Python change window title

Python how to change title of tkinter window

The Tkinter application window has many components: window size, title, navbar, menubar-component, etc. Solution 3: Try something like: Now you should have a frame with a title, then afterwards you can add windows for different widgets if you like.

Using Tkinter in python to edit the title bar

If you don’t create a root window, Tkinter will create one for you when you try to create any other widget. Thus, in your __init__ , because you haven’t yet created a root window when you initialize the frame, Tkinter will create one for you. Then, you call make_widgets which creates a second root window. That is why you are seeing two windows.

A well-written Tkinter program should always explicitly create a root window before creating any other widgets.

When you modify your code to explicitly create the root window, you’ll end up with one window with the expected title.

from tkinter import Tk, Button, Frame, Entry, END class ABC(Frame): def __init__(self,parent=None): Frame.__init__(self,parent) self.parent = parent self.pack() self.make_widgets() def make_widgets(self): # don't assume that self.parent is a root window. # instead, call `winfo_toplevel to get the root window self.winfo_toplevel().title("Simple Prog") # this adds something to the frame, otherwise the default # size of the window will be very small label = Entry(self) label.pack(side="top", fill="x") root = Tk() abc = ABC(root) root.mainloop() 

Also note the use of self.make_widgets() rather than ABC.make_widgets(self) . While both end up doing the same thing, the former is the proper way to call the function.

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Here it is nice and simple.

root = tkinter.Tk() root.title('My Title') 

root is the window you create and root.title() sets the title of that window.

from tkinter import Tk, Button, Frame, Entry, END class ABC(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() root = Tk() app = ABC(master=root) app.master.title("Simple Prog") app.mainloop() root.destroy() 

Now you should have a frame with a title, then afterwards you can add windows for different widgets if you like.

Tkinter change window title Code Example, windowName.title(‘Window Title’) #Example import tkinter window = tkinter.Tk() window.title(‘My Title’)

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Change Tkinter Window Title

In this tutorial, we will learn how to change the title bar of a tkinter window.

The title in tkinter refers to a name assigned to the application window. It is mostly found on the top of the application. For this, we can use the title() function.

We create a widget object using the Tk() function and use the title() function to add a title to this window.

from tkinter import * ws = Tk() ws.title('Hello_World') ws.geometry('400x300') ws.mainloop() 

In the above example, we can see our window with the title Hello_World .

If we want to change the text style, font size, or the color of the title, then it can’t be done using tkinter as the only purpose of tkinter is to provide a name that has its own size and style by default.

If we want to set the title on the tkinter frame, we have to use the function LabelFrame() , which helps us set the title on the frame. This function takes the font size and the text to be displayed as the inputs. Also, we can change the color of it.

The code below demonstrates this.

from tkinter import * ws = Tk() ws.title(string='') ws.geometry('400x300') frame = LabelFrame( ws, text='Hello_World', bg='#f0f0f0', font=(30) ) frame.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH) Button( frame, text='Submit' ).pack() ws.mainloop() 

Move a custom Title bar window with Tkinter without doing so from, So I’m pretty new to Python and even newer to Tkinter. I’m trying to create a Custom Title bar for my UI and so far I’m doing ok using some

How do I change the Tkinter default title in the OS bar?

The Tkinter application window has many components: window size, title, navbar, menubar-component, etc. To configure the window attributes or properties, we can use the Window Manager toolkit defined in Tcl/Tk.

To run the Window Manager attributes, use the command ‘wm’ with other keywords. The title of the window can be configured by using wm_title(«title») or title(«title») method.


# Import the required libraries from tkinter import * # Create an instance of tkinter frame or window win=Tk() # Set the size of the window win.geometry("700x350") # Change the title of the window win.wm_title("My Window") Label(win, text="Hello, Welcome to Tutorialspoint. ", font=('Calibri 24')).pack() win.mainloop()


If we run the above code, it will display a window with a title «My Window».

Why title does not change in tkinter?, Use window.master.title(«Analysis») to change the title of the visible root window. Or create the root window explicitly and change its title as

How to Change Tkinter Frame Title?

Tkinter window is the native component of tkinter application that contains some frames, a group of widgets, and some other elements. A Tkinter frame has a group of too many widgets.

Let us suppose that we have created a frame with some widgets and now we want to rename the title of the application. Frame titles are a necessary part of any application. We can change the title of the frame using the title(«title») method.


In this example, we will create an application that will contain an entry widget and a button. The button is used to rename the title of the window. Initially, we will create an instance of StringVar() and this can be used to capture the user input in the Entry widget. Then, by using the set() method, we will pass the captured variable to set the title of the frame.

#Import tkinter library from tkinter import * #Create an instance of tkinter frame win= Tk() #Set the Geometry win.geometry("750x250") #Define a Variable to accept the input var= StringVar() #Define a function to change the title def change_title(): win.title(var.get()) #Create an Entry widget text=Entry(win,textvariable=var) text.focus_set() text.pack(pady=20) #Pass the title in the function var.set(win.title()) #Create a Button Button(win, text= "Change", command= change_title).pack(pady=20) win.mainloop()


By running the above code, we can display a window that contains a button and the frame object. Now, whenever we write some title in the entry widget and click the “Change” button, it will change the title of the frame.

Now, change the title of the frame by writing some text in the Entry widget and click the “Change” to display the reflected output.

How to change the title bar in Tkinter?, Tkinter initially sets a default title bar for every application. We can update or replace the Title Bar of the Tkinter application by


Change Tkinter Window Title

Change Tkinter Window Title

In this tutorial, we will learn how to change the title bar of a tkinter window.

The title in tkinter refers to a name assigned to the application window. It is mostly found on the top of the application. For this, we can use the title() function.

We create a widget object using the Tk() function and use the title() function to add a title to this window.

from tkinter import *  ws = Tk() ws.title('Hello_World') ws.geometry('400x300')  ws.mainloop() 

title on tkinter window

In the above example, we can see our window with the title Hello_World .

If we want to change the text style, font size, or the color of the title, then it can’t be done using tkinter as the only purpose of tkinter is to provide a name that has its own size and style by default.

If we want to set the title on the tkinter frame, we have to use the function LabelFrame() , which helps us set the title on the frame. This function takes the font size and the text to be displayed as the inputs. Also, we can change the color of it.

The code below demonstrates this.

from tkinter import * ws = Tk() ws.title(string='') ws.geometry('400x300')  frame = LabelFrame(  ws,  text='Hello_World',  bg='#f0f0f0',  font=(30) ) frame.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH)  Button(  frame,  text='Submit' ).pack()  ws.mainloop() 


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