Pycharm set python version

PyCharm: Managing Multiple Python Versions in Ubuntu

One potential issue when running Python projects is that of conflicting versions. For instance, you may have Python 3.6 installed as the system-wide version of Python, but need to build a specific program that requires Python 3.8.

However, installing Python 3.8 as the system-wide version risks making much of your Python 3.6 code incompatible with the new version.

In this circumstance, the use of virtual environments is needed, i.e. an independent environment that runs a different Python version to the one running system-wide.

PyCharm is quite effective in serving as an IDE (Integrated Development Enviroment) for multiple Python versions. Using Ubuntu 18.04, let us see how Python 3.8 can be set up in a virtual environment through PyCharm.

Installing PyCharm

From the JetBrains website, one will see that PyCharm (at the time of writing) offers both a paid Professional version of PyCharm, as well as a free, open-source version titled Community.

Читайте также:  Sign Up

By clicking Download, the file will be downloaded as a tar.gz file. At the time of writing, the file name is pycharm-community-2020.2.3.

This tar.gz file can then be extracted into a folder of your choosing:

As described in another tutorial, navigate to the bin folder and open up a terminal. PyCharm can then be installed using:

A relevant window will then open, from which the default settings for PyCharm can be customised.

Creating project in PyCharm

As mentioned, Python 3.6 is the default version of Python in this example. In the PyCharm IDE, once Create Project is selected, the below displays:


How to Change Python Version in Pycharm? : Only 4 Steps

Importerror no module named setuptools Fix

I guess most of us are aware of the fact that syntax in Python 2.x series are a little different than the Python 3.x series. Obviously, there can be a situation where you have to change the interpreter version for the program run. Especially when your IDE is Pycharm everything is quite easy. If you are looking for how to change the python version in PyCharm? I think this article is just for you.

Steps to change python version in pycharm-

Step 1 :

  1. Check if you already have that version interpreter of Python pre-installed. Suppose if you have Python 3.7 but you need a virtual env in pycharm for 2.7 base interpreter. In order to check it, Go to –

File -> Settings -> Project ->Project Interpreter

How to change python version in pycharm step 1

how to change python version in pycharm step 1

Refer to the above diagram, Here click on the drop-down of the Project Interpreter row ( Where the No Interpreter is mention). It will show you the name and path of the Interpreter which are already configured. All you need to select one of them if they are available at Run time Configuration in Pycharm ( Hint Run -> Edit Configurations).

Step 2:

In case the desire interpreter is not available. Go and install the required from
There is a dedicated tutorial on how to install python in you Opearting System. Follow the steps to install it.

Python version download.

Step 3 :

Set the path in the system variable. Especially while installing from window installer, It will show you the option to set the path automatically with the installation. In case you do not opt for it. Go and manually add it.

Step 4 :

how to change python version in pycharm step 4.

Now once you have done to step 3, Restart the Pycharm and select the desired interpreter in Run -> Edit Configurations inside Pycharm IDE. Now you may use this global python interpreter for the project. But in case you want to create the virtual env based on this interpreter. You may go to File -> Settings -> Project ->Project Interpreter and click on the setting icon and choose to add.

Refer to the above image and change the base Interpreter here. Here you may choose the one which is the newest you installed. Here you may choose the conda env as the Interpreter also. It is just to make sure that pycharm is fully configurable with a variety of Interpreters.

How to downgrade python version in pycharm

In the above steps you have understood how to the edit configuration for the python interpreter. You can easily select the version of the python you want to to use or downgrade using it. This way you can easily downgrade python version in pycharm.

You can download the pycharm IDE from here.

Conclusion –

This is a generic way to deal with python versioning with pycharm. It will remain same in most of the platform or operating system like mac, Linux or Windows etc. Now next to it is pycharm exploration. Just like, there are some other important configurations with pycharm like increasing memory in Pycharm and Installing packages in pycharm which we understand as next step.

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Change Python Version in PyCharm

Change Python Version in PyCharm

Python, like every other programming language, is maintained and updated regularly. New features are added, and changes are made with every update. Due to this, a code running on a specific Python version may not work with other versions.

PyCharm is a widely used Python IDE. We can configure Python Interpreter in the IDE to switch Python version. This tutorial will show how to achieve this.

First, we need to ensure the interpreter for the version we require is installed on PyCharm. Then, we need to select the Settings option from the File menu. From there, we need to select the Preferences option. In this, we need to select Project Interpreter . After selecting this, we will find the Python Interpreter option, and we can select the required version of the interpreter and apply the changes.

We can also change this by selecting the Edit Configurations option in the Run menu and selecting the required version in Python Interpreter .

In Pycharm 2019.1+ onwards, a new feature was added in the status bar. This feature included the version of the interpreter and seeing the version being used. We can click on this to quickly switch between different versions. If the status bar is not visible, we can use the Ctrl + Shift + A combination for Windows or the ⌘ + ⇧ + A for Mac.

Manav is a IT Professional who has a lot of experience as a core developer in many live projects. He is an avid learner who enjoys learning new things and sharing his findings whenever possible.


Русские Блоги

Операционная среда используется Python2.5, хочет заменить Python3.6 в проекте, после установки Python3.6.

Откройте Pycharm: File-> Настройки-> Найти проект: ****** -> Переводчик проекта, затем выберите хорошую версию, которую вы уже установили в раскрывающемся списке (просто установите версию Python в системе, настройте ее среду Переменные, Pycharm будет загружен автоматически). Подтверждать

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