Placing Text on PDF File Using PHP
Upon review, it is apparent that the line break caused by the comma will result in the insertion of a new cell below the current position. For instance, if the length of the text in the first cell is 50 and the length of the text in the second cell is 100, the difference in their heights makes it impossible to create them as a table row.
Wrap Text in Fpdf in Php
Substitute Cell() with MultiCell() .
$pdf->MultiCell( 20, 7, 'Hi5(xtra)', 1);
The MultiCell() function enables the printing of text with multiple lines.
From my observation, whenever MultiCell() is implemented, the line is broken, resulting in the placement of a new cell below the current position.
To compute the new position, you can determine the coordinates for both x and y . Afterwards, output each cell and set its position.
AddPage(); $start_x=$pdf->GetX(); //initial x (start of column position) $current_y = $pdf->GetY(); $current_x = $pdf->GetX(); $cell_width = 20; //define cell width $cell_height=7; //define cell height $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',16); $pdf->MultiCell($cell_width,$cell_height,'Hi1',1); //print one cell value $current_x+=$cell_width; //calculate position for next cell $pdf->SetXY($current_x, $current_y); //set position for next cell to print $pdf->MultiCell($cell_width,$cell_height,'Hi2',1); //printing next cell $current_x+=$cell_width; //re-calculate position for next cell $pdf->SetXY($current_x, $current_y); //set position for next cell $pdf->MultiCell($cell_width,$cell_height,'Hi3',1); $current_x+=$cell_width; $pdf->Ln(); $current_x=$start_x; //set x to start_x (beginning of line) $current_y+=$cell_height; //increase y by cell_height to print on next line $pdf->SetXY($current_x, $current_y); $pdf->MultiCell($cell_width,$cell_height,'Hi4',1); $current_x+=$cell_width; $pdf->SetXY($current_x, $current_y); $pdf->MultiCell($cell_width,$cell_height,'Hi5(xtra)',1); $current_x+=$cell_width; $pdf->SetXY($current_x, $current_y); $pdf->MultiCell($cell_width,$cell_height,'Hi5',1); $current_x+=$cell_width; $pdf->SetXY($current_x, $current_y); $pdf->Output(); ?>
I believe that Multicell is not the answer to this issue due to the drawbacks associated with its usage.
line breaks
- The image in MSDTHOT may extend into the next row.
- It is impossible to predict the height of a cell as it may vary depending on the length of the text. For instance, if the first cell has a text length of 50 and the second cell has a text length of 100, their respective heights will differ, making it difficult to include them as rows in a table. Although the previous solution addresses line breaks, it does not offer a fix for overlapping issues.
Introducing a fresh approach to address the issue, wherein the desired outcome is achieved by utilizing only the cell in the newly created vcell() function.
$lengthToSplit)< $w_text=str_split($text,$lengthToSplit); $this->SetX($x_axis); $this->Cell($c_width,$w_w_1,$w_text[0],'','',''); if(isset($w_text[1])) < $this->SetX($x_axis); $this->Cell($c_width,$w_w1,$w_text[1],'','',''); > $this->SetX($x_axis); $this->Cell($c_width,$c_height,'','LTRB',0,'L',0); > else< $this->SetX($x_axis); $this->Cell($c_width,$c_height,$text,'LTRB',0,'L',0);> > > $pdf = new ConductPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',16); $pdf->Ln(); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $c_width=20;// cell width $c_height=6;// cell height $text="aim success ";// content $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'Hi1');// pass all values inside the cell $x_axis=$pdf->getx();// now get current pdf x axis value $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'Hi2'); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'Hi3'); $pdf->Ln(); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $c_width=20; $c_height=12; $text="aim success "; $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'Hi4'); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'Hi5(xtra)'); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'Hi5'); $pdf->Ln(); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $c_width=20; $c_height=12; $text="All the best"; $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'Hai'); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'VICKY'); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,$text); $pdf->Ln(); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $c_width=20; $c_height=6; $text="Good"; $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'Hai'); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,'vignesh'); $x_axis=$pdf->getx(); $pdf->vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,$text); $pdf->Output(); ?>
function vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,$text)< $w_w=$c_height/3; $w_w_1=$w_w+2; $w_w1=$w_w+$w_w+$w_w+3; // $w_w2=$w_w+$w_w+$w_w+$w_w+3;// for 3 rows wrap $len=strlen($text);// check the length of the cell and splits the text into 7 character each and saves in a array if($len>7)< $w_text=str_split($text,7);// splits the text into length of 7 and saves in a array since we need wrap cell of two cell we took $w_text[0], $w_text[1] alone. // if we need wrap cell of 3 row then we can go for $w_text[0],$w_text[1],$w_text[2] $this->SetX($x_axis); $this->Cell($c_width,$w_w_1,$w_text[0],'','',''); $this->SetX($x_axis); $this->Cell($c_width,$w_w1,$w_text[1],'','',''); //$this->SetX($x_axis); // $this->Cell($c_width,$w_w2,$w_text[2],'','','');// for 3 rows wrap but increase the $c_height it is very important. $this->SetX($x_axis); $this->Cell($c_width,$c_height,'','LTRB',0,'L',0); > else< $this->SetX($x_axis); $this->Cell($c_width,$c_height,$text,'LTRB',0,'L',0);> >
Despite attempting various solutions, none of them proved successful in fixing the broken table row. However, after implementing an alternative solution, the problem was resolved significantly.
$pdf=new PDF_MC_Table(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',14); //Table with 20 rows and 4 columns $pdf->SetWidths(array(30,50,30,40)); srand(microtime()*1000000); for($i=0;$i<20;$i++) $pdf->Row(array("test","test testtesttesttest ","test","test testtesttesttest ")); $pdf->Output();
The mentioned resource is related to the library called FPDF.
Convert text to PDF in PHP, Yes its a batch job, it’ll convert fairly large text documents (about 1MB) into pdf files. There isn’t need for many features, except perhaps being able to insert images or links at the top of the file. Apart from that it …
Positioning text over pdf file in PHP
There are two methods I’ve used in the past to accomplish this task, with the easiest one being: Assuming only one entry exists per row (such as Attendee Name or Event Name), begin a cell at the far left, spanning the entire width of the page, and then select the center option.
$pdf->SetXY(0,62); //0 extends full width, $height needs to be set to cell height. $pdf->Cell(0, $height, "Attendee Name", 0, 0, 'C');
Another choice is to compute the midpoint and adjust the value of X accordingly.
//how wide is the page? $midPtX = $pdf->GetPageWidth() / 2; //now we need to know how long the write string is $attendeeNameWidth = $pdf->GetStringWidth($attendeeName); //now we need to divide that by two to calculate the shift $shiftLeft = $attendeeNameWidth / 2; //now calculate our new X value $x = $midPtX - $shiftLeft; //now apply your shift for the answer $pdf->setXY($x, 62); $pdf->Write(0, "Attendee Name");
You can apply the same process to the remaining components.
You require a method to determine the length of a string in pixels, which is 120 pixels in this case, and also need to ascertain the page width in pixels.
Once you place the string at x = (pagewidth/2 — stringwidth/2), you’re good to go.
To achieve this in FPDI, use both GetStringWidth and GetPageWidth .
To adjust the height of the string, you can employ a similar technique. By breaking the string down into individual words and measuring the width of each one, you can determine when the width becomes excessive. This allows you to split the string into two sections and center each one separately.
Writing/Drawing over a PDF template document in PHP, I’d like to be able to write/overlay text over an existing pdf document using PHP. What I am hoping to do is have a pdf document that can act as a template, and fill in the gaps by opening the template doc, overlaying the relevant text, and serving the result as a new document.
How to add Header and Footer in the created PDF file in php
To accomplish this task, simply access an object, generate your content, close it, and then include the object in your PDF. For the appropriate class methods, please refer to pages 18-19 (PDF pages 21-22) of the latest (2021) documentation.
selectFont('fonts/Helvetica.afm'); $footer = $pdf->openObject(); $pdf->addText(50, 50, 8, "some footer text"); $pdf->line(50,60,562,60); $pdf->closeObject(); $pdf->addObject($footer, "all"); $pdf->ezText('Hello World!',50); $pdf->ezStream(); ?>
BrianS’s solution is used 90% of the time.
The complexity of footers can increase significantly when the height of the content is not known beforehand.
An example of a suitable format for a receipt with a remittance label that can be torn off is as follows:
$ok = 0; $offset = (0 - $pdf->y); while (!$ok) < $thisPageNum = $pdf->ezPageCount; $pdf->transaction('start'); $offset = $offset + 1; $this->ezSetDy($offset); // Add your content here if ($this->ezPageCount==$thisPageNum) < $this->transaction('commit'); $ok=1; > else < $this->transaction('rewind'); > >
This will ensure that your content is displayed at the end of the final page.
To add content, consider utilizing openObject and closeObject for the while iteration, allowing only the insertion to be redone.
Modified following a prolonged period.
Utilizing this example, the latest version of R&OS PDF is now included in the answer.
openObject(); $pdf->saveState(); // header line and text $pdf->addText(20, 800, 14, 'This is header text'); $pdf->line(20, 790, 580, 790); // footer line and text $pdf->line(20, 40, 578, 40); $pdf->addText(20, 30, 8, 'Left side header text'); $pdf->addText(580, 30, 8, 'Right side header text', 0, 'right'); $pdf->restoreState(); $pdf->closeObject(); $pdf->addObject($all,'all'); $pdf->ezSetMargins(100, 100, 50, 50); // content text $text = str_repeat("This is your content.\n", 100); $pdf->ezText($text, 0, ['justification' => 'full']); // output $pdf->ezStream(['Content-Disposition' => 'mypdf.pdf']); ?>
Consider using this solution for the header and footer:
PDF ‘objects’ allow you to include images and shapes such as lines and rectangles on each page. These objects serve as a template that records all the rendering commands and can be applied to several pages.
Filling PDF Forms with PHP, The pdftk command can generate an FDF file from a PDF form file. You can then use the generated FDF file as a sample. The form fields are the portion of the FDF file that looks like << /T(f1-1) /V(text of field) >> << /T(f1-2) /V(text of another field) >> You might also check out php-pdftk, which is a …<>
Position array text in PHP GD on middle of specific part of image
I have an array of a string to fit on a page, i managed to center it horizontal now i need to do that vertical in a specific part of image.
$imgWidth = 240; $imgHeight = 900; $IMG = imagecreatetruecolor($imgWidth,$imgHeight); $font_type_bold = '/dejavu/DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf'; $background = imagecolorallocate($IMG, 78,129,154); $text_white = imagecolorallocate($IMG, 255,255,255); $IMG = imagecreatetruecolor($imgWidth,$imgHeight); $max_lenght_of_title = 15; $special_issue_name_mod="This is some example text to be put on the page and split into array to fit he width of frame"; $text = explode("\n", wordwrap($special_issue_name_mod, $max_lenght_of_title)); $line_height=30; imageline($IMG, 0, 500, 240, 500, $text_white); imageline($IMG, 0, 100, 240, 100, $text_white); for($i=0;$i header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($IMG); imagecolordeallocate($IMG, $text_color ); imagecolordeallocate($IMG, $background );
The result is this and i need it to be in specific part of page, for example selected one So how can i make this to not be the fixed middle but adjustive one depending on what part of page the text will be. Note: Text can be longer, so thats the main problem. Depending on lenght of text the title should be in the middle