Python batch file windows

How to Execute Python Scripts in Batch Mode using Windows Task Scheduler

One of the most important things I do on my virtual machine is automate batch jobs. Let’s say I want to send Susie an automated email reported generated via a Python script at 6 am every day—I want to automate the task of generating and sending that email via Python using a batch job on my virtual machine (VM). This tutorial walks you through automating the process and setting up your computer (or VM) to run Python jobs on a schedule.

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First, we select a Python script that we want to automatically execute. The one I’ve picked below is named

""" This is the sample Python file that we want to automate in batch mode """ import pandas as pd def main(): #Create a dummy pandas dataframe dummy_df=pd.DataFrame() #Write the dataframe to a csv dummy_df.to_csv('sample_dummy_file.csv') print('Automating the boring work makes our lives so much better!') if __name__== "__main__": main()

Above is a very simple Python script, where we generate a pandas dataframe and save it to a csv, called sample_dummy_file.csv. We then output a print statement.

Next, we create a .bat file that will automatically execute the Python script from the Windows command line.

We want to call the Python script directly from the Command Prompt and execute it. I have saved the Python script that I want to execute under my Documents/Blog/BatchMode directory, so I locate the directory path:

Highlighted is the Python file that we want to automate,, as well as the Directory Path.

I open a fresh Notepad document and type the following:

cd "C:\Users\Documents\Blog\BatchMode" python

Let’s walk through what the above script means:

The ‘cd’ command at the beginning references the change directory. It is the OS command to change the current working directory.

The directory that we want to point to in question is referenced immediately after cd—”C:\Users\Documents\Blog\BatchMode”. We need to point to this directory for the command prompt to find the file.

To get the EXACT directory path that we want to reference, we right click on the ‘BatchMode’ file path in the file folder, and press ‘Copy address as text’. This will save the exact directory path that we want to use, and we can paste it right after the cd command.

On the second line of the file is the ‘python’ statement. This is telling the Command Prompt that we want the Python.exe application to perform an action; in this case, execute the, which is right after the ‘python’ command.

IMPORTANT: For the Command Prompt to recognize ‘python’ as an application, the python application needs to be added to the Windows PATH. When you first installed Python, you had the option to add Python to the Windows Path. If you enabled this option—great, you should be good to go! If not, you’ll need to add Python to the Windows Path. This tutorial walks you through how to do this.

Finally, we want to save the batch file that we have just created in Python. When we save the file, we want to save it as a .bat file, as shown below:

Be sure to use ‘All Files’ under the ‘Save as type’ option, or you won’t be able to save the file as a .bat extension!

Finally, we execute the batch file to ensure that it works properly.

We find the .bat file in the in the BatchMode directory that we just created, and we simply press on it. The Command Prompt should automatically open, and the script should start executing, as shown below:

As you can see, the Command Prompt opens in the “C:\Users\Documents\Blog\BatchMode” directory, and we execute the file!

This concludes Part 1 of this tutorial. If you want to learn how to schedule this Python file to run automatically using Windows Task Scheduler, read on to Part 2 of this tutorial.

As always, the code for this tutorial is available for your viewing pleasure via my GitHub account, under the following URL:

Thanks for reading!


How to Create a Batch File to Run a Python Script

Data to Fish

In this guide, you’ll see the complete steps to create a batch file to run a Python script.

But before we begin, here is the batch file template that you can use to run your Python script:

@echo off "Path where your Python exe is stored\python.exe" "Path where your Python script is stored\script" pause

Steps to Create a Batch File to Run a Python Script

Step 1: Create the Python Script

To start, create your Python Script.

For example, let’s create a simple Python script that contains a countdown (alternatively, you may use any Python script that you wish to run):

countdown = 10 while countdown > 0: print ('CountDown = ', countdown) countdown = countdown - 1

Step 2: Save your Script

Save your Python script (your Python script should have the extension of ‘.py‘).

For our example, let’s save the Python script as: countdown

Step 3: Create the Batch File to Run the Python Script

To create the batch file, open Notepad and then use the following template:

@echo off "Path where your Python exe is stored\python.exe" "Path where your Python script is stored\script" pause

You’ll need to adjust the syntax in two places:

  • “Path where your Python exe is stored\python.exe”
    Here is an example where a Python exe is located: “C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe”
  • “Path where your Python script is stored\script”
    And here is an example where a Python script is located:

Note that you’ll need to change the paths to reflect the locations where the files are stored on your computer.

This is how the batch script would look like in Notepad for our example:

@echo off "C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe" "C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Test\" pause

Save the Notepad with a ‘.bat‘ extension. For example, let’s save the Notepad as Run_Script.bat

A new batch file, called “Run_Script.bat,” will be created at your specified location.

Step 4: Run the Batch File

Finally, double-click on the batch file in order to run the Python script.

You’ll then get the countdown as follows:

CountDown = 10 CountDown = 9 CountDown = 8 CountDown = 7 CountDown = 6 CountDown = 5 CountDown = 4 CountDown = 3 CountDown = 2 CountDown = 1 

You may also want to check the following source that contains additional guides about batch scripts.


Run Batch File in Python

A batch file is a script that contains a series of commands saved as plain text and can be executed on MS-DOS. It can be saved with the .bat or .cmd extension. This article will discuss how batch files can be executed using Python.

Create a batch file

On Windows, create a plain text file using a normal editor like Notepad and then rename the text file with the .bat or .cmd extension. This is now a batch file.

Add commands into the batch file

For demonstration purposes, we will create a batch file named example1.bat with the following simple commands.

Executing the batch file with these commands prints out “Hello World” and system time on the first line of the output console, and date on the second line.

When a line is preceded by the @ symbol like in line 1, the running command, echo, in this case, is hidden, and echo off turns off echoing all commands running on the script.

REM is a comment command on bash.

Write Python code to run the batch file

Two packages, namely, os and subprocess, can be used to execute batch files via Python. The general syntax for each of the packages is shown below.

Assume that the batch file is saved as on disk C (“C:\ example.bat”) then the code for running the batch file from Python using subprocess is:

“r” appearing before the path string is a vital string format to ensure that the path is treated as a row string. Specifically, this string formatting ensures that backslash is treated as a literal character and not an escape character. If we do not use “r” formatting, “\b” is treated as backspace in our example.

Alternatively, the backslash (\) on the Windows path is replaced with a forward slash (/).

Execute the Python script

Once the code has been written, it can be saved as a Python .py file and executed to run the commands on the batch file. The following output is obtained when the Python script is executed.

Passing Arguments into a Batch File in Python

You can also run a batch file in Python with arguments passed on the Python script. The general syntax for passing arguments using the two packages, os, and subprocess, is shown below:


How to Create a Batch File Directly from Python

Data to Fish

In this short guide, you’ll see how to create a batch file directly from Python.

To begin, here is a template that you can use to create your batch file from Python:

myBat = open(r'Path to store the new batch file\File name.bat','w+') myBat.write('command to be included in the batch file') myBat.close()

Let’s now see the steps to apply the above template in practice.

Steps to Create a Batch File Directly from Python

Step 1: Capture the path to store the new batch file

To start, capture the path to store your new batch file.

Here is an example of a path where the new batch file will be stored:


Step 2: Specify the command to be included in the batch file

Next, specify the command to be included in the batch file.

For simplicity, let’s specify a basic command that will display the current date in green:

Step 3: Create the batch file directly from Python

Finally, use the following template to help you in creating the batch file directly from Python:

myBat = open(r'Path to store the new batch file\File name.bat','w+') myBat.write('command to be included in the batch file') myBat.close()
    • The path to store the new batch file is: C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Test
    • The new file name to be created is: my_test_1
    • The command to be included in the batch file is: color a & date

    So the complete Python code would look as follows (you’ll need to modify the path to reflect the location where the new batch file will be created on your computer):

    myBat = open(r'C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Test\my_test_1.bat','w+') myBat.write('color a & date') myBat.close()

    Run the code in Python, and a new batch file will be created at your specified location.

    Double-click on the batch file, and you’ll see the current date in green:

    C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Test>color a & date
    The current date is: Fri 06/25/2021
    Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy)

    Command with Multiple Lines

    What if you have a command with multiple lines?

    In that case, you’ll need to place triple quotes around the batch command.

    Here is an example of a Python code to create a batch file that contains multiple lines:

    myBat = open(r'C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Test\my_test_2.bat','w+') myBat.write('''@echo off color a & date pause ''') myBat.close()

    Run the code in Python (adjusted to your path), and you’ll get the new file (‘my_test_2’).

    Once you double-click on the new batch file, you’ll see the current date in green as follows:

    Run the Batch File from Python

    Once you created the batch file, you can also run it directly from Python.

    Simply add this line at the top:

    Then, add this line at the bottom (adjusted to the path where the batch file is stored on your computer):[r'C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Test\my_test_3.bat'])

    So your complete Python code would look like this:

    import subprocess myBat = open(r'C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Test\my_test_3.bat','w+') myBat.write('''@echo off color a & date pause ''') myBat.close()[r'C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\Test\my_test_3.bat'])

    Once you run the code in Python, the current date will appear on your screen without clicking on the batch file:


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