Print html table on one page

Html css print multiple pages table

But : in Chrome the picture in the HTML page is split across pages in Firefox, the first page is empty, the table starts at the second page and the rest of the table is cut away (page 3 empty again) If you want to prevent page breaks within the content of a cell, I would suggest nesting the content in a div, and setting «page-break-inside: avoid;» on the div.

How to print multipage HTML tables in different browsers

What is the best practice to print a HTML table that contains cells with about 5cm height that should not be broken to different pages.

I already made print.css and definied

  • in Chrome the picture in the HTML page is split across pages
  • in Firefox, the first page is empty, the table starts at the second page and the rest of the table is cut away (page 3 empty again)
  • IE I did not dare to try yet
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Browser support for the page-break CSS properties is spotty, especially on table parts. If you want to prevent page breaks within the content of a cell, I would suggest nesting the content in a div, and setting «page-break-inside: avoid;» on the div. If you need to support older browsers that don’t implement the page-break-inside property at all, you should also set «display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;» on the div.

Also, be aware that if the height of the printable area (that is, page height minus top and bottom margin) is less than the height of your cell content, then it’s impossible for the browser to avoid breaking it unless it can somehow warp the fabric of space (maybe Firefox has a «-moz-» property for that?).

Css — HTML table should repeat header on every page, Also, when printing a large table that spans multiple pages, these elements can enable the table header and footer to be printed at the top and bottom of each page. 2) You can use the page-break-inside property.

Media print multiple pages table-border-layout

When I print this, on the left and on the top of the table on the second page is missing the border. How can I fix this?



Amountlabel 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple 20pineapple

Change your table style to have something looks good :

Edit : To have something looks perfect, first, remove all table border then define each style with what you want, in order to have only one line by border (create border for th, td, tr) :

Give margin of the table’s border-width to the table to prevent the clipping on second and later pages when your table has a collapsed border.

Html — How to apply CSS page-break to print a table with, Manually dividing the table to pages isn’t a very good solution unless the content is something that should naturally be printed on separate pages (e.g. financial information printed one page per year.) You don’t know beforehand how much content will fit on one printed page. –

I have a simple 2-column table that has A LOT of rows:

  [500 more rows] 
row 1 column1row 1 column2
row 2 column1row 2 column2
row 4999 column1row 4999 column2
row 5000 column1row 5000 column2

The columns are very thin, which means I can fit about 4 columns per page. (two table widths)

Is it possible to continue the table in another column on the same page, like the following:

(The next page would start with row 93)

You can change the font size and the widths. You can also change the layout of the paper when printing, or if your printer is capable, use front and back sides of the paper.

Html — Page break on screen (css multiple column, The basic strategy here is simple: Break the same text multiple times into columns of the desired subpage height. Stack the resulting horizontal sets of columns on top of each other, but move each successive copy exactly one subpage width page to the left. Finally, clip the whole stack (with overflow:hidden;) to the …

I’m trying to display the table header in subsequent pages when using the browsser print functionality. Using Firefox i’m only able to display the header in the first page. The header is defined by tag. The code is the following:

       header1 header2 header3 header4 header5 header6 header7 header8 header9 header10 header11 header12 header13   Text

Use print preview to test my description. If you remove the following line of code

The header appear in all pages like I want to. How can a fix this? This seems a matter of max-height of the table header.

not sure why you have too many rows on your thead . The code below works pretty well (tested on firefox). I also tested 20 table headers, still works well.

        header1 header2 header3 header4 header5 header6 header7 header8 header9 header10 header11 header12 header13    text text text text text text text text text text text text text  (td)*13)*1000 --> 

Css — Stategies for printing multiple page HTML tables, I once saw a multiple page HTML form on a government website I printed once. This form rendered as one long page on the screen. But when printed from the browser, it formatted perfectly on three pages. with borders on each page. This form was not even a simple html table, instead it was made up of nested …


How to Handle Page Breaks when Printing a Large HTML Table

Read our snippet if you need to print an HTML table with many rows over multiple pages.

Please note that in order to examine the results more efficiently, you need to create an «index.html» file in your local machine and try out the codes locally to see the results better. You also need to press «CTRL + P» if you use Windows or «CMD + P» if using Mac to see the results on the print page.

Example of handling page breaks when printing a large table:

html> html> head> style> @media print < table < page-break-inside: avoid; > thead < display: table-header-group; > > style> head> body> table> thead> tr> th>Column 1 th> th>Column 2 th> th>Column 3 th> tr> thead> tbody> tr> td>Row 1, Column 1 td> td>Row 1, Column 2 td> td>Row 1, Column 3 td> tr> tbody> table> body> html>

We also set display: table-header-group; on the thead element. This ensures that the table header (the tr containing the column headings) is repeated on each page, which makes it easier to understand the content on each page of the printed table.

The rest of the HTML is a basic table with a header row ( thead ) and a body ( tbody ) containing multiple rows ( tr ) of data. Note that this example doesn’t include any specific page breaks within the table, as it assumes the table will fit on a single page.

Page breaks can sometimes be tricky to handle, and there may be some variations in behavior across different browsers. It’s always a good idea to test your code on multiple browsers and adjust as needed. If you’re encountering issues with page breaks in a specific browser, you can try using different CSS properties or approaches to achieve the desired result.

To prevent a table footer from being displayed on every page break within the table body, you can add the following CSS rule:

tfoot < display: table-footer-group; >

This will ensure that the table footer is only displayed at the end of the table, rather than on every page break within the table body.

html> html> head> style> tfoot < display: table-footer-group; > style> head> body> table> thead> tr> th>Column 1 th> th>Column 2 th> th>Column 3 th> tr> thead> tbody> tr> td>Row 1, Column 1 td> td>Row 1, Column 2 td> td>Row 1, Column 3 td> tr> tr> td>Row 2, Column 1 td> td>Row 2, Column 2 td> td>Row 2, Column 3 td> tr> tr> td>Row 3, Column 1 td> td>Row 3, Column 2 td> td>Row 3, Column 3 td> tr> tbody> tfoot> tr> td>Footer 1 td> td>Footer 2 td> td>Footer 3 td> tr> tfoot> table> body> html>

Breaking after a specific row

To break after a specific row, you can use the nth-child selector in combination with the page-break-after property. For example, to break after every 5th row, you can use the following CSS:

tr:nth-child(5n) < page-break-after: always; >

This will force a page break after every 5th row.

Here’s an example of how to break a large HTML table into pages after a specific number of rows, in this case 5 rows per page:

html> html> head> style> @media print < table < page-break-inside: avoid; > tr < break-inside: avoid; > tbody < display: block; > tbody tr:nth-child(5n + 1) < page-break-before: always; > > style> head> body> table> thead> tr> th>Column 1 th> th>Column 2 th> th>Column 3 th> tr> thead> tbody> tr> td>Row 1, Column 1 td> td>Row 1, Column 2 td> td>Row 1, Column 3 td> tr> tr> td>Row 2, Column 1 td> td>Row 2, Column 2 td> td>Row 2, Column 3 td> tr> tr> td>Row 3, Column 1 td> td>Row 3, Column 2 td> td>Row 3, Column 3 td> tr> tr> td>Row 4, Column 1 td> td>Row 4, Column 2 td> td>Row 4, Column 3 td> tr> tr> td>Row 5, Column 1 td> td>Row 5, Column 2 td> td>Row 5, Column 3 td> tr> tr> td>Row 6, Column 1 td> td>Row 6, Column 2 td> td>Row 6, Column 3 td> tr> tr> td>Row 7, Column 1 td> td>Row 7, Column 2 td> td>Row 7, Column 3 td> tr> tbody> table> body> html>

In this example, we’re using the @media print rule to apply print-specific styles to the table. We’re setting page-break-inside: avoid; on the table to ensure that table rows aren’t split across pages, and break-inside: avoid; on the table rows to prevent them from being split. We’re also setting display: block; on the table body to ensure that it takes up the full width of the page.

Finally, we’re using the nth-child selector to select every 5th row in the table body and applying page-break-before: always; to force a page break before that row. This results in 5 rows per page.

Please note that the page-break-* properties have been updated to break-* in newer versions of browsers. You can use the updated properties for more consistent behavior across different browsers.


Печать HTML страниц

Очень часто разработчики забывают про печатную версию сайта, поэтому можно встретить такой результат на бумаге:

Неудачный пример версии для печати

Подключение CSS

Специальный CSS-файл:

Правило @media print:

Третий метод – отдельная страница или шаблон, свёрстанные чисто под печать (без @media print ), например так сделана печать писем в Яндекс.Почте. Такой метод существенно облегчает отладку.

Размер страницы

  • при dpi=75, А4 имеет 877×620 px
  • при dpi=150, А4 имеет 1754×1240 px
  • при dpi=300, А4 имеет 3508×2480 px


В целях экономии бумаги лучше использовать минимальные поля – 10 мм по краям и 20 мм слева для возможности брушеровки.

Поля по ГОСТ Р 6.30-2003 (оформление документов):

По ГОСТ 7.32-2017 (научные работы, рефераты):

Удаление лишних стилей

Тени и другие эффекты дизайна лучше убрать, также следует установить черный цвет шрифта.

Размер шрифта

Если на сайте размер шрифтов указан в пикселях, то при печати размер будет больше чем на экране. Поэтому нужно выставить новые значения:

Скрытие лишних элементов

Т.к. на бумаге элементы навигации, баннеры, шапка, подвал, и другие элементы не несут какой либо пользы, то лучше их скрыть или оставить в них только самое важное.

Другой вариант скрытия не нужного контента – в HTML-коде, добавить к скрываемым элементам класс noprint .

Не стоить забывать о , обычно для сайтов с фиксированным размером ему задана ширина, отступы и центрирование, поэтому при печати возможна обрезка контента с правого края, такие стили стоит обнулить.

Показ элемента только при печати

@media screen < .element < display: none; >> @media print < .element < display: block; >>

Печать фона background

По умолчанию браузеры не печатают background у элементов, но его можно пустить на печать принудительно c помощью свойства -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; и нового color-adjust: exact; .

Уточнение: свойство не будет работать если цвет фона и шрифта слабоконтрастные.

Разрывы страниц

В CSS доступно управление переносами, соответственно для списков и таблиц нужно запретить переносы:

Если требуется принудительно сделать перенос после элемента:

Отображение URL в ссылках

Печать ссылок бесполезна т.к. будет не известно, куда они ведут. Можно добавить приписку URL рядом с анкором (исключая якорные ссылки).

Пример вставки URL:

Вывод QR-кода при печати

Будет очень удобно если на печатаной странице будет QR-код с ссылкой на сайт. Сгенерировать код можно с помощью сервиса «Google QR Codes» и вставить его с помощью JQuery.

Размещение QR-кода на странице для печати

Запуск печати

В JS, печать запускается методом window.print() . Возможны следующие варианты: Запуск печати по клику на ссылку:

Следующий вариант – пользователь переходит на следующую страницу, где сразу начинается печать, после пользователь возвращается на исходную.


И последний вариант – печать происходит в отдельной вкладке браузера, после печати она автоматически закрывается.



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