Press enter to exit python

Python, Press Any Key to Exit

This syntax error is caused by using input on Python 2, which will try to eval whatever is typed in at the terminal prompt. If you’ve pressed enter then Python will essentially try to eval an empty string, eval(«») , which causes a SyntaxError instead of the usual NameError .

If you’re happy for «any» key to be the enter key, then you can simply swap it out for raw_input instead:

raw_input("Press Enter to continue")

Note that on Python 3 raw_input was renamed to input .

For users finding this question in search, who really want to be able to press any key to exit a prompt and not be restricted to using enter , you may consider to use a 3rd-party library for a cross-platform solution. I recommend the helper library readchar which can be installed with pip install readchar . It works on Linux, macOS, and Windows and on either Python 2 or Python 3.

import readchar
print("Press Any Key To Exit")
k = readchar.readchar()

How to continue OR exit the program by pressing keys

You can use Keyboard module to detect keys pressed. It can be installed by using pip . You can find the documentation here. Keyboard API docs

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check the below code to understand how it can be done.

import sys
import keyboard
print("Press Enter to continue or press Esc to exit: ")
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed('ENTER'):
print("you pressed Enter, so printing the list..")
if keyboard.is_pressed('Esc'):
print("\nyou pressed Esc, so exiting. ")

enter image description here

How to make my program stop running when I press a certain key

use sys.exit(). At the top of your code like here

than in the finale part of your code implement the exit part

 restart = input("Do want to continue? Press \"y\" to continue or press any key to 
end ")
if restart == "y" or restart == "Y":
print("shutting down")

Get python program to end by pressing anykey and not enter

Usually, one would use input(‘>> ‘) (or raw_input(‘>> ‘) with Python3) in order to obtain a user command. However, this does require the user to submit the data after it is entered. So for your example, the user would type c then hit the Enter key.

If you’re using Windows, then I think what you’re after may be close to this answer. This example imports a library, msvcrt, which you can use to detect keyboard hits (using msvcrt.kbhit() ). So the user would type c and your code could respond to that keystroke, without having to wait for the Enter key. Of course you will have to process the keys (i.e. check that the button was indeed a c) before executing the desired code (i.e. quit the application).

Edit: This answer assumes you have a while() loop doing stuff and/or waiting for user input. Such as the following:

import msvcrt

print("Hi everyone! This is just a quick sample code I made")
print("Press anykey to end the program.")

# Do stuff here.
if msvcrt.kbhit():
# The user entered a key. Check to see if it was a "c".
if (msvcrt.getch() == "c"):
elif (msvcrt.getch() == ):
# Do some other thing.

Of course to end the program for any keyboard hit, just get rid of the part that checks to see if the key is a «c».

How to do hit any key in python?

# Win32
from msvcrt import getch
except ImportError:
def getch():
import sys, tty, termios
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
old = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old)

How do I wait for a pressed key?

In Python 3, use input() :

input("Press Enter to continue. ")

In Python 2, use raw_input() :

raw_input("Press Enter to continue. ")

This only waits for the user to press enter though.

On Windows/DOS, one might want to use msvcrt . The msvcrt module gives you access to a number of functions in the Microsoft Visual C/C++ Runtime Library (MSVCRT):

import msvcrt as m
def wait():

This should wait for a key press.

In Python 3, raw_input() does not exist.

In Python 2, input(prompt) is equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)) .

How to stop a program when a key is pressed in python?

from pynput import keyboard
import time

break_program = False
def on_press(key):
global break_program
print (key)
if key == keyboard.Key.end:
print ('end pressed')
break_program = True
return False

with keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:
while break_program == False:
print ('program running')


How to press enter to exit python program using a while loop

Solution «Only one choice» If you want the program to exit once the inner loop finishes then you can remove the outer loop completely: Solution «Switch between choices» If you want to give the user the option to switch to a different conversion type then add another at the end of the main loop: Solution «Choices without loop» If you want the user to select the type for each conversion independently then remove the inner loop: Code: Solution:

How to press enter to exit python program using a while loop

program keeps on looping when pressing enter.

The program print goodbye on preesin enter, but then keeps on looping back again

How can I exit, when Pressing enter(without using break)?

choice = input("Enter selection:,\n " "(X) exit,\n " "(1) Celsius to kelvin,\n " "(2) celsius to fahrenheit,\n " "(3) kelvin to celsius,\n " "(4) kelvin to fahrenheit,\n " "(5) fahrenhiet to celsius,\n " "(6) fahrenheit to kelvin\n") choice = choice.upper() while choice[0] != "X" : if choice[0] == '1': celsius = input("Enter Celsius(integer), or press enter to exit") while celsius: celsius = int(celsius) #function to convert Celsius to kelvin answer = cel_to_kel(celsius) print("Kelvin is ", answer) celsius = input("Enter celsius, or press enter to exit") print("Goodbye") 
while 1: celsius = input("Enter celsius, or press enter to exit") if not celsius: break #function to convert Celsius to kelvin answer = cel_to_kel(int(celsius)) print("Kelvin is ", answer) print("Goodbye") 

Put an if statement that looks at the value:

Pressing enter returns an empty string with input, so using an if statement you can check to see if it is empty or not. After that, it’s as simple as breaking the loop (or doing something else you want).


The problem is that you have two loops with different conditions:

choice = input() while choice != "X": if choice == "1": celsius = input() while celsius: . celsius = input() 

The inner loop stops once the user doesn’t input anything to celsius . But the outer loop keeps running forever because choice never changes.

Solution «Only one choice»

If you want the program to exit once the inner loop finishes then you can remove the outer loop completely:

choice = input() if choice == "1": celsius = input() while celsius: . celsius = input() 

Solution «Switch between choices»

If you want to give the user the option to switch to a different conversion type then add another input at the end of the main loop:

choice = input() while choice != "X": if choice == "1": celsius = input() while celsius: . celsius = input() choice = input() 

Solution «Choices without loop»

If you want the user to select the type for each conversion independently then remove the inner loop:

choice = input() while choice != "X": if choice == "1": celsius = input() if celsius: . choice = input() 

Python — How to exit program using the enter key, Michael Dawson says in his book Python Programming (Third Edition, page 14) that if I enter input(«\n\nPress the enter key to exit.») when the …

Press ENTER to exit program in Python not working

Trying to get my code to exit on the press of the enter button and I’m running into a ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: » , but it’s telling me that my error is on the line simulations_num = int(simulations) . Anybody have an idea?

simulations = input("How many times would you like to run the simulation? ") # Invalid answer, system exit if (not simulations) or int(simulations)  

I've also attempted if simulations == '' to no avail. I have noticed that if simulations_num = int(simulations) isn't involved, the code works fine, but that part of the code (or something similar) is necessary for the rest of the code

You need to raise SystemExit() , or just use sys.exit() (which does the same thing).

you need to raise an error, or at least use sys.exit(0) . The working principle is this:

import sys if not input(': ').lower() in ['yes','y','1']: sys.exit(0) 

applied to your example would be this

simulations = input("How many times would you like to run the simulation? ") import sys # Invalid answer, system exit if (not simulations) or int(simulations)  

raise RuntimeError() would also be good

First of all, you need to add the "raise" keyword infront of SystemExit for it to work properly. Second, to build a situation, in which you have to press enter for the program to exit, you can use input().

simulations = input("How many times would you like to run the simulation? ") # Invalid answer, system exit if (not simulations) or int(simulations)  

Python, Press Any Key To Exit, Install with pip install py-getch, and use it like this: from getch import pause pause () This prints 'Press any key to continue . . .' by default. Provide a …

"Press enter to exit" does not work

I have started to read the book Python for absolute beginners (3rd edition) by Michael Dawson. And one of the first challenges in the book is to run a programme the author wrote to see what it does. That is what it looks like:

# Game Over # Demonstrates the print function print("Game Over") input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") 

When I then continue to run the module the following comes up.

"> RESTART: some of my information

Press the enter key to exit."

However, when I press Enter, the programme does not quit, like he said it would do in the book. He says, the window would disappear, which it does not.

What is wrong with my computer? I have a MacBook, am however using the newest python software from the website.

If you could help me, I would be very grateful, as I am just starting out and am a little wondered what is wrong with my stuff.

Answer based on comment of OP:

When I then hit enter the following comes: ">>>" with every tap on enter a new line with those three characters appears. The problem still does not close though

So, after pressing enter, you see

and if you press enter again, you see

The "program" (which is the python script) is actually closed, and you have exited. The >>> you see is the python prompt.

To exit the python prompt, type exit() and press enter

I think this will work First, install keyboard package using this code

import keyboard # Game Over # Demonstrates the print function print("Game Over\n\nPress the enter key to exit.") while True: if keyboard.is_pressed("enter"): exit(0) 

Press Enter to exit While Loop in Python 3.4, Add a comment. 2. Keep the user's input as a string until you check its contents: total = 0 count = 0 while 1: data = input ("Enter a number or press …

Python exit the loop on ENTER keypress [duplicate]

So I am writing a small code and I want to exit a particular loop when the user presses 'ENTER' key. I am a beginner so please help me with this.

def leapYear(year): if year%4==0: print("\nThe year", year, "is a leap year!") else: print("\nThe year", year, "is NOT a leap year!") print('') main() def main(): while True: year = int(input("Please enter a 4-digit year \n[or 'ENTER' to quit]: ")) if year == "": break leapYear(year) 

Try checking the input against the empty string:

while True: text = raw_input("Prompt (or press Enter to Exit): ") if text == "": break # Code if the user inputted something 

How to press enter to exit python program using a while, 3 Answers. while 1: celsius = input ("Enter celsius, or press enter to exit") if not celsius: break #function to convert Celsius to kelvin answer = …


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