This function may be used in conjunction with func_get_arg() and func_num_args() to allow user-defined functions to accept variable-length argument lists.
This function has no parameters.
Return Values
Returns an array in which each element is a copy of the corresponding member of the current user-defined function’s argument list.
Generates a warning if called from outside of a user-defined function.
Example #1 func_get_args() example
function foo ()
$numargs = func_num_args ();
echo «Number of arguments: $numargs \n» ;
if ( $numargs >= 2 ) echo «Second argument is: » . func_get_arg ( 1 ) . «\n» ;
$arg_list = func_get_args ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numargs ; $i ++) echo "Argument $i is: " . $arg_list [ $i ] . "\n" ;
The above example will output:
Number of arguments: 3 Second argument is: 2 Argument 0 is: 1 Argument 1 is: 2 Argument 2 is: 3
Example #2 func_get_args() example of byref and byval arguments
function byVal ( $arg ) echo ‘As passed : ‘ , var_export ( func_get_args ()), PHP_EOL ;
$arg = ‘baz’ ;
echo ‘After change : ‘ , var_export ( func_get_args ()), PHP_EOL ;
$arg = ‘bar’ ;
byVal ( $arg );
byRef ( $arg );
The above example will output:
As passed : array (
0 => ‘bar’,
After change : array (
0 => ‘baz’,
As passed : array (
0 => ‘bar’,
After change : array (
0 => ‘baz’,
As of PHP 8.0.0, the func_*() family of functions is intended to be mostly transparent with regard to named arguments, by treating the arguments as if they were all passed positionally, and missing arguments are replaced with their defaults. This function ignores the collection of unknown named variadic arguments. Unknown named arguments which are collected can only be accessed through the variadic parameter.
If the arguments are passed by reference, any changes to the arguments will be reflected in the values returned by this function. As of PHP 7 the current values will also be returned if the arguments are passed by value.
Note: This function returns a copy of the passed arguments only, and does not account for default (non-passed) arguments.
See Also
User Contributed Notes 11 notes
Simple function to calculate average value using dynamic arguments:
function average () return array_sum ( func_get_args ())/ func_num_args ();
print average ( 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 ); // 17.5
If you want to get the arguments by reference, instead of func_get_args() you can simply use
function args_byref (&. $args ) // Modify the $args array here
Credits should go to Markus Malkusch for pointing this out on Stackoverflow.
How to create a polymorphic/»overloaded» function
function select ()
$t = » ;
$args = func_get_args ();
foreach ( $args as & $a ) $t .= gettype ( $a ) . ‘|’ ;
$a = mysql_real_escape_string ( $a );
if ( $t != » ) $t = substr ( $t , 0 , — 1 );
$sql = » ;
switch ( $t ) case ‘integer’ :
// search by ID
$sql = «id = < $args [ 0 ]>» ;
case ‘string’ :
// search by name
$sql = «name LIKE ‘% < $args [ 0 ]>%'» ;
case ‘string|integer’ :
// search by name AND status
$sql = «name LIKE ‘% < $args [ 0 ]>%’ AND status = < $args [ 1 ]>» ;
case ‘string|integer|integer’ :
// search by name with limit
$sql = «name LIKE ‘% < $args [ 0 ]>%’ LIMIT < $args [ 1 ]>, < $args [ 2 ]>» ;
// 😛
$sql = ‘1 = 2’ ;
return mysql_query ( ‘SELECT * FROM table WHERE ‘ . $sql );
$res = select ( 29 ); // by ID
$res = select ( ‘Anderson’ ); // by name
$res = select ( ‘Anderson’ , 1 ); // by name and status
$res = select ( ‘Anderson’ , 0 , 5 ); // by name with limit
Merge func_get_args() with function defaults
class utils /**
* @param mixed[] $args
* @param ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod
* @return array
public static function mergeArgsWithDefaults ( $args , \ ReflectionMethod $reflectionMethod ) foreach ( array_slice ( $reflectionMethod -> getParameters (), count ( $args ) ) as $param ) /**
* @var ReflectionParameter $param
$args [] = $param -> getDefaultValue ();
return $args ;
class sampleParent const USER_FILE_TYPE_FILE = ‘FILE’ ;
public function select ( $idUserFile = null , $idUserFileType = self :: USER_FILE_TYPE_FILE ) echo ‘[$idUserFile=>’ . $idUserFile . ‘, $idUserFileType=>’ . $idUserFileType , ‘]‘ . PHP_EOL ;
class sample extends sampleParent const USER_FILE_TYPE_IMG = ‘IMG’ ;
public function select ( $idUserFile = null , $idUserFileType = self :: USER_FILE_TYPE_IMG ) return call_user_func_array ( ‘parent::select’ , \ utils :: mergeArgsWithDefaults ( func_get_args (), new ReflectionMethod ( __CLASS__ , __FUNCTION__ ) ) );
$sample1 = new sampleParent ();
$sample1 -> select (); //Prints «» / self::USER_FILE_TYPE_FILE
$sample1 -> select ( 1 ); //Prints 1 / self::USER_FILE_TYPE_FILE
$sample1 -> select ( 2 , ‘test 1’ ); //Prints 2 / «test 1»
echo ‘
‘ . PHP_EOL ;
$sample2 = new sample ();
$sample2 -> select (); //Prints «» / self::USER_FILE_TYPE_IMG
$sample2 -> select ( 3 ); //Prints 3 / self::USER_FILE_TYPE_IMG
$sample2 -> select ( 4 , ‘test 2’ ); //Prints 4 / «test 2»
please note that optional parameters are not seen/passed by func_get_args(), as well as func_get_arg().
function testfunc ( $optional = ‘this argument is optional..’ ) <
$args = func_get_args ();
var_dump ( $args );
echo $optional ;
test case #1:
testfunc(‘argument no longer optional..’);
result for #1:
array(1) <
[0]=> string(20) «argument no longer optional..»
argument no longer optional..
test case #2:
testfunc(‘argument no longer optional..’,’this is an extra argument’);
result for #2:
array(2) <
[0]=> string(29) «argument no longer optional..»
[1]=> string(25) «this is an extra argument»
argument no longer optional..
result for #3:
array(0) <
this argument is optional..
// Turns the array returned by func_get_args() into an array of name/value
// pairs that can be processed by extract().
function varargs ( $args ) <
$count = count ( $args );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i += 2 ) <
$result [ $args [ $i ]] = $args [ $i + 1 ];
// Do some magic.
extract ( varargs ( func_get_args ()));
echo nl2br ( «\n\$var1 = $var1 » );
echo nl2br ( «\n\$var2 = $var2 » );
echo nl2br ( «\n\$foo = $foo \n\n» );
// Modify some variables that were passed by reference.
// Note that func_get_args() doesn’t pass references, so they
// need to be explicitly declared in the function definition.
$ref1 = 42 ;
$ref2 = 84 ;
echo nl2br ( «Before calling test(): \$a = $a \n» );
echo nl2br ( «Before calling test(): \$b = $b \n» );
// Try removing the ‘foo, «bar»‘ from the following line.
test ( $a , $b , var1 , «abc» , var2 , «def» , foo , «bar» );
echo nl2br ( «After calling test(): \$a = $a \n» );
echo nl2br ( «After calling test(): \$b = $b \n» );
This example demonstrate how to use unknown variable arguments by reference.
func_get_args() don’t return arguments by reference, but
debug_backtrace() «args» is by reference.
In PHP 5 this have no particular sense, because calling with arguments by reference
is depreciated and produce warning.
function foo ( /*variable arguments*/ ) // func_get_args returns copy of arguments
// $args = func_get_args();
// debug_backtrace returns arguments by reference
$stack = debug_backtrace ();
$args = array();
if (isset( $stack [ 0 ][ «args» ]))
for( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $stack [ 0 ][ "args" ]); $i ++)
$args [ $i ] = & $stack [ 0 ][ «args» ][ $i ];
call_user_func_array (array(& $this , ‘bar’ ), $args );
function bar ( $bar = NULL ) if (isset( $bar ))
$this -> bar = & $bar ;
$global_bar = «bar global» ;
$foo = & new foo ();
echo «foo->bar: » . $foo -> bar . «\n» ;
$foo -> bar = «new bar» ;
echo «global_bar: » . $global_bar . «\n» ;
foo->bar: default bar
global_bar: bar global
$foo = & new foo (& $global_bar );
echo «foo->bar: » . $foo -> bar . «\n» ;
$foo -> bar = «new bar» ;
echo «global_bar: » . $global_bar . «\n» ;
foo->bar: bar global
global_bar: new bar
The size of the array resulting from func_get_args(), for instance using count(), does not take into account parameters that have been assigned default values in the function definition.
function foo($bar=true) echo count(func_get_args());
A useful condition to test for when a function needs to return default behavior (whatever that might be) when no value is present and the value of $bar could be true, false, null, etc.
«Because this function depends on the current scope to determine parameter details, it cannot be used as a function parameter. If you must pass this value, assign the results to a variable, and pass the variable.»
This means that the following code generates an error:
function foo ( $list )
echo implode ( ‘, ‘ , $list );
function foo2 ()
foo ( func_get_args ());
However, you can easily get around this by doing the following:
function foo ( $list )
echo implode ( ‘, ‘ , $list );
function foo2 ()
foo ( $args = func_get_args ());
This captures the context from foo2(), making this legal. You get the expected output:
How to Get Parameters from a URL String with PHP
Almost all developers at least once in their practice have wondered how to get parameters from a URL string with the help of PHP functions.
In our tutorial, we will provide you with two simple and handy functions such as pase_url() and parse_str() that will allow you to do that.
Read on and check out the options below.
Before starting, note that the parameters and the URL are separated by the ? character.
In case you want to get the current URI you can use $url = $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI];
Using the parse_url() and the parse_str Functions
This function is aimed at returning the URL components by parsing the URL.
So, it parses the URL, returning an associative array that encompasses different components.
The syntax of the parse_url() function is as follows:
parse_url($url, $component = -1);
With the help of the parse_str() function, you can parse query strings into variables.
The syntax of this function is like so:
Now, let’s see examples of how to use these two functions for getting the parameters from the URL string.
// Initialize URL to the variable $url = ''; // Use parse_url() function to parse the URL // and return an associative array which // contains its various components $url_components = parse_url($url); // Use parse_str() function to parse the // string passed via URL parse_str($url_components['query'], $params); // Display result echo ' Hi ' . $params['name']; ?>
The output of this example will be:
Now, let’s consider another example:
// Initialize URL to the variable $url = '[email protected]'; // Use parse_url() function to parse the URL // and return an associative array which // contains its various components $url_components = parse_url($url); // Use parse_str() function to parse the // string passed via URL parse_str($url_components['query'], $params); // Display result echo ' Hi ' . $params['name'] . ' your emailID is ' . $params['email']; ?>
And, the output of this example will look like this:
So, in this tutorial, we highlighted the two handy functions that will allow getting parameters from a URL string with PHP.
Hope, this tutorial helped to achieve your goals.
Contains an array of all the arguments passed to the script when running from the command line.
Note: The first argument $argv[0] is always the name that was used to run the script.
Note: This variable is not available when register_argc_argv is disabled.
Example #1 $argv example
When executing the example with: php script.php arg1 arg2 arg3
The above example will output something similar to:
array(4) < [0]=>string(10) "script.php" [1]=> string(4) "arg1" [2]=> string(4) "arg2" [3]=> string(4) "arg3" >
See Also
User Contributed Notes 6 notes
Please note that, $argv and $argc need to be declared global, while trying to access within a class method.
class A
public static function b ()
var_dump ( $argv );
var_dump (isset( $argv ));
A :: b ();
will output NULL bool(false) with a notice of «Undefined variable . «
whereas global $argv fixes that.
To use $_GET so you dont need to support both if it could be used from command line and from web browser.
foreach ($argv as $arg) $e=explode(» note» >
You can reinitialize the argument variables for web applications.
So if you created a command line, with some additional tweaks you can make it work on the web.
If you come from a shell scripting background, you might expect to find this topic under the heading «positional parameters».
Sometimes $argv can be null, such as when «register-argc-argv» is set to false. In some cases I’ve found the variable is populated correctly when running «php-cli» instead of just «php» from the command line (or cron).
I discovered that `register_argc_argv` is alway OFF if you use php internal webserver, even if it is set to `On` in the php.ini.
What means there seems to be no way to access argv / argc in php internal commandline server.