Python connect to ftp server

Python FTP

Python FTP programming tutorial shows how to work with FTP in Python using ftplib library. We are going to connect to FTP servers, list directories, download and upload files.


is a standard network protocol used for transfering of computer files between a client and server on a computer network. Clients and servers communicate with a set of FTP commands, such as DELE, RETR, or CWD.

Many servers provide FTP services with an anonymous FTP access; for instance, there are Linux hosting sites that provide an anonymous FTP account to download the distribution image.

Python ftplib

Python ftplib is a module that implements the client side of the FTP protocol. It contains an FTP client class and some helper functions.

Python FTP class

The ftplib.FTP creates a new instance of the FTP class. When host is given, a connection to the host is made with the connect method.

Context manager

Unlike Python 3, Python 2 does not have a context manager implemented with the FTP class. Therefore, Python 2 code needs a slightly different approach when dealing with connection objects.

import ftplib with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp:

The with command will automatically close the connection to the server for Python 3 code.

import ftplib from contextlib import closing with closing(ftplib.FTP('')) as ftp:

For Python 2 code, we need to use the closing method of the contextlib module.

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Welcome message

The getwelcome returns the welcome message sent by the server in reply to the initial connection. This message may contain some helpful information for the user.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp: print(ftp.getwelcome())

The example creates a connection to the Debian FTP server, which has an anonymous account and returns its welcome message.

$ ./ 220 FTP server

Directory listing

The dir method produces a directory listing.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp: try: ftp.login() files = [] ftp.dir(files.append) print(files) except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('FTP error:', e)

The example connects to the host and retrieves the directory listing of the initial landing directory.

When the login method has no parameters; we connect to the anonymous account of the FTP site.

files = [] ftp.dir(files.append)

The dir method produces a directory listing and adds the data to the list.

$ ./ ['drwxr-xr-x 9 1176 1176 4096 Sep 26 15:07 debian']

FTP commands

The FTP client sends commands to the FTP server, such as PWD or RETR . The ftplib contains several methods that wrap these commands. The commands are send with the sendcmd or voidcmd methods.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp: try: ftp.login() wdir = ftp.sendcmd('PWD') print(ftplib.parse257(wdir)) wdir2 = ftp.pwd() print(wdir2) except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('FTP error:', e)

The example retrieves the current working directory by sending a PWD command directly and using the pwd method.

We send the PWD command with the sendcmd method.

The parse257 is a helper method that retrieves the directory from the returned string, which also contains the status code.

Here we use the pwd method to retrieve the current working directory.

Changing directory

The cwd method changes the current working directory.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp: try: ftp.login() wdir = ftp.pwd() print(wdir) ftp.cwd('debian') wdir2 = ftp.pwd() print(wdir2) except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('FTP error:', e)

The example uses the cmd method to change to the debian folder.

$ ./ / /debian

Creating directory

A directory is created with the mkd method. This operation requires a user account with sufficient privileges; it is not available with anonymous accounts.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib from contextlib import closing with closing(ftplib.FTP('')) as ftp: try: ftp.login('user7', 's$cret') ftp.mkd('newdir') files = [] ftp.retrlines('LIST', files.append) for fl in files: print(fl) except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('FTP error:', e)

The example connects to a FTP server and creates a new directory in the landing folder.

We log in with the login method.

A new directory is created with the mkd method.

files = [] ftp.retrlines('LIST', files.append)

With the LIST FTP command we retrieve a list of files and information about those files. The listing is stored in the files list.

$ ./ drwx------ 6 117992 7 Sep 27 14:58 . drwx------ 6 117992 7 Sep 27 14:58 .. -rw------- 1 117992 151 Jul 31 2015 .htaccess drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 4096 Sep 27 01:16 logs drwx---r-x 2 117992 2 Sep 27 14:58 newdir drwx------ 3 117992 3 Mar 11 2011 sub drwx------ 26 117992 31 Sep 25 15:32 web

from the output we can see that the newdir was created.

Getting size of text file

The SIZE command and its size method equivalent are a non-standard way of determining the size of a file. It is implemented by many servers despite not being standardized.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp: try: ftp.login() size = ftp.size('debian/README') print(size) except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('FTP error:', e)

The example retrieves the size of a README file with the size method.

Getting size of binary file

To determine the size of a binary file, we have to switch to the binary mode.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp: try: ftp.login() # TYPE A for ASCII mode ftp.sendcmd('TYPE I') size = ftp.size('debian/ls-lR.gz') print(size) except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('FTP error:', e)

The example determines the size of a binary file.

We go to the binary mode with the TYPE I command.

size = ftp.size('debian/ls-lR.gz')

We get the size of a binary file.

Downloading text file

To download a text file, we utilize the RETR FTP command.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib import os with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp: file_orig = '/debian/README' file_copy = 'README' try: ftp.login() with open(file_copy, 'w') as fp: res = ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + file_orig, fp.write) if not res.startswith('226 Transfer complete'): print('Download failed') if os.path.isfile(file_copy): os.remove(file_copy) except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('FTP error:', e) if os.path.isfile(file_copy): os.remove(file_copy)

The example downloads a text file from server.

with open(file_copy, 'w') as fp: res = ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + file_orig, fp.write)

We fetch the file and write into a local copy file.

if not res.startswith('226 Transfer complete'): print('Download failed') if os.path.isfile(file_copy): os.remove(file_copy)

In case the download failed, we print an error message and delete the local file.

Uploading text file

The STOR command with the storlines method is used to upload text files.

#!/usr/bin/python import ftplib with ftplib.FTP('') as ftp: filename = 'README' try: ftp.login('user7', 's$cret') with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: res = ftp.storlines("STOR " + filename, fp) if not res.startswith('226 Transfer complete'): print('Upload failed') except ftplib.all_errors as e: print('FTP error:', e)

In this example, we upload a text file to the FTP server.

In this tutorial we have worked with Python ftplib .


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.


Как использовать Python для работы с FTP

Узнайте, как использовать Python для работы с FTP-серверами: подключение, загрузка/скачивание файлов и управление ими!

Transferring files to an FTP server using Python.

В данной статье мы рассмотрим, как использовать Python для работы с FTP (File Transfer Protocol) — протоколом передачи файлов. FTP — это стандартный сетевой протокол, который используется для передачи файлов между клиентом и сервером через интернет или локальную сеть.

Подключение к FTP-серверу с использованием Python

Для работы с FTP в Python используется библиотека ftplib . Если у вас её ещё нет, установите её с помощью команды:

Теперь давайте подключимся к FTP-серверу:

from ftplib import FTP ftp = FTP('') ftp.login(user='username', passwd='password')

Здесь мы импортируем класс FTP из библиотеки ftplib и создаем экземпляр ftp , подключаясь к серверу . Затем мы вызываем метод login для аутентификации с использованием имени пользователя и пароля.

Загрузка и скачивание файлов с FTP-сервера

Чтобы загрузить файл на FTP-сервер, используйте метод storbinary :

with open('local_file.txt', 'rb') as file: ftp.storbinary('STOR remote_file.txt', file)

Здесь мы открываем файл local_file.txt на нашем компьютере в режиме чтения бинарных данных и загружаем его на сервер под именем remote_file.txt .

Для скачивания файла с FTP-сервера используйте метод retrbinary :

with open('downloaded_file.txt', 'wb') as file: ftp.retrbinary('RETR remote_file.txt', file.write)

Здесь мы открываем файл downloaded_file.txt на нашем компьютере в режиме записи бинарных данных и скачиваем файл remote_file.txt с сервера.

Просмотр списка файлов на FTP-сервере

Чтобы получить список файлов на FTP-сервере, используйте метод nlst :

files = ftp.nlst() print(files)

Этот метод возвращает список строк с именами файлов и директорий на сервере.

Закрытие соединения с FTP-сервером

Не забудьте закрыть соединение с сервером после завершения работы с ним:

Метод quit закрывает соединение с FTP-сервером и завершает сеанс.

Таким образом, мы рассмотрели основные операции, которые можно выполнять с использованием Python и библиотеки ftplib для работы с FTP-серверами. Надеемся, что эта информация была полезной для вас! 🚀


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