Program files x86 environment variable java

Setting Java_Home Environment variable on Windows Operating System

If you find the Java folder under «Program Files(x86)» then the installed java version is 32-bit if you find it under «C:/Program Files/Java» means the Java version is 64-bit.

Look that you can see jre6 folder under java directory, i.e. : C:/Program Files/Java/jre6 or C:/Program Files(86)/Java/jre6

  1. Right Click on My Computer icon and select Properties option and Select Advance tab.
  2. Now look for the Environment Variable button and Click on it.
  3. Now look for System Variables and click on New,
  4. Add Variable name =>JAVA_HOME and Variable value =>C:/Program Files/Java/jre7 or C:/Program Files(86)/Java/jre7
  5. Click OK and Apply Changes.
  1. Go to Start menu and select Computer
  2. Select System Properties from the context menu
  3. Now click on Advanced System Settings and go to Advanced tab
  4. Now click on Environment Variables
  5. Under System Variables look for PATH.
  6. Modify PATH by adding the location of the class to the value for PATH.
  7. Reopen Command prompt window, and run your java code, if the code works, the path is been set correctly.
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Search: Edit the system environment variables on Windows 10 and 11 to quickly edit Environment Variables.

Setting JAVA_HOME using Eclipse

You can set the Java environment variable in eclipse by going to,

Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs

Now here you can search for the location where the JRE is been installed and select it.

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Step by Step Java Environment Variables Setup [JDK Installation Guide]

Java is widely used in many applications and also provides computing power for numerous websites. In a previous article, we have seen the introduction and features of Java. In this post, I share a complete JDK installation guide and Java environment variables Setup.

To run the Java application, there is a Java Development Kit (JDK) to install. And there are two environment variables to set. One is a path and the other is a classpath variable.

Install JDK on Windows

First of all, download the latest JDK from its official website of Oracle.

Install downloaded JDK software on your system.

Note: In the case of Windows, by default, Java will be installed at directory path C:\Program Files\Java .

After installation opens this directory path. You can find, there are two folders (jdk1.x… and jre ).

JDK folder Hierarchy

Here is a complete JDK file hierarchy inside the Java folder.

Java Environment Variables Setup Steps

After installation, we need to set path and classpath environment variable for Java.

Follow the steps on your Windows system as given below.

how to set path in java

  • Right-click on My Computer.
  • Select Advanced System Setting.
  • Click on Environment Variables (at the bottom right corner).
  • There will be two environment variables, one is the User variable and another is a System variable.
  • If path and classpath variables are already present in System Variable, click on it to edit. Otherwise, set a new variable.
  • Set the path variable by adding the following directory path.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\bin

set path environment variable

Set the classpath variable by adding the following classpath directory path.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib

set classpath environment variable

Note: These are the respective JDK paths on my system. Find the same on your system.

  • Click on OK.
  • All the screenshots have taken on Windows OS for installation of Java JDK 7.

    Now you have done with Java JDK setup. You are ready to run your first “Hello World” java program.

    Let’s discuss some frequently asked questions… The questions, everyone should know especially if you are a beginner.

    How to set up the environment variable for a Particular User?

    You can see there are two types of environment variables – User Variable and System Variable.

    • If you want to set java path and classpath for the particular user on a Window system, change path and classpath in User variables.
    • If you want to set Java for all the users on the system, modify path and classpath in the System variable.

    By setting user variables, the only particular user is able to run a Java program. Other users on the system can not access the Java installation file to run the Java program.

    If you want all users should be able to run Java application, set an environment variable in the System Variable. After this, all the user can run a Java program.

    Why do you need to Set Path and Classpath Environment variable in Java?

    Many programmers, knows how to set path in Java. But very few know why there is a need for Java environment variables setup.

    If you have not set a path variable, you need to provide a full path of java installed file to run every Java program on your system.

    >>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\bin\javac

    Is providing a complete path every time to run the Java program really convenient for you?

    If you set the path variable, you can run a Java program from any file directory without specifying the complete Java tool path.

    Yep! It is simple, convenient and easy to run any Java program by setting environment variables.

    What is the difference between Path and Classpath Variables:

    I have already covered this question in my previous article in detail. You can refer it to find the difference between Path and Classpath variable.

    How to check Java Path And Classpath Variables?

    You can rectify the path and classpath variable on the command prompt.

    Run the following commands. It will display all the directives in both path and classpath variables.

    This is the completed guide for JDK installation and setting Java variables. I tried to cover some frequently asked questions about the Java environment variables setup. If you have any more questions, feel free to write in the comment section below.


    How To Set Java, JRE and JDK Home Path and Environment Variables On Windows?

    How To Set Java, JRE and JDK Home Path and Environment Variables On Windows?

    Java is a very popular programming language which provides a different component in order to run, develop Java applications. JRE or Java Runtime Environment is used to run Java application. JDK or Java Development Kit is used to develop Java applications. In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up Java, JRE, and JDK operating system path variables in order to work properly.

    Locate JRE or JDK Path

    Before starting the configuration we have to locate the JRE or JDK path. JRE or JDK generally installed on the Program Files or Program Files(x86) directory under the Java directory like below.

    Locate JRE or JDK Path

    and under the Java directory the JDK is residing.

    Locate JRE or JDK Path

    Set Java HOME_PATH Environment Variable

    Now we have learned the path of the Java, JRE or JDK installation. We can set this path as Java HOME_PATH environment variable. We will open the computer properties with by running sysdm.cpl in the Run menu like below. We can also open it from the File Explorer -> Computer -> Right Click.

    Open System Properties

    In the system properties, we will navigate to the Advanced tab which provides the Environment Variables button like below.

    Open Environment Variables

    Below we can see the environment variables menu where we will create the JAVA_HOME system variable and set the path accordingly. We click to the New in order to create a new system variable.

    Create New System Variable

    Here we will set the Variable Name as JAVA_HOME and the Variable Value the path or Java, JRE or JDK which is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12 in this example. Then we will click OK.

    Set System Variable Name and Value

    Set JAVA Executable Path

    If we want to run java.exe or similar executables provided by JRE or JDK we have to add the path of Java in the Path variable like below. We select the system variable named Path and click to the Edit .

    Edit Path System Variable

    Here we click to New which will add a new line to the existing values.

    Here we will set the bin folder path which is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12\bin in this example.

    Add Path System Variable

    Then we will click OK and OK in the environment variables screen which will save and activated new path configuration.

    Check Java Is Working

    We can check the new path configuration simply opening a new command line interface MS-DOS. Then just type java -version which will execute java.exe with the -version option. We can see the current java binary version by running it.

    3 thoughts on “How To Set Java, JRE and JDK Home Path and Environment Variables On Windows?”

    What is the point in setting the JAVA_HOME to the path to the jdk install folder path if you then edit the Path variable and add the full path to the jdk bin folder? Shouldn’t you make use of the JAVA_HOME variable and add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the Path instead. Reply


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