Php test static methods

Unit Testing Static Methods In Php

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Php Unit Testing Static Methods

Php Unit Testing Static Methods Unit testing is a technique of breaking the code in small units of the entire code. These units can be verified to check the behaviour of a specific aspect of the software. One of the major challenges . Different cost-planning methods exist, and the unit method is one of the most common methods of construction cost planning in use. Cost planning is one of the methods used to estimate the costs .

Unit 2 Unit Testing

Unit 2 Unit Testing However, all hypothesis testing methods have the same four step process, which includes stating the hypotheses, formulating an analysis plan, analyzing the sample data, and analyzing the result. Electronic Core-Curriculum (eCore) exams are computer-based which are designed, developed, taught and supported by faculty and staff from the University System of Georgia (USG). This program allows . Optional Exam(s) Not required. An SAT or ACT (reported directly from the testing agency or self-reported on application. All enrolling students may submit an official SAT or ACT score report.) SAT . The UNG nursing department requires that the HESI exam be taken at one of our testing locations or through a Prometric Test Center which can be located anywhere around the country. HESI must be taken .

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What Is Static Testing What Is A Testing Review

What Is Static Testing What Is A Testing Review Optional Exam(s) Not required. An SAT or ACT (reported directly from the testing agency or self-reported on application. All enrolling students may submit an official SAT or ACT score report.) SAT . The UNG nursing department requires that the HESI exam be taken at one of our testing locations or through a Prometric Test Center which can be located anywhere around the country. HESI must be taken . The manufacturer also recommends avoiding toxin consumption in the days leading up to the drug test to give yourself the best possible chance of passing. The Macujo Method is a popular and well . What is the charge on the electron? each strand of hair picks up a different charge and repels each other each strand of hair picks up the same charge and repels each other each strand of hair . Before discussing the length of time THC stays in one’s system, it’s important to note that it fluctuates contingent on which method of drug screening is used. Urine tests are the most common and . Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure — there is no THC detox method currently available that can guarantee you will pass a drug test. However, trying out the following detox solutions will .

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Static Testing Dynamic Testing Loginworks The manufacturer also recommends avoiding toxin consumption in the days leading up to the drug test to give yourself the best possible chance of passing. The Macujo Method is a popular and well . What is the charge on the electron? each strand of hair picks up a different charge and repels each other each strand of hair picks up the same charge and repels each other each strand of hair . Before discussing the length of time THC stays in one’s system, it’s important to note that it fluctuates contingent on which method of drug screening is used. Urine tests are the most common and . Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure — there is no THC detox method currently available that can guarantee you will pass a drug test. However, trying out the following detox solutions will .

Unit Testing Static Methods In Php

Unit Testing Static Methods In Php

access the full course ➤ davehollingworth phpunity you’ll probably come across some articles and opinions that say access the full course ➤ davehollingworth phpunity you’ll probably come across some articles and opinions that say in this tutorial, we are trying to mock the static method using the alias keyword. you can access the full playlist by visiting in this oop php tutorial you will learn about static properties and methods, which are used to access properties and methods unit testing for static method. static and non static in php | why and when to use static properties and methods | php tutorial let’s find out why we use static in this video i discuss about using powermock to do unit tests with private and static methods. static method & property in oop class php in 5 minutes in this lecture, we are going to learn what is a static method and demonstration video where i create a couple of unit tests for a sample php application using php unit. github link: in this video, we continue learning the basics of phpunit. you will learn how to create test doubles, stub methods & set up in the first section of the course, you learned about variable scopes & static variables. in this lesson, you will learn about static php : unit testing and static methods to access my live chat page, on google, search for «hows tech developer connect» i


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PHPUnit: Testing static calls

When you’re writing code, sometimes it’s necessary to use static calls. Maybe the only way to interface with an external library is through static calls. I must admit, it’s just easy to work with a static call. Until you have to assert in a unit test that you’re actually calling the static method. Then it gets more difficult.

Stubbing and mocking internal static methods

As Sebastian Bergmann explains in one of his blogposts, since PHPUnit 3.5 it’s possible to stub & mock static methods. In the same class. Here’s how it goes.

Sample class with internal static method call

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php class Foo   public static function bar()    // some logic here, and then.  static::baz($somevar);  return 'bar';  >  public static function baz($somevar)    // some more logic  > > 

The unit test goes like this:

Unit test internal static method call

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php class FooTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase   public function testBar()    $class = $this->getMockClass('Foo', array('baz'));  $class::staticExpects($this->any())  ->method('baz')  ->with($this->equalTo('somevar value'));  $this->assertEquals('bar', $class::bar());  > > 

So what happens here? The key is that we have 2 static methods, and in the first static method we do a static call to the second static method. All in the same class.

We tell the getMockClass method to give us a mock classname for our Foo class, and we want to stub method baz . Once we have this classname, we can use staticExpects for our expectations.

Then we do our regular static call to the bar method. But instead of doing it on our Foo class, we do it on the mock classname. As such, the mock can use the stub we created when internally static::baz is called.

Stubbing and mocking external static methods

So far that wasn’t too difficult. But how many times have you written code like this? Personally, I don’t ever write code like that. However, sometimes I have to work with an external library and then static calls might be the only available interface.

Sample class with external static method call

php class Foo   public function bar()    // some logic here, and then.  Log::message('We have just executed Foo::bar()');  > > 

As you can see, the interface to the Log class makes us use a static call to log a message. Assume that you want to know if you actually do the Log::message call in a unit test, then we’re screwed since the static call is external.

There is a way around that. It’s a hassle and it’s not beautiful. First we have to refactor the external static call a bit:

Sample class with external static method call

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php class Foo   protected $loggingClass = 'Log';  public function bar()    // some logic here, and then.  forward_static_call_array(  array($this->loggingClass, 'message'),  array('We have just executed Foo::bar()');  );  > > 

Instead of calling Log::mesage directly, we use forward_static_call_array. The name of our log class is now defined in a property, and we use that property in the forward_static_call_array method. Can you see where this is going? We’re kind of injecting the Log classname dependency. Not pretty, but it works!

Unit test external static method call

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php class FooTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase   public function testBar()    // create a mock class with expectations  $class = $this->getMockClass('Log', array('message'));  $class::staticExpects($this->once())  ->method('message');  $foo = new Foo();  // set the mock classname in the property  $reflProp = new \ReflectionProperty('Foo', 'loggingClass');  $reflProp->setAccessible(true);  $reflProp->setValue($foo, $class);  // call bar()  $foo->bar();  > > 

Same as before, we use getMockClass to get a mock classname for the Log class. Then we set this classname in our $loggingClass property. Since it’s a protected property, I can only do that through Reflection. I just made the property protected to make it more difficult ;–).

So here we go, we were able to test an external static method call. It’s up to you to decide if you want to refactor your code like this. And it’s also up to you to decide if you want to actually assert these kinds of calls. I agree, we don’t really want to verify a call to a logger. But that was just an example.


Jaan Paljasma | Tech Blog

Experienced, hands-on technology executive with 20 years of expertise in creating cutting-edge technology solutions. Follow @jpaljasma on Twitter.

Stubbing and Mocking Static Methods with PHPUnit

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PHPUnit has ability to stub and mock static methods.

 public static function helper() < return 'foo'; >> ?>
getMockClass( 'Foo', /* name of class to mock */ array('helper') /* list of methods to mock */ ); $class::staticExpects($this->any()) ->method('helper') ->will($this->returnValue('bar')); $this->assertEquals( 'bar', $class::doSomething() ); > > ?>

The new staticExpects() method works similar to the non-static expects() variant. This approach only works for the stubbing and mocking of static method calls where caller and callee are in the same class. This is because static methods are death to testability:

«Unit-Testing needs seams, seams is where we prevent the execution of normal code path and is how we achieve isolation of the class under test. Seams work through polymorphism, we override/implement class/interface and then wire the class under test differently in order to take control of the execution flow. With static methods there is nothing to override. Yes, static methods are easy to call, but if the static method calls another static method there is no way to override the called method dependency.»

Few best practices

One Assertion per Test

Few tips and best practices on how to write your unit tests efficiently. One of the best advises would be «one test = one assertion». You may think that cutting corners may be a good idea; well, think again. Here’s a little test scenario — you need to test if the function returns string. You name this function as «testIfFunctionReturnsString». And while asserting string, you may be tempted to also do other assertions — why not test for that as well?

assertGreaterThan(0,strlen($string)); $this->assertContains("99",$string); > ?>

In this case you are testing string length and also if string contains «99». Second assertion will fail, yet the result can be deceptive and might cause confusion what caused the error.

Be descriptive about what you are testing

Negate(1); $this->assertEquals(-1, $b->getAmount()); > > ?>
vendor/bin/phpunit --stderr --testdox tests
PHPUnit 3.7.24 by Sebastian Bergmann. Money [x] Can be negated


Start testing your PHP applications today if you haven’t already.


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