- Is it feasible to send a server request using Javascript?
- Is it possible to ping a server from Javascript?
- How to ping in JavaScript or jQuery?
- Using javascript for pinging a webapp to keep session open
- Second choice
- First choice
- How to ping ip in js or node js [duplicate]
- How to Ping a Server using JavaScript?
- Approach
- Example
- Welcome To Tutorials Point
- Status 200: Page is up!"; >, 400: function (response) < document.getElementById("outputDiv").innerHTML="Status 400: Page is down."; >, 0: function (response) < document.getElementById("outputDiv").innerHTML="Status 0: Page is down."; >, >, >; // Sends the request and observes the response $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) < console.log(response); >) .fail(function (response) < console.log("Error" + response); >); >
- Status 400: Page is down.
- Status 0: Page is down.
Is it feasible to send a server request using Javascript?
The solution provided has been tested on various servers such as web servers, ftp servers, and game servers. In case you want to use JavaScript to solve the issue, you can follow these steps: Firstly, create an iframe using document.createElement(«iframe»). Secondly, style the iframe to have 0x0 size, set the ID and src property to a relevant page on the site that can extend your session, and set the display property to «none». Thirdly, add the iframe to the page using document.body.appendChild. Finally, refresh the iFrame using window.frames[‘iframeID’].location.reload(true) and also refresh the page using setTimeout. However, it’s advisable to choose an easier solution instead of this one.
Is it possible to ping a server from Javascript?
For my web application, I need to verify the status of remote servers. However, whenever I execute it through the command line, the page load time increases to 60 seconds. This behavior will continue to increase proportionally with more entries.
To improve the user experience, I chose to ping on their end. By doing so, they can continue browsing my content while waiting for the «server is online» data to load.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide me with the answer to the question above or a solution to maintain speedy page loads.
By utilizing the native Image object in a clever way, I have come across someone who is able to achieve this.
The main function originates from a specific source, although it may have dependencies on other parts of the source.
function Pinger_ping(ip, callback) < if(!this.inUse) < this.inUse = true; this.callback = callback this.ip = ip; var _that = this; this.img = new Image(); this.img.onload = function() ; this.img.onerror = function() ; this.start = new Date().getTime(); this.img.src = "http://" + ip; this.timer = setTimeout(function() < _that.bad();>, 1500); > >
My tests have shown that this method is effective on various servers including web, ftp, and game servers, and can be used with different ports. If you come across any situations where it doesn’t work, kindly share in the comments section, and I shall modify my response accordingly.
The earlier link has been taken down. If someone comes across or creates the same resource, kindly leave a comment and I will include it in the response.
In the second update, it was mentioned that a jsFiddle was provided by @trante.
Update 3: The implementation of the GitHub repo was created by Jonathon.
The fourth update suggests that the current method may not be dependable anymore. Additionally, some users have mentioned that Chrome is displaying an error message ( net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED ) and does not seem to support this method anymore. If someone can provide an alternative solution, it will be considered as the accepted answer.
ICMP is the protocol used for Ping, but it is also possible to achieve it by exploiting any available TCP port on the server.
function ping(host, port, pong) < var started = new Date().getTime(); var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.open("GET", "http://" + host + ":" + port, /*async*/true); http.onreadystatechange = function() < if (http.readyState == 4) < var ended = new Date().getTime(); var milliseconds = ended - started; if (pong != null) < pong(milliseconds); >> >; try < http.send(null); >catch(exception) < // this is expected >>
Place the file named «ping.html» onto the server, whether or not it contains any content. Then, in the JavaScript, perform the same action as described below.
In JavaScript, direct «pinging» is not possible. However, there might exist several alternative methods.
- Ajax
- Employing a Java applet that utilizes isReachable method.
- Developing a script on the server-side to send pings and utilizing AJAX to establish communication with the same script on the server.
- It’s possible that you can utilize flash (actionscript) to ping as well.
Javascript: Check if server is online?, An XMLHttpRequest solution is possible on the same domain, but if you just want to test to see if the server is online, the img load solution is simplest. There’s no need to mess with timeouts. If you want to make the code look like it’s synchronous, here’s some syntactic sugar for you: function ifServerOnline …
How to ping in JavaScript or jQuery?
In Javascript, I aim to develop a game-like ping similar to Counter Strike. To do so, I make an AJAX call to the server (MySQL) and attempt to determine the time it takes. However, I might be miscalculating it or misunderstanding the concept of pinging. Here’s the code I’ve written until now:
var time_stamp = new Date; $.ajax(< type: "POST", url: "server.php", data: , success: function(output) < ping = new Date - time_stamp; >>); // btw, this code works fine now for ping
Occasionally, I receive 0ms or 3ms, which appears to be quite rapid when navigating to server.php , establishing a connection to the database, fetching specific rows, and delivering data. Although this is on localhost, which is expected to be speedy, I wonder if it is typical for it to be this swift. Should I assess it based on FPS or simply per invocation of server.php ?
The reason for the faster response time is that the default setting of the cache property is true. To ensure that the server is always accessed instead of the cache, change the setting to false .
var ping = new Date; $.ajax(< type: "POST", url: "server.php", data: , cache:false, success: function(output) < ping = new Date - ping; >>);
Accurately calculating latency on the client side is not possible without the server’s assistance. This applies to all technologies, including counting java , flash, and websockets. The server must compute the value and provide it in a response. If anything other than 0ms is received for localhost, it should be sufficient proof of this fact. 😛
I am obtaining 300ms in connection state at its earliest time, but the actual value ( 100ms ) is closer than the obtained value ( 300ms ) for stackoverflow.com .
var a = new XMLHttpRequest(); a.onreadystatechange = function () < if (a.readyState === a.HEADERS_RECEIVED) < a.abort(); console.log(new Date - abc); >>; var abc = new Date; a.open("GET", "/"); a.send(null);
The duration of 949ms was required to obtain the complete response for a.DONE .
How to ping a server using JavaScript ?, Step 1: Create a file named ‘ index.html ‘ file to design the basic web page. The function “pingURL” is invoked when a user clicks on the button on the web page. Step 2: Create the ‘ index.js ‘ file to make a request to the server. The “pingURL” function defined the required configuration for the Ajax request in the …
Using javascript for pinging a webapp to keep session open
To maintain an active session on a work-related web application, I am creating a greasemonkey script . Is there a specific JavaScript instruction that can be used to establish a connection with the server and prevent the session from expiring without requiring the user to perform a full page refresh?
I’ve solved the issue using:
function keepAlive() < var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); httpRequest.open('GET', "/restricted_file_url"); httpRequest.send(null); >setInterval(keepAlive, 840000); //My session expires at 15 minutes
With the aid of Jesse’s response, the code is now fully implemented.
You are required to replace the @match parameter with the domain of your website.
// ==UserScript== // @name Auto session extender // @namespace http://obive.net/ // @version 0.2 // @description Automatically extend server-side session // @author Charlie Hayes // @match http://obive.net/ // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @noframes // ==/UserScript== (function() < 'use strict'; console.log('The session for this site will be extended automatically via userscript.'); var minute = 60*1000; var refreshTime = 15 * minute; var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.style.width = 0; iframe.style.height=0; var loc = window.location; var src = loc.protocol +'//' + loc.host + loc.pathname; src += loc.search ? (loc.search + '&') : '?'; src += 'sessionextendercachebuster='; var reloadIframe = function()< var time = new Date().getTime(); var lastRefresh = GM_getValue('lastRefresh'); var timeSinceLastRefresh = time - lastRefresh; if (!lastRefresh || timeSinceLastRefresh >refreshTime - minute) < console.log('Auto-extending session'); iframe.src = src + time; GM_setValue('lastRefresh',time); setTimeout(reloadIframe, refreshTime); setTimeout(function()< // Unload the iframe contents since it might be taking a lot of memory iframe.src='about:blank'; >,10000); >else < console.log('Another tab/window probably refreshed the session, waiting a bit longer'); setTimeout(reloadIframe, refreshTime - timeSinceLastRefresh - minute); >>; setTimeout(reloadIframe, refreshTime); document.body.appendChild(iframe); >)();
Second choice
In case you are determined to utilize Greasemonkey, you can apply any element.click() technique for any event that triggers an XMLHTTPrequest.
First choice
In case you are interested in an alternative method that doesn’t involve the need to compose a Greasemonkey script:
ReloadEvery 3.0.0, by Jaap Haitsma
The feature allows for automatic reloading of web pages at specified intervals. Users can access this function through either the context menu or a drop-down menu on the reload button.
If you don’t simply want to improve your javascript abilities, then this method might not be what you initially requested, but it’s likely the most direct way to resolve your issue.
In case you opt to utilize JavaScript for the resolution (although the other solutions are simpler and suggested), my approach would be as follows:
- Utilize the document.createElement method with the argument «iframe» to generate an iframe.
- Adjust the dimensions of the iframe to 0x0 and hide it by setting the display style to «none». Assign an ID to the iframe and specify a page on the website that will prolong your session as the source property.
- Add the iframe to the page using the method document.body.appendChild.
- Refresh the iFrame by utilizing setTimeout and the command window.frames[‘iframeID’].location.reload(true). Then, set another setTimeout to refresh the page once more.
Check the suitability of alternate solutions as implementing JavaScript appears to be more problematic than its benefits.
Using javascript for pinging a webapp to keep session, Which javascript command would you use to create some feedback with the server and ensure the session doesn’t fall without having to bother the user making a complete refresh of the page? javascript session greasemonkey. Ordinarily, if you were simply looking to ping the server, you would probably do …
How to ping ip in js or node js [duplicate]
I developed an electron app that checks the availability of an IP address. To verify its availability, you can use the fetch API. The fetch API works well with domains, but when attempting to ping a specific IP address, like, it is rejected. However, using the ping command, like cmd , returns a successful result. I tried using a library, ping , but it works like fetch and rejects local IPs. What is the proper way to ping in this scenario?
The fetch API returns rejection for IP addresses like, while the ping command in CMD works fine.
In case you are working with nodejs, the system ping command can be invoked using exec.
const exec = require('child_process').exec; function process(error, stdout, stderr) < //TODO: process result or logging. >exec("ping -c 3 localhost", process);
Another option available is to utilize external libraries, like the one provided by this GitHub repository: node-net-ping.
const icmp = require('icmp'); icmp.send('', "Hey, I'm sending a message!") .then(obj => < console.log(obj.open ? 'Done' : 'Failed') >) .catch(err => console.log(err));
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How to Ping a Server using JavaScript?
A server ping can be defined as hitting a server and getting a response in return from that server. The idea is to send an echo message that will keep the health check and check whether the server is up and running or not. On sending a PING every server sends a PONG that shows that the server is active. Ping messages are sent by the ICMP (Internet Control Messaging Protocol). The lower the ping time the stronger the connection between the host and the server.
We can use a JavaScript function for sending the Ping messages to the server. In this tutorial, we will be sending the Pings by using the AJAX functionality and then displaying the response once the Pong is received. We will also examine the status code received to find whether the server is active or not. If any status other than 200 is received it means the server is not active or not working properly.
In the below example, we have created a simple HTML page that will ping a specific path and return its response.
.responded < color:green; >.checking,.unchecked < color:#FF8C00; >.timeoutWelcome To Tutorials Point
function pingURL() < // Getting the URL from the User var URL = $("#url").val(); var settings = < // Defining the request configuration cache: false, dataType: "jsonp", crossDomain: true, url: URL, method: "GET", timeout: 5000, headers: , // Defines the response to be made // for certain status codes statusCode: < 200: function (response) < document.getElementById("outputDiv").innerHTML="Status 200: Page is up!"; >, 400: function (response) < document.getElementById("outputDiv").innerHTML="
Status 400: Page is down.
"; >, 0: function (response) < document.getElementById("outputDiv").innerHTML="Status 0: Page is down.
"; >, >, >; // Sends the request and observes the response $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) < console.log(response); >) .fail(function (response) < console.log("Error" + response); >); >