Print screen with python

How To Take A Screenshot In Python Using PIL

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to take a screenshot using PIL in Python. Window, macOS and Linux are all supported.

PIL (Python Imaging Library / Pillow) is a Python library that adds support for opening, manipulating, and saving many different image file formats. It has a very friendly API with lots of help online including good documentation.

PIL supports Windows macOS and Linux and supports many versions of Python; see the installation notes to identify which version of PIL you will need for the version of Python you are using. At the time of wiring this, PIL 7 has been released and supports Python 3.8 — 3.5.

To install PIL, execute the following in a terminal:

python -m pip install Pillow 

To install an older version of PIL, execute python -m pip install pip= eg. python -m pip install pip=7.2.0 . You can find older versions released in the release notes.

To validate it was installed correctly, go to IDLE or a python shell and execute:

If no import error is raised, it was installed successfully.

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Make sure you have executed the install command above; if you’re not sure you have executed it already, it is safe to execute it a second time.

If there were no errors when installing it and it says PIL is installed successfully, make sure you’re 100% sure that you installed PIL in the same distribution of Python that you’re trying to import it in. Go to my tutorial on How to Manage Multiple Python Distributions if you’re having some issues or are unsure about this.

To take a screenshot, we first need to import the ImageGrab module from PIL.

After we have the ImageGrab module, we can call .grab() to take a screenshot

from PIL import ImageGrab screenshot = ImageGrab.grab() # Take the screenshot 

On Linux, you must be using PIL 7.1.0 or higher for this to work; see release notes.

To view the screenshot, we can call .show() on the returned Image object. For example, using the code from above:

from PIL import ImageGrab screenshot = ImageGrab.grab() # Show the image using the default image viewer 

Executing this will open the screenshot in your default image viewer. If you have more than one display, you will notice that this screenshot is only of the first display; I will expand on this further below.

Here is an example of a screenshot I took:

Screenshot Main Monitor

Saving images in PIL is very easy, calling .save() on the returned Image object will allow us to save the image into a file.

from PIL import ImageGrab filepath = 'my_image.png' screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(), 'PNG') # Equivalent to `, format='PNG')` 

Now if you go and open the file filepath («my_image.png» in the current working directory for this example), you will see the screenshot has been saved.

If you provide a file path with an extension of a supported image format, you can omit the format.

If you have a file already open in write mode or want to save the image to a file object, you can pass that instead of the filename. For example:

from PIL import ImageGrab file = open('my_file.png', 'w') screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(), 'PNG') # Save the image to the file object as a PNG file.close() # Make sure to close the file when you're done 
from io import BytesIO from PIL import ImageGrab bytes_io = BytesIO() screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(), 'PNG') # Save the image to bytes_io as a PNG # Do what you want with the bytes_io object 

Taking A Screenshot Of A Different Display

Back when we took a screenshot using ImageGrab.grab() , it only captured the main display. To take a screenshot of all displays, we can pass all_screens=True :

from PIL import ImageGrab screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(all_screens=True) # Take a screenshot that includes all screens 

Please note that all_screens is currently only supported in Windows

Now when you call , you will see that multiple monitors are now displayed. Here is an example of my monitors:

Screenshot All Monitors

Now that you have this larger image, you can crop it using other methods in PIL: How to crop an image using PIL.

Using MSS to Screenshot Each Displays

I also have a tutorial How To Take A Screenshot In Python Using MSS which goes over how to take screenshots using the Python MSS library. The tutorial is very similar, however MSS has better support for screenshots of different individual displays (including macOS and Windows).

Owner of PyTutorials and creator of auto-py-to-exe. I enjoy making quick tutorials for people new to particular topics in Python and tools that help fix small things.


Python Screenshot Tutorial – How To Take Screenshot Using Python

Python Screenshot

Hey guys, taking screenshot is necessary for most of the application so in this post you will learn how to take screenshot using python. So let’s start Python Screenshot Tutorial.

There are various ways to take screenshot using python. The first and most popular way is using PyAutoGUI module. You can also use pillow module for taking screenshots in python. And you will also learn here, how to take screenshots in tkinter application. So let’s move towards our main topic.

Python Screenshot Tutorial – Getting Started

Taking Screenshot Using PyAutoGUI

PyAutoGUI is a cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings. Used to programmatically control the mouse & keyboard.

Installing PyAutoGUI

To install PyAutoGUI module, you have to run following code on your command prompt.

Code For Screenshot Using PyAutoGUI

  • screenshot( ) method of pyautogui class is used to take screenshot of your screen.

Now write the following code on your python IDE.

  • First of all import pyautogui module.
  • Then create a variable(file) that will store the screenshot.
  • screenshot( ) method will take screenshot of your screen.
  • Now save this image by calling save( ) method. You have to pass name of screenshot to the save( ) function.

Python Screenshot

  • Now you can see, the screenshot of your screen has been captured.

Taking Screenshot With Time

In the above example, you have seen that the screenshot of current screen is captured, but if you want to take screenshot of another screen such as your desktop or anything else, so what can you do. For this you have to use time module. sleep( ) method of time module is used to add delay in the execution of a program.

So now write the following program.


Захват изображения экрана с помощью Python с примерами

Язык программирования Python

Хотя стандартная библиотека Python не предоставляет никакого метода для захвата экрана, мы можем сделать это с помощью нескольких сторонних модулей.

Вариант 1

Первый из них – PyAutoGUI, кроссплатформенный модуль для автоматизации задач. Мы можем захватить экран с помощью трех строк кода.

import pyautogui # Снимок экрана. screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot() # Сохранение изображения."screenshot.png")
Code language: PHP (php)

PyAutoGUI внутренне использует Pillow, одну из самых популярных библиотек для работы с изображениями, поэтому screenshot является экземпляром PIL.Image.Image.

# Открыть изображение.
Code language: CSS (css)

Чтобы захватить только часть экрана, мы используем параметр region – кортеж со структурой (X, Y, Width, Height).

# Захват части экрана. screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot(region=(50, 50, 400, 300))
Code language: PHP (php)

Самый простой способ установить модуль и все его зависимости – через pip.

Для корректной работы PyAutoGUI в Linux необходимо также установить следующие зависимости.

pip install python3-xlib sudo apt-get install scrot sudo apt-get install python3-tk sudo apt-get install python3-dev
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

В Max OS требуется следующее:

pip install pyobjc-core pip install pyobjc

В Windows пакет не требует дополнительной установки.

Вариант 2

Еще один пакет, похожий на PyAutoGUI – AutoPy, инструментарий автоматизации платформы, написанный на C.

Его API гораздо более элегантно, проще и приятнее, чем у предыдущего модуля, но на данный момент он поддерживает только Python 2 (именно поэтому он является вариантом номер два).

Захват экрана так же прост:

import autopy screenshot = autopy.bitmap.capture_screen()"screenshot.png")
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Функция capture_screen может принимать заданную область экрана в виде структуры ((X, Y), (Width, Height)).

screenshot = autopy.bitmap.capture_screen(((50, 50), (400, 300)))

Установить можно также через pip.

Вариант 3

pyscreenshot – это модуль, созданный специально для выполнения этой задачи, доступный для Python 2 и 3.

Его единственная зависимость – PIL/Pillow.

В Linux также требуется один из следующих пакетов: scrot, ImageMagick, PyGTK, PyQt или wxPython.

В Mac OS X для этого требуется Quartz или screencapture.

im = pyscreenshot.grab()"screenshot.png")
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Функция всегда возвращает экземпляр PIL.Image.Image.

Можно также захватить только часть экрана.

im = pyscreenshot.grab(bbox=(50, 50, 450, 350))

Обратите внимание, что структура bbox имеет вид (X1, Y1, X2, Y2).

Чтобы установить его, просто введите:

В дистрибутивах Linux это также возможно:

easy_install pyscreenshot


Output Data To Your Screen With Python’s print() Function

Python print

Before we continue, I need to tell you about the Python print function. We’ve been using the REPL so far, and the REPL automatically prints anything that is evaluated to the screen. A regular Python program will not do this though. For this reason, Python offers us the print function.

What is a function?

We haven’t talked about functions yet, but we will cover functions in-depth soon. For now, it suffices to know that a function is something you can call. It will do something specific for us, and the name often implies what it does. Functions often accept arguments, which they can use to do their specific job.

The Python print function

The Python print() function can print text to our screen. We can feed one or more arguments, and these arguments will be printed on the screen. Let’s try some print calls. The following code example is interactive, meaning you can edit it and run it. Read the code, press the run button, and inspect the result:

A couple of observations that you might have caught yourself:

  • Python’s print is called by entering its name followed by parentheses.
  • The optional arguments are listed between the parentheses, separated by commas.
  • You can print both numbers and strings. In fact, most data types in Python can be printed.
  • You can mix argument types, like numbers and strings.
  • In its most basic form, we can call print without any argument. In this case, it prints an empty new line.
  • The print() function will convert special characters into something meaningful. E.g., the newline character \n turns into an actual newline, and the tab character \t will get converted into an actual tab.
  • print() won’t escape strings like the REPL does, because we don’t want to show escaped strings to the users of our software. It’s just a convenience thing the REPL offers us, the programmers.

You’re learning about print this early because you’ll encounter it in almost every Python program and example on the web. Another reason is that the interactive code examples can only show data by using print, like the one above. Now that you know print, I can include a lot more of these interactive examples which are a great learning aid!

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