Python get all object methods

How to find all the methods of a given class in Python?

Python List Methods Class(1)

Hello everyone! In today’s article, we’ll take a look at how we can find all the methods of a given class.

Often, it is very convenient to list all the methods of a class directly, so that we can perform some pre-processing based on certain methods.

Let’s get started! We’ll show you some ways to make this happen, and you can use any one of the below methods.

Define our template class

Let’s first define a dummy class, from which we can verify our outputs.

Consider the below class, which has some methods:

class MyClass(object): def __init__(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = a def add(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state + a return self.state def subtract(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state - a return self.state def multiply(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state * a return self.state def divide(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state / a return self.state

The class stores a floating point state attribute, which we can manipulate using arithmetic operations.

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Let’s now look at some of the ways to list the methods for our custom class.

Method 1 – Using the dir() function to list methods in a class

To list the methods for this class, one approach is to use the dir() function in Python.

The dir() function will return all functions and properties of the class.

Let’s see what happens if we try it for MyClass .

['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'add', 'divide', 'multiply', 'subtract']

Ok, we can see that we have our add , divide , subtract and multiply methods listed! However, what about all the other methods?

Well, these methods (the ones starting with double underscore) are called dunder methods.

These are usually called by a wrapper function. For example, the dict() function calls the __dict__() method.

Filtering dunder methods from the output

Usually, we won’t be needing the double underscore prefixed methods, so we can filter them using the below snippet:

method_list = [method for method in dir(MyClass) if method.startswith('__') is False] print(method_list)
['add', 'divide', 'multiply', 'subtract']

Wow! We now only get the arithmetic methods that we wanted!

However, our present solution has a problem.

Remember that dir() calls both the methods and the properties of a class?

Handling properties of a class

If we had property inside a class, it would list that too. Consider the below example.

class MyClass(object): # MyClass property property1 = [1, 2, 3] def __init__(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = a def add(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state + a return self.state def subtract(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state - a return self.state def multiply(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state * a return self.state def divide(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state / a return self.state @staticmethod def global_method(a, b): return a + b @classmethod def myclass_method(cls): return cls method_list = [method for method in dir(MyClass) if method.startswith('_') is False] print(method_list)

Now, what do you think the output would be?

['add', 'divide', 'global_method', 'multiply', 'myclass_method', 'property1', 'subtract']

This gives us property1 as well, which is not what we want.

We need to make one more filter to differentiate between a method and a property.

But this is really simple. The main difference is that any property object is NOT callable, while methods can be called!

In Python, we can use the boolean function callable(attribute) to check if the attribute can be called.

Let’s now include this to our old code.

method_list = [attribute for attribute in dir(MyClass) if callable(getattr(MyClass, attribute)) and attribute.startswith('__') is False] print(method_list)

Let’s break it down, by writing it without the list comprehension:

method_list = [] # attribute is a string representing the attribute name for attribute in dir(MyClass): # Get the attribute value attribute_value = getattr(MyClass, attribute) # Check that it is callable if callable(attribute_value): # Filter all dunder (__ prefix) methods if attribute.startswith('__') == False: method_list.append(attribute) print(method_list)

We also changed method to attribute , so that it removes the misleading intention!

['add', 'divide', 'global_method', 'multiply', 'myclass_method', 'subtract']

Indeed, we indeed get our method list, without the properties!

Method 2 – Using optparse.OptionParser

Now, this is another approach you can use, if you’re not too comfortable with using dir() .

We can use the inspect module to list the methods.

Namely, we can use inspect.getmembers(instance, predicate=inspect.ismethod) to get a list of the methods.

This will automatically do the work for you, and you just need to deal with the output. Let’s look at an example.

import inspect class MyClass(object): # MyClass property property1 = [1, 2, 3] def __init__(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = a def add(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state + a return self.state def subtract(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state - a return self.state def multiply(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state * a return self.state def divide(self, a): assert isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(a, int) self.state = self.state / a return self.state @staticmethod def global_method(a, b): return a + b @classmethod def myclass_method(cls): return cls # Create our instance instance = MyClass(100) # Get the list of functions method_list = inspect.getmembers(MyClass, predicate=inspect.ismethod) print(method_list)
[('__init__', >), ('add', >), ('divide', >), ('multiply', >), ('myclass_method', >), ('subtract', >)]

We can get the first element of each tuple, to get the method name.

Caveats of using the inspect module

Notice that we get a list of tuples. The first element of the tuple is the name of the function, which the second element represents the method object itself.

While this may seem to be a good solution, you may notice some things.

  • For dir() , we directly used the Class name itself. But here, we need to pass an instance.
  • The staticmethods are also not shown in the list. Depending on your use case, you may/may not need it.

Due to the above mentioned points, I would suggest you to stay simple, and use the dir() function!


In this article, we saw how we could list all the methods of a given class in Python.



Python get all object methods

Last updated: Feb 21, 2023
Reading time · 3 min


# Table of Contents

# Get all methods of a given class in Python

Use the inspect.getmembers() method to get all methods of a class.

The getmembers() method will return a list containing all of the methods of the class.

import inspect class Employee(): def __init__(self, name, salary): self.salary = salary = name def get_name(self): return def get_salary(self): return self.salary # ✅ called inspect.getmembers with the class itself list_of_methods = inspect.getmembers(Employee, predicate=inspect.isfunction) # 👇️ [('__init__', ), ('get_name', ), ('get_salary', )] print(list_of_methods) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ bob = Employee('Bobbyhadz', 100) # ✅ called inspect.getmembers with instance of the class list_of_methods = inspect.getmembers(bob, predicate=inspect.ismethod) # 👇️ [('__init__', >), ('get_name', >), ('get_salary', >)] print(list_of_methods)

We used the inspect.getmembers() method to get a list containing all of the methods of a class.

The inspect.getmembers method takes an object and returns all the members of the object in a list of tuples.

The first element in each tuple is the name of the member and the second is the value.

We set the predicate argument to inspect.function to get a list containing only the methods of the class.

# Passing an instance of the class to inspect.getmembers()

The inspect.getmembers() method can also be passed an instance of a class, but you have to change the predicate to inspect.ismethod .

import inspect class Employee(): def __init__(self, name, salary): self.salary = salary = name def get_name(self): return def get_salary(self): return self.salary bob = Employee('Bobbyhadz', 100) list_of_methods = inspect.getmembers(bob, predicate=inspect.ismethod) # [('__init__', >), ('get_name', >), ('get_salary', >)] print(list_of_methods)

The inspect.isfunction predicate returns True if the object is a Python function.

The inspect.ismethod predicate returns True if the object is a bound method written in Python.

Make sure to use inspect.isfunction when passing a class to the inspect.getmembers() method and inspect.ismethod when passing an instance to getmembers() .

Alternatively, you can use the dir() function.

# Get all methods of a given class using dir()

This is a three-step process:

  1. Use the dir() function to get a list of the names of the class’s attributes.
  2. Use a list comprehension to filter out the attributes that start with a double underscore and all non-methods.
  3. The list will only contain the class’s methods.
class Employee(): def __init__(self, name, salary): self.salary = salary = name def get_name(self): return def get_salary(self): return self.salary class_methods = [method for method in dir(Employee) if not method.startswith('__') and callable(getattr(Employee, method)) ] print(class_methods) # 👉️ ['get_name', 'get_salary']

Filtering out the attributes that start with two underscores is optional.

Make sure to remove the condition if you need to keep method names that start with two underscores.

class_methods = [method for method in dir(Employee) if callable(getattr(Employee, method)) ] # ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'get_name', 'get_salary'] print(class_methods)

The class_methods list contains all the method names of the class.

# Getting all methods of an instance with dir()

You can also use this approach to get all methods of an instance.

class Employee(): def __init__(self, name, salary): self.salary = salary = name def get_name(self): return def get_salary(self): return self.salary bob = Employee('Bobbyhadz', 100) class_methods = [method for method in dir(bob) if not method.startswith('__') and callable(getattr(bob, method)) ] print(class_methods) # 👉️ ['get_name', 'get_salary']

You can use the getattr function if you need to call some of the methods.

bob = Employee('Bobbyhadz', 100) class_methods = [method for method in dir(bob) if not method.startswith('__') and callable(getattr(bob, method)) ] print(class_methods) # 👉️ ['get_name', 'get_salary'] method_1 = getattr(bob, class_methods[0]) print(method_1()) # 👉️ Bobbyhadz

The getattr function returns the value of the provided attribute of the object.

The function takes the object, the name of the attribute and a default value for when the attribute doesn’t exist on the object as parameters.

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