Png to css data

PNG Encoder

Encode PNG to Base64, JSON, XML, URI, and CSS online with high quality in a couple of clicks.

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Encode PNG on the fly!

PNG Encoder is a free web application that converts PNG document’s content to its equivalent string representation encoded with base-64 digits. Base64 is an encoding scheme to transform binary data into an ASCII text format. It is generally used to transfer data over the Internet. Our online app is secure, easy to use and completely free; you don’t have to download any software for such tasks.

PNG Encoder is a tool that helps you convert binary data to a string format that uses 64 ASCII characters. PNG Encoder provides examples for Base64, data URI, JSON, XML, and others. You can choose the output format that you need. Then you may save the result to your device or copy and paste it where you require it. Check PNG Encoder just now for free!

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Why encode PNG Files?
Historically, many data transfer and storage formats use text instead of binary code (HTML, URL-schemes, XML, email, so on). What if the data transfer format is text-based, but you require to transfer the binary data? This is where Base64 encoding comes in. Preliminary processing of PNG format is required that the data remains intact without modification during transport or embedded into other documents. Encoding PNG to Base64, JSON, XML, URI, or CSS solves these problems. There are some typical applying of Base64 Encoding: data URI schemes for images (CSS, HTML); transferring pictures and other binary data to XML; storing images in a database in XML or JSON; sending data by email via MIME.

  • High performance & High quality
  • Flexible and friendly interface
  • Encode PNG easily, quickly and safely
  • No registration or software installation

How to encode PNG

  • Click inside the file drop area to upload PNG or drag & drop a file. Note: You can upload one file for the operation.
  • Run the application by clicking the Encode button. After the PNG encoding performing, the text area will be filled with encoded text.
  • The link for downloading the result will be available immediately after the operation is completed. Click the Download button to get the result.


Image To CSS Converter — img2css

Looking for a secured tool to convert Any Image to CSS? You are in the right spot to acknowledge the entire setup and details of “How to convert Image to CSS”. CSS can bring a simple and best ordering of content on your web page to enhance the page accessibility and maintain the formal standards. In that way, you may have n-number questions on your mind regarding how to operate the CSS converter. Trash your worries aside and use this blog as your support system to get an accurate conversion in no time.

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Generate CSS from «Image» Here:

Note: We recommend to use Image not CSS, as Image is an SEO friendly source rather CSS can be used in only at the unexpected places.

To be known: To enhance the website using the Image search, we have a source of ALT TAG that can bring an easy platform to crawl your relative images as per the content of the page & user search.

How to Convert Image to CSS?

  • First, click inside the file drop area to upload a file or drag & drop an Image.
  • Note: You must upload only one file at a time.
  • Then, click on to Encode button with preference to your settings like CSS & other needs like Base64 and such. Wait until the transformation of Image to CSS encoding.
  • Now, you can see the Image file will be encoded to CSS ie rendered as a text string.
  • Finally, you can easily download the link as soon as the file is encoded and can be saved or shared as per your requirements.

What is CSS? & How it is useful for the web page?

CSS abbreviates Cascading style sheet is the form of style sheet language which represents the markup languages like HTML or XML, SVG, MathML, or XHTML. It is the cornerstone technology of the world wide web with the support of HTML and JavaScript.

What does CSS do?

  • You have a chance to add new looks to your previous/old HTML documents.
  • You have an option to completely change the look of your website with only a few changes in CSS code.
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What is an Image?

Image is the representation of the external form of any particular object or person with reference to a pixel. To bring it to simple words, a collection of pixels makes a perfect image with standard resolution.

Why use CSS?

These are the three major benefits of CSS:

#1 Solves a big problem:

Before the process of launching the CSS- you have options like font, color, background style, element alignments, border, and size reference to every web page basis. As it is a lengthy process, we recommend to use External CSS.

For example: If you are raising a large website, where fonts and color information are listed on every single page, it will be developing a long & restricted process. CSS was generated to resolve this problem. Finally, it was a W3C recommendation.

#2 Saves a lot of time:

CSS style definitions are protected in external CSS files so it is conceivable to modify the complete website by altering one file.

#3 Provide more attributes:

CSS delivers more comprehensive features like plain HTML to define the look & feel of the website.

Encode Image to CSS:

Encode Image to CSS Converter is a free web application that helps encode image file formats content into complete CSS files that can be easily used on your site for web page enhancement. In addition to this CSS, we have Base64, which is used to perform encoding to transform binary data into an ASCII text format. Base64 encoding is generally used only at the necessary places to encode binary information that is required to be stored and transferred over media intended to work with documented data. To learn more about Base64, continue with How to Change the Image to Base64.

Use our given converter which is completely safe to access and upload your documents. Our main intention is to provide protective access on converting the img2css with easy to use and completely free source to use & extract the accurate output.

Why is CSS encoding needed?

In history, various data transfer and storage formats will use only text instead of binary code (HTML, URL-schemes, XML, email, and so on). If your data format is completely dependent upon the text-based, how would you transfer the binary data? To provide a solution to this, we have a CSS encoding recommendation.

Preliminary processing of Image format is most essential for the data to remain intact without any changes during transport or embed into other (HTML, XML, JSON, or CSS) documents. Encoding Images to CSS has enormous advantages which are listed below.

  • You will receive High encoding quality
  • Quick access & results and which provides space to encode SVG or images
  • It has a huge NO- to limitations, registration, and installation of additional software
  • You can work from any of your favorite devices
  • Easy to Save and download the derived output
  • Additionally, you can also try online Encoders: SVG Encoder, Image Encoder, JPG Encoder, PNG Encoder, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • In order to avoid the misunderstanding of binary symbols during the process of sending data over the Internet, you are recommended to encode them into characters. When it comes to the Image to CSS converter process (applying a group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that signifies binary data more precisely, a sequence of 8-bit bytes) in an ASCII string format by translating the data into a radix-64 illustration.
  • To begin with, add a file for encoding ie. to convert the image to CSS: drag & drop your Image or click within the marked blue area to choose a file. Give the required option to perform the next process. When Image to CSS conversion is made, you can download the result.
  • While using the given online img2css converter, as it works faster, you can complete the process within a few seconds.
  • Absolutely, yes — your files are super protected and without any further hesitation- you can easily convert them using your compatible system devices.


Храните мелкие картинки в CSS

Храните мелкие картинки, которые нельзя засунуть в спрайты, в data:image base64 в CSS — это экономит кучу запросов к вебсерверу.

Кодируем изображение в base64 с помощью онлайн сервисов, вроде сервиса от DailyCoding (очень удобно, ничего лишнего).
Кладем получившуюся строку в CSS файл, заменяя «ТИП» на MIME-тип вашего изображения — jpeg/png/gif или (OMG!) bmp и «КОД» на нужную строку в base64:

Теперь можно смело подключать нужному элементу стиль some_background и наслаждаться двумя запросами к вебсерверу (html + css), вместо трех (html + css + изображение).

Пример реализации с изображениями:
images.html — 361 байт
images/images.css — 305 байт
images/test1.png — 1 600 байт
images/test2.png — 1 143 байт
Итого — 3 409 байт

Пример реализации с base64.
base64.html — 361 байт
images/base64.css — 3 991 байт
Итого — 4 352 байт

Пример работы готового инструмента Jammit:
(Google Chrome, ~60 Мбит/сек):


До (102 запроса, 73,23 КБ передано, 3.41 сек):


После (2 запроса, 153,88 КБ передано, 0,94 сек):

  • уменьшение числа запросов к вебсерверу;
  • меньшее засорение кеша пользователя;
  • иногда уменьшение результативного объема изображения на больших файлах.
  • сложность обновления изображений;
  • иногда незначительное увеличение результативного объема изображения на мелких файлах.
  • Internet Explorer 5, 6 и 7 не добавляли в друзья base64, но в IE8 работает нормально. Ее можно включить, но не рекомендую это делать, лучше использовать mhtml (спасибо vitosik)

Использовать этот метод стоит уже после утверждения дизайна и верстки, поскольку обновлять изображения таким методом несколько дольше, чем обычно.

Для автоматического упаковывания изображений в base64 есть онлайн сервис, но можно использовать и PHP скрипт с регуляркой: (спасибо Serator)

* < padding:0; margin:0; >html < display:table; width:100%; height:100%; >body < margin:auto 0; overflow-y:scroll; background:hsl(0,0%,30%) url(images/background.svg) no-repeat; >.px_sort_0 .px_sort_1/* margin:0 5px; */ .px_status_0 .px_status_1 .px_delete .px_help .px_info .px_return .px_watch .px_home [data-beforeAddContent]:before
* < padding:0; margin:0; >html < display:table; width:100%; height:100%; >body < margin:auto 0; overflow-y:scroll; background:hsl(0,0%,30%) url() no-repeat; >.px_sort_0 .px_sort_1/* margin:0 5px; */ .px_status_0 .px_status_1 .px_delete .px_help .px_info .px_return .px_watch .px_home [data-beforeAddContent]:before

Для Ruby on Rails есть примочка Jammit, которая упаковывает изображения в CSS, а так же делает кучу других плюшек (спасибо vitosik).


Base64 . Guru

A virtual teacher who reveals to you the great secrets of Base64

PNG to Base64

Convert PNG to Base64 online and use it as a generator, which provides ready-made examples for data URI, img src, CSS background-url, and others. The PNG to Base64 converter is identical to Image to Base64, with the only difference that it forces the mime type to be “image/png” (even if the uploaded file has a different content type or it cannot be detected). Please note that the PNG to Base64 encoder accepts any images types with a size of up to 50 MB. If you are looking for the reverse process, check Base64 to PNG.

About PNG

  • Name: Portable Network Graphics
  • Developer: PNG Development Group
  • MIME types: image/png
  • File Extensions: .png
  • Uniform Type Identifier: public.png
  • Type of Format: Lossless bitmap image

Output formats

If you do not know what output format you need, check the following examples to see how will look the result of the same Base64-encoded PNG image formatted in each of the available formats (as an example image I use a one-pixel red dot PNG file):

var img = new Image(); img.src = ""; document.body.appendChild(img);

If I missed an important output format for Base64-encoded PNG images, please let me know — I would love to implement it.

Comments (13)

I hope you enjoy this discussion. In any case, I ask you to join it.

I want to send emails from excel with a macro using an outlook account. I want to put one Base64 image on my email but. It’s impossible. Instead of the image into the email there is a square with a red x inside. I start writing the macro lilke this:

MensajeHTML = MensajeHTML & «1v73unsyedPRBCAgFkky2yQ1gUFRF0ZtxlHD9RZxyHcb7xm1FBHQSEAQSCIiqKIvu+hiSkk973/e5LLWf7/qjuTshGQro7xOf+ni»
. this continues with all the data collected from the Base64 field on this page till the last line wich is:
MensajeHTML = MensajeHTML & «ToFRBXwoSDW+uh2CY70haYFRBRQwlSi0+S6ggAKjCiigwKgCCigwqoACCigwqoACjh7+/wCoanLFlsvTqgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==/>»

It’s impossible to see the image on my email!


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