Python append binary file

Python File Handling: Append Bytes to Binary Files Made Easy

Learn how to append bytes to binary files in Python with ease. Understand the different modes of file handling, including the append mode, and discover best practices for working with binary files.

  • I. Introduction
  • II. Basic file handling modes in Python
  • III. Append mode in Python
  • IV. Binary files in Python
  • V. Writing bytes to a file in Python
  • VI. Appending bytes to a binary file in Python
  • VII. Important points to consider
  • VIII. Helpful points
  • IX. Conclusion
  • How do you add bytes to a file in Python?
  • What is append in Python file handling?
  • How do you append binary to a file in Python?
  • What is binary file mode for append?

Python is a versatile programming language that is widely used in software development and information technology. One of its core functionalities is file handling which is the ability to read, write, and manipulate files. In this article, we will focus on file handling in python , specifically how to handle binary files and how to append bytes to a binary file.

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I. Introduction

File handling is an essential task for any programmer. It is the process of reading from and writing to files on the computer’s storage. Python provides a straightforward and flexible way of handling files. It allows you to perform various operations such as reading, writing, and appending files.

Python file handling is essential for developers because it enables them to read and write files on a computer’s storage system. It is used to read configuration files, log files, and other types of files used in software development.

Python provides four different modes for file handling which are read (r), write (w), append (a), and read/write (r+). These modes are used to open a file and determine the type of operations that can be performed on the file.

II. Basic file handling modes in Python

The basic file handling modes in Python are read (r), write (w), append (a), and read/write (r+). These modes determine the type of operation that can be performed on the file.

The read mode (r) is used to read data from a file. It returns an error if the file does not exist. The write mode (w) is used to write data to a file. It creates a new file if the file does not exist and overwrites the existing file. The append mode (a) is used to add data to a file. It creates a new file if the file does not exist and appends data to the end of the file. The read/write mode (r+) is used to read and write data to a file. It creates a new file if the file does not exist and overwrites the existing file.

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III. Append mode in Python

The append mode (a) is used to add data to a file. It creates a new file if the file does not exist and appends data to the end of the file. When you open a file in append mode, the file’s pointer is positioned at the end of the file. This means that any data that you write to the file will be appended to the end of the file.

To create a file in append mode, you can use the following code:

IV. Binary files in Python

Binary files are files that contain non-textual data. They are often used to store multimedia data such as images, videos, and audio. Binary files differ from text files in that they are not human-readable. They are composed of a sequence of bytes that represent machine instructions.

Python supports reading and writing binary files . When working with binary files, it is important to understand the differences between binary and text files. Binary files are not human-readable, while text files are. Binary files are also more compact than text files.

V. Writing bytes to a file in Python

To write bytes to a file in Python, you need to open the file in binary mode using ‘wb’. You can then use the write() method to write bytes to the file. Here is an example:

with open('binaryfile.bin', 'wb') as file: file.write(b'\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\x57\x6f\x72\x6c\x64') 

The above code writes the bytes b’\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\x57\x6f\x72\x6c\x64’ to the file ‘binaryfile.bin’.

VI. Appending bytes to a binary file in Python

Appending bytes to a binary file in python is similar to writing bytes to a file. However, you need to open the file in append mode using “ab”. You can then use the append() function to append new data to a binary file. Here is an example:

with open('binaryfile.bin', 'ab') as file: file.write(b'\x21\x21\x21') 

The above code appends the bytes b’\x21\x21\x21’ to the file ‘binaryfile.bin’. The file pointer is positioned at the end of the file, so any data that you write to the file will be appended to the end of the file.

When appending bytes to a binary file in Python, it is essential to follow some best practices. First, it is recommended to use the ‘with’ statement when opening a file. This ensures that the file is properly closed after the operation is complete. Second, it is important to use the correct mode when opening a file. Using the wrong mode can result in unexpected behavior or errors.

VII. Important points to consider

There are several important points to consider when working with binary files in python . First, it is essential to understand the differences between write and append modes. In write mode, the existing file is overwritten, while in append mode, data is appended to the end of the file.

Second, it is important to understand bytes and bytearray objects. Bytes and bytearray objects are used to represent sequences of bytes. Bytes are immutable, while bytearray objects are mutable.

Third, it is important to be familiar with the io and zipfile modules. The io module provides a set of functions and classes for working with streams of bytes. The zipfile module provides a way to read and write ZIP files.

Finally, it is important to be familiar with operators and built-in functions that can be used for operations on bytes objects . Some of these functions include len(), slice(), and bytes.fromhex().

VIII. Helpful points

There are several helpful points to consider when working with file handling in Python. First, it is essential to understand the advantages and disadvantages of using python for file handling . Python provides a straightforward and flexible way of handling files, but it may not be suitable for all types of file handling tasks.

Second, it is important to be aware of common issues with file handling in python . Some of these issues include file permissions, file locking, and file corruption.

Third, it is important to follow best practices for file handling in python . This includes using the correct mode when opening a file, using the ‘with’ statement when opening a file, and properly closing files after operations are complete.

Fourth, when working with binary files in python , it is important to follow some tricks for improving file handling performance. Some of these tricks include using buffering, using memory mapping, and using the mmap module.

Finally, it is helpful to have a cheatsheet for python file handling methods and modes. This can be a quick reference for developers who are working with file handling in Python.

IX. Conclusion

In conclusion, file handling is an essential task for any programmer. Python provides a straightforward and flexible way of handling files. Binary files are used to store non-textual data and are essential for multimedia applications. Appending bytes to a binary file in Python is easy and can be done using the append() function. It is essential to follow best practices when working with file handling in Python to avoid common issues and ensure optimal performance. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, developers can improve their file handling skills and become more proficient in Python.


Python append binary file

Note: Binary files are always written in structure form and later it is converted to byte stream before storing to binary file. By structure from I mean to say in formats like lists, tuple, sets, dictionary etc.

Append data to Binary File: As we know that binary files written in structure form list, tuple etc. So, to append any new data to our binary file we need to use append() function same as we did in writing data to binary file in python. Just only difference is the file mode. We use “ab” for appending data to our Binary File.

Problem Solving Approach:
Basically our requirement is that we will keep on asking to user to enter records till he was not done with entering records. We also need to keep in mind that we have to perform operation without deleting or over writing previous records that was already written in file.

Example: I have a file “bin.dat” storing some records of students.


file: “ bin.dat ”

Now we will write a program to append one more student data to our file “bin.dat”.


Here our program is same as that we did in writing multiple data to Binary File. But the only difference is that here we have used “ab” file mode. But in our previous program (writing multiple data to Binary File) we used “wb” file mode.

Step 1: Here we have opened our already existing file “bin.dat” in append mode for adding more records to our binary file.

Step 2: We created an empty list rec[] in which we append data and later we dump that data to our file.

Step A: Here is the our while loop() which is by default set to True, so that user can enter to while loop() to append data.

Step 3: At this step, we are only taking details of student as an input.

Step 4: Here we have created a new list data. In this list we are storing the inputs that we have taken from user.

Step 5: Here we are appending our list data[] which is storing the inputs given by user as details of student to our previous list rec[].

Step 6: Now the new record of student has been appended to our file. Here at step 6, we will ask user to enter his choice as Y/N . to continue to writing data or to stop writing more data.

Step 7: Here condition is checked that user entered Y/N as a choice. If choice entered is N then loop will stop executing. And exit the while loop.

Step 8: Here we are appending the data input taken from user to our binary file “bin.dat”.

Step 9: This is the function definition of reading all records from our binary file “bin.dat”.

Step 10: Here we are calling our read() function.

Hence we can append data to our Binary File.


File handling – Binary file operations in Python – Search, Append, Update and Delete Records

In this article, you will learn about File handling – Binary file operations in Python such as Append, Search, update and delete.

In the previous article, you learned about Basic operations on a binary file such as opening/closing a binary file, the fundamentals of the pickle module and reading and writing in binary files.

So let’s start now, the contents are as follows:

Append data in Binary File

  1. Open the file in append mode using “ab” Ex.: f = open (“file.dat”,”ab”)
  2. Enter data to append
  3. Append entered data into the dictionary/list object
  4. Use pickle.dump() method to write the dictionary/list data
  5. Close the file
def bf_append(): f = open("sports.dat","ab") print("Append Data") pcode = int(input("Enter the Player code:")) pname = input("Enter Player Name:") score = int(input("Enter individual score:")) rank = int(input("Enter Player Rank:")) rec= pickle.dump(rec,f) f.close() bf_append()

Do not run your code without reading the contents.

Reading Data

  1. Open the file in read mode using “rb” Ex.: f = open(“File.dat”, “rb”)
  2. Use while loop with True statement to read the entire contents of the file individually.
  3. Use try – except for Exception handling to avoid runtime EOFError
  4. Now load data into an object through the load function
  5. Print data as per need
  6. Close the file

Observe the following code:

def bf_read(): f = open("Sports.dat","rb") print("*"*78) print("Data stored in File. ") while True: 
try: rec= pickle.load(f) print("Player Code:",rec['Pcode']) print("Player Name:",rec['Pname']) print("Individual Score:",rec['Score']) print("Player Rank:",rec['Rank']) print("."*78) except Exception:
break f.close() bf_read()

Watch this video to append and display a record using list object into binary file.


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