- Example code for PHP PDO MySQL connection pooling
- Php connection pooling mysql
- PDO Connection Pooling with AJAX
- When and How to use Multiple MySQL Queries with PHP (PDO)
- PHP Connection Pooling MySQL [Duplicate]
- What is connection pooling?
- Installing pdo-pool
- Creating a connection pool
- Getting a connection from the pool
- Releasing a connection back to the pool
- Connection pooling with Laravel
- Conclusion
Example code for PHP PDO MySQL connection pooling
To enable persistent connection, prefix the hostname with ‘p:’ and instruct either the or to use it. For information on persistent connections, refer to http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.connections.php. It’s important to note that even with connection pooling, excessive requests are still being exchanged.
Php connection pooling mysql
Have you ever employed mysql_pconnect() ? It works similarly to mysql_connect() , but has two significant distinctions.
Initially, before establishing a connection, the function will attempt to locate an existing (persistent) link with the identical hostname, username, and password. In case of success, an identifier will be returned instead of creating a new connection.
The SQL server connection will persist even after the script execution is complete because the link established by mysql_pconnect() will not be closed by mysql_close() .
Consequently, this link is referred to as ‘persistent’.
In PHP 5.3, the mysqli extension was updated to include support for persistent connections. However, support for persistent connections was already available in ext/mysql and PDO MYSQL. The main concept behind persistent connections is to reuse a connection between a client process and a database instead of creating and destroying it multiple times. This approach minimizes the overhead of creating new connections every time they are required, as unused connections are cached and available for reuse.
In contrast to the mysql extension, opening persistent connections in mysqli requires a different approach. You cannot use a separate function for this purpose. Instead, you need to add «p:» to the beginning of the hostname when establishing the connection.
The given information can be found on the PHP manual’s page about mysqli persistent connections.
sample code: $GLOBALS["mysqli"] = new mysqli('p:localhost', 'username', 'password', 'db_name');
Apologies for the duplicate response, as I was unaware of the other answers provided earlier.
Instead of relying on the outdated mysql extension, opt for the more modern mysqli or PDO extension.
To enable persistent connection, simply add a prefix of ‘p:’ to your hostname and instruct either mysqli_connect or mysqli::__construct to use it.
Please refer to the mysqli.construct page on the official PHP documentation website for more information.
Php pdo connect mysql Code Example, $host = «localhost»;//Ip of database, in this case my host machine $user = «root»; //Username to use $pass = «qwerty»;//Password …
PDO Connection Pooling with AJAX
For information on persistent connections, refer to this link: http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.connections.php
Is it possible for persistent connections to stay active when making multiple AJAX requests?
Indeed, there is a possibility that they might never be reused, as pointed out by @carefulnow. To quote his comments:
While persistent connections and connection pooling both involve establishing connections, they function differently. Connection pooling entails creating many connections at the outset, and the application then selects from those that are already established. On the other hand, persistent connections establish new connections, but unlike regular connections, they do not close unless explicitly instructed to do so. It is important to use persistent connections with caution as many databases have a maximum connection limit, and additional connections are not permitted once it is reached. In general, a regular connection created by invoking the PDO constructor with a DSN and login information is adequate for most situations.
To demonstrate the behavior of persistent connections, I will provide PHP code and screenshots of the MariaDB console monitor displaying the resulting connection count. The «run count» in the bottom right corner should be noted. It is important to keep in mind that when using persistent connections, the connections do not close; rather, they go into sleep mode. Connection #231 should be ignored as it belongs to the console monitor. The following links display the screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/IL42tjF.png, http://i.imgur.com/aDvl7F7.png, http://i.imgur.com/IuFEEvO.png. It should be noted that the time column indicates the length of inactivity, not the length of time connected. Therefore, the console monitor always displays a time of zero because I have just executed SHOW PROCESSLIST;. I hope that this explanation has provided some clarity regarding the tricky nature of database connection management.
Upon reviewing the screenshots, the question remains: how can the persistent connections be retrieved? According to some posts on StackOverflow, these connections are cached at the thread level, implying that multiple threads could result in numerous connections, potentially leading to the mysql connection limit being exceeded. Therefore, it is advisable to comprehend how persistent connections operate before utilizing them (a skill which I lack, but @carefulnow seems to possess).
Can a persistent connection be programmed to eventually terminate?
Given that PHP documentation indicates that they are cached, my inference is that they are eventually purged.
Additionally, you can find the following information on the link provided by @fabian.
true )); ?> Note: If you wish to use persistent connections, you must set PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT in the array of driver options passed to the PDO constructor. If setting this attribute with PDO::setAttribute() after instantiation of the object, the driver will not use persistent connections.
The Pdo persistent feature enables the use of any URL with multiple MySQL requests as a single connection. Only a new PDO connection is established when the page is reloaded or when accessing another PHP page with a PDO connection. To reuse the static SQL connection already created on the server for all pages, we can declare it globally before loading the page. This can only be achieved with the node MySQL package in Express. By configuring the MySQL pool connection as a global declaration in Express JS, we can accomplish this.
In NodeJS, connection pooling can be achieved by utilizing the MySQL and Express NPM modules. After setting up an HTTP server in Node, requests can be made to the Express server via an API such as with a post request. For retrieving the data, use PHP and the file() method along with stream context to create the post request. It is recommended to avoid using curl due to longer execution times. Use a while statement to check the data returned from the ExpressJS server.
As I created this post on my mobile device, I am unable to provide the detailed code for its use. However, if anyone requires the sample code, I will share it on the GitHub repository. Please feel free to leave your comments.
PHP MySQL Connect to database, PDO will work on 12 different database systems, whereas MySQLi will only work with MySQL databases. So, if you have to switch your project to use another database, PDO makes the process easy. You only have to change the connection string and a few queries. With MySQLi, you will need to rewrite the entire code — …
When and How to use Multiple MySQL Queries with PHP (PDO)
Although mysql_query() does not allow for multiple queries, there are various alternatives that can be used.
Here are two sources that provide information on MySQL queries: — The first source is from dev-explorer.com and discusses multiple MySQL queries. — The second source is from php.net and provides information on the MySQL query function.
Irrespective of the database type, combining multiple queries into one statement can enhance efficiency. Executing each query separately requires making a call to the database across the network, authenticating, passing the query, obtaining the resultset, and releasing the connection for each query.
Despite utilizing connection pooling, there is still an excessive back and forth of requests being made.
Combining multiple queries into a single one eliminates the need for extra back and forth calls, resulting in improved efficiency. By reducing the number of queries, you can make your app perform better.
To illustrate, numerous applications generate lists during their initialization, such as for dropdown menus. This could require several queries, but consolidating them into a single call can expedite the startup process.
During my research tonight, I came across this thread but found no satisfactory solution to this uncomplicated issue in any of the previous responses.
With the utilization of the OO Approach, the multi_query() method enables the execution of several query statements through a single connection.
To ensure proper formatting, queries must be separated by semicolons (;).
For additional information on managing SELECT data, please refer to the PHP manual.
Php pdo connection local mysql Code Example, $host = «localhost»;//Ip of database, in this case my host machine $user = «root»; //Username to use $pass = «qwerty»;//Password …
PHP Connection Pooling MySQL [Duplicate]
If you’re working with PHP and MySQL, you may have heard of connection pooling. Connection pooling is a technique that allows you to reuse database connections instead of creating a new connection every time you need to interact with the database. This can improve the performance of your application by reducing the overhead of creating new connections.
What is connection pooling?
In PHP, connection pooling is typically implemented using a third-party library like `pdo-pool`. This library provides a simple interface for creating and managing a pool of PDO (PHP Data Objects) connections.
Installing pdo-pool
To get started with pdo-pool, you’ll first need to install the library using Composer. Here’s an example `composer.json` file:
< "require": < "php": ">=5.6", "ext-pdo": "*", "ext-pdo_mysql": "*", "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^1.3", "react/promise": "^2.7", "spatie/async": "^2.0", "spatie/pdo-pool": "^2.2" > >
After you’ve installed pdo-pool, you can start using it in your PHP code.
Creating a connection pool
To create a connection pool, you’ll first need to create a `Pool` object. Here’s an example:
$pool = new \Spatie\PdoPool\Pool( $minConnections = 1, $maxConnections = 10, $timeout = 0.5, $idleTimeout = 60 );
This creates a connection pool with a minimum of 1 connection, a maximum of 10 connections, a connection timeout of 0.5 seconds, and an idle timeout of 60 seconds.
Getting a connection from the pool
To get a connection from the pool, you can use the `get()` method:
This will return a PDO object that you can use to interact with the database.
Releasing a connection back to the pool
After you’re done using a connection, you should release it back to the pool using the `release()` method:
Connection pooling with Laravel
If you’re using Laravel, you can use the `database.connections.pool` configuration option to enable connection pooling. Here’s an example `config/database.php` file:
'connections' => [ 'pool' => [ 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''), 'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'), 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'), 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'), 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', 'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', 'prefix' => '', 'pool' => [ 'min_connections' => 1, 'max_connections' => 10, 'timeout' => 0.5, 'idle_timeout' => 60, ], ], ],
To use the connection pool, you can simply specify the `pool` connection:
$pdo = DB::connection('pool')->getPdo();
Connection pooling can be a powerful technique for improving the performance of your PHP application when working with MySQL databases. With pdo-pool, it’s easy to create and manage a pool of PDO connections, and you can even use it with Laravel if you’re already using that framework.