheets:

 >>> from google_spreadsheet.api import SpreadsheetAPI >>> api = SpreadsheetAPI(GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_USER, GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_PASSWORD, GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_SOURCE) >>> spreadsheets = api.list_spreadsheets() >>> spreadsheets [('MyFirstSpreadsheet', 'tkZQWzwHEjKTWFFCAgw'), ('MySecondSpreadsheet', 't5I-ZPGdXjTrjMefHcg'), ('MyThirdSpreadsheet', 't0heCWhzCmm9Y-GTTM_Q')] >>> worksheets = api.list_worksheets(spreadsheets[0][1]) >>> worksheets [('MyFirstWorksheet', 'od7'), ('MySecondWorksheet', 'od6'), ('MyThirdWorksheet', 'od4')] 

Please note that in order to work with a Google Spreadsheet it must be accessible to the user who’s login credentials are provided. The GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_SOURCE argument is used by Google to identify your application and track API calls.

>>> sheet = spreadsheet.get_worksheet('tkZQWzwHEjKTWFFCAgw', 'od7') >>> rows = sheet.get_rows() >>> len(rows) 18 >>> row_to_update = rows[0] >>> row_to_update['name'] = 'New Name' >>> sheet.update_row(row_to_update) >>> row_to_insert = rows[0] >>> row_to_insert['name'] = 'Another Name' >>> row = sheet.insert_row(row_to_insert) >>> sheet.delete_row(row) >>> sheet.delete_all_rows() 
>>> sheet = spreadsheet.get_worksheet('tkZQWzwHEjKTWFFCAgw', 'od7') >>> rows = sheet.get_rows(query='name = "Joe" and height < 175') 
>>> sheet = spreadsheet.get_worksheet('tkZQWzwHEjKTWFFCAgw', 'od7') >>> filtered_rows = sheet.get_rows( filter_func=lambda row: row['status'] == "READY") 
>>> sheet = spreadsheet.get_worksheet('tkZQWzwHEjKTWFFCAgw', 'od7') >>> rows = sheet.get_rows(order_by='column:age', reverse='true') 

For more information about these calls, please consult the Google Spreadsheets API Developer Guide.

To run the test suite please follow these steps:

  • Make sure Nose is installed: ( pip install nose )
  • Run nosetests

Copyright © 2012 Yoav Aviram


A simple Python wrapper for the Google Spreadsheet API


Python Google Sheets API: Insert and Update Row

This artile focus on insert a new row at the top (row 2).

For append row at the bottom, refer to Python Google Sheets API: Append New Row .

credentials = . service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=credentials)sheet = service.spreadsheets() SPREADSHEET_ID = . SHEET_NAME = . SHEET_ID = .  # Insert New Empty Row at A2body =  'requests': [  'insertDimension':  'range':  'sheetId': SHEET_ID, 'dimension': 'ROWS', 'startIndex': 1, 'endIndex': 2 >, 'inheritFromBefore': True > > ]> # Using sheet.values().batchUpdate will trigger: Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "requests": Cannot find field.result = sheet.batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=SPREADSHEET_ID, body=body).execute() body =  'value_input_option': 'USER_ENTERED', # RAW 'data': [ 'range': f"' '!A2:B2", 'values': [["1", "New Row"]]> ]> result = sheet.values().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=SPREADSHEET_ID, body=body).execute()

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Managing Google sheet from Python

Python Google sheets

After logging in to your google account, visit this URL
GO to APIs overview
(Create a new project if not created.)
Click Credentials ( at left side menu )
Google API credentials
Create credentials > Service Account
Service Account
Service Account Details ( enter details )
Select the service account just created.
Visit Keys tab at top
Add Key > Create a New Key ( download the JSON file Save it in your computer and note the path. )
download Json file
Service account email address (select service account details for edit ) to be given share access to the directory or to the file or directory to work with. Don't forget to enable Google Drive API for your project.

Connecting to google drive

import pygsheets path='G:\\My drive\\testing\\google-sheet\\creds1.json' gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_account_file=path)

Opening the file and adding data

sh ='pythontest') # Open the google sheet phthontest wks = sh[0] # select the first sheet wks.update_col(2,['ab','cd','ef']) # add list to 2nd column

Adding data to google sheet

Information about the google sheet

sh ='pythontest') # Open the google sheet phthontest print( # id of the sheet print(sh.title) # pythontext output as title print(sh.url) # address of the file to open in browser print(sh.updated) # last updated date and time of the file
wk1 = sh[0] # select the first worksheet print('Rows: ',wk1.rows) # Rows : 1000 print('Columns: ',wk1.cols) # Columns: 26 
print(wk1.get_value('B2')) # data at cell B2 print(wk1.cell((2,2)).value) # data at row_number=2 col_number=2 ( B2)
wk1.update_value('A1',5) # Store 5 at A1 wk1.update_value('A2',10) # Store 10 at A2 wk1.update_value('A3','=A1+A2',True) # Add data at A1 and A2 and store at A3

The third parameter parse if False then the data is typed and not evaluated and placed.

updating with parse=False in google sheet

Update the parse to True again and change the value at A1. The SUM will be reflected at A3.

wk1.update_value('A1',20) # Update 20 at A1

Delete value using clear

wk1.clear('B3','C5') # clear data from grid B3 to C5

Deleting data over a range in google sheet

wk1.clear('*','*') # clear all cells

Getting all row values and all column values as List. If we make the include_trailing_empty=True then all blanks after the last value will be included.

print(wk1.get_row(2,include_tailing_empty=False)) #['12', '34', 'ab', 'cd', '55', 'cv'] print(wk1.get_col(3,include_tailing_empty=False)) #['', 'ab', 'Al', '45']

Getting rows and columns as list from google sheet

Inserting rows and columns

#insert after row 2 , one row with these values wk1.insert_rows(row =2, number = 1, values =['BB', 40,'CC',60,'DD']) #insert after col 3 ,one column with the values wk1.insert_cols(col =3, number = 1, values =['','kk','tt',34, 40])

Inserting row and column in google sheet

Using Google sheets data as option of Combobox

Combobox Options from Python Google sheets

We can collect data from google sheet and add as options for a Combobox by using pygsheets library and google drive API.
Options of Combobox from Google sheet data »

Data Transfer from Google sheets to MySQL and vice versa

Data Transfer from googel sheet to MySQL and vice versa

By using Pandas DataFrame we can transfer data from MySQL database table to Google sheets and from Google sheets to MySQL.
Data Transfer between Google sheet and MySQL »
Data Transfer between Google sheet and SQLite »

Python programming Basics ⇩


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