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A simple trick that can help you to guess what diff/intersect or sort function does by name.
[suffix] assoc — additional index check. Compares both value and index.Example: array_diff_assoc, array_intersect_assoc.
[suffix] key — index only check. Ignores value of array, compares only indexes.Example: array_diff_key, array_intersect_key.
[suffix] **empty** — no «key» or «assoc» word in suffix. Compares values only. Ignores indexes of array.Example: array_diff, array_intersect.
[prefix] u — will do comparison with user defined function. Letter u can be used twice in some functions (like array_udiff_uassoc), this means that you have to use 2 functions (one for value, one for index).Example: array_udiff_uassoc, array_uintersect_assoc.
This also works with array sort functions:
[prefix] a — associative. Will preserve keys. [prefix] k — key sort. Will sort array by keys. [prefix] r — reverse. Will sort array in reverse order. [prefix] u — sort by user defined function (same as for diff/intersect).Big arrays use a lot of memory possibly resulting in memory limit errors. You can reduce memory usage on your script by destroying them as soon as you´re done with them. I was able to get over a few megabytes of memory by simply destroying some variables I didn´t use anymore.
You can view the memory usage/gain by using the funcion memory_get_usage(). Hope this helps!
I need to take an element from the Array and change its position within the Array by moving the rest of the elements as required.
This is the function that does it. The first parameter is the working Array. The second is the position of the element to move and the third is the position where to move the element.
The function returns the modified Array.
function array_move_elem ( $array , $from , $to ) if ( $from == $to ) < return $array ; >
$c = count ( $array );
if (( $c > $from ) and ( $c > $to )) if ( $from < $to ) $f = $array [ $from ];
for ( $i = $from ; $i < $to ; $i ++) $array [ $i ] = $array [ $i + 1 ];
$array [ $to ] = $f ;
> else $f = $array [ $from ];
for ( $i = $from ; $i > $to ; $i —) $array [ $i ] = $array [ $i — 1 ];
$array [ $to ] = $f ;
$array = array( ‘Cero’ , ‘Uno’ , ‘Dos’ , ‘Tres’ , ‘Cuatro’ , ‘Cinco’ , ‘Seis’ , ‘Siete’ , ‘Ocho’ , ‘Nueve’ , ‘Diez’ );
$array = array_move_elem ( $array , 3 , 5 ); // Move element in position 3 to position 5.
print_r ( $array );
$array = array_move_elem ( $array , 5 , 3 ); // Move element in position 5 to position 3, leaving array as it was. 😉
print_r ( $array );
Array ( [ 0 ] => Cero [ 1 ] => Uno [ 2 ] => Dos [ 3 ] => Cuatro [ 4 ] => Cinco [ 5 ] => Tres [ 6 ] => Seis [ 7 ] => Siete [ 8 ] => Ocho [ 9 ] => Nueve [ 10 ] => Diez )
Array ( [ 0 ] => Cero [ 1 ] => Uno [ 2 ] => Dos [ 3 ] => Tres [ 4 ] => Cuatro [ 5 ] => Cinco [ 6 ] => Seis [ 7 ] => Siete [ 8 ] => Ocho [ 9 ] => Nueve [ 10 ] => Diez )
Updated code of ‘indioeuropeo’ with option to input string-based keys.
function array_move_elem ( $array , $from , $to ) // return if non-numeric couldn’t be found or from=to
if(! is_numeric ( $from )) if( array_search ( $from , array_keys ( $array ))!== FALSE ) $from = array_search ( $from , array_keys ( $array ));
>else return $array ;
$array_numeric_keys = array();
foreach( $array as $k => $v ) $array_numeric_keys [] = $k ;
if ( $from == $to ) < return $array ; >
$c = count ( $array_numeric_keys );
if (( $c > $from ) and ( $c > $to )) if ( $from < $to ) $f = $array_numeric_keys [ $from ];
for ( $i = $from ; $i < $to ; $i ++) $array_numeric_keys [ $i ] = $array_numeric_keys [ $i + 1 ];
$array_numeric_keys [ $to ] = $f ;
> else $f = $array_numeric_keys [ $from ];
for ( $i = $from ; $i > $to ; $i —) $array_numeric_keys [ $i ] = $array_numeric_keys [ $i — 1 ];
$array_numeric_keys [ $to ] = $f ;
$array_new = array();
foreach( $array_numeric_keys as $v ) $array_new [ $v ] = $array [ $v ];
return $array_new ;
Here is a function to find out the maximum depth of a multidimensional array.
// return depth of given array
// if Array is a string ArrayDepth() will return 0
// usage: int ArrayDepth(array Array)
function ArrayDepth ( $Array , $DepthCount =- 1 , $DepthArray =array()) $DepthCount ++;
if ( is_array ( $Array ))
foreach ( $Array as $Key => $Value )
$DepthArray []= ArrayDepth ( $Value , $DepthCount );
return $DepthCount ;
foreach( $DepthArray as $Value )
$Depth = $Value > $Depth ? $Value : $Depth ;
return $Depth ;
While PHP has well over three-score array functions, array_rotate is strangely missing as of PHP 5.3. Searching online offered several solutions, but the ones I found have defects such as inefficiently looping through the array or ignoring keys.
The following array_rotate() function uses array_merge and array_shift to reliably rotate an array forwards or backwards, preserving keys. If you know you can trust your $array to be an array and $shift to be between 0 and the length of your array, you can skip the function definition and use just the return expression in your code.
function array_rotate ( $array , $shift ) if(! is_array ( $array ) || ! is_numeric ( $shift )) if(! is_array ( $array )) error_log ( __FUNCTION__ . ‘ expects first argument to be array; ‘ . gettype ( $array ). ‘ received.’ );
if(! is_numeric ( $shift )) error_log ( __FUNCTION__ . ‘ expects second argument to be numeric; ‘ . gettype ( $shift ). » ` $shift ` received.» );
return $array ;
$shift %= count ( $array ); //we won’t try to shift more than one array length
if( $shift < 0 ) $shift += count ( $array ); //handle negative shifts as positive
return array_merge ( array_slice ( $array , $shift , NULL , true ), array_slice ( $array , 0 , $shift , true ));
A few simple tests:
$array =array( «foo» => 1 , «bar» => 2 , «baz» => 3 , 4 , 5 );
print_r ( array_rotate ( $array , 2 ));
print_r ( array_rotate ( $array , — 2 ));
print_r ( array_rotate ( $array , count ( $array )));
print_r ( array_rotate ( $array , «4» ));
print_r ( array_rotate ( $array , — 9 ));
Short function for making a recursive array copy while cloning objects on the way.
function arrayCopy ( array $array ) $result = array();
foreach( $array as $key => $val ) if( is_array ( $val ) ) $result [ $key ] = arrayCopy ( $val );
> elseif ( is_object ( $val ) ) $result [ $key ] = clone $val ;
> else $result [ $key ] = $val ;
return $result ;
/*to change an index without rewriting the whole table and leave at the same place.
function change_index (& $tableau , $old_key , $new_key ) $changed = FALSE ;
$temp = 0 ;
foreach ( $tableau as $key => $value ) switch ( $changed ) case FALSE :
//creates the new key and deletes the old
if ( $key == $old_key ) $tableau [ $new_key ] = $tableau [ $old_key ];
unset( $tableau [ $old_key ]);
$changed = TRUE ;
case TRUE :
//moves following keys
if ( $key != $new_key ) $temp = $tableau [ $key ];
unset( $tableau [ $key ]);
$tableau [ $key ] = $temp ;
else < $changed = FALSE ;>//stop
array_values ( $tableau ); //free_memory
//Result :
$tableau = array( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 );
$res = print_r ( $tableau , TRUE );
$longueur = strlen ( $res ) — 1 ;
echo «Old array :\n» . substr ( $res , 8 , $longueur ) . «\n» ;
change_index ( $tableau , 2 , ‘number 2’ );
$res = print_r ( $tableau , TRUE );
$longueur = strlen ( $res ) — 10 ;
echo «New array :\n» . substr ( $res , 8 , $longueur ) . «\n» ;
Php получить данные ключа массива
// Before php 5.4
$array = array(1,2,3);
// since php 5.4 , short syntax
$array = [1,2,3];
// I recommend using the short syntax if you have php version >= 5.4
Used to creating arrays like this in Perl?
Looks like we need the range() function in PHP:
$array = array_merge (array( ‘All’ ), range ( ‘A’ , ‘Z’ ));
You don’t need to array_merge if it’s just one range:
There is another kind of array (php>= 5.3.0) produced by
$array = new SplFixedArray(5);
Standard arrays, as documented here, are marvellously flexible and, due to the underlying hashtable, extremely fast for certain kinds of lookup operation.
Supposing a large string-keyed array
$arr=[‘string1’=>$data1, ‘string2’=>$data2 etc. ]
when getting the keyed data with
php does *not* have to search through the array comparing each key string to the given key (‘string1’) one by one, which could take a long time with a large array. Instead the hashtable means that php takes the given key string and computes from it the memory location of the keyed data, and then instantly retrieves the data. Marvellous! And so quick. And no need to know anything about hashtables as it’s all hidden away.
However, there is a lot of overhead in that. It uses lots of memory, as hashtables tend to (also nearly doubling on a 64bit server), and should be significantly slower for integer keyed arrays than old-fashioned (non-hashtable) integer-keyed arrays. For that see more on SplFixedArray :
Unlike a standard php (hashtabled) array, if you lookup by integer then the integer itself denotes the memory location of the data, no hashtable computation on the integer key needed. This is much quicker. It’s also quicker to build the array compared to the complex operations needed for hashtables. And it uses a lot less memory as there is no hashtable data structure. This is really an optimisation decision, but in some cases of large integer keyed arrays it may significantly reduce server memory and increase performance (including the avoiding of expensive memory deallocation of hashtable arrays at the exiting of the script).
When creating arrays , if we have an element with the same value as another element from the same array, we would expect PHP instead of creating new zval container to increase the refcount and point the duplicate symbol to the same zval. This is true except for value type integer.
$arr = [‘bebe’ => ‘Bob’, ‘age’ => 23, ‘too’ => 23 ];
xdebug_debug_zval( ‘arr’ );
(refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=3)
‘bebe’ => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)string ‘Bob’ (length=3)
‘age’ => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 23
‘too’ => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 23
but :
$arr = [‘bebe’ => ‘Bob’, ‘age’ => 23, ‘too’ => ’23’ ];
xdebug_debug_zval( ‘arr’ );
(refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=3)
‘bebe’ => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)string ‘Bob’ (length=3)
‘age’ => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 23
‘too’ => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)string ’23’ (length=2)
or :
$arr = [‘bebe’ => ‘Bob’, ‘age’ => [1,2], ‘too’ => [1,2] ];
xdebug_debug_zval( ‘arr’ );
(refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=3)
‘bebe’ => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)string ‘Bob’ (length=3)
‘age’ => (refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=2)
0 => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 1
1 => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 2
‘too’ => (refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=2)
0 => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 1
1 => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 2
This function makes (assoc.) array creation much easier:
function arr (. $array )< return $array ; >
It allows for short syntax like:
$arr = arr ( x : 1 , y : 2 , z : 3 );
Instead of:
$arr = [ «x» => 1 , «y» => 2 , «z» => 3 ];
// or
$arr2 = array( «x» => 1 , «y» => 2 , «z» => 3 );
Sadly PHP 8.2 doesn’t support this named arguments in the «array» function/language construct.