Python get class name as string

How to Get Class Name in Python

Is there a way to get the Python class name of an object? It’s a relatively simple process that can be done in just a few steps. On this page, there are different methods are demonstrated to get the class name in Python so that you can make use of it in your python projects or resolve your Python-related problems. Within a few steps, you can get the name of a class in Python by following this tutorial. So let’s get on the board!

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using the format() method in aggregation with __class__.__name__ approach to get a class name in Python

So here is the entire process that revolves around getting the class name in Python. The __name__ variable in the Python program provides the name of the module on which we are working.

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Using __class__.__name__ approach, you can display the name of a class by creating the object for that class. Here in the following example code class object “url” is required to display the class name.

  • Class names are defined as “www” when creating a class.
  • A variable “name” will be created in the class’s init constructor.
  • Afterward, use the (.) operator to get at the variable. Always-public properties are commonly accessed using the (.) operator.
  • In this case, the function is a “site”, which takes as its parameter an instance of the class “self”.
  • A class attribute’s value is returned by the return expression. Here in the following example, the format() function is used to display the class name. Within curly braces, the index order is assigned to display the complete url of the website. becomes class name which is “www”, and becomes the ‘com’.
  • A final step would be to initialize the new variable, “url,” for the class and pass the value for an instance for the class, which is ‘com’,
  • Then invoke the site() method using the operator (.) and the constructor variable “name”.
class www(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def site(self): return ".Entechin.".format(,self.__class__.__name__) url=www('com') print("class argument :", print("url :",
class argument : com url : 

Using __class__.__name__ to get a class name in Python

There are two ways to get the class name one is using __class__.__name__

And the other is __class__. Below are a demonstration of using both methods separately to get the class name in Python.

Here in the example below, the process executes in the following manners:

  • First initializing the class, with the name “url”.
  • The class’s constructor __init__ will create a variable named “name”. And using it with an instance of class “self”.
  • Create an object for the class and store it into a new variable, and pass the value to the class instance in the parameter.
  • Print command will display the data type (which is a class) using the __class__ method and display the class name.
  • The other print function will help us to access the class name, and display “url” at the output.
class url: def __init__(self, name): = name url = url("") print (url.__class__) print (url.__class__.__name__)

Here in the following example, It is impossible for a class definition to be empty, but if you have a class definition with no content, use the pass statement to avoid an error. The pass keyword is itself a complete statement that helps to execute the program execution, otherwise, it will rise the error.

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Invoke a class with an empty argument and save the result in a new variable, “url”. The print command with the str() function helps to get the class name in Python.

class URL: pass url = URL() print(str(url.__class__))

Using type() and __name__ approach to get class name in python

The type () is the easiest way to access and search the class name in Python. Firstly, the simple program in the example code shows how to get the type of variable with __name__ using the (.) operator. As mentioned above, __name__ displays the name of the module, on which we are working on.

Here in the simple examples, the string is saved in the new variable “url”. Now using the type() function in aggregation with __name__ using the (.) operator to get the type of class name in Python.

Here it will return “str” as output, as we pass a string in the program body.

url = "" print(type(url).__name__)
  • Creating a class with a class name “url”.
  • Defining a class constructor __init__ as a function within the class and passing them a variable ‘name’, as a parameter and using them to the instance of the class ‘self’.
  • Now create an object variable for the class.
  • Invoking class object with __class__ using (.) will return the data type with class name as output.
  • Invoke the type() function with __name__ to assess the class name.
class url: def __init__(self, name): = name url = url(1) print (url.__class__) print (type(url).__name__)

__qualname__ attribute using nested classes to access the class name in Python

  • Defining two classes ‘www’, and ‘Entechin’.
  • Create variable instances for both classes.
  • The ‘self’, a class instance, is used within the __init__ constructor variables ‘name’, and ‘a’. The __init__ constructor is defined for the class ‘www’.
  • Now define a __init__ constructor for class ‘Entechin’, and pass the variable ‘domain’, and use it with ‘self’, a class instance.
  • In the class “www”, a variable “a” is passed as a parameter to the Entechin class object.
  • Next, the class “www” object “WWW” is created where the values for the instances of the “www” class are set.
  • There is a method “__name__” for getting the class name as well as a method “__qualname__” for getting the class name of each class.
class www: def __init__(self, name, a): = name self.domain = self.Entechin(a) class Entechin: def __init__(self, domain): self.domain = domain WWW = www("Entechin",'.com') print(WWW.domain.__class__.__name__) print(WWW.domain.__class__.__qualname__)


How to Get Class Name in Python?

This blog post will explain how to get class name in Python. There are a few different methods that can help you find the class name of an object.

Before diving in, let’s first remember what class is in Python.
In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), a class is a blueprint defining the methods and variables of a particular kind of object. Similarly, in Python, a class defines how the particular object should look like, or more precisely, what variables and methods it should contain.

In some cases, you’d want to check the name of the class of a particular object, so let’s find out how to do it.

How to get class name of an object in Python?
The most convenient way to get Python class name is either by using the type() or __class__ method. To get the class name as a string, you will also need to use the __name__ variable regardless of which of the two methods you use.

If you are using the type() method, the syntax is:

If you are using the __class__ method, the syntax is:

x is the object for which you are getting the class name.

In the following sections, I’ll explain these methods in more detail.

Use type() to get class name in Python

One way of finding the Python class name of an object is by using the built-in type() method. The type() method returns the data type of the object passed to it as an argument.

Still, to get the class name as string, you need to access the special built-in __name__ variable. This variable evaluates to the name of the current module. By chaining the type() and __name__ , you get exactly what you want – the Python class name for the current object.

Let’s see it in action. The first example will show you how to get the class name of some well-known Python literals and data structures.

>>> a = 45 >>> type(a).__name__ 'int' >>> b = 'example' >>> type(b).__name__ 'str' >>> c = True >>> type(c).__name__ 'bool' >>> d = [1, 2, 3] >>> type(d).__name__ 'list' >>> e = >>> type(e).__name__ 'dict'

Also, check out this example for a user-defined class. Here we define the simple Book class that accepts the name in the constructor.

class Book: def __init__(self, name): = name book = Book("The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy") print(type(book).__name__) # Book

As you can see, the type() method in combination with the __name__ variable returned correct class name.

Use __class__ to get class name in Python

Another convenient way to get class name in Python is by using the built-in __class__ attribute. __class__ is an attribute on the object that refers to the class from which the object was created. Since it returns the object, you have to use it again in combination with the __name__ variable to get class name as string.

We’ll use the same examples as in the previous section to show how to use the __class__ attribute.

>>> a = 45 >>> a.__class__.__name__ 'int' >>> b = 'example' >>> b.__class__.__name__ 'str' >>> c = True >>> c.__class__.__name__ 'bool' >>> d = [1, 2, 3] >>> d.__class__.__name__ 'list' >>> e = >>> e.__class__.__name__ 'dict'

Now let’s see it in action with our custom Book class.

class Book: def __init__(self, name): = name book = Book("The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy") print(book.__class__.__name__) # Book

Same as before, we got the correct class name.

NOTE - If you are still using Python 2, you should stick to using this method of getting class name since it supports old-style and new-style Python classes. Unfortunately, the type() method works only with new-style classes.

Bonus – define a custom whoami method

To make your life a bit easier when working with multiple custom classes, you could implement a custom method to tell you what class or type is particular object. That way, you won’t need to remember how to find the class name every time.

In short, you should define a parent class that will implement the custom, let’s call it – whoami , method. By inheriting the parent class, each child class will have a whoami method available.

In our example, we’ll call the parent class A, and the child class B. Of course, in your case you can have as many children classes as you want in your case.

class A: def whoami(self): return type(self).__name__ class B(A): pass b = B() print(b.whoami()) # B


How To Get Class Name In Python

How To Get Class Name In Python

in this python tutorial, I’ll let you know how to get a class name in python. As we know, Python is an object-oriented programming language, and everything represent is an object. To access the class name of the type of the object, use the __name__ attribute.

Class in Python

The Class is a blueprint for creating an object. You can combine data(attributes) and functionality(methods) together using the python class. Each class instance can have attributes attached to it for maintaining its state, also has methods for modifying its state.

How To Get class name in Python

The type() a function is used to get the data type of the Python object.

  • To get the type or class of an Object/Instance, use the type() method and __name__.
  • The type or class of the Object/Instance can be determined by combining the __class__ and __name__ variables.

Let’s look at a basic string and see what class it belongs to.

data = "pythonpip" print(type(data).__name__)

Let’s create an empty list and figure out what class the list instance belongs to.

a_list = [] data_type = type(a_list) class_name = data_type.__name__ print(class_name)

How to Check Class name in Python 2X

If you are using Python 2.x, the following syntax will be used to get the class name type.

You can also get the name of the class as a string.

class Test: pass t = Test() print(str(t.__class__))


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