- Как записать массив в файл (PHP)
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- Write and read php object in a text file?
- Write and read php object in a text file?
- How to manipulate Text File in PHP
- Writing object in text file
- Write object in JSON file [duplicate]
- Как записать массив в файл (PHP)
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- Serializing PHP Values into a File or a Database
- serializing and deserializing an array with strings
- serializing into a file
- serializing an array with string and storing it on a db
- serializing an array with string onto a BLOB-type column on a DB
- serializing an object (or an array that contains objects) on a database
Как записать массив в файл (PHP)
Например необходимо записать массив array $array в файл array.txt , затем прочитать данные файла, восстановить и вывести на экран.
‘Номер один’, // Ключ: число; Значение: строка ‘two’ => 2, // Ключ: строка; Значение: число ‘three’ => ‘Это номер три’, // Ключ: строка; Значение: строка 4 => 4 // Ключ: число; Значение: число ); // еще одно значение добавим таким способом $array[] = ‘Супер значение’; // запишем массив в файл object2file($array, ‘array.txt’); // в файл array.txt будет записана следующая информация: // serialize $array // a:5: echo ‘
'; print_r(object_from_file('array.txt')); echo '
‘; ?>?php>
После записи массив в файл и чтения информации из файла, на экране будет следующее:
Читайте также
- Умножить массив на число (PHP)
- Получить последнее значение массива (PHP)
- Получить первое значение массива (PHP)
- Получить массив ключей (PHP)
- Удалить пустые элементы из массива (PHP)
- Ассоциативный массив в JavaScript
- Заполнить массив случайными числами (PHP)
- Преобразовать массив в объект (PHP)
- Найти и удалить элемент массива (PHP)
- Элементы массива в случайном порядке (PHP)
- Как удалить элемент ассоциативного массива (JavaScript)
- Массив уникальных значений (JavaScript)
Как я понял в файл попадают данные с экранированными кавычками, и при получении остаются, то можно воспользоваться функцией stripslashes()
А , если, к примеру, я поставил кавычки, то как избавится от дробей?
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Write and read php object in a text file?
If you want to use it to write it to a file in a human readable format suggest you to use normal file output stream and not object output stream. Question: I want to write a php object in a text file.
Write and read php object in a text file?
I want to write a php object in a text file. The php object is like that
$obj = new stdClass(); $obj->name = "My Name"; $obj->birthdate = "YYYY-MM-DD"; $obj->position = "My position";
I want to write this $obj in a text file. The text file is located in this path
$filePath = getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."note".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."notice.txt"
I want a simple way to write this object into the text file and want to read the file to get the properties as I defined. Please help me.
You can use the following code for write php object in the text file.
$obj = new stdClass(); $obj->name = "My Name"; $obj->birthdate = "YYYY-MM-DD"; $obj->position = "My position"; $objData = serialize( $obj); $filePath = getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."note".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."notice.txt"; if (is_writable($filePath))
To read the text file to get the properties as you defined.
$filePath = getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."note".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."notice.txt"; if (file_exists($filePath))< $objData = file_get_contents($filePath); $obj = unserialize($objData); if (!empty($obj))< $name = $obj->name; $birthdate = $obj->birthdate; $position = $obj->position; > >
You can use serialize() before saving it to the file and then unserialize() to get the whole $obj available to you:
$obj = new stdClass(); $obj->name = "My Name"; $obj->birthdate = "YYYY-MM-DD"; $obj->position = "My position"; $objtext = serialize($obj); //write to file
Then later you can unserialize():
$obj = unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); echo $obj->birthdate;//YYYY-MM-DD
Instead we can use following method to write whole object in the file.
$fp = fopen('D:\file_name.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, print_r($obj, true)); fclose($fp);
So, inside print_r() function we need to pass object and true parameter which will return the information to fwrite() function rather than printing it.
Footer and external text file usage for phpword, More questions on PhpWord class file, examples are not working for me. I am newly trying to use this and having difficulty even with the samples given. In this case, I am trying to include a foot
How to manipulate Text File in PHP
I have a text file that looks like below:
Is there a way to echo particular characters only per line?
My code to display the text file:
"; ?>
Your help will be very much appreciated
Thank You
Use a multiline regular expression and loop over all matches:
$source = file_get_contents("MAGFLE_Greenbnk_Caraga.txt"); $matches = []; preg_match_all("/(99541).*(.$)/um", $source, $matches); for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); ++$i) < echo "Line -- "; echo "chars that start with '9954': --- "; echo "last 13 chars:
"; >
The regular expression contains two capture groups. The first group matches the 29 characters starting with ‘6654’. The second one matches the last 13 characters.
- The first array contains all matched lines
- The second array contains all matches from the first capture group
- The third array contains all matches from the second capture group
I get the following output when applying your data:
Depending on your data this will not work in all cases. Maybe you have to enhance the regex with more rules.
You can store the .txt data in an array and then sort as you please. The explode() function should help. Link given below —
Java — Writing object in text file, The Transaction object contains card no, amount, date. I need to write the object in text file as below with some gaps. Card no Amo I need to write the object in text file as below with some gaps. Card no Amo
Writing object in text file
I am trying to write an object(Transaction) in text file. The Transaction object contains card no, amount, date. I need to write the object in text file as below with some gaps.
Card no Amount Date 12335 900.00 29/09/2010
I have used ObjectOutputStream to write the object in the file. But I couldn’t able to give the gaps in this case.
How to write the transaction object in a file with some gaps, so that it can be aligned with header?
Why are you concerned about gaps in ObjectOutputStream. Its mainly used for writing to file and recreating objects back. If you want to use it to write it to a file in a human readable format suggest you to use normal file output stream and not object output stream.
I have no idea what your Transaction object looks like. But this should provide some clues. Note System.out.printf(). You can substitute your own output streams. I threw in extra stuff on the Calendar object just so you can get a sense of it.
private class Transaction < public int cardno; public BigDecimal amt; public Date someDate; >public void zz2() < Transaction t = new Transaction(); t.cardno = 12335; t.amt = new BigDecimal("900.00"); Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal.set( Calendar.YEAR, 2013 ); cal.set( Calendar.MONTH, 9); // zero offset so 9 = Oct cal.set( Calendar.DATE, 1 ); // NOT zero offset. cal.set( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, (15) ); // 3PM cal.set( Calendar.MINUTE, 30 ); cal.set( Calendar.SECOND, 44 ); cal.set( Calendar.MILLISECOND, 700 ); t.someDate = cal.getTime(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); String s = df.format(t.someDate); System.out.println("Card no Amount Date"); System.out.printf ("%6d %12s %10s\n", t.cardno, t.amt, s); >
Maybe I’m missing something, but have you tried using tabs (escaped in a string to «\t») in the positions you need the gaps?
System.out.println("Card no\tAmount\tDate");
Similarily for the println statement where you’re outputting the values.
PHP OOP Classes and Objects, W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more.
Write object in JSON file [duplicate]
I have a project based on PHP with OOP structure. When I register a user, it creates a user object and writes that object to json file. The problem is, in this way each time I create a user, the json object stores separately in the file.(shown in the image)
So when I re-read this json file using json_decode() function, it doesn’t read anything. I’ve used the following method to check the file reading.
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); $f = fopen("log", 'a'); fwrite($f, $data);
So how can I append the json objects as list of arrays(upon registering a single user) or read all the entries from the file?
Most of the solutions that I have seen are predefined arrays, but in my case the objects are being created at runtime and only one at a time.
I agree with @Konstantinos Gounaris. The json file is in wrong format. That’s why the json_decode function returned nothing. Always use json_encode while writing the json file and write it in one flow. If you want to append to the file, just read the contents, decode it and write it again. Don’t append to the file, because it will break the json format.
#Note: Saving confidential information to the file is wrong practice, which leads to security issues.
It is a better practice to use databases to store data(they are more secure than files). However. The first thing that i can see that is wrong is that you are decoding the json file into an php array and then you are writing this array into a file, this results into wrong Json format.
Bellow is an example of how you should do it:
$data_to_import = ['name'=>'John','surname'=>'Doe']; $data_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); array_push($data_array, $data_to_import); $f = fopen("log", 'a'); fwrite($f, json_encode($data_array));
Java Read Files, Note: There are many available classes in the Java API that can be used to read and write files in Java: FileReader, BufferedReader, Files, Scanner, FileInputStream, FileWriter, BufferedWriter, FileOutputStream, etc.Which one to use depends on the Java version you’re working with and whether you need to …
Как записать массив в файл (PHP)
Например необходимо записать массив array $array в файл array.txt , затем прочитать данные файла, восстановить и вывести на экран.
‘Номер один’, // Ключ: число; Значение: строка ‘two’ => 2, // Ключ: строка; Значение: число ‘three’ => ‘Это номер три’, // Ключ: строка; Значение: строка 4 => 4 // Ключ: число; Значение: число ); // еще одно значение добавим таким способом $array[] = ‘Супер значение’; // запишем массив в файл object2file($array, ‘array.txt’); // в файл array.txt будет записана следующая информация: // serialize $array // a:5: echo ‘
'; print_r(object_from_file('array.txt')); echo '
‘; ?>?php>
После записи массив в файл и чтения информации из файла, на экране будет следующее:
Читайте также
- Умножить массив на число (PHP)
- Получить последнее значение массива (PHP)
- Получить первое значение массива (PHP)
- Получить массив ключей (PHP)
- Удалить пустые элементы из массива (PHP)
- Ассоциативный массив в JavaScript
- Заполнить массив случайными числами (PHP)
- Преобразовать массив в объект (PHP)
- Найти и удалить элемент массива (PHP)
- Элементы массива в случайном порядке (PHP)
- Как удалить элемент ассоциативного массива (JavaScript)
- Массив уникальных значений (JavaScript)
Как я понял в файл попадают данные с экранированными кавычками, и при получении остаются, то можно воспользоваться функцией stripslashes()
А , если, к примеру, я поставил кавычки, то как избавится от дробей?
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Serializing PHP Values into a File or a Database
I have met with the need to save PHP values (into files and/or database) and will document the approaches I’ve taken here.
serializing and deserializing an array with strings
$arr = [ 'foo'=>'foo', 'bar'=>'bar' ]; $ser = serialize($arr);//if you dump $ser, you'll see it's a string $new_arr = unserialize($ser); $new_arr['foo'] = 'baz';//works ok
serializing into a file
(the extension doesn’t need to be .ser. I’ve just used it to remind myself that it’s not a regular text file.)(notice the ‘wb’ mode on opening the file. I thought this was better because, as stated in the docs, the serialized file is actually a binary file.)
$arr=[ 'foo'=>'bar', 'baz'=>'quux' ]; $ser = serialize($array); $file = fopen('path/to/file.ser', 'wb'); fwrite($file, $ser);
serializing an array with string and storing it on a db
(stored the output from serialize() into a text column on mysql)
$result = mysqli_query($conn,'select config from options where module_name=\'test2\''); $data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $another_array = unserialize($data['config']); $another_array['foo']='new_stuff';//works ok
serializing an array with string onto a BLOB-type column on a DB
The official docs page on serialize says it’s better to store this kind of data on a BLOB-type column if you want to save it onto a database so I’ve tested it too.
serializing an object (or an array that contains objects) on a database
I’ve saved it onto a BLOB column. CAREFUL: This only worked because the Class definition is on the same page. If you serialize an object in one page and then try to un-serialize it on another page, it will only work if you include the class file on that page too.
Class Foo< public $bar; public function echoStuff()< echo $this->bar; > > $obj = new Foo; $obj->bar = 'old stuff'; $ser = serialize($obj); //saved it onto a db - i won't show that code $result = mysqli_query($conn,'select config from options where module_name=\'test6\''); $data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $new_obj = unserialize($data['config']); $new_obj->echoStuff(); // prints "old stuff" $new_obj->bar='new stuff'; $new_obj->echoStuff(); // prints "new stuff"