- How to calculate division with remainder in python
- Get Division Remainder in Python
- Get Division Remainder in Python Using the Modulo % Operator
- Get Division Remainder in Python Using the divmod() Function
- Get Division Remainder in Python Using User-defined Function
- Python Math
- How to find the remainder of a division in python? [duplicate]
- Python 2.7 calculating remainder with division and two inputs
- Python remainder operator
- Python Remainder Operator
- Examples of Python Reminder Operator
- Example #1
- Example #2
- Example #3
- Example #4
- Example #5
- Example #6
- Example #7
- Example #8
- Conclusion
- Recommended Articles
How to calculate division with remainder in python
While many implementations use truncated division and remainder, some do not (a few even use truncated division and floored remainder, which means does not even work…). We can use the following methods to get the remainder of the division in Python. Get Division Remainder in Python Using the Modulo Operator The most commonly used and simple method to get the remainder is by using the modulo operator.
Get Division Remainder in Python
This article will look into the different methods to get the remainder of the division in Python. If we divide 10 by 3 , then the remainder should be 1 , and for 10 / 2 , the remainder will be 0 .
We can use the following methods to get the remainder of the division in Python.
Get Division Remainder in Python Using the Modulo % Operator
The most commonly used and simple method to get the remainder is by using the modulo % operator. Suppose we want to get the remainder of a / b , we can use the modulo operator like a % b , and it will return the remainder after performing the division operation.
The below example code demonstrates how to use the modulo % operator to get the remainder of the division in Python.
Get Division Remainder in Python Using the divmod() Function
We can also use Python’s divmod() function to get the remainder of the division. The divmod(x, y) function takes two inputs, x as dividend and y as the divisor, and returns quotient and remainder as output.
The below example code demonstrates how to get remainder after the division using divmod() function in Python.
quot, rem = divmod(31, 7) print(rem)
Get Division Remainder in Python Using User-defined Function
We can also define our own function to get the remainder of the division in Python. We can get the remainder of the division using a User-defined Function in the following way.
def get_remainder(num, div): rem = num - (num // div * div) return rem print(get_remainder(17, 3))
Python Math
Python — How to get Decimal division remainder in, 1 Answer Sorted by: 4 Convert to cents by multiplying your prices by 100, do all your math in cents, and then convert back. price = 10 number_of_product = 3 price_cents = price * 100 price_per_product = int (price_cents / number_of_product) / 100 # price_per_product = 3 remainder = (price_cents % … Code sampleprice = 10number_of_product = 3price_cents = price * 100price_per_product = int(price_cents / number_of_product) / 100remainder = (price_cents % number_of_product) / 100Feedback
How to find the remainder of a division in python? [duplicate]
Simple math does the trick:
Python 2.7 calculating remainder with division and two, You can unpack a tuple in assignment, e.g. a, b = (1, 2) is the same a=1 and b=2, the above code creates a tuple of the values from division and modulus and assigns them to the variables. Syntactic sugar. – AChampion Sep 30, 2016 at 21:50 In the example the assignment is also unpacking a tuple. The tuple being the bit in the …
Python 2.7 calculating remainder with division and two inputs
You need to use the // operator for the number of balloons per child and % for remaining balloons
# number of balloons balloons = int(input("Enter number of balloons: ")) # number of children coming to the party children = int(input("Enter the number of children coming to the party: ")) receive_balloons, remaining = (balloons // children, balloons % children) print("""""""".format("Number of balloons for each child is ", receive_balloons, " and the amount leftover is ", remaining)) print(balloons, "", (remaining))
You need to fix your variable assignment, you are assigning to the wrong variables and actually divide the numbers to get receive_balloons correctly:
balloons = int(input("Enter number of balloons: ")) children = int(input("Enter the number of children coming to the party: ")) receive_balloons = balloons // children remaining = balloons % children # Alternatively receive_balloons, remaining = divmod(balloons, children) print("Number of balloons for each child is <> and the amount leftover is <>".format(receive_balloons, remaining))
Enter number of balloons: 10 Enter the number of children coming to the party: 5 Number of balloons for each child is 2 and the amount leftover is 0
Enter number of balloons: 10 Enter the number of children coming to the party: 8 Number of balloons for each child is 1 and the amount leftover is 2
Note: in Python2.7 you should use raw_input .
Python — Recursive function that returns the remainder, Is there a better way to do this using recursion and simple conditions.
Python remainder operator
There are actually three different definitions of «modulo» or «remainder», not two:
- Truncated division remainder: sign is the same as the dividend.
- Floored division remainder: sign is the same as the divisor.
- Euclidean division remainder: sign is always positive.
Calling one of them «modulo» and another «remainder» is very confusing; all three of them are useful definitions for both terms.
Almost every language only provides one of the three (Fortran being a notable exception).* Most languages provide the one that matches the language’s division operator.** Because Python uses floored division (following Knuth’s argument in The Art of Computer Programming ), it uses the matching remainder operator.
If you want either of the other, you have to write it manually. It’s not very hard; this Wikipedia article shows how to implement all three.
def trunc_divmod(a, b): q = a / b q = -int(-q) if q
>>> q, r = trunc_divmod(-5, 2) >>> print(q, r) -2 -1
* Often languages that provide both call truncated remainder some variation on mod , and floored some variation on rem … but that definitely isn't something to rely on. For example, Fortran calls floored remainder modulo , while Scheme calls Euclidean remainder mod .
** Two notable exceptions are C90 and C++03, which leave the choice up to the implementation. While many implementations use truncated division and remainder, some do not (a few even use truncated division and floored remainder, which means a = b * (a/b) + a%b does not even work…).
Edit: it's not entirely clear what you meant when you were asking for a remainder operation, the way to do this will depend on what requirements there are on the sign of the output.
If the sign is to be always positive divmod can do what you want, it's in the standard library
Also you might want to look at the built-in binary arithmetic operators:
If the remainder has to have the same sign as the the argument passed then you'd have to roll your own such as this:
import math def rem(x,y): res = x % y return math.copysign(res,x)
Does math.fmod do what you're looking for?
How to check if a number has a remainder in python, Python program to check whether a number is even or odd. how to check if number is negative in python. python remainder divide by 60. remainder identifying python. check negative number in python. python isdigit …
Python Remainder Operator
The operators can be symbolized as ‘+’ for addition, ‘-‘ for subtraction, ‘/’ for division, ‘*’ for multiplication, etc. In Python, the modulus operator is a percentage symbol (‘%’) known as the Python remainder operator. In contrast, a division operator for integers as’//works only with integer operands and returns the remainder in integers. The modulus operator in Python calculates the remainder when dividing two numbers. It gives us the remainder when one number divides another. This remainder operator is used for both integers and float numbers.
Dividend % Divisor: The remainder is obtained when x is divided by y. The remainder will be an integer if both dividends are integers. The remainder will be a floating-point number if one among dividends or divisors is a float number.
Examples of Python Reminder Operator
Following are the different examples of Python Reminder Operators.
Example #1
x = 5 y = 2 r = x % y print (‘Remainder is:’, r)
Explanation: In the above example, x = 5 , y =2, so 5 % 2 , 2 goes into 5 twice, yielding 4, so the remainder is 5 – 4 = 1. To obtain the remainder in Python, you can use the numpy.remainder() function found in the numpy package. It returns the remainder of the division of two arrays and returns 0 if the divisor array is 0 (zero) or if both arrays have an array of integers. This function is also used on individual numbers.
Example #2
import numpy as np n1 = 6 n2 = 4 r = np.remainder(n1, n2) print ("Dividend is:", n1) print ("Divisor is:", n2) print ("Remainder : ", r)
Explanation: The above example uses numpy.remainder() function on the given dividend and divisor to find the remains of two, which works similarly to the modular operator. In this example, it is 6 % 4, 4 goes into 6, one time which yields 4, so the remainder is 6 – 4 =2.
Example #3
import numpy as np arr1 = np.array([7, -6, 9]) arr2 = np.array([3, 4, 3]) rem_arr = np.remainder(arr1, arr2) print ("Dividend array is: ", arr1) print ("Divisor array is: ", arr2) print ("Remainder array is : ", rem_arr)
Explanation: To calculate the remainder of each item in a list or array, use the numpy.remainder() function as demonstrated in the example above. We have two arrays [7 -6 9] and [3 4 3], so 7 % 3,3 goes into 7 two times, so the remainder is 1, -6 % 4, 4 goes into 6 one time, so the remainder is 2, 9 % 3, 3 goes into 9 three times, so the remainder is 0. The array of remainder values will be [1 2 0].
Example #4
To determine whether a number is even or odd, you can use a remainder operator known as a modulo operator. Below is a code to print odd numbers between 0 and 20.
for num in range(1, 20): if(num % 2 != 0): print(num)
Explanation: In the above example, a modulo operator prints odd numbers between 0 and 20 from the code; when a number can be divided by 2, and the remainder is 0, we classify it as an even number; otherwise, it’s an odd number.
If the number is 2, then 2 % 2 gives remainder 0, so it’s an even number, not odd, now; if the number is 3, then 3 % 2 gives remainder 1, which 2 goes into 3 one time, so yields 2 and remainder is 3 – 2 =1 which not zero. Hence, the given number 3 is odd, and using for loop, it will check till 20 numbers and print all the odd numbers between 0 and 20. You can use the Modulo or Remainder operator on floating-point numbers, unlike the division operator (//), which only works on integers and provides the remainder in integer form.
Example #5
a = input("Dividend is :\n") fa = float(a) b = input("Divisor is :\n") fb = float(b) fr = fa % fb print ("Remainder is",fr)
Example #6
The modulo operator in Python also works on negative numbers and gives the same remainder as positive ones. However, the negative sign of the divisor will remain in the remainder.
Logic Behind the Code:
Explanation: These negative numbers use the fmod() function to find the remainder; we can use the fmod() function of the math library when either the dividend or the divisor is negative. Additionally, this function can be used to find the remainder of floating-point numbers.
Example #7
import math a = -10 b = 3 print(math.fmod(a,b))
Explanation: In Python, the modulo operator gives an error when the divisor is zero (0). We typically encounter a ZeroDivisionError when attempting to divide any number by zero, resulting in an answer of infinity (∞).
Example #8
p = 10 q = 0 r = p % q print(r)
The above code gives us an error, as shown in the below screenshot.
p = 10 q = 0 try: rem = p * q print(rem) except ZeroDivisionError as zde: print("Cannot divided by 0")
To catch this error, you can utilize try-except blocks. Refer to the screenshot provided below for an example.
In Python, the modulo operator is the operator to obtain the remainder of the division of two numbers known as dividend and divisor. You can use this operator to find the remainder of integer and float numbers. The modulo operator is also one among the mathematical operators like addition ( + ), subtraction (- ), division( // ), etc. You can only use the division operator with integer numbers, but the modulo operator offers more flexibility. And if the divisor is zero, we can handle it by exception handling using a try-except block to print the error.
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This is a guide to Python Reminder Operator. Here we discuss the Introduction to Python Reminder Operator, examples, and code implementation. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –