Php varchar to int


Returns the int value of value , using the specified base for the conversion (the default is base 10). intval() should not be used on objects, as doing so will emit an E_WARNING level error and return 1.


The scalar value being converted to an integer

The base for the conversion

  • if string includes a «0x» (or «0X») prefix, the base is taken as 16 (hex); otherwise,
  • if string starts with «0», the base is taken as 8 (octal); otherwise,
  • the base is taken as 10 (decimal).

Return Values

The integer value of value on success, or 0 on failure. Empty arrays return 0, non-empty arrays return 1.

The maximum value depends on the system. 32 bit systems have a maximum signed integer range of -2147483648 to 2147483647. So for example on such a system, intval(‘1000000000000’) will return 2147483647. The maximum signed integer value for 64 bit systems is 9223372036854775807.

Strings will most likely return 0 although this depends on the leftmost characters of the string. The common rules of integer casting apply.

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Version Description
8.0.0 The error level when converting from object was changed from E_NOTICE to E_WARNING .


Example #1 intval() examples

The following examples are based on a 64 bit system.

echo intval ( 42 ); // 42
echo intval ( 4.2 ); // 4
echo intval ( ’42’ ); // 42
echo intval ( ‘+42’ ); // 42
echo intval ( ‘-42’ ); // -42
echo intval ( 042 ); // 34
echo intval ( ‘042’ ); // 42
echo intval ( 1e10 ); // 10000000000
echo intval ( ‘1e10’ ); // 10000000000
echo intval ( 0x1A ); // 26
echo intval ( ‘0x1A’ ); // 0
echo intval ( ‘0x1A’ , 0 ); // 26
echo intval ( 42000000 ); // 42000000
echo intval ( 420000000000000000000 ); // -4275113695319687168
echo intval ( ‘420000000000000000000’ ); // 9223372036854775807
echo intval ( 42 , 8 ); // 42
echo intval ( ’42’ , 8 ); // 34
echo intval (array()); // 0
echo intval (array( ‘foo’ , ‘bar’ )); // 1
echo intval ( false ); // 0
echo intval ( true ); // 1



The base parameter has no effect unless the value parameter is a string.

See Also

  • boolval() — Get the boolean value of a variable
  • floatval() — Get float value of a variable
  • strval() — Get string value of a variable
  • settype() — Set the type of a variable
  • is_numeric() — Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string
  • Type juggling
  • BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Functions

User Contributed Notes 17 notes

It seems intval is interpreting valid numeric strings differently between PHP 5.6 and 7.0 on one hand, and PHP 7.1 on the other hand.

echo intval ( ‘1e5’ );

will return 1 on PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0,
but it will return 100000 on PHP 7.1.

$n = «19.99» ;
print intval ( $n * 100 ); // prints 1998
print intval ( strval ( $n * 100 )); // prints 1999

intval converts doubles to integers by truncating the fractional component of the number.

When dealing with some values, this can give odd results. Consider the following:

This will most likely print out 7, instead of the expected value of 8.

For more information, see the section on floating point numbers in the PHP manual (

Also note that if you try to convert a string to an integer, the result is often 0.

However, if the leftmost character of a string looks like a valid numeric value, then PHP will keep reading the string until a character that is not valid in a number is encountered.

«101 Dalmations» will convert to 101

«$1,000,000» will convert to 0 (the 1st character is not a valid start for a number

«80,000 leagues . » will convert to 80

«1.4e98 microLenats were generated when. » will convert to 1.4e98

Also note that only decimal base numbers are recognized in strings.

«099» will convert to 99, while «0x99» will convert to 0.

One additional note on the behavior of intval. If you specify the base argument, the var argument should be a string — otherwise the base will not be applied.

print intval (77, 8); // Prints 77
print intval (’77’, 8); // Prints 63


Convert varchar number into number in php

Since MySQL doesn’t implement regex replace functions you need to use user defined functions. Solution: Use CAST function: Solution 1: MySQL doesn’t support extraction of regex matches.

Converting varchar to number

Use CAST function: CAST(TO_NUMBER(column_name) AS NUMBER(19, 0))

Sql — Conversion of varchar to number, How can i convert a varchar to number when inside the varchar value consists of alphabets. For my varchar price column values: 14dollars10cents 15dollars20cents By converting it to varchar to number price column, the values should be: 1410 1520 I know that if the varchar does not consists any alphabets, it can auto convert by» Usage exampleSELECT CAST(REPLACE(YourVarcharCol, ‘dollars’, ») AS INT) FROM TableFeedback

How to convert a string into number in PHP

In this video, you will learn 4 different ways to convert a string into a number .Our Social Media Links Follow us for UpdateFacebook — https://www.facebook.c

Converting varchar into an int just for the search query?

MySQL doesn’t support extraction of regex matches.

You could try writing a stored function to handle it, but your best bet is to convert the data to ints so that all the numbers are uniform . I know you said you don’t want to do that, but if you can , then it’s the best thing to do . Otherwise, you could do something like:

"SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE `phone` = '' OR `phone` = ''" 

That is, search for the plain number OR the number with dashes.

1. The easiest way to do it might be by using the REPLACE operator.

SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(`phone`, '-', ''), ' ', '') = '5550100'; 

What it does is simpy replacing all whitespaces and dashes with nothing, namely removing all spaces and dashes.

2. Another alternative to solve the problem would be to use LIKE . If the phone numbers with a dash always are formatted the same way like 555-0100 and 555-0199 you can simple insert a %-sign instead of the dash. If your number may be formatted in different ways you can insert a %-between every character. It’s not a beautiful solution but it does the trick.

SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE `phone` LIKE '555%0100'; 
SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE `phone` LIKE '5%5%5%0%1%0%0'; 

3. You can use regular expressions. Since MySQL doesn’t implement regex replace functions you need to use user defined functions. Have a look at It supports REGEXP_LIKE, REGEXP_SUBSTR, REGEXP_INSTR and REGEXP_REPLACE.

Edit: Removed my first answer and added some other alternatives.

I kept looking around for a solution, and eventually used MySQL’s REPLACE function for that.

"SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE REPLACE(phone,'-','') = ''" 

Database — Converting varchar to number, I recently did a TO_NUMBER(column_name) and it converted it to a number successfully. My question is in regards to the data type, it is data type NUMBER in Oracle, originally the column is a varcha

Syntax error in converting varchar into int

You will need to cast it. What you are doing now is PHP casting. you will have to cast it in the SQL statement.

$category = $_POST['category']; $base= $_POST['base']; $limit= $_POST['limit']; $sql = "SELECT id, name, url FROM OBJECTS where CATEGORY='$category' limit CAST($base AS UNSIGNED) , CAST($limit AS UNSIGNED)"; 
$category = $_POST['category']; $base= intval($_POST['base']); $limit= intval($_POST['limit']); //OR /* $base= (int)($_POST['base']; $limit= (int)($_POST['limit']; */ $sql = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `url` FROM `OBJECTS` where CATEGORY='$category' limit $base ,$limit"; 

PHP variable interpolation will not fill that in when in a string.

You need to do it like this

 $sql = "SELECT id, name, url FROM OBJECTS where CATEGORY='$category' limit ".(int)$base." , ".(int)$limit; 

Interpolation only works on variables ( or things that start with the $ ) such as accessing a class ( which is in a variable ) so things like this

will look for $STATIC as a variable. Essentially you are putting this if $v = 1

And subsequently, MySql looks at (int)1 as a string and blows up.

Converting varchar into an int just for the search query?, The easiest way to do it might be by using the REPLACE operator. SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE REPLACE (REPLACE (`phone`, ‘-‘, »), ‘ ‘, ») = ‘5550100’; What it does is simpy replacing all whitespaces and dashes with nothing, namely removing all spaces and dashes. 2.

How to convert varchar2 to numbers in PL / SQL

This can be useful to someone

DECLARE lv_digits VARCHAR2(100):=''; BEGIN SELECT digits INTO digits FROM tab1; FOR i IN (SELECT column1 FROM tab2 WHERE column_id IN (select regexp_substr(digits,'[^,]+', 1, level) from karuzela_loop connect by regexp_substr(digits, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not NULL) AS text); LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(i.text); END LOOP; END; / 

@mathguy thanks for the tips

Sql — Convert VARCHAR2 into Number, 4 Answers. Sorted by: 10. You can separate the hours, mins and seconds using SUBSTR, then SUM it up and finally use NUMTODSINTERVAL function to convert it into INTERVAL type. SELECT NUMTODSINTERVAL (SUM (total_secs), ‘second’) FROM (SELECT SUBSTR (duration, 1, 2) * 3600 + SUBSTR …


Преобразовать строку в число (PHP)

В PHP преобразовать строку в число в PHP можно тремя способами. Функцией bool settype (mixed &var, string type) , функцией int intval(mixed var [,int base]) или приведением к типу — (int) или (integer) .


Например есть строка «123» нужно преобразовать ее в тип integer .

Приведение к типу (int)




В плане быстродействия самым быстрым оказался первый способ (приведение к типу — (int)$str ), номером 2 оказался способ settype() и самым медленным оказался способ intval() .

Скорость измерялась обычным способом, строка «123» 1 миллион раз преобразовывалась в тип int .


Читайте также

  • Строку в верхний регистр (PHP)
  • Строку в нижний регистр (PHP)
  • Как инвертировать строку (PHP)
  • Как обрезать строку (PHP)
  • Как обрезать строку (JavaScript)
  • Первые N символов строки цифры (PHP)
  • str_repeat (JavaScript)
  • Разделить строку по разделителю (PHP)
  • Первую букву в верхний регистр (JavaScript)
  • Повторение строки (PHP)
  • Определить поискового бота (PHP)
  • str_pad (JavaScript)


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