Python get data from website

How to Extract Data from Webpages Using Python

Data Science doesn’t work without data. It’s the root of analysis, computing, and development in this booming field. And while there’s always the option of having a Raspberry Pi retrieve data from sensors, there are times where you’ll have to get it from the web. In this tutorial, you will learn to do just that by mining the new items’ product details in our shop.

Things you need:

If you’re a Python beginner, I recommend reading this tutorial first before you proceed.

The urllib library

We will use the urllib library . It is a built-in Python package for URL (Uniform Resource Locator) handling, which includes opening, reading, and parsing web pages. It has several modules for managing URLs such as:

  • urllib.request – used to open webpages
  • urllib.error – used to define the exception classes from the exceptions of urllib.request
  • urllib.parse – used to decompose URL strings and restructurize them
  • urllib.robotparser – used to parse robot.txt files

On the other hand, urllib2 , the library’s python2 counterpart, has minor differences but all in all similar. Both libraries offer methods for convenient web access. Since we want to use the newer python version, we will only use urllib.

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The BeautifulSoup library

We will also use the bs4 library, also known as BeautifulSoup. This library gives you the ability to pull out data from an HTML/XML file. It has a few methods that simplify navigating, searching, and modifying an extracted HTML page:

  • BeautifulSoup(html, “html parser”) – creates a parsed HTML/XML tree as a soup object
  • find() and findAll() – searches the soup for simillar terms
  • get_text() – retrieves the text data from an HTML code
  • strip() – removes leading and trailing characters such as \n and \t

BeautifulSoup can mine data anywhere from a perfectly structured website to an awfully-written college project. Also, almost everyone in data is using this, so getting familiarized with the API will do you very good career-wise.


Copy the code to your editor or IDE.

import urllib.request as ul from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup url = '' req = ul.Request(url, headers=) client = ul.urlopen(req) htmldata = client.close() pagesoup = soup(htmldata, "html.parser") itemlocator = pagesoup.findAll('div', ) filename = "new items.csv" f = open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") headers = "Item Name, Price\n" f.write(headers) for items in itemlocator: namecontainer = items.findAll("h4",) names = namecontainer[0].text pricecontainer = items.findAll("p",) prices = pricecontainer[0].text.strip() print("Item Name: "+ names) print("Price: " + prices) f.write(names.replace(","," ") + "," + prices.replace(",", " ") + "\n") f.write("Total number of items: " + "," + str(len(itemlocator))) f.close() 

Code Explanation

First, import both modules. To call their methods and functions, you need to mention their names every single line you use them ( urllib.request and BeautfulSoup is quite a finger exercise). It would be such a pain to type them every time so to fix this, we create an alias using Python’s as keyword. Now you can lessen the pain by giving them nicknames like ul and soup.

Setting Up

Using the urllib.request module, we open and read a URL by entering the function: ul.urlopen(‘your url here’) . However, since most websites today don’t appreciate bots harvesting their data, we also need to make the program look like an actual user. To do this, we’ll have to modify the User-Agent variable from the Headers of your web request. Headers are bits of data that contain information about you that is sent to web servers when you browse the web. Often it contains the website you’re using, your credentials, and other data for authentication, caching, or simply maintaining connection.

To make it like you’re using Mozilla Firefox, write: urllib.request.Request(url, headers=) . Now you can already pass it to ul.urlopen to access your target webpage. Lastly, use the read() method to take the HTML code from the webpage, preferably storing it in a variable like htmldata above.

Extracting Data from a Webpage

Assume you’re given the task of getting all the names and prices from circuitrocks’ new products page. There are 30 items on the page. How long would it take to copy-paste everything to a spreadsheet? What if your boss decides to take every item’s details instead?

With web scraping, you can finish your task in a blink of an eye. You just need to learn how to get relevant data from pure HTML code. We do that by using BeautifulSoup.

Finding the Data

First, create a soup object by writing soup(htmldata, «html.parser») . This takes the raw HTML code from htmldata into an analyzed parse tree that you can use later.

Next, go to your circuitrocks’ page. Observe the structure of the page. The names and prices are bundled together in a square item container so these details must also be close in the HTML code. To see if our hypothesis is true, right-click one of the item’s prices and click Inspect.

After that, your browser will show you the exact location of the price in the code (see Figure 2). It’s under a p tag but goes a few tags higher, and you’ll notice every item is contained in a div element with class product-grid-item xs-100 sm-50 md-33 lg-25 xl-20. This means that this must be the code for the square item container! The only thing left to do is get every instance of this line from the HTML code and retrieve the product name and price on each container. You can do just that using bs4’s findAll method: findAll(‘div’, ) . You can also use find() to search for a single item.

Creating the CSV file

Before we set up for loops to extract the data from the 30 item containers, we first prep the CSV file we’re saving the data to using:

filename = "new items.csv" f = open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") headers = "Item Name, Price\n" f.write(headers)

This creates a file new items.csv with headers Item Name and Price. Moreover, we need to explicitly tell the open() method to use utf-8 encoding because we’re using the peso sign.

Acquiring the Data from the HTML code

We now create a for loop to scoop relevant data from each container. Most importantly, you need to be sure that the HTML tags you’re using for find() and findAll() are present in every container else you’ll get a None Type error.

To get the text inside an HTML tag, use .text . If the text includes a formatting character like \n and \t. Use .text.strip() .

Furthermore, if the details you want are an attribute of an HTML tag (using the code below as an example), use something like this: soup.a.img[«title»] . This will get you the name “Switching Power Supply 5V 10A 50W Compact Body”. Additionally, if you want the image source link use: soup.a.img[“src”].

Lastly, use the print function to check if your extracted data is correct. Then, write them on your csv file separated with commas. Be sure to check if the items have commas in their names and prices. You should replace it with something different otherwise the csv file will identify it as a separator and mess up your file.

f.write(names.replace(","," ") + "," + prices.replace(",", " ") + "\n") f.write("Total number of items: " + "," + str(len(itemlocator))) f.close()

The final output should look like this:

Another good thing about our web scraping program is that it can be easily modified to extract data from any page on the site. Figure 4 is from the Arduino page. You just need to change the url and the item container line with findAll() to get every product details.


How I used Python to Collect Data from any Website

T here are moments while working when you realize that you may need a large amount of data in a short amount of time. These could be instances when your boss or customer wants a specific set of information from a specific website. Maybe they want you to collect over a thousand pieces of information or data from said website. So what do you do?

One option could be to check out this website and manually type in every single piece of information requested. Or better yet, you could make Python do all the heavy lifting for you!

Utilizing one of Python’s most useful libraries, BeautifulSoup, we can collect most data displayed on any website by writing some relatively simple code. This action is called Web Scraping. In the next few parts, we will be learning and explaining the basics of BeautifulSoup and how it can be used to collect data from almost any website.

The Challenge

In order to learn how to use BeautifulSoup, we must first have a reason to use it. Let’s say that hypothetically, you have a customer that is looking for quotes from famous people. They want to have a new quote every week for the next year. They’ve tasked us with the job to present them with at least fifty-two quotes and their respective authors.

Website to Scrape

We can probably just go to any website to find these quotes but we will be using this website for the list of quotes. Now our customer wants these quotes formatted into a simple spreadsheet. So now we have the choice of either typing out fifty-two quotes and their respective authors in a spreadsheet or we can use Python and BeautifulSoup to do all of that for us. So for the sake of time and simplicity, we would rather go with Python and BeautifulSoup.

Starting BeautifulSoup

Let’s begin with opening up any IDE that you prefer but we will be using Jupyter Notebook. (The Github code for all of this will be


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