Python all printable characters

Python String isprintable()

The Python String isprintable() method is a built-in function that returns true if all the characters in a string are printable or if the string is empty. If not, it returns False.

What are printable characters in Python?

In Python, the character that occupies printing space on the screen is known as a printable character.

Examples of Printable characters are as follows –


The Syntax of isprintable() method is:


The isprintable() method does not take any parameters.

Return Value

The isprintable() method returns

  • True if the string is empty or all the character in the string is printable
  • False if the string contains at least one non-printable character

Example 1: Working of isprintable() method

# valid text and printable text = 'These are printable characters' print(text) print(text.isprintable()) # \n is not printable text = '\nNew Line is printable' print(text) print(text.isprintable()) # \t is non printable text = '\t tab is printable' print(text) print(text.isprintable()) # empty character is printable text = '' print('\nEmpty string printable?', text.isprintable())
These are printable characters True New Line is printable False tab is printable False Empty string printable? True

Example 2: How to use isprintable() in the actual program

In the below Program, we will iterate the given text to check and count how many non-printable characters are there. If we find any non-printable characters we will be replacing it with empty characters and finally, we will output the printable characters into ‘newtext’ variable which can print all the characters.

text = 'Welcome to ItsMyCode,\nPython\tProgramming\n' newtext = '' # Initialising the counter to 0 count = 0 # Iterate the text, count the non-printable characters # replace non printable characters with empty string for c in text: if (c.isprintable()) == False: count += 1 newtext += ' ' else: newtext += c print("Total Non Printable characters count is:", count) print(newtext) 
Total Non Printable characters count is: 3 Welcome to ItsMyCode, Python Programming 


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How to print all ascii characters in python

This code works on Python 2.X and Python 3.3 and later, as Python 3.3 added the optional syntax back to aid in porting Python 2.X code: Solution 3: Here is what I can observe. Output on my Windows console (code page 437, Consolas font): Output on my PythonWin IDE (UTF-8 encoding, and the usual Linux default, plus Courier New font): Note (UTF-8) is buggy on Windows and/or Python 3: Also note was never required, even on Python 2.

How do I get a list of all the ASCII characters using Python?

The constants in the string module may be what you want.

>>> import string >>> string.ascii_uppercase 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 
>>> string.printable '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;?@[\\]^_`<|>~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c' 

For every single character defined in the ASCII standard, use chr :

>>> ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(128)) '\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<|>~\x7f' 

ASCII defines 128 characters whose byte values range from 0 to 127 inclusive. So to get a string of all the ASCII characters, you could just do

''.join(chr(i) for i in range(128)) 

Only 100 of those are considered printable. The printable ASCII characters can be accessed via

import string string.printable 

Print ascii characters list in python Code Example, print ascii characters list in python Code Example >>> ord(‘a’)

encode takes a string and encodes it into bytes. That’s not what you want here; you want to just print the string directly:

print("""\ ._ o o \_`-)|_ ,"" \ ," ## | ಠ ಠ. ," ## ,-\__ `. ," / `--._;) ," ## / ," ## / """) 

If this doesn’t work, your terminal is most likely not configured to display Unicode. Unfortunately, I am not particularly knowledgeable about terminal configuration; Why doesn’t my terminal output unicode characters properly? may be relevant, but my ability to help is mostly limited to the Python side of things.

print(r"""\ ._ o o \_`-)|_ ,"" \ ," ## | ಠ ಠ. ," ## ,-\__ `. ," / `--._;) ," ## / ," ## / """) 

The r allows you to print raw text better especially when there is a lot of inverted commas in the picture that you are trying to print.

print(r"""\ ._ o o \_`-)|_ ,"" \ ," ## | ಠ ಠ. ," ## ,-\__ `. ," / `--._;) ," ## / ," ## / """) print(r"""\ ._ o o \_`-)|_ ,"" \ ," ## | ಠ ಠ. ," ## ,-\__ `. ," / `--._;) ," ## / ," ## / """) 

Printing all unicode characters in Python, On my system (Mac) this displays many of the same glyph that means «this fon’t doesn’t have that glyph in this codepage» (YMMV on how or whether that character even displays in your browser: on firefox on Mac that’s printing as a question mark in a block; on firefox on windows it displays as hex digits in a …

Printing Extended-Ascii Characters In Python 3 In Both Windows and Linux

There must be a better way, but how about something like this:

dic = < '\\' : b'\xe2\x95\x9a', '-' : b'\xe2\x95\x90', '/' : b'\xe2\x95\x9d', '|' : b'\xe2\x95\x91', '+' : b'\xe2\x95\x94', '%' : b'\xe2\x95\x97', >def decode(x): return (''.join(dic.get(i, i.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') for i in x)) print(decode('+------------------------------------%')) print(decode('| Hello World! |')) print(decode('\\------------------------------------/')) 
C:\Temp>python ╔════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Hello World! ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════╝ 
$ python3 ╔════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Hello World! ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════╝ 

With Python 3 and its Unicode strings, your original code should work just fine as long as you follow these rules:

  • Save your file in an encoding that supports the characters.
  • Declare source encoding via #coding: if it is not the UTF-8 default.
  • The default console encoding supports the characters.
  • The console font supports the character glyphs.

Note the coding statement I added below is optional because utf8 is the default on Python 3. Just make sure your file is actually saved in the correct encoding.

# coding: utf8 print('╔════════════════════════════════════╗') print('║ Hello World! ║') print('╚════════════════════════════════════╝') 

Output on my Windows console (code page 437, Consolas font):

Output on my PythonWin IDE (UTF-8 encoding, and the usual Linux default, plus Courier New font):

Note chcp 65001 (UTF-8) is buggy on Windows and/or Python 3:

Also note setdefaultdecoding was never required, even on Python 2. Unicode strings just weren’t the default. This code works on Python 2.X and Python 3.3 and later, as Python 3.3 added the optional u» syntax back to aid in porting Python 2.X code:

# coding: utf8 print(u'╔════════════════════════════════════╗') print(u'║ Hello World! ║') print(u'╚════════════════════════════════════╝') 

Here is what I can observe. Notice that the default encoding was 852 in my case (Windows 7, Czech). The code was stored in UTF-8, and Python 3.3.0 was used.

It seems to be bug, but I do not know whether in Python, in Windows console, or between my chair or keyboard.

Python — How to easily print ascii-art text?, import image, imagefont, imagedraw showtext = ‘python pil’ font = imagefont.truetype (‘arialbd.ttf’, 15) #load the font size = font.getsize (showtext) #calc the size of text in pixels image = (‘1’, size, 1) #create a b/w image draw = imagedraw.draw (image) draw.text ( (0, 0), showtext, font=font) #render …

Is there a list of all ASCII characters in python’s standard library? [duplicate]

ASCII = ''.join(chr(x) for x in range(128)) 

If you need to check for membership, there are other ways to do it:

if c in ASCII: # c is an ASCII character if c  

If you want to check that an entire string is ASCII:

def is_ascii(s): """Returns True if a string is ASCII, False otherwise.""" try: s.encode('ASCII') return True except UnicodeEncodeError: return False 

You can use the string module:

import string print string.printable 
'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;?@[\\]^_`<|>~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c' 

I don't know of any included python module that has such a attribute. However, the easiest and shortest way is probably just to create it yourself

standard_ascii = [chr(i) for i in xrange(128)] 
extended_ascii = [chr(i) for i in xrange(256)] 

for the extended ascii character list.

import string string.printable 

does not include all of the 127 standard ascii characters, which you can see by

If you want them as string instead of a list, just add an "".join() , like so:

extended_ascii = "".join([chr(i) for i in xrange(256)]) 

How to print ê and other special characters available in, You decoded it from utf8 when you read it, so you need to encode it when you write it (back to utf8, or to some other codec) import codecs f = ("unicode.txt", "r", "utf-8") s = () print (s.encode ('utf8')) Share Improve this answer answered Sep 22, 2015 at 23:54 Chad S. 5,481 12 25 Add a …


How to print the ASCII values all characters in Python

We can use Python to print the ASCII values of all characters. We can run a loop to iterate through the alphabet characters and print the ASCII values.

We will learn how to print the lowercase and uppercase characters and ASCII values of these characters using python.

string is an inbuilt module of Python. It provides different constants. We can use the ascii_lowercase and ascii_uppercase for this example. ascii_lowercase is a string containing all lower-case characters of engligh alphabet and ascii_uppercase is a string containing upper-case characters.

We can use a for loop to iterate through the character of these strings.

ord() function takes one character as the parameter and returns the unicode for that character. This function can be used to print the ASCII value of a character in Python.

Python program to print the ASCII values of all lowercase characters:

The below python program prints the ASCII values of all lowercase characters:

import string for c in string.ascii_lowercase: print(f'ASCII for c> is ord(c)>')

If you run this program, it will print:

for a is 97 ASCII for b is 98 ASCII for c is 99 ASCII for d is 100 ASCII for e is 101 ASCII for f is 102 ASCII for g is 103 ASCII for h is 104 ASCII for i is 105 ASCII for j is 106 ASCII for k is 107 ASCII for l is 108 ASCII for m is 109 ASCII for n is 110 ASCII for o is 111 ASCII for p is 112 ASCII for q is 113 ASCII for r is 114 ASCII for s is 115 ASCII for t is 116 ASCII for u is 117 ASCII for v is 118 ASCII for w is 119 ASCII for x is 120 ASCII for y is 121 ASCII for z is 122

Python print lowercase ascii example

Python program to print the ASCII values of all uppercase characters:

In a similar way, we can also print the ASCII values of all uppercase characters.

import string for c in string.ascii_uppercase: print(f'ASCII for c> is ord(c)>')
for A is 65 ASCII for B is 66 ASCII for C is 67 ASCII for D is 68 ASCII for E is 69 ASCII for F is 70 ASCII for G is 71 ASCII for H is 72 ASCII for I is 73 ASCII for J is 74 ASCII for K is 75 ASCII for L is 76 ASCII for M is 77 ASCII for N is 78 ASCII for O is 79 ASCII for P is 80 ASCII for Q is 81 ASCII for R is 82 ASCII for S is 83 ASCII for T is 84 ASCII for U is 85 ASCII for V is 86 ASCII for W is 87 ASCII for X is 88 ASCII for Y is 89 ASCII for Z is 90


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