Python django model values

Welcome to django-model-values’s documentation.¶

Taking the O out of ORM.


Provides Django model utilities for encouraging direct data access instead of unnecessary object overhead. Implemented through compatible method and operator extensions [1] to QuerySets and Managers.

The primary motivation is the experiential observation that the active record pattern — specifically — is the root of all evil. The secondary goal is to provide a more intuitive data layer, similar to PyData projects such as pandas.

Usage: instantiate the custom manager in your models.


book = Book.objects.get(pk=pk) book.rating = 5.0 

This example is ubiquitous and even encouraged in many django circles. It’s also an epic fail.

  • Runs an unnecessary select query, as no fields need to be read.
  • Updates all fields instead of just the one needed.
  • Therefore also suffers from race conditions.
  • And is relatively verbose, without addressing errors yet.

The solution is relatively well-known, and endorsed by django’s own docs, but remains under-utilized.


So why not provide syntactic support for the better approach. The Manager supports filtering by primary key, since that’s so common. The QuerySet supports column updates.

  • “Isn’t the encapsulation save provides worth it in principle?”
  • “Doesn’t the new update_fields option fix this in practice?”
  • “What if the object is cached or has custom logic in the save method?”

No, no, and good luck with that. [2] Consider a more realistic example which addresses these concerns.

try: book = Book.objects.get(pk=pk) except Book.DoesNotExist: changed = False else: changed = book.publisher != publisher if changed: book.publisher = publisher book.pubdate = today['publisher', 'pubdate']) 

This solves the most severe problem, though with more verbosity and still an unnecessary read. [3] Note handling pubdate in the save implementation would only spare the caller one line of code. But the real problem is how to handle custom logic when update_fields isn’t specificed. There’s no one obvious correct behavior, which is why projects like django-model-utils have to track the changes on the object itself. [4]

A better approach would be an update_publisher method which does all and only what is required. So what would such an implementation be? A straight-forward update won’t work, yet only a minor tweak is needed.

changed = Book.objects.filter(pk=pk).exclude(publisher=publisher) \ .update(publisher=publisher, pubdate=today) 

Now the update is only executed if necessary. And this can be generalized with a little inspiration from _or_create .

changed = Book.objects[pk].change('pubdate': today>, publisher=publisher) 


Direct column access has some of the clunkiest syntax: values_list(. flat=True) . QuerySets override __getitem__ , as well as comparison operators for simple filters. Both are common syntax in panel data layers. for book in qs> ( for book in qs.filter(name__isnull=False)) if qs.filter(author=author): 
dict(qs.values_list('pk', 'name')) qs.exclude(name=None).values_list('name', flat=True) if qs.filter(author=author).exists(): 
dict(qs['pk', 'name']) qs['name'] != None if author in qs['author']: 


Once accustomed to working with data values, a richer set of aggregations becomes possible. Again the method names mirror projects like pandas whenever applicable.

collections.Counter( for book in qs) sum(book.rating for book in qs) / len(qs) counts = collections.Counter() for book in qs: counts[] += book.quantity 
dict(qs.values_list('author').annotate(model.Count('author'))) qs.aggregate(models.Avg('rating'))['rating__avg'] dict(qs.values_list('author').annotate(models.Sum('quantity'))) 
dict(qs['author'].value_counts()) qs['rating'].mean() dict(qs['quantity'].groupby('author').sum()) 


F expressions are similarly extended to easily create Q , Func , and OrderBy objects. Note they can be used directly even without a custom manager.

(book for book in qs if'A') or'B')) (book.title[:10] for book in qs) for book in qs: book.rating += 1 
qs.filter(Q(author__startswith='A') | Q(author__startswith='B')) qs.values_list(functions.Substr('title', 1, 10), flat=True) qs.update(rating=models.F('rating') + 1) 
qs[F.any(map(, 'AB'))] qs[F.title[:10]] qs['rating'] += 1 


Annotations and updates with Case and When expressions. See also bulk_changed and bulk_change for efficient bulk operations on primary keys.

collections.Counter('low' if book.quantity  10 else 'high' for book in qs).items() for author, quantity in items: for book in qs.filter(author=author): book.quantity = quantity 
qs.values_list(models.Case( models.When(quantity__lt=10, then=models.Value('low')), models.When(quantity__gte=10, then=models.Value('high')), output_field=models.CharField(), )).annotate(count=models.Count('*')) cases = (models.When(author=author, then=models.Value(quantity)) for author, quantity in items) qs.update(quantity=models.Case(*cases, default='quantity')) 
qs[F.quantity  10: 'low', F.quantity >= 10: 'high'>].value_counts() qs['quantity'] = == author: quantity for author, quantity in items> 


Python django model values

Для сортировки по возрастанию применяется функция order_by . В нее передаются поля, по которым идет сортировка:

from .models import Person # упорядочиваем по имени по возрастанию people = Person.objects.order_by("name") for person in people: print(

Подобным образом в функцию можно передать и большее количество полей, по которым последовательно будет выполняться сортировка:

# упорядочиваем по имени и возрасту people = Person.objects.order_by("name", "age")

Для сортировки по убыванию перед названием поля указывается знак минус:

# упорядочиваем по имени по убыванию people = Person.objects.order_by("-name")

values и values_list()

Методы values() и values_list() предназначены для оптимизации: для извлечения поднабора данных без необходимости создания полного объекта модели.

values возвращает объект QuerySet, где каждый объект модели представлен в виде словаря:

from .models import Person people = Person.objects.values() print(people) # Результат # , , , , ]>

Также можно передать в метод values названия полей, которые должны быть в словаре (по умолчанию выбираются все поля модели):

people = Person.objects.values("id", "name") print(people) # Результат # , , , , ]>

В данном случае словарь будет включать только поля id и name.

Метод values_list во многом аналогичен values() : он возвращает объект QuerySet, который состоит из кортежей. Каждый кортеж хранит данные одного объекта модели. Например:

from .models import Person people = Person.objects.values_list() print(people) # Результат #

Также можно выбрать отдельные поля, передав их названия в метод:

people = Person.objects.values_list(«id», «name») print(people) # Результат #

Если выбирается только одно поле, то в итоге получится набор кортежей, в каждом из которых будет по одному значению. Но передав параметру flat значение True можно упростить набор, вынеся значения на уровень выше:

people = Person.objects.values_list(«name», flat=True) print(people) # Результат #


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