Php object to indexed array

Converting Object to Array in PHP

In this blog, we will learn different methods to convert objects into arrays in PHP, with detailed explanations and examples to help you understand the process. Explore multiple approaches, compare their pros and cons, and choose the one that best suits your needs.


In PHP, objects, and arrays are two fundamental data types that play a crucial role in web development. Often, there arises a need to convert an object into an array to manipulate or access its data more easily. While PHP provides several methods to accomplish this task, it’s essential to understand their differences, benefits, and potential drawbacks. In this blog post, we will explore various methods of converting objects to arrays in PHP.

Method 1: Using Typecasting

The first method involves using typecasting to explicitly convert an object into an array. By casting an object to an array type, PHP automatically creates an associative array where each property of the object becomes a key-value pair in the array. We can then access the object’s properties by their keys within the array.

class Person < public $name = "John Doe"; public $age = 30; >$person = new Person(); $array = (array) $person; print_r($array); 


Array ( [name] => John Doe [age] => 30 ) 

In this example, we define a Person class with two properties: $name and $age . We create an instance of the Person class and then cast it to an array using (array) . The resulting array contains the properties of the object as key-value pairs.

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Method 2: Utilizing the get_object_vars() Function

The second method involves using the get_object_vars() function, which returns all the properties of an object as an associative array. This approach offers more control and flexibility, allowing you to manipulate or filter the properties before converting them into an array.

class Car < public $brand = "Tesla"; public $model = "Model S"; private $year = 2023; >$car = new Car(); $array = get_object_vars($car); print_r($array); 


Array ( [brand] => Tesla [model] => Model S ) 

In this example, we define a Car class with three properties: $brand , $model , and $year . The $year property is marked as private to demonstrate that get_object_vars() only returns public properties. The function retrieves the public properties of the object and returns them as an associative array.

Method 3: Serialization and Deserialization

Another approach to convert an object to an array involves serializing the object into a string representation using serialize() , and then deserializing it back into an array using unserialize() . This method allows you to preserve complex object structures, including nested objects and arrays.

class Book < public $title = "The Great Gatsby"; public $author = "F. Scott Fitzgerald"; >$book = new Book(); $array = unserialize(serialize($book)); print_r($array); 


Array ( [title] => The Great Gatsby [author] => F. Scott Fitzgerald ) 

In this example, we define a Book class with two properties: $title and $author . We serialize the object using serialize() and then immediately deserialize it using unserialize() . This process effectively converts the object into an array.


Converting objects to arrays in PHP is a common requirement in web development. In this blog post, we explored three different methods to accomplish this task: using typecasting, utilizing the get_object_vars() function, and serialization/deserialization.

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PHP object to array

PHP object to array

The following article provides an outline for PHP object to array. As we all know, object is known as a class instance which has memory allocated. In the case of an array, it is a data structure containing one or more values of a similar type in a single name. On the other hand, an associative array is not like a normal PHP array. An associative array is an array that consists of a string index which stores item values linked with key values other than in order of the linear index.

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Methods of a PHP object to array

Now, let us see different ways in which we can convert PHP object to array.

Method 1

With the help of the json_decode and json_encode method

In this method, the function json_decode takes JSON encoded string and changes it into a PHP variable, whereas the json_encode function returns a string which is encoded in a json format for a particular value.

$arr = json_decode(json_encode ( $obj ) , true);

Method 2

With the help of type casting

Typecasting is a technique in which one data type variable into the another data type. It is considered as an explicit data type conversion. It can translate a PHP object to an array with the help of typecasting rules in PHP.

How to Convert an object to an array in PHP?

As we all know, there are several formats of data like strings, objects, arrays etc. In the case of PHP also, there are data formats like this. In order to get the needed output, a php object obj result is needed in a format of an associative array.

Now, let us see how to translate a php object.

 // create class object . . . // convert object to array . . . . ?>

This is the skeleton for converting an object into an array.

Now let us see how to perform this.

When the object is var_dump, all items will be displayed.

  • For decoding into an object, a json string which is available will be used to convert and string formatting is done to an object. It will be done using $obj = json_decode(json_encode($arr));
  • When the object is var_dump, all items will be displayed after converting into an array.

Here, one important point to consider is json_decode that translates a json string to an object, except you offer another option that is boolean which can be true or false. Even if the second parameter is considered as true, an array will be obtained.

Also, when json encode operation and decode operation are used, arrays are converted to objects that take up many resources if the array is large. In that case, the better method to type cast an array to an object that uses the object cast.

Consider $obj = (object) $arr; syntax. Here also, object will be converted into arrays.

Based on the requirements, you can choose the method you want for the conversion of an array into an object in PHP.

Examples of a PHP object to array

Different examples are mentioned below:

Example #1

PHP program to convert an object to an array using the typecasting method.

item1 = $dis1; $this->item2 = $dis2; $this->item3 = $dis3; > > // Creation of object for the class $dis = new hospital("D", "S", "C") ; echo "Items before conversion : " ; var_dump($dis); // convert object to array $arr = (array)$dis; echo "Items after conversion : "; var_dump($arr); ?>

PHP object to array 1

In this program, a class hospital is created, and inside that, three elements such as el1, el2, and el3. Then, a __construct() function is declared, which gets executed during the time object is created. Once this is done, the constructor takes parameters that are later offered during the object creation using the keyword “new”. From the program, it can be seen that objects get printed in the first case of expression var_dump(). But in the second case of expression, an object is casted into an array using the typecasting procedure.

Example #2

PHP program to convert an object to an array using json encode and json decode.

item1 = $dis1; $this->item2 = $dis2; > > // Creating object $dis = new hospital(500, "C"); echo "Items before conversion : " ; var_dump($dis); // convert object to array $arr = json_decode(json_encode($dis), true); echo "Items after conversion : "; var_dump($arr); ?>

PHP object to array 2

In this program also, a class hospital is created, and inside that, two elements such as el1 and el2, are created. Then, a __construct() function is declared, which gets executed during the time object is created. Once this is done, the constructor takes parameters that are later offered during the object creation using the keyword “new”. From the program, it can be seen that objects get printed in the first case of expression var_dump(). But in the second case of expression, an object is casted into an array using the typecasting procedure. Here, the first method in the method sections is used for converting an object into an array.


An associative array is an array that consists of a string index which stores item values linked with key values other than in order of the linear index. This article saw how PHP object to array is working, methods to achieve it, and different examples.

This is a guide to PHP object to array. Here we discuss the introduction, methods, how to convert object to array in PHP? and examples respectively. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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Преобразование объекта в массив в PHP

В этой статье показано, как преобразовать объект в массив в PHP.

1. Использование приведения типов

Простым вариантом преобразования объекта в ассоциативный массив является приведение типов. Чтобы привести объект к массиву, вы можете просто указать тип массива в круглых скобках перед объектом для преобразования. Когда объект PHP преобразуется в ассоциативный массив, все свойства объекта становятся элементами массива. Например, следующее решение отбрасывает StdClass объект в массив:

Следующее решение приводит объект, имеющий только общедоступные свойства.

Как видно из приведенных выше примеров, приведение типов хорошо работает с StdClass и класс для всех общедоступных свойств. Если ваш объект содержит какие-либо закрытые поля, ключи массива будут включать область видимости. Частные и защищенные свойства будут иметь имя класса и ‘*’ перед именем элемента соответственно. Обратите внимание, что имя класса и ‘*’ разделены нулевым символом ( «\0» ) с обеих сторон, как показано ниже:

2. Использование get_object_vars() функция

В качестве альтернативы вы можете использовать get_object_vars() функция для получения ассоциативного массива доступных нестатических свойств указанного объекта в соответствии с областью действия. Обратите внимание, что приватные и защищенные свойства в объекте будут игнорироваться, если эта функция вызывается из области действия объекта.

3. Использование отражения

Вы можете использовать Reflection для доступа к закрытым и защищенным полям вне области действия объекта. В этом примере используется ReflectionClass::getProperties() для извлечения отраженных свойств и сохранения их в массиве. В отличие от приведения типов, это решение приводит к правильным именам ключей для непубличных полей. До PHP 8.1.0 вы должны вызывать ReflectionProperty::setAccessible() для обеспечения доступа к защищенной или частной собственности. Начиная с PHP 8.1.0 все свойства доступны по умолчанию.


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