Python check django version

How can I check Django version?

The way you check your Django version depends on if you installed Django on you base python installation or you installed the module in a virtual environment. Let’s see first how to check your version on the base python installation.

Checking Django version with Idle

import django django.get_version() 

You could also use the following code, that will return the same results, but slightly different format:

import django django.VERSION 

Checking Django version with pip

Django==3.0.8 # Django version docutils==0.14 dominate==2.5.1 Flask==1.1.1 Flask-Bootstrap== importlib-metadata==1.6.0 

If django is in your python installation, it will be listed along with any other module installed. Check out your django version in a virtualenv or using the django scripts

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Upgrade Django version

You can upgrade django and any module installed using the pip command. You can run the following command from your terminal, or the Pycharm terminal. As before, if you are working on a virtual environment, make sure you activate the environment before running the command:

pip install --upgrade django 

Downgrade Django version

pip install -v Django==3.0.5 #Replace with your version 

You can find a list with all the available django version here As before in case you are working on a virtualenv, make sure it is activated. Or if you have several python version installed in your computer, make sure your pip command you are using belongs to the python installation you are using to run your python program. You can check this by running the linux which command from your terminal.

The output should be same folder or subfolder as where your python version is installed. Check out the following article to see how to install and uninstall python, and see your local python version


How To Check Django Version(4 Methods).

Welcome Django user, In one of my posts I show you step-by-step how to install Django. However, I do not cover much on how to check the Django version installed on your computer either globally or in a virtual environment. Checking your Django version installed is a good way of making sure you’re using the right version for your project and it’s just good to know if you’re searching for some answers from the Internet. It is also the best way to know if Django is installed correctly on your machine or virtual environment. This post is going to show you that. In this post, I’ll share with you 5 methods to check the Django version.

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Table of Contents

  • How To Check Django Version Using Django Scripts.
  • How To Check Django Version Using the Django Shell.
  • How To Check Django Version Using Pip.
    • How To Check Django Version Using Pip show.
    • How To Check Django Version Using Pip freeze.
  • How To Check Django Version Using Django Built-In Functions.
    • How To Check Django Version Using Django utility Functions.
    • How To Check Django Version Using Django Package resources.
  • How To Check Django Version Installed In A Virtual Environment
  • Frequently Asked Questions: How To Check Django Version.
    • Which is the latest version of Django?
    • Which version of Python does Django use?
  • Conclusion: How To Check Django Version.

The methods I’ll show in this post work fine whether Django is installed on your computer globally or it is installed in a virtual environment. If the latter is your situation, however, first make sure, on your command line, you’re in the virtual environment and it is activated. Otherwise, Django will not be recognized as an installed module.

How To Check Django Version Using Django Scripts.

We all know the python command that we use when wanting to do many things in Django like creating the superuser or running the development server. We can also use the same method to check the version of Django installed. run the following command to do that:

This will print out the version of Django on the console.

An alternative to this will be to use the django-admin command instead of the python . Below is the example:

The above method is the one that the official Django documentation provides. You can also use the python -m method to check the Django version.

In this command, the -m stands for ‘module’.

How To Check Django Version Using the Django Shell.

The Django shell is an interactive way to run python code that you want to be compiled immediately as you hit enter. Below is how to check the Django version using it.

$ python shell >>> import django >>> django.version >>> version number

In this code snippet, we use the python shell command to get into the Django interactive shell. Once we are in there, this is shown by the >>> symbol at the beginning of each new line. Each code you run will be compiled and run at that time. Then we import Django and we use the version method to check its version.

You can also do the same in a single line like below:

$ python -c "import django; print(django.get_version())"

This will print the Django version in the Django shell, while the command has been run outside the Django shell.

How To Check Django Version Using Pip.

There are two methods to check the Django version using pip. One is pip show and the other is pip freeze . Let’s see them in detail:

How To Check Django Version Using Pip show.

Run the following command in your terminal to check the Django version using pip show .

Unlike the other methods we have seen above, pip show does not only print out the version of Django installed, but also more information about Django including a summary of what Django is, its homepage URL, and the author’s email address. This can be some cool information to know about Django.

How To Check Django Version Using Pip freeze.

Like pip show , pip freeze does not only print the Django version installed. While pip show prints out more information about Django, pip freeze shows all the dependencies installed in your Django project and their versions, and that is including Django.

However, it is also possible to check Django’s version alone without printing out all other dependencies. Here is how to do it:

And that will print Django’s version.

How To Check Django Version Using Django Built-In Functions.

Django also comes with a few built-in methods we can use to check the version of it.

How To Check Django Version Using Django utility Functions.

Django comes with a few utility functions you can use inside your Django projects. One of them is the version method.

Since this involves importing some modules from django.utils , we have to use the Django shell in order to get the Django version.

$ python shell >>>from django.utils import version >>>version.get_version()

using the get_version() method returns the Django version in this format. You can also use the get_complete_version() to get this format.

>>> from django.utils import version >>> version.get_complete_version()

How To Check Django Version Using Django Package resources.

We can also play around with Django’s pkg_resources to determine the version of it installed. This will also need us to use the Django shell.

$ python shell >>> import pkg_resources >>>pkg_resources.get_distribution('django').version

In this snippet of code, we are using the get_distrubution() function that takes an installed dependency in this case it is ‘django’ and then using the .version method to displays its version.

How To Check Django Version Installed In A Virtual Environment

If you want to check the Django version installed in a virtual environment, you should first cd into the virtual environment’s path, then activate the virtual environment. When the virtual environment is active, this is shown by the name of the virtual environment enclosed in commas at the beginning of the line( Pipenv may not do so if you’re on a Windows computer). Now that the virtual environment is activated, run any of the commands shown above in order to check the Django version installed in that virtual environment.

To learn more about virtual environments, check out the how to install Django guide.

Frequently Asked Questions: How To Check Django Version.

Which is the latest version of Django?

As of the writing of this post, the latest Django version is Django 4.0.5, as you can see in the examples I provide. Every eight months, Django releases a major update, which means by the time you read this post, it’s probably a different version of Django. You can always keep up with Django’s versions from the Download Django page.

Which version of Python does Django use?

The official Django Project recommends you use Python 3 for all of your Django projects.

Conclusion: How To Check Django Version.

The methods I’ve shared with you in this article are sourced from other developer sites like Stack Overflow and you can see its a lot of them (I’m not even sure if these are all there is to check the Django version). I personally use a few of them and I recommend you do so as well. Sticking to one is even better, you can always use the rest when really needed (maybe in the code). This post might help you pick the best one for you, pick the one that is both easy and faster to type out and that returns the results in a way you understand.

It’s most probable that these methods to check the Django version are not all there is. If you ever have a method that you think deserves to be on this list, please share it in the comments section below. And if these mentioned methods do not work for you, let me know again in the comments section. Otherwise, please share this post with fellow Django developers who may need to know about it. Peace!


How to check Django version?

Django is one of the most popular framework for creating web applications. Its initial release was back in 2005, and since then, more than 20 stable versions have been released. Having that many versions available to choose from, we often require methods to check our version in Django, either for deployment or dependency compatibility purposes. So how to check the Django version?

Django version can be checked using multiple approaches.

1. Using the django-admin command line (terminal commands)

$ python version 4.0.3
$ python -m django version 4.0.3

2. Using django module (Python console commands)

>>> import django >>> django.VERSION (4, 0, 3, 'final', 0)
>>> import django >>> django.get_version() '4.0.3'

3. Using pip (terminal commands)

$ pip show django Name: Django Version: 4.0.3 Summary: A high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Home-page: Author: Django Software Foundation Author-email: License: BSD-3-Clause Location. /venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages Requires: asgiref, backports.zoneinfo, sqlparse Required-by:
$ pip freeze | grep Django Django==4.0.3

4. Using pkg_resources module (Python console command)

>>> import pkg_resources >>> pkg_resources.get_distribution('django').version '4.0.3'

We divide approaches of checking Django version by:

Django check version console commands.

Python console commands can be used inside our Django code.

Django check version terminal commands.

What method should I use?

There is a big difference between Python console and terminal commands. So firstly, you should narrow your search of methods to one of the provided approaches.

When to use terminal commands? When to use Python console commands?
Use it when output is not required later in the code. Use it when your code depends on the output of the given method.
Use it for a quick check of the Django version.

Now, when you narrow your search to one of the approaches, you still have many choices to consider.

All approaches work fine, and no matter the choice you use, you should stick with it. I would suggest going with basic Django’s command-line utility (one of three commands). If you need more details, use pip show django command since it lists all the essential info of the installed Django version. If you need to use the version in your code, use django.VERSION or django.get_version() depending on the format you need. The django.VERSION command returns version in tuple format, and django.get_version() returns output in string type format.

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