Please enable javascript safari

How to enable JavaScript in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari?

JavaScript has become an inevitable part of modern-day websites. Each and every website requires the latest JavaScript support and works flawlessly once allowed. We have a toggle inside every browser to switch on and off the JavaScript on our websites. If JavaScript is not enabled in our browsers, they react abnormally and prevent the user from using most of the functions and events.

Therefore, to use the websites efficiently we need to enable JavaScript. Following are the most popularly used browsers. We will be looking to enable JavaScript in these −

Google Chrome

Please follow the below steps to enable JavaScript on google chrome −

  • Click and Open chrome on your computer
  • Click the hamburger menu in the top right corner $\vdots$> and open Settings.
  • Click the Privacy and Security tab.
  • Now click on the Site Settings.
  • You will see the JavaScript option there, click on JavaScript.
  • Now Turn On Allowed (recommended)
Читайте также:  Passing Reference to "this" on href JavaScript Function

Mozilla Firefox

Please follow the below steps to enable the JavaScript on Mozilla Firefox −

  • Click and Open Mozilla Firefox on your computer.
  • On the web browser, click the Firefox menu and select Options.
  • In the Options window, select the Content tab.
  • Now Mark the Enable JavaScript Checkbox.
  • In the Options page, click on the OK button to close the dialog box.
  • The changes are done you could reload or open a new page to verify.


Please follow the below steps to enable the JavaScript on Safari −

  • Click and Launch the Safari Application from the Dock.
  • Click Safari and then Preferences located at the top of the screen from the main menu.
  • Now, Click on the Security icon.
  • You could see the Enable JavaScript option in the Web Content Section. Make sure it is checked.
  • Now close this window and open a new webpage.


Как включить JavaScript на Айфоне

Представьте ситуацию. На iPhone не корректно отображается сайт. Не открывается видео и анимация. Почему так происходит? Не активирован JavaScript. Что делать? Рассмотрим, как включить JavaScript на Айфоне.

Что это такое

JavaScript — скриптовый язык программирования. Работает в обозревателе пользователя. Делает сайты функциональными. На его основе пишется динамическая составлявшая современных сайтов. Рассмотрим подробнее, как активировать яваскрипт в Айфоне.

А нужно ли это

На яваскрипт создаются: кнопки, переключатели, модальные окна, слайдеры. Поэтому при работе в сети, активируйте JavaScript, иначе сайты будут некорректно работать.

Как включить на iPhone

Настройка обозревателя Safari происходит не в программе, а в настройках системы. Как это сделать? На Айфоне откройте настройки. Вверху экрана найдите поисковую форму, далее:
Прокрутите вниз список настроек, перейдите:
Установите переключатель в активное положение.

Как включить в обозревателе Safari

В Сафари откройте меню, перейдите:
Чтобы включить JS, активируйте в браузере пункт:


Мы рассмотрели, как активировать поддержку JavaScript на iPhone. Включите ее в телефоне, чтобы сайты корректно отображались.


О JavaScript — Как включить JavaScript в веб-браузере

  1. С Safari на Mac OS. Нажмите на Safari и выберите «Preferences…» (или Command+,) Если вы используете Safari на окнах. Нажмите кнопку Gear icon и выберите «Preferences«. Включите JavaScript в Safari
  2. В «Preferences» окне выберите вкладке «Security«. В вкладке «Security» секции «Web content» знак «Enable JavaScript» флажок. Включите JavaScript в Safari
  3. Закрыть Preferences всплывающего окна и перезагрузите страницу.

Включите JavaScript в Safari для IOS (iphone, ipod, ipad)

  1. Попадание на Settings значок. Включите JavaScript в Safari для IOS (iphone, ipod, ipad)
  2. Прокрутите вниз, пока не появится «Safari» Нажмите на нее, чтобы открыть опцию странице. Включите JavaScript в Safari для IOS (iphone, ipod, ipad)
  3. Включите «JavaScript» и вы сделали включите JavaScript в Safari на IOS. Включите JavaScript в Safari для IOS (iphone, ipod, ipad)

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How to Enable JavaScript on Apple Safari (iPad, iPhone iOS)

Are you having a hard time in trying to turn on JavaScript on your iPad or Apple iPhone device?

JavaScript has evolved into an essential tool that makes the web what it is today. It controls the dynamic elements of web pages, and most websites will fail to run correctly if your Apple Safari browser does not have its JavaScript enabled. Although disabling JavaScript offers browsers faster loading of a website, you should know that it reduces the overall browsing experience on your iPad or iPhone device.

Be it an iPhone 11, iPhone 10 or MacOS device, the steps in this guide will help you learn the simple process and benefits of enabling the JavaScript feature on your Safari browser.

Instructions for Web Developers

You may want to consider linking to this site, to educate any script-disabled users on how to enable JavaScript in six most commonly used browsers. You are free to use the code below and modify it according to your needs.

On we optimize the script-disabled user experience as much as we can:

  • The instructions for your browser are put at the top of the page
  • All the images are inlined, full-size, for easy perusing

We want your visitors to have JavaScript enabled just as much as you do!

What Is JavaScript and Why Do I Need It?

JavaScript is a type of code used by web developers to install and establish interactive content on websites – in essence, it allows web pages to dynamically load and send content in the background without page loads on your Apple Safari browser. Generally, JavaScript is used by modern websites to provide various features such as display advertisements – the reason why a small subset of internet users want it disabled.

However, disabling the JavaScript feature on your Safari web browser is much more of a hassle than it seems. If you turn off JavaScript on your browser, many websites won’t function properly. In most cases, you will also be unable to enjoy certain functions or view content that you are accustomed to accessing on JavaScript-based websites.

How to Enable JavaScript on Safari ​

Here’s how to turn on JavaScript on Safari:

1. Select the “Safari” icon on your home screen.

2. Scroll down the Settings page to find the menu item labelled “Safari”, and then select it.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Safari menu and choose “Advanced” – choosing this will reveal the advanced settings for your Safari browser.

4. On the Advanced menu, find the option for enabling or disabling “JavaScript” for your Safari browser. On finding the JavaScript option, you’ll see a button next to it.

5. Now slide this button to the right to turn on JavaScript on your Safari browser.

6. That’s it! You’ve just enabled JavaScript.

How to Disable JavaScript on Safari ​

Here’s how to turn off JavaScript on Safari:

1. Tap on the “Settings” icon on your home screen.

2. Scroll down the Settings page to find the menu item labelled “Safari”, and then select it.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Safari menu and choose “Advanced” – choosing this will reveal the advanced settings for your Safari browser.

4. On the Advanced menu, find the option for enabling or disabling “JavaScript” for your Safari browser. On finding the JavaScript option, you’ll see a button next to it.

5. Now slide this button to the left to turn off JavaScript on your Safari browser.

6. That’s it! You’ve just disabled JavaScript. ​

How to Enable JavaScript on Mac

Follow the steps below to activate JavaScript in Safari on Mac:

1. Open the Safari application by clicking on an icon that appears like a compass in your bottom toolbar.

2. Click on the “Safari” menu at the top left corner of the browser.

3. Under the Safari menu, find and click on “Preferences”. This will open a pop-up menu.

4. Move your cursor over to the “Security” tab and select it.

5. Now check the box beside “Enable JavaScript” to turn on JavaScript. Make sure the box is checked.

6. You can now close the “Preferences” window to apply your settings.

7. That’s it! You’ve enabled JavaScript.

How to Disable JavaScript in Safari on Mac

Follow the steps below to disable JavaScript in Safari on Mac:

1. Open the Safari application by clicking on an icon that appears like a compass in your bottom toolbar.

2. Click on “Safari” menu at the top left corner of the browser.

3. Under the Safari menu, find and click on “Preferences”. This will open a dropdown menu.

4. Move your cursor over to the “Security” tab and then click on it.

5. Now uncheck the box beside “Enable JavaScript” to disable JavaScript.

6. You can now close the “Preferences” window to apply your settings.

7. That’s it! You’ve disabled JavaScript.


Why do I need JavaScript enabled on Apple Safari?

Apple Safari comes built-in with a JavaScript engine that makes website elements interactive. And while it isn’t actually necessary that you enable it to use your Safari browser, it’s something that you’ll perhaps want to do to enjoy a seamless browsing experience. Otherwise, many websites you visit will appear broken or won’t even work.

How do I know if JavaScript is working on Apple Safari?

JavaScript is enabled by default in Apple Safari, but you can verify if yours is active through the Safari tab. To do this, simply click on «Safari» at the top left of your screen to expand the Menu. Next, click on Preferences to reveal the Safari Preferences section. Now that you’re in the Preferences section, find and click the «Security» tab to access the «Enable JavaScript» checkbox. If the checkbox has a tick symbol, it means JavaScript is active and working.

What happens if I disable JavaScript on Apple Safari?

Millions of websites use JavaScript to display interactive elements, such as animations, special effects and more. If you browse them with JavaScript disabled in your Apple Safari, then you probably won’t have the full experience that you normally would. Some JavaScript-based websites may appear dull or static, while others may not even work at all.

Olumide is a longtime writer who started his career as a digital marketer before transitioning into a copywriter almost eight years ago.


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