- Fastest way to index an element in a sorted list in python? [closed]
- 1 Answer 1
- Find Item in a List
- Least Common Multiple #
- Find a number in a list #
- Python 2 flashbacks #
- Find a number in an infinite list #
- What about a list comprehension? #
- Find item with a generator expression #
- Be careful with nested ifs #
- Conclusions #
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Fastest way to index an element in a sorted list in python? [closed]
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Python’s lists have a function list.index(elem) which, to the best of my knowledge, run in O(n) time. However, if I can guarantee the list to be sorted, is this still the best way to get the index of an element? Will a binary search return the index faster? Also, is there a way to force the python Standard library to do a binary search for the index of an element in a list?
1 Answer 1
Yes, a binary search will generally be faster. No, the standard library index function has no option for that.
Another answer has code for a binary search:
from bisect import bisect_left def binary_search(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): # can't use a to specify default for hi hi = hi if hi is not None else len(a) # hi defaults to len(a) pos = bisect_left(a,x,lo,hi) # find insertion position return (pos if pos != hi and a[pos] == x else -1) # don't walk off the end
Like the index function, it returns the first index it sees, which, unlike index , may be anywhere within a bunch of matches. Since the list is sorted, you can go backward linearly until you find a nonmatching element to find where the first match is and then forward to find the last match. You can also use binary search with lo and hi set appropriately to search before what it found last time until it can’t find anything, and then do the same sort of thing to find the last occurrence.
Find Item in a List
If you want to find the first number that matches some criteria, what do you do? The easiest way is to write a loop that checks numbers one by one and returns when it finds the correct one. Let’s say we want to get the first number divided by 42 and 43 (that’s 1806). If we don’t have a predefined set of elements (in this case, we want to check all the numbers starting from 1), we might use a «while loop».
# find_item.py
def while_loop():
item = 1
# You don't need to use parentheses, but they improve readability
while True:
if (item % 42 == 0) and (item % 43 == 0):
return item
item += 1
- Start from number 1
- Check if that number can be divided by 42 and 43.
- If yes, return it (this stops the loop)
Least Common Multiple #
The examples in this article are intentionally iterating over a list so I can compare the speed of different code constructs. But if you really want to find the least common multiple of two numbers (that is, the smallest number that can be divided by both of them), you’re better off:
- using the math.lcm() function directly: math.lcm(42, 43) (Python 3.9 and above)
- dividing their product by their greatest common divisor: 42 * 43 // math.gcd(42, 43) (Python 3.5 and above)
Both versions will be an order of magnitude faster than my silly examples. Thanks to Dmitry for pointing this out!
Find a number in a list #
If we have a list of items that we want to check, we will use a «for loop» instead. I know that the number I’m looking for is smaller than 10 000, so let’s use that as the upper limit:
# find_item.py
def for_loop():
for item in range(1, 10000):
if (item % 42 == 0) and (item % 43 == 0):
return itemLet’s compare both solutions (benchmarks are done with Python 3.8 — I describe the whole setup in the Introduction article):
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import while_loop" "while_loop()"
2000 loops, best of 5: 134 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import for_loop" "for_loop()"
2000 loops, best of 5: 103 usec per loop«While loop» is around 30% slower than the «for loop» (134/103≈1.301).
Loops are optimized to iterate over a collection of elements. Trying to manually do the iteration (for example, by referencing elements in a list through an index variable) will be a slower and often over-engineered solution.
Python 2 flashbacks #
In Python 3, the range() function is lazy. It won’t initialize an array of 10 000 elements, but it will generate them as needed. It doesn’t matter if we say range(1, 10000) or range(1, 1000000) — there will be no difference in speed. But it was not the case in Python 2!
In Python 2, functions like range , filter , or zip were eager, so they would always create the whole collection when initialized. All those elements would be loaded to the memory, increasing the execution time of your code and its memory usage. To avoid this behavior, you had to use their lazy equivalents like xrange , ifilter , or izip .
Out of curiosity, let’s see how slow is the for_loop() function if we run it with Python 2.7.18 (the latest and last version of Python 2):
$ pyenv shell 2.7.18
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import for_loop" "for_loop()"
10000 loops, best of 3: 151 usec per loopThat’s almost 50% slower than running the same function in Python 3 (151/103≈1.4660). Updating Python version is one of the easiest performance wins you can get!
If you are wondering what’s pyenv and how to use it to quickly switch Python versions, check out this section of my PyCon 2020 workshop on Python tools.
Let’s go back to our «while loop» vs. «for loop» comparison. Does it matter if the element we are looking for is at the beginning or at the end of the list?
def while_loop2():
item = 1
while True:
if (item % 98 == 0) and (item % 99 == 0):
return item
item += 1
def for_loop2():
for item in range(1, 10000):
if (item % 98 == 0) and (item % 99 == 0):
return itemThis time, we are looking for number 9702, which is at the very end of our list. Let’s measure the performance:
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import while_loop2" "while_loop2()"
500 loops, best of 5: 710 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import for_loop2" "for_loop2()"
500 loops, best of 5: 578 usec per loopThere is almost no difference. «While loop» is around 22% slower this time (710/578≈1.223). I performed a few more tests (up to a number close to 100 000 000), and the difference was always similar (in the range of 20-30% slower).
Find a number in an infinite list #
So far, the collection of items we wanted to iterate over was limited to the first 10 000 numbers. But what if we don’t know the upper limit? In this case, we can use the count function from the itertools library.
from itertools import count
def count_numbers():
for item in count(1):
if (item % 42 == 0) and (item % 43 == 0):
return itemcount(start=0, step=1) will start counting numbers from the start parameter, adding the step in each iteration. In my case, I need to change the start parameter to 1, so it works the same as the previous examples.
count works almost the same as the «while loop» that we made at the beginning. How about the speed?
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import count_numbers" "count_numbers()"
2000 loops, best of 5: 109 usec per loopIt’s almost the same as the «for loop» version. So count is a good replacement if you need an infinite counter.
What about a list comprehension? #
A typical solution for iterating over a list of items is to use a list comprehension. But we want to exit the iteration as soon as we find our number, and that’s not easy to do with a list comprehension. It’s a great tool to go over the whole collection, but not in this case.
def list_comprehension():
return [item for item in range(1, 10000) if (item % 42 == 0) and (item % 43 == 0)][0]$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import list_comprehension" "list_comprehension()"
500 loops, best of 5: 625 usec per loopThat’s really bad — it’s a few times slower than other solutions! It takes the same amount of time, no matter if we search for the first or last element. And we can’t use count here.
But using a list comprehension points us in the right direction — we need something that returns the first element it finds and then stops iterating. And that thing is a generator! We can use a generator expression to grab the first element matching our criteria.
Find item with a generator expression #
def generator():
return next(item for item in count(1) if (item % 42 == 0) and (item % 43 == 0))The whole code looks very similar to a list comprehension, but we can actually use count . Generator expression will execute only enough code to return the next element. Each time you call next() , it will resume work in the same place where it stopped the last time, grab the next item, return it, and stop again.
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import generator" "generator()"
2000 loops, best of 5: 110 usec per loopIt takes almost the same amount of time as the best solution we have found so far. And I find this syntax much easier to read — as long as we don’t put too many if s there!
Generators have the additional benefit of being able to «suspend» and «resume» counting. We can call next() multiple times, and each time we get the next element matching our criteria. If we want to get the first three numbers that can be divided by 42 and 43 — here is how easily we can do this with a generator expression:
def generator_3_items():
gen = (item for item in count(1) if (item % 42 == 0) and (item % 43 == 0))
return [next(gen), next(gen), next(gen)]Compare it with the «for loop» version:
def for_loop_3_items():
items = []
for item in count(1):
if (item % 42 == 0) and (item % 43 == 0):
if len(items) == 3:
return itemsLet’s benchmark both versions:
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import for_loop_3_items" "for_loop_3_items()"
1000 loops, best of 5: 342 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import generator_3_items" "generator_3_items()"
1000 loops, best of 5: 349 usec per loopPerformance-wise, both functions are almost identical. So when would you use one over the other? «For loop» lets you write more complex code. You can’t put nested «if» statements or multiline code with side effects inside a generator expression. But if you only do simple filtering, generators can be much easier to read.
Be careful with nested ifs #
Nesting too many «if» statements makes code difficult to follow and reason about. And it’s easy to make mistakes.
In the last example, if we don’t nest the second if , it will be checked in each iteration. But we only need to check it when we modify the items list. It might be tempting to write the following code:
def for_loop_flat():
items = []
for item in count(1):
if (item % 42 == 0) and (item % 43 == 0):
if len(items) == 3:
return itemsThis version is easier to follow, but it’s also much slower!
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import for_loop_3_items" "for_loop_3_items()"
1000 loops, best of 5: 323 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s "from find_item import for_loop_flat" "for_loop_flat()"
500 loops, best of 5: 613 usec per loopIf you forget to nest if s, your code will be 90% slower (613/323≈1.898).
Conclusions #
Generator expression combined with next() is a great way to grab one or more elements based on specific criteria. It’s memory-efficient, fast, and easy to read — as long as you keep it simple. When the number of «if statements» in the generator expression grows, it becomes much harder to read (and write).
With complex filtering criteria or many if s, «for loop» is a more suitable choice that doesn’t sacrifice the performance.
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