Получение длины массива php


Подсчитывает все элементы в массиве, если используется массив. Если используется объект, который реализует интерфейс Countable , функция возвращает результат выполнения метода Countable::count() .

Список параметров

Массив или объект, реализующий Countable .

Если необязательный параметр mode установлен в COUNT_RECURSIVE (или 1), count() будет рекурсивно подсчитывать количество элементов массива. Это особенно полезно для подсчёта всех элементов многомерных массивов.

count() умеет определять рекурсию для избежания бесконечного цикла, но при каждом обнаружении выводит ошибку уровня E_WARNING (в случае, если массив содержит себя более одного раза) и возвращает большее количество, чем могло бы ожидаться.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает количество элементов в value . До PHP 8.0.0, если параметр не был ни массивом ( array ), ни объектом ( object ), реализующим интерфейс Countable , возвращалось 1 , если значение параметра value не было null , в этом случае возвращалось 0 .

Список изменений

Версия Описание
8.0.0 count() теперь выбрасывает TypeError , если передан недопустимый исчисляемый тип в параметр value .
7.2.0 count() теперь будет выдавать предупреждение о недопустимых исчисляемых типах, переданных в параметр value .


Пример #1 Пример использования count()

$a [ 0 ] = 1 ;
$a [ 1 ] = 3 ;
$a [ 2 ] = 5 ;
var_dump ( count ( $a ));

$b [ 0 ] = 7 ;
$b [ 5 ] = 9 ;
$b [ 10 ] = 11 ;
var_dump ( count ( $b ));

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Пример #2 Пример использования count() с неисчисляемым типом (плохой пример — не делайте так)

$b [ 0 ] = 7 ;
$b [ 5 ] = 9 ;
$b [ 10 ] = 11 ;
var_dump ( count ( $b ));

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Результат выполнения данного примера в PHP 7.2:

int(3) Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in … on line 12 int(0) Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in … on line 14 int(1)

Результат выполнения данного примера в PHP 8:

int(3) Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($var) must be of type Countable .. on line 12

Пример #3 Пример рекурсивного использования count()

$food = array( ‘fruits’ => array( ‘orange’ , ‘banana’ , ‘apple’ ),
‘veggie’ => array( ‘carrot’ , ‘collard’ , ‘pea’ ));

// рекурсивный подсчёт
var_dump ( count ( $food , COUNT_RECURSIVE ));

// обычный подсчёт
var_dump ( count ( $food ));

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Пример #4 Объект, реализующий интерфейс Countable

class CountOfMethods implements Countable
private function someMethod ()

public function count (): int
return count ( get_class_methods ( $this ));

$obj = new CountOfMethods ();
var_dump ( count ( $obj ));

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Смотрите также

  • is_array() — Определяет, является ли переменная массивом
  • isset() — Определяет, была ли установлена переменная значением, отличным от null
  • empty() — Проверяет, пуста ли переменная
  • strlen() — Возвращает длину строки
  • is_countable() — Проверить, что содержимое переменной является счётным значением
  • Массивы

User Contributed Notes 18 notes

[Editor’s note: array at from dot pl had pointed out that count() is a cheap operation; however, there’s still the function call overhead.]

If you want to run through large arrays don’t use count() function in the loops , its a over head in performance, copy the count() value into a variable and use that value in loops for a better performance.

$food = array( ‘fruits’ => array( ‘orange’ , ‘banana’ , ‘apple’ ),
‘veggie’ => array( ‘carrot’ , ‘collard’ , ‘pea’ ));

// recursive count
var_dump ( count ( $food , COUNT_RECURSIVE ));

with the output given as int(8), it may have some readers mistaken, as I was at first: one might take it as keys being counted as well as the inner array entries:

// NO:
‘fruits’ , ‘orange’ , ‘banana’ , ‘apple’ ,
‘veggie’ , ‘carrot’ , ‘collard’ , ‘pea’

But actually keys are not counted in count function, and why it is still 8 — because inner arrays are counted as entries as well as their inner elements:

// YES:
array( ‘orange’ , ‘banana’ , ‘apple’ ), ‘orange’ , ‘banana’ , ‘apple’ ,
array( ‘carrot’ , ‘collard’ , ‘pea’ ), ‘carrot’ , ‘collard’ , ‘pea’

For a Non Countable Objects

$count = count($data);
print «Count: $count\n»;

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in example.php on line 159

#Quick fix is to just cast the non-countable object as an array..

$count = count((array) $data);
print «Count: $count\n»;

If you are on PHP 7.2+, you need to be aware of «Changelog» and use something like this:

$countFruits = is_array ( $countFruits ) || $countFruits instanceof Countable ? count ( $countFruits ) : 0 ;

You can organize your code to ensure that the variable is an array, or you can extend the Countable so that you don’t have to do this check.

I actually find the following function more useful when it comes to multidimension arrays when you do not want all levels of the array tree.

// $limit is set to the number of recursions
function count_recursive ( $array , $limit ) <
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $array as $id => $_array ) <
if ( is_array ( $_array ) && $limit > 0 ) <
$count += count_recursive ( $_array , $limit — 1 );
> else <
$count += 1 ;
return $count ;

My function returns the number of elements in array for multidimensional arrays subject to depth of array. (Almost COUNT_RECURSIVE, but you can point on which depth you want to plunge).

function getArrCount ( $arr , $depth = 1 ) <
if (! is_array ( $arr ) || ! $depth ) return 0 ;

foreach ( $arr as $in_ar )
$res += getArrCount ( $in_ar , $depth — 1 );

A function of one line to find the number of elements that are not arrays, recursively :

All the previous recursive count solutions with $depth option would not avoid infinite loops in case the array contains itself more than once.
Here’s a working solution:

* Recursively count elements in an array. Behaves exactly the same as native
* count() function with the $depth option. Meaning it will also add +1 to the
* total count, for the parent element, and not only counting its children.
* @param $arr
* @param int $depth
* @param int $i (internal)
* @return int
public static function countRecursive (& $arr , $depth = 0 , $i = 0 ) <
$i ++;
* In case the depth is 0, use the native count function
if (empty( $depth )) <
return count ( $arr , COUNT_RECURSIVE );
$count = 0 ;
* This can occur only the first time when the method is called and $arr is not an array
if (! is_array ( $arr )) <
return count ( $arr );

// if this key is present, it means you already walked this array
if (isset( $arr [ ‘__been_here’ ])) <
return 0 ;

// you need to unset it when done because you’re working with a reference.
unset( $arr [ ‘__been_here’ ]);
return $count ;

Get maxWidth and maxHeight of a two dimensional array.

1st dimension = Y (height)
2nd dimension = X (width)
e.g. rows and cols in database result arrays

$TwoDimensionalArray = array( 0 => array( ‘key’ => ‘value’ , . ), . );

So for Y (maxHeight)
$maxHeight = count ( $TwoDimensionalArray )

And for X (maxWidth)
$maxWidth = max ( array_map ( ‘count’ , $TwoDimensionalArray ) );

Simple? 😉

You can not get collect sub array count when there is only one sub array in an array:

$a = array ( array (‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’));
$b = array ( array (‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’), array (‘e’,’f’,’g’,’h’));

echo count($a); // 4 NOT 1, expect 1
echo count($b); // 2, expected

As I see in many codes, don’t use count to iterate through array.
Onlyranga says you could declare a variable to store it before the for loop.
I agree with his/her approach, using count in the test should be used ONLY if you have to count the size of the array for each loop.

You can do it in the for loop too, so you don’t have to «search» where the variable is set.
$array = [ 1 , 5 , ‘element’ ];
for( $i = 0 , $c = count ( $array ); $i < $c ; $i ++)
var_dump ( $array [ $i ]);

You can not get collect sub array count when use the key on only one sub array in an array:

$a = array(«a»=>»appple», b»=>array(‘a’=>array(1,2,3),’b’=>array(1,2,3)));
$b = array(«a»=>»appple», «b»=>array(array(‘a’=>array(1,2,3),’b’=>array(1,2,3)), array(1,2,3),’b’=>array(1,2,3)), array(‘a’=>array(1,2,3),’b’=>array(1,2,3))));

echo count($a[‘b’]); // 2 NOT 1, expect 1
echo count($b[‘b’]); // 3, expected

To get the count of the inner array you can do something like:

$inner_count = count($array[0]);
echo ($inner_count);

About 2d arrays, you have many way to count elements :

$MyArray = array ( array( 1 , 2 , 3 ),
1 ,
‘a’ ,
array( ‘a’ , ‘b’ , ‘c’ , ‘d’ ) );

// All elements
echo count ( $MyArray , COUNT_RECURSIVE ); // output 11 (9 values + 2 arrays)

// First level elements
echo count ( $MyArray ); // output 4 (2 values+ 2 arrays)

// Both level values, but only values
echo( array_sum ( array_map ( ‘count’ , $MyArray ))); //output 9 (9 values)

// Only second level values
echo ( count ( $MyArray , COUNT_RECURSIVE )- count ( $MyArray )); //output 7 ((all elements) — (first elements))

In special situations you might only want to count the first level of the array to figure out how many entries you have, when they have N more key-value-pairs.

$data = [
‘a’ => [
‘bla1’ => [
0 => ‘asdf’ ,
1 => ‘asdf’ ,
2 => ‘asdf’ ,
‘bla2’ => [
0 => ‘asdf’ ,
1 => ‘asdf’ ,
2 => ‘asdf’ ,
‘bla3’ => [
0 => ‘asdf’ ,
1 => ‘asdf’ ,
2 => ‘asdf’ ,
‘bla4’ => [
0 => ‘asdf’ ,
1 => ‘asdf’ ,
2 => ‘asdf’ ,
‘b’ => [
‘bla1’ => [
0 => ‘asdf’ ,
1 => ‘asdf’ ,
2 => ‘asdf’ ,
‘bla2’ => [
0 => ‘asdf’ ,
1 => ‘asdf’ ,
2 => ‘asdf’ ,
‘c’ => [
‘bla1’ => [
0 => ‘asdf’ ,
1 => ‘asdf’ ,
2 => ‘asdf’ ,
$count = array_sum ( array_values ( array_map ( ‘count’ , $data )));
// will return int(7)
var_dump ( $count );

// will return 31
var_dump ( count ( $data , 1 ));

If you want to know the sub-array containing the MAX NUMBER of values in a 3 dimensions array, here is a try (maybe not the nicest way, but it works):

function how_big_is_the_biggest_sub ($array) // we parse the 1st level
foreach ($array AS $key => $array_lvl2) //within level 2, we count the 3d levels max
$lvl2_nb = array_map( ‘count’, $array_lvl2) ;
$max_nb = max($lvl2_nb);
// we store the matching keys, it might be usefull
$max_key = array_search($max_nb, $lvl2_nb);
$max_nb_all[$max_key.’|’.$key] = $max_nb;
// now we want the max from all levels 2, so one more time
$real_max = max($max_nb_all);
$real_max_key = array_search($real_max, $max_nb_all);
list($real_max_key2, $real_max_key1) = explode(‘|’, $real_max_key);
// preparing result
$biggest_sub[‘max’] = $real_max;
$biggest_sub[‘key1’] = $real_max_key1;
$biggest_sub[‘key2’] = $real_max_key2;

return $biggest_sub;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Juniors’][] = 55;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Juniors’][] = 61;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Juniors’][] = 68;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Juniors’][] = 76;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Juniors’][] = 100;

$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 55;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 60;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 67;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 75;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 84;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 90;
$cat_poids_max[‘M’][‘Seniors’][] = 100;
$cat_poids_max[‘F’][‘Juniors’][] = 52;
$cat_poids_max[‘F’][‘Juniors’][] = 65;
$cat_poids_max[‘F’][‘Juniors’][] = 74;
$cat_poids_max[‘F’][‘Juniors’][] = 100;

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