Php tags in blade

Laravel 9 Posts with Tags Many to Many Relationships Example

laravel 9 posts with tags many to many relationships example

In this tutorial we will see how to add tags in posts using many to many relationships.

Create Post Modal Migration Controller and Route

run below command to create post modal, migration and controller.

php artisan make:model Post -mcr
) < $table->id(); $table->string(string(longText(timestamps(); >); >

Create Tags Modal and Migration

php artisan make:model Tag -m

Create Post Tag Pivot Table

Run below command to create post tag pivot table.

php artisan make:migration CreatePostTagTable
) < $table->id(); $table->foreignId(foreignId(timestamps(); >); >

Create Tags Seeder

php artisan make:seeder TagSeeder
  < $data = [ [  now(), now() ], [ , now(), now() ], [  now(), now() ], [  now(), now() ], [  now(), now() ], ]; Tag::insert($data); > >

Add Tag Many to Many Relationships in Modal

Attach Tags in Post Controller

Attach Tags in PostController.php using many to many relationships.

  < $posts = Post::with([  < $tags = Tag::all();  ) < $request->validate([    $request->title, \Str::slug($request->slug), $request->description, ]); has(tags()->attach($request->tags); > route(); > >

Add Tags in Blade File

laravel many to many tags store

Show Posts Tags

> > > # > Name > Tags > > id >> > title >> > @foreach ($post->tags as $tag) name >> @endforeach 

laravel 9 many to many tags example


Blade Templates

Antlers is not always the best template engine for the job. If you’re using Statamic as a headless CMS or want to share views with a Laravel application already using Blade or another engine, you can do that.

  1. Overview
  2. How to Render a Template with Blade
  3. View Data
    1. Current Page
    2. Globals
    3. System Variables
    4. Relationships / Queries
    1. Using Explicit Parameter Setters
    2. Passing Contextual Data
    3. Fetching the output
    4. Pagination
    1. Passing Context into Components


    While Statamic’s Antlers template language is powerful, tightly integrated, and simple to learn, it’s not the only way to build your frontend views.

    Antlers combines the responsibilities of Blade Templates and Controllers all at once. If you choose to not use Antlers, you may need to create controllers and routes to fetch content and map them to templates depending on what you’re doing.

    How to Render a Template with Blade

    Instead of naming your views myview.antlers.html use myview.blade.php extension.

    View Data

    You will have access to the same data as you would in Antlers views.

    Current Page

    The current page’s data will be available in a $page variable, and you can access its values using a syntax similar to Eloquent models.

    title: My First Breakdance Competition
    - Toprock
    - 6-step
    - Windmill
    - L-kick
    - Headspin
    I did not win but I did have a good time.
    h1> <$page->title >>h1>
    p>First I did
    @foreach ($page->moves as $move)
    <$move >>, then I did
    and it was sick.p>
    <$page->content >>

    Antlers outputs unescaped values by default, while > in Blade will be escaped. If you need to output unescaped HTML, use


    There is a variable for each global set, and its fields can be accessed using the same Eloquent style syntax.

    # content/globals/settings.yaml
    site_name: Rad City

    System Variables

    Top level system variables like, environment , logged_in , etc will be available as dedicated variables.

    $environment >>
    @if ($logged_in) . @endif

    Relationships / Queries

    Some fieldtypes (e.g. entries ) will supply their data as query builders. These will work similar to Eloquent models, too.

    If you use property access, it will resolve the query builder and get the items.

    @foreach ($page->related_posts as $post)
    $post->title >>

    If you use a method, it will give you a query builder and allow you to chain clauses on it.

    @foreach ($page->related_posts()->where('title', 'like', '%awesome%')->get() as $post)
    $post->title >>

    Using Tags with Blade 🆕

    You can use Tags in Blade templates with a Laravel-style fluent syntax. Instantiate your tag with the Statamic::tag() method and chain parameters as needed.

    @foreach(Statamic::tag('collection:pages')->limit(3) as $page)
    li> <$page->title >>li>

    When using multi-word parameters, like query_scope , you must use the camelCased version ( queryScope ).

    Using Explicit Parameter Setters

    If you need to set a parameter containing a colon (ie. a filter param), you can use the dedicated param() setter method:

    Statamic::tag('collection:pages')->param('title:contains', 'pizza')

    Or even set multiple parameters at once using the plural params() method:

    'title:contains' => 'pizza',
    'description:contains' => 'lasagna',

    Passing Contextual Data

    You can pass in contextual data to the tag using the context($data) method:


    Fetching the output

    When you loop over a tag or cast it to a string, it will automatically fetch the result for you. In some cases, you may want to explicitly fetch the output. You can do that with the fetch method.

    @php($output = Statamic::tag('collection:pages')->fetch())


    For tags that provide pagination, you can fetch the tag’s output in a variable, then output the results and links separately:

    @php($tag = Statamic::tag('collection:pages')->paginate(2)->as('pages')->fetch())
    @foreach($tag['pages'] as $page)
    li> <$page->title >>li>
    <$tag['paginate']['auto_links'] >>

    Using Modifiers with Blade 🆕

    You can also use Modifiers in Blade templates with a Laravel-style fluent syntax. Wrap your value with the Statamic::modify() method and chain modifiers as needed. The value will get passed along in sequence like it does in Antlers. Any parameters should be specified like regular PHP parameters. If you use a modifier that can take more than one parameter, pass those in as an array.

    Statamic::modify($content)->striptags()->backspace(1)->ensureRight('. ') >>
    Statamic::modify($content)->stripTags()->safeTruncate([42, '. ']) >>
    I wanted to say more but got cut off.

    When using multi-word modifiers, like ensure_right , you must use the camelCased version ( ensureRight ).


    When Statamic attempts to render a URL (eg. an entry), two views are combined. A template gets injected into a layout’s template_content variable.

    When the template is not an Antlers view, this rule doesn’t apply. The layout is ignored, allowing you to use @extends the way you would expect.

    mytemplate.blade.php -->>
    The body content
    mylayout.blade.php -->>
    The body content

    This rule only applies to the template. You’re free to use a .antlers.html template and a .blade.php layout. If you want to do this, the contents of the template will be available as in the template_content variable instead of yield .

    mylayout.blade.php -->>
    $template_content !!>
    The template contents

    Passing Context into Components

    If you are using Blade components for your layout rather than Blade directives, you might want to pass the view context into your layout for access by child components. You can do so with the special $__data variable in the layout root, and the @aware directive in the child. Here’s how:

    First, add a context prop to your layout component.

    resources/views/components/layout.blade.php -->>
    whatever you want to put in here. -->>

    Then, merge the context prop with the parent data in your Layout component’s data method.

    namespace App\View\Components;
    use Illuminate\View\Component;
    class Layout extends Component
    * Create a new component instance.
    * @return void
    public function __construct(public $context)
    $this->context = $context;
    public function data()
    return array_merge(parent::data(), $this->context);
    * Get the view / contents that represent the component.
    * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View|\Closure|string
    public function render()
    return view('components.layout');

    Next, pass in the magic $__data variable from your template to your layout.

    resources/views/default.blade.php -->>
    x-layout :context="$__data">
    x-hero />

    Last, use the @aware directive in any child component of your layout to access the variables from the cascade within your component.

    resources/views/components/blade.php -->>
    <$page->hero_headline >>

    Routes and Controllers

    If you choose to take a more «traditional» Laravel application approach to building your Statamic site, you can use routes and controllers much the same way you might with Eloquent models instead of Statamic’s native collection routing and data cascade. Here’s an example:

    use App\Http\Controllers\BlogController;
    Route::get('/blog', [BlogController::class, 'index']);
    Route::get('/blog/ ', [BlogController::class, 'show']);

    The Controller

    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
    use Statamic\Facades\Entry;
    class BlogController extends Controller
    public function index()
    $entries = Entry::query()
    ->where('collection', 'blog')
    return view('blog.index', ['entries' => $entries]);
    public function show($slug)
    $entry = Entry::query()
    ->where('collection', 'blog')
    ->where('slug', $slug)
    return view('', ['entry' => $entry]);

    The Index View

    h1>The Blogh1>
    div class="grid md:grid-cols-3 gap-3">
    @foreach($entries as $entry)
    a href=" $entry->url !!>" class="p-2 rounded shadow-sm">
    img src=" $entry->featured_image !!>" class="w-full">
    h2> $entry->title !!>h2>
    div> $entry->date->format('Y-m-d') !!>div>

    The Show View

    h1> $title !!>h1>
    div> $entry->date->format('Y-m-d') !!>div>
    div class="mt-8 prose">
    img src=" $entry->featured_image !!>" class="w-full">
    $entry->content !!>

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