Python get all imported modules

5 Easy Ways to List Imported Modules in Python

Be on the Right Side of Change

In this article, you’ll learn how to display the imported modules in Python.

As a Python Coder, you will encounter times when you need to view a list of all imported modules possessing a global or local scope. This article answers the question below.

💬 Question: How would we write Python code to display the imported modules?

We can accomplish this task by one of the following options:

  • Method 1: Use pip freeze
  • Method 2: Use List Comprehension
  • Method 3: Use dir()
  • Method 4: Use inspect.getmember() and a Lambda
  • Bonus: Count Number of Imported Modules

Method 1: Use pip freeze

This method displays a list of all imported global module names and versions sorted, by default, in alphabetical order.

Navigate to the terminal window from an IDE and enter the above command. Then, hit the < Enter >key to execute. The output is sent to the terminal.

💡 Note: Your prompt may be different from the example shown above.

Output (snippet)

Your imported global module names and versions may differ from that shown below.


Method 2: Use List Comprehension

This example uses the sys library with List Comprenehsion to return all imported local module names, by default, in an unsorted list.

import sys results = [m.__name__ for m in sys.modules.values() if m] results = sorted(results) print(results)

This code loops through sys.modules.values() using __name__ (aka a dunder) and determines if the item is a locally scoped module. If so, the module name saves to results .

This code sorts the results variable and saves it back to itself for readability. These results are output to the terminal in list format.


How to find which Python modules are being imported from a package?

A file containing Python code, definitions of statements, functions, or classes is known as a module. A module with the name «module» that we will construct is a file named

To break down complex programmes into smaller, easier-to-understand parts, we use modules. Code reuse is another benefit of modules.

In this article, we will discuss various ways to find which Python modules are being imported from a package.

Using List Comprehension

To iterate over each element in the Python list, a list comprehension is made out of brackets carrying the expression, which is then run for each element.

Python List comprehension offers a much shorter syntax for creating a new list from the elements of an existing list.


The following example returns all imported local module names by default in an unsorted list using the sys library with List Comprenehsion.

Using __name__ (also known as a dunder), this code iterates through sys.modules.values() to check if an item is a locally scoped module. If so, ‘output’ is saved with the module name. For readability, this code arranges the ‘output’ variable and saves it back to itself. List formatted output of these ‘output’ is sent to the terminal.

import sys output = [module.__name__ for module in sys.modules.values() if module] output = sorted(output) print('The list of imported Python modules are :',output)


Following is an output of the above code −

The list of imported Python modules are : ['__main__', '_bootlocale', '_codecs', '_collections', '_functools', '_heapq', '_imp', '_locale', '_operator', '_signal', '_sitebuiltins', '_stat', '_sysconfigdata_m_linux_x86_64-linux-gnu', '_thread', '_warnings', '_weakref', '_weakrefset', 'abc', 'builtins', 'codecs', 'collections', '', '', 'contextlib', 'encodings', 'encodings.aliases', 'encodings.latin_1', 'encodings.utf_8', 'errno', 'functools', 'genericpath', 'heapq', 'importlib', 'importlib._bootstrap', 'importlib._bootstrap', 'importlib._bootstrap_external', 'importlib._bootstrap_external', '', 'importlib.machinery', 'importlib.util', 'io', 'io', 'itertools', 'keyword', 'marshal', 'mpl_toolkits', 'operator', 'os', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'posixpath', 'reprlib', 'site', 'stat', 'sys', 'sysconfig', 'types', 'warnings', 'weakref', 'zipimport']

Using pip freeze command

This function shows a list of all names and versions of imported global modules, by default arranged alphabetically.


Enter the below command by opening the terminal window in an IDE. In order to execute, press the Enter key −


The terminal receives the output −

aspose-cells==22.7.0 click==8.1.3 cloudpickle==2.1.0 colorama==0.4.5 dask==2022.7.0 et-xmlfile==1.1.0 fsspec==2022.5.0 genno==1.11.0 ixmp==3.5.0 JPype1==1.4.0 llvmlite==0.38.1 locket==1.0.0 message-ix==3.5.0 modcall==0.1.0 mysql-connector-python==8.0.29 namespace==0.1.4 native== numba==0.55.2 numpy==1.22.4 openpyxl==3.0.10 packaging==21.3 pandas==1.4.3 partd==1.2.0 Pint==0.19.2 protobuf==4.21.2 psycopg2==2.9.3 pycparser==2.21 pyparsing==3.0.9 python-dateutil==2.8.2 python-dotenv==0.20.0 python-magic==0.4.27 pytz==2022.1 PyYAML==6.0 scipy==1.9.1 six==1.16.0 sparse==0.13.0 toolz==0.12.0 walk==0.3.5 workbook==1.1 xarray==2022.3.0 xlrd==2.0.1 xlutils==2.0.0 xlwt==1.3.0

Using dir() method

The dir() function returns all of the given object’s properties and methods, but not their related values. This function will even return built-in attributes that are the default for all objects.


The dir() method is used in the following example to return a sorted list of all local module names −

module = dir() print('The list of imported Python modules are :',module)


The output shown below demonstrate that this script only shows names relevant to our local scope −

The list of imported Python modules are : ['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']

Using inspect.getmember() and a Lambda

A number of helpful functions are offered by the inspect module to help in gathering data on active objects such modules, classes, methods, functions, tracebacks, frame objects, and code objects. It can assist you in examining a class’s contents, retrieving a method’s source code, extracting and formatting a function’s argument list, or gathering all the data required to display a detailed traceback, among other things.

An anonymous, short function is known as a lambda. Although a lambda function can have only one expression, it can have any number of arguments.


The following example returns the imported local modules in a sorted format using inspect.getmember() and a Lambda.

The names of the imported local modules and where they are located on the system are returned by this code as an iterable object. This is iterated through and printed as one line using a for loop.

import inspect import os modules = inspect.getmembers(os) results = filter(lambda m: inspect.ismodule(m[1]), modules) for o in results: print('The list of imported Python modules are :',o)


Following is an output of the above code −

The list of imported Python modules are : ('abc', ) The list of imported Python modules are : ('errno', ) The list of imported Python modules are : ('path', ) The list of imported Python modules are : ('st', ) The list of imported Python modules are : ('sys', )

Using sys module

The sys.modules dict can be used to discover all the Python modules from a specific package that are being utilised by an application. A dictionary that links module names to modules is called sys.modules. To see imported modules, you can look at its keys.


Following is an example to find the imported modules from a package using sys module

from datetime import datetime import sys print (sys.modules.keys())


Following is an output of the above code −

dict_keys(['builtins', 'sys', '_frozen_importlib', '_imp', '_warnings', '_thread', '_weakref', '_frozen_importlib_external', '_io', 'marshal', 'posix', 'zipimport', 'encodings', 'codecs', '_codecs', 'encodings.aliases', 'encodings.utf_8', '_signal', '__main__', 'encodings.latin_1', 'io', 'abc', '_weakrefset', '_bootlocale', '_locale', 'site', 'os', 'errno', 'stat', '_stat', 'posixpath', 'genericpath', 'os.path', '_collections_abc', '_sitebuiltins', 'sysconfig', '_sysconfigdata_m_linux_x86_64-linux-gnu', 'types', 'functools', '_functools', 'collections', 'operator', '_operator', 'keyword', 'heapq', '_heapq', 'itertools', 'reprlib', '_collections', 'weakref', '', 'importlib', 'importlib._bootstrap', 'importlib._bootstrap_external', 'warnings', 'importlib.util', '', 'importlib.machinery', 'contextlib', 'mpl_toolkits', 'datetime', 'time', 'math', '_datetime'])


modulefinder — Find modules used by a script¶

This module provides a ModuleFinder class that can be used to determine the set of modules imported by a script. can also be run as a script, giving the filename of a Python script as its argument, after which a report of the imported modules will be printed.

modulefinder. AddPackagePath ( pkg_name , path ) ¶

Record that the package named pkg_name can be found in the specified path.

modulefinder. ReplacePackage ( oldname , newname ) ¶

Allows specifying that the module named oldname is in fact the package named newname.

class modulefinder. ModuleFinder ( path = None , debug = 0 , excludes = [] , replace_paths = [] ) ¶

This class provides run_script() and report() methods to determine the set of modules imported by a script. path can be a list of directories to search for modules; if not specified, sys.path is used. debug sets the debugging level; higher values make the class print debugging messages about what it’s doing. excludes is a list of module names to exclude from the analysis. replace_paths is a list of (oldpath, newpath) tuples that will be replaced in module paths.

Print a report to standard output that lists the modules imported by the script and their paths, as well as modules that are missing or seem to be missing.

Analyze the contents of the pathname file, which must contain Python code.

A dictionary mapping module names to modules. See Example usage of ModuleFinder .

Example usage of ModuleFinder ¶

The script that is going to get analyzed later on (

import re, itertools try: import baconhameggs except ImportError: pass try: import guido.python.ham except ImportError: pass 

The script that will output the report of

from modulefinder import ModuleFinder finder = ModuleFinder() finder.run_script('') print('Loaded modules:') for name, mod in finder.modules.items(): print('%s: ' % name, end='') print(','.join(list(mod.globalnames.keys())[:3])) print('-'*50) print('Modules not imported:') print('\n'.join(finder.badmodules.keys())) 

Sample output (may vary depending on the architecture):

Loaded modules: _types: copyreg: _inverted_registry,_slotnames,__all__ re._compiler: isstring,_sre,_optimize_unicode _sre: re._constants: REPEAT_ONE,makedict,AT_END_LINE sys: re: __module__,finditer,_expand itertools: __main__: re,itertools,baconhameggs re._parser: _PATTERNENDERS,SRE_FLAG_UNICODE array: types: __module__,IntType,TypeType --------------------------------------------------- Modules not imported: guido.python.ham baconhameggs 


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