Python encoding windows 1252

Handling encoding issues with Unicode normalisation in Python

When reading and writing from various systems, it is not uncommon to encounter encoding issues when the systems have different locales. In this post I show several options for handling such issues.


Say you have a field containing names and there’s a Czech name «Mořic» containing an r with caron, which you have to export to a csv with Windows-1252 1 encoding. This will fail:

>>> example = 'Mořic' >>> example.encode('WINDOWS-1252') UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u0159' in position 2: character maps to 

Unfortunately, Windows-1252 does not support this character and thus an exception is raised, so we need a way to handle such encoding issues.

Encoding options

Since Python 3.3 2 , the str type is represented in Unicode. Unicode characters have no representation in bytes; this is what character encoding does – a mapping from Unicode characters to bytes. Each encoding handles the mapping differently, and not all encodings supports all Unicode characters, possibly resulting in issues when converting from one encoding to the other. Only the UTF family supports all Unicode characters. The most commonly used encoding is UTF-8, so stick with that whenever possible.

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With str.encode you have several error handling options. The default signature is str.encode(encoding=»utf-8″, errors=»strict») . Given the example «Mořic», the error options are:

Errors value Description Result
strict Encoding errors raise a UnicodeError (default). Exception
ignore Ignore erroneous characters. Moic
replace Replace erroneous characters with ?. Mo?ic
xmlcharrefreplace Replace erroneous characters with XML character reference. Mořic
backslashreplace Replace erroneous characters with backslashed escape sequence. Mo\\u0159ic
namereplace Replace erroneous characters with \N <. >escape sequence. Mo\\Nic

Text normalisation

Normalisation can be applied in four forms:

Normal Form Full Name
NFD Normalisation Form Canonical Decomposition
NFC Normalisation Form Canonical Composition
NFKD Normalisation Form Compatibility Decomposition
NFKC Normalisation Form Compatibility Composition

To understand Unicode normal forms, we need a bit of background information first.

Unicode and composed characters

In Unicode, characters are mapped to so-called code points. Every character in the Unicode universe 3 is expressed by a code point written as U+ and four hexadecimal digits; e.g. U+0061 represents lowercase «a».

The Unicode standard provides two ways for specifying composed characters:

  1. Decomposed: as a sequence of combining characters
  2. Precomposed: as a single combined character

For example, the character «ã» (lowercase a with tilde) in decomposed form is given as U+0061 (a) U+0303 (˜), or in precomposed form as U+00E3 (ã).

Composition and Decomposition

Composition is the process of combining multiple characters to form a single character, typically a base character and one or more marks 4 . Decomposition is the reverse; splitting a composed character into multiple characters.

Before diving into normalisation, let’s define a function for printing the Unicode code points for each character in a string:

>>> def unicodes(string): >>> return ' '.join('U+'.format(ord(c)) for c in string) >>> >>> example = 'Mořic' >>> print(unicodes(example)) U+004D U+006F U+0159 U+0069 U+0063 

Canonical and Compatibility Equivalence

A problem arises when characters have multiple representations. For example the Ångström symbol Å (one Ångström unit equals one ten-billionth of a meter) can be represented in three ways:

How can we determine if strings are equal when their decomposed forms are different? Unicode equivalence is defined in two ways:

When a character from different code points has the same appearance and meaning, it is considered canonically equivalent. For example all three representations of the Ångström example above have the same appearance and meaning, and are thus canonically equivalent.

Compatibility equivalence is defined as a sequence of code points which only have the same meaning, but are not equal visually. For example fractions are considered compatible equivalent: ¼ (U+00BC) and 1⁄4 (U+0031 U+2044 U+0034) do not have the same visual appearance, but do have the same meaning and are thus compatibility equivalent.

Compatibility equivalence is considered a weaker equivalence form and a subset of canonical equivalence. When a character is canonically equivalent, it is also compatibility equivalent, but not vice versa.

Applying Unicode normalisation forms

Now, with this background information, we can get to the Unicode normal forms. Given the example «Mořic» at the start, we can apply normalisation before encoding this string with Windows-1252:

>>> import unicodedata >>> >>> def unicodes(string): >>> return ' '.join('U+'.format(ord(c)) for c in string) >>> >>> example = "Mořic" >>> >>> print(unicodes(example)) U+004D U+006F U+0159 U+0069 U+0063 # 5 Unicode code points, so the ř is given in precomposed form >>> example.encode("WINDOWS-1252") UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec cant encode character '\u0159' in position 2: character maps to undefined> # Windows-1252 cannot encode U+0159 (ř) >>> nfd_example = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", example) >>> print(unicodes(nfd_example)) U+004D U+006F U+0072 U+030C U+0069 U+0063 # 6 Unicode code points, so the ř is given in decomposed form >>> print(nfd_example) Mořic # Python shell with UTF-8 encoding still displays the r with caret >>> nfd_example.encode("WINDOWS-1252") UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec cant encode character '\u030c' in position 3: character maps to undefined> # Windows-1252 can now encode U+0072 (r), but not U+030C (ˇ) >>> print(nfd_example.encode('WINDOWS-1252', 'ignore')) Moric # Successfully encoded Windows-1252 and ignored U+030C (ˇ) 

That’s it! With unicodedata.normalize(«NFD», «Mořic»).encode(‘WINDOWS-1252’, ‘ignore’) we can normalise first and then encode Windows-1252, ignoring the unknown characters for Windows-1252, resulting in Moric . I like this alternative, usually people are okay with this since it doesn’t mingle the data too much and keeps it readable.

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  1. Windows-1252 was the first default character set in Microsoft Windows and thus you will encounter it in lots of legacy Windows systems. The default for Windows systems nowadays is UTF-16. ↩
  2. Pre-Python 3.3, str was a byte string (sequence of bytes in certain encoding, default ASCII) and unicode , a Unicode string. ↩
  3. More precisely, the “Unicode universe” is the Unicode Character Database (UCD), which contains all Unicode characters and its properties and metadata. ↩
  4. Unicode categorises characters. Each category is denoted by an abbreviation of two letters, first an uppercase and second a lowercase letter. The uppercase letters shows the major category, the lowercase the minor category. The major category for marks is “M”. ↩

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10.9. File Encoding¶

  • utf-8 — a.k.a. Unicode — international standard (should be always used!)
  • iso-8859-1 — ISO standard for Western Europe and USA
  • iso-8859-2 — ISO standard for Central Europe (including Poland)
  • cp1250 or windows-1250 — Central European encoding on Windows
  • cp1251 or windows-1251 — Eastern European encoding on Windows
  • cp1252 or windows-1252 — Western European encoding on Windows
  • ASCII — ASCII characters only
  • Since Windows 10 version 1903, UTF-8 is default encoding for Notepad!

../../_images/files-windows2000-notepad-saveas.png../../_images/files-windows10-notepad-saveas.png../../_images/files-encoding-ascii.png ../../_images/files-encoding-unicode2.png../../_images/files-encoding-unicode3.png

10.9.1. Str vs Bytes¶

  • That was a big change in Python 3
  • In Python 2, str was bytes
  • In Python 3, str is unicode (UTF-8)
>>> text = 'Księżyc' >>> text 'Księżyc' 
>>> text = b'Księżyc' Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: bytes can only contain ASCII literal characters 

Default encoding is UTF-8 . Encoding names are case insensitive. cp1250 and windows-1250 are aliases the same codec:

>>> text = 'Księżyc' >>> >>> text.encode() b'Ksi\xc4\x99\xc5\xbcyc' >>> text.encode('utf-8') b'Ksi\xc4\x99\xc5\xbcyc' >>> text.encode('iso-8859-2') b'Ksi\xea\xbfyc' >>> text.encode('cp1250') b'Ksi\xea\xbfyc' >>> text.encode('windows-1250') b'Ksi\xea\xbfyc' 

Note the length change while encoding:

>>> text = 'Księżyc' >>> text 'Księżyc' >>> len(text) 7 
>>> text = 'Księżyc'.encode() >>> text b'Ksi\xc4\x99\xc5\xbcyc' >>> len(text) 9 

Note also, that those characters produce longer output:

But despite being several «characters» long, the length is different:

Here’s the output of all Polish diacritics (accented characters) with their encoding:

>>> 'ą'.encode() b'\xc4\x85' >>> 'ć'.encode() b'\xc4\x87' >>> 'ę'.encode() b'\xc4\x99' >>> 'ł'.encode() b'\xc5\x82' >>> 'ń'.encode() b'\xc5\x84' >>> 'ó'.encode() b'\xc3\xb3' >>> 'ś'.encode() b'\xc5\x9b' >>> 'ż'.encode() b'\xc5\xbc' >>> 'ź'.encode() b'\xc5\xba' 

Note also a different way of iterating over bytes :

>>> text = 'Księżyc' >>> >>> for character in text: . print(character) K s i ę ż y c >>> >>> for character in text.encode(): . print(character) 75 115 105 196 153 197 188 121 99 

10.9.2. UTF-8¶

>>> FILE = r'/tmp/myfile.txt' >>> >>> with open(FILE, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file: . file.write('José Jiménez') 12 >>> >>> with open(FILE, encoding='utf-8') as file: . print( José Jiménez 

../../_images/files-encoding-utf.png ../../_images/files-encoding-utf2.jpg

10.9.3. Unicode Encode Error¶

>>> FILE = r'/tmp/myfile.txt' >>> >>> with open(FILE, mode='w', encoding='cp1250') as file: . file.write('José Jiménez') 12 

10.9.4. Unicode Decode Error¶

>>> FILE = r'/tmp/myfile.txt' >>> >>> with open(FILE, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file: . file.write('José Jiménez') 12 >>> >>> with open(FILE, encoding='cp1250') as file: . print( JosĂ© JimĂ©nez 

10.9.5. Escape Characters¶

  • \r\n — is used on windows
  • \n — is used everywhere else
  • More information in Builtin Printing
  • Learn more at


Frequently used escape characters:

  • \n — New line (ENTER)
  • \t — Horizontal Tab (TAB)
  • \’ — Single quote ‘ (escape in single quoted strings)
  • \» — Double quote » (escape in double quoted strings)
  • \\ — Backslash \ (to indicate, that this is not escape char)

Less frequently used escape characters:

  • \a — Bell (BEL)
  • \b — Backspace (BS)
  • \f — New page (FF — Form Feed)
  • \v — Vertical Tab (VT)
  • \uF680 — Character with 16-bit (2 bytes) hex value F680
  • \U0001F680 — Character with 32-bit (4 bytes) hex value 0001F680
  • \o755 — ASCII character with octal value 755
  • \x1F680 — ASCII character with hex value 1F680
>>> a = '\U0001F9D1' # 🧑 >>> b = '\U0000200D' # '' >>> c = '\U0001F680' # 🚀 >>> >>> astronaut = a + b + c >>> print(astronaut) 🧑‍🚀 


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