Python defaultdict to dict

How to convert defaultdict to dict?

just with slightly different behaviour, in that when you try access a key which is missing — which would ordinarily raise a KeyError — the default_factory is called instead:

That’s what you see when you print a before the data side of the dictionary appears.

So another trick to get more dictlike behaviour back without actually making a new object is to reset default_factory :

>>> a.default_factory = None >>> a[4].append(10) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in a[4].append(10) KeyError: 4 

but most of the time this isn’t worth the trouble.

DSM 326312

If you even want a recursive version for converting a recursive defaultdict to a dict you can try the following:

#! /usr/bin/env python3 from collections import defaultdict def ddict(): return defaultdict(ddict) def ddict2dict(d): for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): d[k] = ddict2dict(v) return dict(d) myddict = ddict() myddict["a"]["b"]["c"] = "value" print(myddict) mydict = ddict2dict(myddict) print(mydict) 

If your defaultdict is recursively defined, for example:

from collections import defaultdict recurddict = lambda: defaultdict(recurddict) data = recurddict() data["hello"] = "world" data["good"]["day"] = True 

yet another simple way to convert defaultdict back to dict is to use json module

import json data = json.loads(json.dumps(data)) 

and of course, the values contented in your defaultdict need to be confined to json supported data types, but it shouldn’t be a problem if you don’t intent to store classes or functions in the dict.

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How to convert a defaultdict to dict in Python

In Python, the defaultdict class from the collections module gives an easy way to handle missing keys by assigning a default value to them. However, there might be situations where you need to convert a defaultdict to a regular dict object. In this blog post, we will explore a simple and effective way to perform this conversion.

To convert a defaultdict to dict in Python, use dict(default_dict) . It creates a new dict with the same key-value pairs. The resulting dict will lose the default behavior. Example:

dict: defaultdict : defaultdict(, )

convert a defaultdict to dict

Understanding defaultdict

Before proceeding further on the conversion from defaultdict to dict , let’s quickly recap what a defaultdict is. Similar to a regular dictionary ( dict ), a defaultdict is a subclass of dict . The key difference lies in the behavior when accessing a missing key. With a defaultdict , if you try to access a non-existent key, it will create that key and assign a default value specified during its creation. Below are the example to check the behavior of defaultdict and dict , When you tried to access a non-existent key

Regular Dictionary(dict)

Dict = print(Dict) #Output #Try to access a key which is not exist: print(Dict['10']) #Output KeyError: '10'

In the above example, We could understand, In a Normal dictionary, When we try to access a nonexistent key (in this case it is ’10”), It will give you the “KeyError: ’10′”


default_dict = defaultdict(int) default_dict['key1'] = 'Learn' default_dict['key2'] = 'Share' print(default_dict['key5']) #Output 0

In this case, When you try to access a key which does not exist (in this case it is “key5”). default_dict will insert a default value(0) for the “key5”

Hope you understand the basic difference between the defaultdict and dict , Let’s proceed with the steps for the conversion process ( defaultdict -> dict )

Convert a defaultdict to dict

To convert a defaultdict to a regular dict , we can use the built-in dict() the function in Python. This function takes an iterable or mapping as an argument and returns a new dictionary object.

Below is the procedure to convert defaultdict => dict Step 1: Import the defaultdict class from the collections module.

from collections import defaultdict 
default_dict = defaultdict(int) default_dict['key1'] = 'Learn' default_dict['key2'] = 'Share' 
regular_dict = dict(default_dict) 

By calling dict(default_dict) , we pass the defaultdict object as an argument to the dict() function, which creates a new dictionary with the same key-value pairs. The resulting regular_dict will no longer have the default behavior of defaultdict and will behave like a standard dict object.

Complete Code

from collections import defaultdict default_dict = defaultdict(int) default_dict['key1'] = 'Learn' default_dict['key2'] = 'Share' regular_dict = dict(default_dict) print(regular_dict) print(default_dict)
regular_dict: default_dict: defaultdict(, )

In this above code, we first import the defaultdict class from the collections module. Then, we create a defaultdict object with string values and assign some key-value pairs to it. Then, by using the dict() function, we converted the default_dict to a regular dict . The resulting regular_dict contains the same key-value pairs as the original default_dict which is shown in the output.


In Conclusion, It is a straightforward process to convert a defaultdict to a regular dict in Python. By using the dict() function, we can easily remove the default behavior and obtain a standard dict object. This conversion can be helpful when you no longer require the automatic creation of missing keys with default values.

Jerry grew up in a small town where he enjoyed playing video games. Once out of the nest, he pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering. After college, he ultimately landed in the IT industry. Currently, he has over 10 years of experience. In his spare time, Jerry enjoys spending time with his family. He is creator of this website —, A website dedicated to share the mistake and experience learned. Check my bio for more information About Me


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