Compilation and Execution of a Java Program
Java, being a platform-independent programming language, doesn’t work on the one-step compilation. Instead, it involves a two-step execution, first through an OS-independent compiler; and second, in a virtual machine (JVM) which is custom-built for every operating system.
The two principal stages are explained below:
Principle 1: Compilation
First, the source ‘.java’ file is passed through the compiler, which then encodes the source code into a machine-independent encoding, known as Bytecode. The content of each class contained in the source file is stored in a separate ‘.class’ file. While converting the source code into the bytecode, the compiler follows the following steps:
Step 1: Parse: Reads a set of *.java source files and maps the resulting token sequence into AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)-Nodes.
Step 2: Enter: Enters symbols for the definitions into the symbol table.
Step 3: Process annotations: If Requested, processes annotations found in the specified compilation units.
Step 4: Attribute: Attributes the Syntax trees. This step includes name resolution, type checking and constant folding.
Step 5: Flow: Performs dataflow analysis on the trees from the previous step. This includes checks for assignments and reachability.
Step 6: Desugar: Rewrites the AST and translates away some syntactic sugar.
Step 7: Generate: Generates ‘.Class’ files.
Principle 2: Execution
The class files generated by the compiler are independent of the machine or the OS, which allows them to be run on any system. To run, the main class file (the class that contains the method main) is passed to the JVM and then goes through three main stages before the final machine code is executed. These stages are:
These states do include:
Let us discuss all 3 stages.
The main class is loaded into the memory bypassing its ‘.class’ file to the JVM, through invoking the latter. All the other classes referenced in the program are loaded through the class loader.
A class loader, itself an object, creates a flat namespace of class bodies that are referenced by a string name. The method definition is provided below illustration as follows:
// loadClass function prototype Class r = loadClass(String className, boolean resolveIt); // className: name of the class to be loaded // resolveIt: flag to decide whether any referenced class should be loaded or not.
There are two types of class loaders
The primordial class loader is embedded into all the JVMs and is the default class loader. A non-primordial class loader is a user-defined class loader, which can be coded in order to customize the class-loading process. Non-primordial class loader, if defined, is preferred over the default one, to load classes.
After the bytecode of a class is loaded by the class loader, it has to be inspected by the bytecode verifier, whose job is to check that the instructions don’t perform damaging actions. The following are some of the checks carried out:
- Variables are initialized before they are used.
- Method calls match the types of object references.
- Rules for accessing private data and methods are not violated.
- Local variable accesses fall within the runtime stack.
- The run-time stack does not overflow.
- If any of the above checks fail, the verifier doesn’t allow the class to be loaded.
This is the final stage encountered by the java program, and its job is to convert the loaded bytecode into machine code. When using a JIT compiler, the hardware can execute the native code, as opposed to having the JVM interpret the same sequence of bytecode repeatedly and incurring the penalty of a relatively lengthy translation process. This can lead to performance gains in the execution speed unless methods are executed less frequently.
The process can be well-illustrated by the following diagram given above as follows from which we landed up to the conclusion.
Conclusion: Due to the two-step execution process described above, a java program is independent of the target operating system. However, because of the same, the execution time is way more than a similar program written in a compiled platform-dependent program.
Consider simple printing program is written somewhere on the local directory in a machine.
Essentials, Part 1, Lesson 1: Compiling Running a Simple Program
The computer age is here to stay. Households and businesses all over the world use computers in one way or another because computers help individuals and businesses perform a wide range of tasks with speed, accuracy, and efficiency. Computers can perform all kinds of tasks ranging from running an animated 3D graphics application with background sound to calculating the number of vacation days you have coming to handling the payroll for a Fortune 500 company.
When you want a computer to perform tasks, you write a program. A program is a sequence of instructions that define tasks for the computer to execute. This lesson explains how to write, compile, and run a simple program written in the Java language (Java program) that tells your computer to print a one-line string of text on the console.
But before you can write and compile programs, you need to understand what the Java platform is, and set your computer up to run the programs.
A Word About the Java Platform
The Java platform consists of the Java application programming interfaces (APIs) and the Java 1 virtual machine (JVM).
Java APIs are libraries of compiled code that you can use in your programs. They let you add ready-made and customizable functionality to save you programming time.
The simple program in this lesson uses a Java API to print a line of text to the console. The console printing capability is provided in the API ready for you to use; you supply the text to be printed.
Java programs are run (or interpreted) by another program called the Java VM. If you are familiar with Visual Basic or another interpreted language, this concept is probably familiar to you. Rather than running directly on the native operating system, the program is interpreted by the Java VM for the native operating system. This means that any computer system with the Java VM installed can run Java programs regardless of the computer system on which the applications were originally developed.
For example, a Java program developed on a Personal Computer (PC) with the Windows NT operating system should run equally well without modification on a Sun Ultra workstation with the Solaris operating system, and vice versa.
Setting Up Your Computer
Before you can write and run the simple Java program in this lesson, you need to install the Java platform on your computer system.
The Java platform is available free of charge from the Java web site. You can choose between the Java® 2 Platform software for Windows 95/98/NT or for Solaris. The download page contains the information you need to install and configure the Java platform for writing and running Java programs.
Note: Make sure you have the Java platform installed and configured for your system before you try to write and run the simple program presented next.
Writing a Program
The easiest way to write a simple program is with a text editor. So, using the text editor of your choice, create a text file with the following text, and be sure to name the text file . Java programs are case sensitive, so if you type the code in yourself, pay particular attention to the capitalization.
//A Very Simple Example class ExampleProgram < public static void main(String[] args)< System.out.println("I'm a Simple Program"); >>
Here is the source code file if you do not want to type the program text in yourself.
Compiling the Program
A program has to be converted to a form the Java VM can understand so any computer with a Java VM can interpret and run the program. Compiling a Java program means taking the programmer-readable text in your program file (also called source code) and converting it to bytecodes, which are platform-independent instructions for the Java VM.
The Java compiler is invoked at the command line on Unix and DOS shell operating systems as follows:
Note: Part of the configuration process for setting up the Java platform is setting the class path. The class path can be set using either the -classpath option with the javac compiler command and java interpreter command, or by setting the CLASSPATH environment variable. You need to set the class path to point to the directory where the ExampleProgram class is so the compiler and interpreter commands can find it.
Interpreting and Running the Program
Once your program successfully compiles into Java bytecodes, you can interpret and run applications on any Java VM, or interpret and run applets in any Web browser with a Java VM built in such as Netscape or Internet Explorer. Interpreting and running a Java program means invoking the Java VM byte code interpreter, which converts the Java byte codes to platform-dependent machine codes so your computer can understand and run the program.
The Java interpreter is invoked at the command line on Unix and DOS shell operating systems as follows:
At the command line, you should see:
Here is how the entire sequence looks in a terminal window:
Common Compiler and Interpreter Problems
If you have trouble compiling or running the simple example in this lesson, refer to the Common Compiler and Interpreter Problems lesson in The Java Tutorial for troubleshooting help.
Code Comments
Code comments are placed in source files to describe what is happening in the code to someone who might be reading the file, to comment-out lines of code to isolate the source of a problem for debugging purposes, or to generate API documentation. To these ends, the Java language supports three kinds of comments: double slashes, C-style, and doc comments.
Double Slashes
Double slashes ( // ) are used in the C++ programming language, and tell the compiler to treat everything from the slashes to the end of the line as text.
//A Very Simple Example class ExampleProgram < public static void main(String[] args)< System.out.println("I'm a Simple Program"); >>
C-Style Comments
Instead of double slashes, you can use C-style comments ( /* */ ) to enclose one or more lines of code to be treated as text.
/* These are C-style comments */ class ExampleProgram < public static void main(String[] args)< System.out.println("I'm a Simple Program"); >>
Doc Comments
To generate documentation for your program, use the doc comments ( /** */ ) to enclose lines of text for the javadoc tool to find. The javadoc tool locates the doc comments embedded in source files and uses those comments to generate API documentation.
/** This class displays a text string at * the console. */ class ExampleProgram < public static void main(String[] args)< System.out.println("I'm a Simple Program"); >>
HTML javadoc Home Page javadoc API Documentation
The Java platform installation includes API Documentation, which describes the APIs available for you to use in your programs. The files are stored in a doc directory beneath the directory where you installed the platform. For example, if the platform is installed in /usr/local/java/jdk1.2 , the API Documentation is in /usr/local/java/jdk1.2/doc/api . More Information
See Common Compiler and Interpreter Problems lesson in The Java Tutorial for troubleshooting help.
The javadoc Home Page has more information on the javadoc command and its output.
1 As used on this web site, the terms «Java virtual machine» or «JVM» mean a virtual machine for the Java platform.