- Php php array of objects sort by property
- PHP sort array of objects by two properties
- Sort array by object property in PHP?
- Jan 2016 update
- Jan 2015 update
- Original Notes from 2009
- Sort array of objects by property value inside a function [duplicate]
- Php order by object property
- PHP Function Based
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Php php array of objects sort by property
Solution: as always, sorting algorithm uses a compare function behind the scene to sort the whole array by comparing two element, for sorting complex stuff like this, one should write compare function and define the logic there for ordering An added benefit of having Heaps is being able to use their comparison function for callbacks to other sorting functions, like .
PHP sort array of objects by two properties
Why the extra level of indirection and making things more confusing? Why not usort directly with usort($objectArray, «sortObjects»); using a sortObjects($a,$b) function that does what any comparator does: return negative/0/positive numbers based on the input?
If the tabs differ, return their comparison, if they’re the same, return the order comparison; done.
$array = array( (object)array( 'tab_option_name_selector' => 2, 'fieldtype' => 'notes', 'order' => 12 ), (object)array( 'tab_option_name_selector' => 2, 'fieldtype' => 'notes', 'order' => 8 ), (object)array( 'tab_option_name_selector' => 1, 'order' => 2, 'fieldtype' => 'selectbox' ), (object)array( 'tab_option_name_selector' => 2, 'order' => 3, 'fieldtype' => 'selectbox' ) ); function compareTabAndOrder($a, $b) < // compare the tab option value $diff = $a->tab_option_name_selector - $b->tab_option_name_selector; // and return it. Unless it's zero, then compare order, instead. return ($diff !== 0) ? $diff : $a->order - $b->order; > usort($array, "compareTabAndOrder"); print_r($array);
Why don’t you use array_multisort ? http://php.net/manual/de/function.array-multisort.php
$data = //your array //Create independent arrays foreach ($data as $row) < foreach ($row as $key =>$value)< $[] = $value; //Creates $tab_option_name_selector, $fieldtype and $order array //in order to use them as independent arrays in array_multisort. > > array_multisort($tab_option_name_selector, SORT_ASC, $order, SORT_ASC, $data); //$data sorted as expected. echo "
"; print_r($data); echo "";
An example for unlimited number of properties:
$data = [ (object)['volume' => '1', 'edition' => '1'], (object)['volume' => '2', 'edition' => '1'], (object)['volume' => '3', 'edition' => '10'], (object)['volume' => '3', 'edition' => '50'], (object)['volume' => '3', 'edition' => '20'], (object)['volume' => '4', 'edition' => '3'], ]; // sorting list by properties $sorting = ['volume' => SORT_DESC, 'edition' => SORT_ASC]; $arrays = []; foreach ($sorting as $key => $sort) < $column = array_column($data, $key); if (!empty($column)) < $arrays[] = $column; $arrays[] = $sort; >> if (!empty($arrays)) < $arrays[] = $data; if (!array_multisort(. $arrays)) < var_dump('some error'); die(); >// get last array, that is the sorted data $data = ($arrays[array_key_last($arrays)]); >
Example partially from php.net — array_multisort
Sorting an array of an array of objects in PHP by key value, A way to do this is to separate the value array from the array of objects, and thus, creating two
Sort array by object property in PHP?
The question was concerned about the inefficiency of using usort because of the overhead of calling the comparison callback. This answer looks at the difference between using the built-in sort functions and a non-recursive quicksort implementation.
The answer changed over time as PHP evolved since 2009, so I’ve kept it updated. The older material, while no longer relevant, is still interesting though!
TL;DR: as of php 7.0.1, a non-recursive quicksort is no longer faster than using usort with a callback. This wasn’t always the case, which is why the details below make interesting reading. The real takeaway is that if you benchmark your problem and try alternative approaches, you can come up with surprising results.
Jan 2016 update
Well here we are with php 7.0 released and 7.1 on the way! Finally, for this dataset, the built-in usort is ever-so-slightly faster!
+-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | Operation | HHVM | php7.0.1 | php5.6.3 | 5.4.35 | 5.3.29 | +-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | usort | *0.0445 | *0.0139 | 0.1503 | 0.1388 | 0.2390 | | quicksort | 0.0467 | 0.0140 | *0.0912 | *0.1190 | *0.1854 | | | 5% slower | 1% slower | 40% faster | 15% faster | 23% faster | +-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
Jan 2015 update
When I originally answered this in 2009, I compared using usort with a non-recursive quicksort to see if there was a difference. As it turned out, there was significant difference, with the quicksort running 3x faster.
As it’s now 2015, I thought it might be useful to revisit this, so I took code which sorts 15000 objects using usort and quicksort and ran it on 3v4l.org which runs it on lots of different PHP versions. The full results are here: http://3v4l.org/WsEEQ
+-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | Operation | HHVM | php7alpha1 | php5.6.3 | 5.4.35 | 5.3.29 | +-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ | usort | *0.0678 | 0.0438 | 0.0934 | 0.1114 | 0.2330 | | quicksort | 0.0827 | *0.0310 | *0.0709 | *0.0771 | *0.1412 | | | 19% slower | 30% faster | 25% faster | 31% faster | 40% faster | +-----------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+
Original Notes from 2009
I tried a usort, and sorted 15000 Person objects in around 1.8 seconds.
As you are concerned about the inefficiency of the calls to the comparison function, I compared it with a non-recursive Quicksort implementation. This actually ran in around one third of the time, approx 0.5 seconds.
Here’s my code which benchmarks the two approaches
// Non-recurive Quicksort for an array of Person objects // adapted from http://www.algorithmist.com/index.php/Quicksort_non-recursive.php function quickSort( &$array ) < $cur = 1; $stack[1]['l'] = 0; $stack[1]['r'] = count($array)-1; do < $l = $stack[$cur]['l']; $r = $stack[$cur]['r']; $cur--; do < $i = $l; $j = $r; $tmp = $array[(int)( ($l+$r)/2 )]; // partion the array in two parts. // left from $tmp are with smaller values, // right from $tmp are with bigger ones do < while( $array[$i]->age < $tmp->age ) $i++; while( $tmp->age < $array[$j]->age ) $j--; // swap elements from the two sides if( $i >while( $i $r = $j; >while( $l < $r ); >while( $cur != 0 ); > // usort() comparison function for Person objects function personSort( $a, $b ) < return $a->age == $b->age ? 0 : ( $a->age > $b->age ) ? 1 : -1; > // simple person object class Person < var $age; function __construct($age) < $this->age = $age; > > //---------test internal usort() on 15000 Person objects------ srand(1); $people=array(); for ($x=0; $x $start=microtime(true); usort( $people, 'personSort' ); $total=microtime(true)-$start; echo "usort took $total\n"; //---------test custom quicksort on 15000 Person objects------ srand(1); $people=array(); for ($x=0; $x $start=microtime(true); quickSort( $people ); $total=microtime(true)-$start; echo "quickSort took $total\n";
An interesting suggestion was to add a __toString method to the class and use sort(), so I tried that out too. Trouble is, you must pass SORT_STRING as the second parameter to sort get it to actually call the magic method, which has the side effect of doing a string rather than numeric sort. To counter this, you need to pad the numbers with zeroes to make it sort properly. Net result was that this was slower than both usort and the custom quickSort
sort 10000 items took 1.76266698837 usort 10000 items took 1.08757710457 quickSort 10000 items took 0.320873022079
Here’s the code for the sort() using __toString():
$size=10000; class Person < var $age; function __construct($age) < $this->age = $age; $this->sortable=sprintf("%03d", $age); > public function __toString() < return $this->sortable; > > srand(1); $people=array(); for ($x=0; $x $start=microtime(true); sort( $people, SORT_STRING); $total=microtime(true)-$start; echo "sort($size) took $total\n"
For that specific scenario, you can sort it using the usort() function, where you define your own function to compare the items in the array.
age = $age; > > function personSort( $a, $b ) < return $a->age == $b->age ? 0 : ( $a->age > $b->age ) ? 1 : -1; > $person1 = new Person(14); $person2 = new Person(5); $person3 = new Person(32); $person4 = new Person(150); $person5 = new Person(39); $people = array($person1, $person2, $person3, $person4, $person5); print_r( $people ); usort( $people, 'personSort' ); print_r( $people );
You could either use usort or a heap.
class SortPeopleByAge extends SplMaxHeap < function compare($person1, $person2) < return $person1->age - $person2->age; > > $people = array(new Person(30), new Person(22), new Person(40)); $sorter = new SortPeopleByAge; array_map(array($sorter, 'insert'), $people); print_r(iterator_to_array($sorter)); // people sorted from 40 to 22
Note that the purpose of an Heap is to have an ordered collection at all times and not to replace usort . For large collections (1000+), a heap will be faster and less memory intensive though.
An added benefit of having Heaps is being able to use their comparison function for callbacks to other sorting functions, like usort . You just have to remember that the order for the comparison is reversed, so any comparison done with a Heap will result in reversed order in usort .
// using $people array and $sorter usort($people, array($sorter, 'compare')); print_r($people); // people sorted from 22 to 40
usort is fine for small to medium collections where you will do the sorting once at the end. Of course, you dont have to have a heap to use usort . You can just as well add any other valid callback for the sorting.
Sort array of objects by one property, usort() will sort ascending when the custom function body puts $a data on the left side of the spaceship operator and $b data on the right side.
Sort array of objects by property value inside a function [duplicate]
as always, sorting algorithm uses a compare function behind the scene to sort the whole array by comparing two element, for sorting complex stuff like this, one should write compare function and define the logic there for ordering
function compare($a, $b) < return strtotime($a->metadata['endtime']) < strtotime($b->metadata['endtime']); > usort($yourarray, 'compare');
Sorting an Array of Objects in PHP In a Specific Order, Use usort and provide a custom comparison function which uses the position of the key in your «ordering» array to determine the sort order, e.g. something
Php order by object property
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