Php прочитать php ini


В случае успешного выполнения возвращает значение настройки конфигурации.

Список параметров

Имя настройки конфигурации.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает значение настройки конфигурации в виде строки. Для значений null будет возвращаться пустая строка. Функция вернёт false , если указанная настройка не существует.


Пример #1 Несколько примеров использования ini_get()

Наш файл php.ini содержит следующие настройки:

display_errors = On
register_globals = Off
post_max_size = 8M

echo ‘display_errors = ‘ . ini_get ( ‘display_errors’ ) . «\n» ;
echo ‘register_globals = ‘ . ini_get ( ‘register_globals’ ) . «\n» ;
echo ‘post_max_size = ‘ . ini_get ( ‘post_max_size’ ) . «\n» ;
echo ‘post_max_size+1 = ‘ . ( ini_get ( ‘post_max_size’ )+ 1 ) . «\n» ;
echo ‘post_max_size in bytes = ‘ . return_bytes ( ini_get ( ‘post_max_size’ ));

function return_bytes ( $val ) $val = trim ( $val );
$last = strtolower ( $val [ strlen ( $val )- 1 ]);
switch( $last ) // Модификатор ‘G’ доступен
case ‘g’ :
$val *= 1024 ;
case ‘m’ :
$val *= 1024 ;
case ‘k’ :
$val *= 1024 ;

Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:

display_errors = 1 register_globals = 0 post_max_size = 8M post_max_size+1 = 9 post_max_size in bytes = 8388608


Замечание: Возвращаемые логические значения

Boolean-значение ini-настройки off будет возвращено в виде пустой строки или строки «0», в то время как значению on будет соответствовать строка «1». Функция также может возвращать буквенные значения INI-настройки.

Замечание: Возвращаемые значения количества памяти

Многие ini-настройки, значения которых измеряются количеством памяти, такие как upload_max_filesize, сохраняются в php.ini в сокращённом виде. ini_get() вернёт именно то, что записано в файле php.ini , а НЕ целочисленный ( int ) эквивалент этой величины. Попытка использования полученной величины в арифметических операциях не даст желаемого результата. В приведённом выше примере продемонстрировано, как можно перевести сокращённую запись в число байт.


ini_get() не может прочесть опции типа «массив», такие как pdo.dsn.*, и возвращает false таких случаях.

Смотрите также

  • get_cfg_var() — Извлекает значение настройки конфигурации PHP
  • ini_get_all() — Получает все настройки конфигурации
  • ini_restore() — Восстанавливает значение настройки конфигурации
  • ini_set() — Устанавливает значение настройки конфигурации

User Contributed Notes 12 notes

another version of return_bytes which returns faster and does not use multiple multiplications (sorry:). even if it is resolved at compile time it is not a good practice;
no local variables are allocated;
the trim() is omitted (php already trimmed values when reading php.ini file);
strtolower() is replaced by second case which wins us one more function call for the price of doubling the number of cases to process (may slower the worst-case scenario when ariving to default: takes six comparisons instead of three comparisons and a function call);
cases are ordered by most frequent goes first (uppercase M-values being the default sizes);
specs say we must handle integer sizes so float values are converted to integers and 0.8G becomes 0;
‘Gb’, ‘Mb’, ‘Kb’ shorthand byte options are not implemented since are not in specs, see

function return_bytes ( $size_str )
switch ( substr ( $size_str , — 1 ))
case ‘M’ : case ‘m’ : return (int) $size_str * 1048576 ;
case ‘K’ : case ‘k’ : return (int) $size_str * 1024 ;
case ‘G’ : case ‘g’ : return (int) $size_str * 1073741824 ;
default: return $size_str ;

Be aware that max_execution_time can be altered by XDebug.

While debugging a script locally that made use of it returned 0 when XDebug remote debugging was enabled and the IDE was listening to it.

It makes sense, since debugging manually takes time so we don’t want the script to time out ; but in that particular case, it made it look to the script like max_execution_time was 0, so calculations were wrong.

You can see in phpinfo() that local value is 0 in that case, but master value is the correct one you set in your php.ini.

Here is another way to get the result in bytes using PHP8

* @param string $size
* @return int
* @author DevsrealmGuy
public function getBytes ( string $size ): int
$size = trim ( $size );

# Separate the value from the metric(i.e MB, GB, KB)
preg_match ( ‘/(8+)[\s]*([a-zA-Z]+)/’ , $size , $matches );

$value = (isset( $matches [ 1 ])) ? $matches [ 1 ] : 0 ;
$metric = (isset( $matches [ 2 ])) ? strtolower ( $matches [ 2 ]) : ‘b’ ;

# Result of $value multiplied by the matched case
# Note: (1024 ** 2) is same as (1024 * 1024) or pow(1024, 2)
$value *= match ( $metric ) ‘k’ , ‘kb’ => 1024 ,
‘m’ , ‘mb’ => ( 1024 ** 2 ),
‘g’ , ‘gb’ => ( 1024 ** 3 ),
‘t’ , ‘tb’ => ( 1024 ** 4 ),
default => 0

# TEST: This default to 0 if it doesn’t conform with the match standard
echo getBytes ( ‘2GB’ ) . «
» ;
# OUTPUT: 2147483648
echo getBytes ( ‘4tb’ ) . «
» ;
# OUTPUT: 4398046511104
echo getBytes ( ‘5345etrgrfd’ ) . «
» ;
echo getBytes ( ‘357568336586’ ) . «
» ;

Concerning the value retourned, it depends on how you set it.
I had the problem with horde-3 which test the safe_mode value.
THan :
— if you set the value with php_admin_value safe_mode Off (or On) ini_get returns the string
— if you set the value with php_admin_flag safe_mode Off (or On) ini_get returns the boolean.

This version of return_bytes takes care of the MB, GB, KB cases along with the M,G,K ones.
Hope this is helpful!

public static function return_bytes ( $val )
if(empty( $val ))return 0 ;

preg_match ( ‘#(9+)[\s]*([a-z]+)#i’ , $val , $matches );

$last = » ;
if(isset( $matches [ 2 ])) $last = $matches [ 2 ];

if(isset( $matches [ 1 ])) $val = (int) $matches [ 1 ];

switch ( strtolower ( $last ))
case ‘g’ :
case ‘gb’ :
$val *= 1024 ;
case ‘m’ :
case ‘mb’ :
$val *= 1024 ;
case ‘k’ :
case ‘kb’ :
$val *= 1024 ;

The above example function called return_bytes() assumes that ini_get(‘upload_max_filesize’) delivers only one letter at the end. As I’ve seen ‘Mb’ and things like that, I’d suggest to change the $last = . part into $last = strtolower(substr($val,strlen($val/1),1)).
I’d call it $unit then.

Yet another implementation of return_bytes:

function return_bytes ( $val )
assert ( ‘1 === preg_match(«/^\d+([kmg])?$/i», $val)’ );
static $map = array ( ‘k’ => 1024 , ‘m’ => 1048576 , ‘g’ => 1073741824 );
return (int) $val * @( $map [ strtolower ( substr ( $val , — 1 ))] ?: 1 );

If you’re using PHP >= 7, you might replace ?: with ?? to avoid the use of the @ silencer.

You can set custom entries in the ini file to provide globals such as database details.
However these must be retrieved with get_cfg_var, ini_get won’t work.

Here is how to accurately test for boolean php.ini values:

function ini_get_bool ( $a )
$b = ini_get ( $a );

switch ( strtolower ( $b ))
case ‘on’ :
case ‘yes’ :
case ‘true’ :
return ‘’ !== $a ;

case ‘stdout’ :
case ‘stderr’ :
return ‘display_errors’ === $a ;

Here is a version combining a few of the examples here that does *not* require php8 nor does it generate a warning

* gets the value in bytes converted from a human readable string like 10G’
* @param mixed $val the human readable/shorthand version of the value
* @return int the value converted to bytes
function return_bytes($val) $val = trim($val);
preg_match(‘/(2+)[\s]*([a-zA-Z]+)/’, $val, $matches);
$value = (isset($matches[1])) ? intval($matches[1]) : 0;
$metric = (isset($matches[2])) ? strtolower($matches[2]) : ‘b’;
switch ($metric) case ‘tb’:
case ‘t’:
$value *= 1024;
case ‘gb’:
case ‘g’:
$value *= 1024;
case ‘mb’:
case ‘m’:
$value *= 1024;
case ‘kb’:
case ‘k’:
$value *= 1024;
return $value;

In a similar vein, converting flags to booleans proper:

function return_boolean ( $val )
static $map = array ( ‘on’ => true , ‘true’ => true , ‘off’ => false , ‘false’ => false );
return @( $map [ strtolower ( $val )] ?: (bool) $val );

If you’re using PHP >= 7, consider replacing ?: with ?? and removing the @ silencer.

It might be useful for included scripts that include other files to extend the ‘include_path’ variable:

Sometimes, it may also be useful to store the current ‘include_path’ in a variable, overwrite it, include, and then restore the old ‘include_path’.

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