Php number format to float

How to Convert a Number to Float with 2 Decimal Places in PHP: Tips and Tricks

Learn how to convert a number to a float with 2 decimal places in PHP using various functions like round(), number_format(), sprintf(), floatval(), ceil(), and PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP constant. Also, discover best practices, tips, and tricks for PHP development.

  • Using the Round() Function
  • Using the Number_format() Function
  • Formatting Decimal Places in PHP
  • Using the Sprintf() Function
  • Using the Floatval() Function
  • Using the Ceil() Function
  • Using the PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP Constant
  • Using DECIMAL Instead of FLOAT for Storing Prices
  • Other helpful code examples for converting a number to a float with 2 decimal places in PHP
  • Conclusion
  • How to round a number to 2 decimal places in PHP?
  • How to convert a number to float in PHP?
  • How do you change a float to 2 decimal places?

Are you looking for a way to convert a number to a float with 2 decimal places using PHP? You’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll discuss several methods for converting a number to a float with two decimal places in PHP. We’ll explore the pros and cons of each method, along with code examples and helpful tips. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to convert a number to a float with two decimal places in PHP.

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Using the Round() Function

The round() function is a commonly used method for rounding a float to a specified number of decimal places. The round() function takes two arguments: the float you want to round and the number of decimal places you want to round to. To convert a number to a float with 2 decimal places, you would pass the number to the round() function along with the value 2.

$number = 10.3456; $float = round($number, 2); echo $float; // Output: 10.35 

It’s important to note that the round() function may not work as expected due to the way floating-point numbers are represented. This can lead to unexpected results when dealing with large numbers or numbers with many decimal places.

Using the Number_format() Function

Another method for converting a number to a float with 2 decimal places is to use the number_format() function. The number_format() function takes three arguments: the number you want to format, the number of decimal places you want to round to, and the character you want to use as the decimal separator. To convert a number to a float with 2 decimal places, you would pass the number to the number_format() function along with the value 2 and a dot . as the decimal separator.

$number = 10.3456; $float = number_format($number, 2, '.', ''); echo $float; // Output: 10.35 

However, it’s important to note that using the number_format() function with certain values can result in unexpected results. For example, if you pass a large number to the number_format() function, it may be rounded up or down instead of being formatted with 2 decimal places.

Formatting Decimal Places in PHP

Using the Sprintf() Function

The sprintf() function is another method for converting a number to a float with 2 decimal places. The sprintf() function takes a format string and a variable number of arguments. To format the number with two decimal places, you would use the format string %.2f . The f indicates that the variable is a float, and the .2 indicates that you want to round to 2 decimal places.

$number = 10.3456; $float = sprintf("%.2f", $number); echo $float; // Output: 10.35 

However, it’s important to note that converting from a string to a float with two decimal places can also result in unexpected results due to the way floating-point numbers are represented.

Using the Floatval() Function

The floatval() function is another method for converting a string to a float with a decimal separator of either dot or comma. To convert a number to a float with 2 decimal places, you would first convert the number to a string and then pass it to the floatval() function.

$number = "10.3456"; $float = floatval($number); echo number_format($float, 2, '.', ''); // Output: 10.35 

However, it’s important to note that type juggling can occur when converting a value to a float, which can lead to unexpected results.

Using the Ceil() Function

The ceil() function is another method for rounding up a float to a specified number of decimal places. The ceil() function takes one argument: the float you want to round up. To convert a number to a float with 2 decimal places, you would first multiply the number by 100, pass it to the ceil() function, and then divide the result by 100.

$number = 10.3456; $float = ceil($number * 100) / 100; echo $float; // Output: 10.35 

It’s important to note that using the ceil() function can lead to unexpected results if you’re not careful. For example, rounding a negative number up to 2 decimal places will result in a more negative number.

Using the PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP Constant

The PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP constant can be used as the third argument in the round() function to round up when the value is halfway between two possible results. To convert a number to a float with 2 decimal places, you would pass the number to the round() function along with the value 2 and the PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP constant as the third argument.

$number = 10.3456; $float = round($number, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP); echo $float; // Output: 10.35 

However, it’s important to note that comparing floats and IEEE notation can also lead to unexpected results.

Using DECIMAL Instead of FLOAT for Storing Prices

When it comes to storing prices in php, it’s recommended to use the DECIMAL type instead of FLOAT to avoid precision loss. The DECIMAL type is a fixed-point type that allows you to specify the number of decimal places you want to store. To store prices with 2 decimal places, you would use the DECIMAL(10,2) type, which allows you to store up to 10 digits with 2 decimal places.


Other helpful code examples for converting a number to a float with 2 decimal places in PHP

$num = 5; $num = number_format($num, 2);

In php, php float 2 decimais code example

$foo = "105"; echo number_format((float)$foo, 2, '.', '');
$num = '1,200,998.255';########## FOR FLOAT VALUES ###########################echo filter_var($num, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION);#output : 1200998.255########## FOR INTEGER VALUES ###########################echo filter_var($num, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);#output : 1200998

In php, how to convert integer to float php code example


In conclusion, there are several methods for converting a number to a float with 2 decimal places in PHP. Each method has its pros and cons, and it’s up to you to decide which method is best for your specific situation. Whether you choose to use the round() function, the number_format() function, the sprintf() function, the floatval() function, the ceil() function, or the PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP constant, it’s important to understand the potential issues and use best practices for php development. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to converting a number to a float with 2 decimal places in PHP.



Formats a number with grouped thousands and optionally decimal digits using the rounding half up rule.


The number being formatted.

Sets the number of decimal digits. If 0 , the decimal_separator is omitted from the return value.

Sets the separator for the decimal point.

Sets the thousands separator.

Return Values

A formatted version of num .


Version Description
8.0.0 Prior to this version, number_format() accepted one, two, or four parameters (but not three).
7.2.0 number_format() was changed to not being able to return -0 , previously -0 could be returned for cases like where num would be -0.01 .


Example #1 number_format() Example

For instance, French notation usually use two decimals, comma (‘,’) as decimal separator, and space (‘ ‘) as thousand separator. The following example demonstrates various ways to format a number:

// english notation (default)
$english_format_number = number_format ( $number );
// 1,235

// French notation
$nombre_format_francais = number_format ( $number , 2 , ‘,’ , ‘ ‘ );
// 1 234,56

// english notation without thousands separator
$english_format_number = number_format ( $number , 2 , ‘.’ , » );
// 1234.57

See Also

  • money_format() — Formats a number as a currency string
  • sprintf() — Return a formatted string
  • printf() — Output a formatted string
  • sscanf() — Parses input from a string according to a format

User Contributed Notes 9 notes

It’s not explicitly documented; number_format also rounds:

$numbers = array( 0.001 , 0.002 , 0.003 , 0.004 , 0.005 , 0.006 , 0.007 , 0.008 , 0.009 );
foreach ( $numbers as $number )
print $number . «->» . number_format ( $number , 2 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ). «
» ;


Note: use NumberFormatter to convert in human-readable format instead user function from comments:
echo NumberFormatter :: create ( ‘en’ , NumberFormatter :: SPELLOUT )-> format ( 12309 ); // twelve thousand three hundred nine
echo NumberFormatter :: create ( ‘ru’ , NumberFormatter :: SPELLOUT )-> format ( 12307.5 ); // двенадцать тысяч триста семь целых пять десятых

If you want to display a number ending with ,- (like 200,-) when there are no decimal characters and display the decimals when there are decimal characters i use:

function DisplayDouble($value)
list($whole, $decimals) = split (‘[.,]’, $value, 2);
if (intval($decimals) > 0)
return number_format($value,2,».»,»,»);
return number_format($value,0,».»,»,») .»,-«;

Outputs a human readable number.

# Output easy-to-read numbers
# by james at
function bd_nice_number ( $n ) // first strip any formatting;
$n = ( 0 + str_replace ( «,» , «» , $n ));

// is this a number?
if(! is_numeric ( $n )) return false ;

// now filter it;
if( $n > 1000000000000 ) return round (( $n / 1000000000000 ), 1 ). ‘ trillion’ ;
else if( $n > 1000000000 ) return round (( $n / 1000000000 ), 1 ). ‘ billion’ ;
else if( $n > 1000000 ) return round (( $n / 1000000 ), 1 ). ‘ million’ ;
else if( $n > 1000 ) return round (( $n / 1000 ), 1 ). ‘ thousand’ ;

return number_format ( $n );


247,704,360 -> 247.7 million
866,965,260,000 -> 867 billion

For Zero fill — just use the sprintf() function

$pr_id = 1;
$pr_id = sprintf(«%03d», $pr_id);
echo $pr_id;

$pr_id = 10;
$pr_id = sprintf(«%03d», $pr_id);
echo $pr_id;

You can change %03d to %04d, etc.

I ran across an issue where I wanted to keep the entered precision of a real value, without arbitrarily rounding off what the user had submitted.

I figured it out with a quick explode on the number before formatting. I could then format either side of the decimal.

function number_format_unlimited_precision ( $number , $decimal = ‘.’ )
$broken_number = explode ( $decimal , $number );
return number_format ( $broken_number [ 0 ]). $decimal . $broken_number [ 1 ];

formatting numbers may be more easy if u use number_format function.

I also wrote this :
function something($number)
$locale = localeconv();
return number_format($number,

My simpler solution to the problem of the decimal number in this function being longer than the specified number of decimals.

Standard result for number_format() is..
number_format(5.00098, 2) = 5.00

My function will return the result = 5.001

// ** Warning: Does not work with scientific notation. Conversion to a real number is required. **

echo auto_decimal_format ( 5.0005620 ); // print 5.0006
echo auto_decimal_format ( 5.0009820 ); // print 5.001
echo auto_decimal_format ( 5.00098 , 8 ); // print 5.00098000
echo auto_decimal_format ( 1.0295691366783E-5 , 2 ); // print 0.00

function auto_decimal_format ( $n , $def = 2 ) $a = explode ( «.» , $n );
if ( count ( $a )> 1 ) $b = str_split ( $a [ 1 ]);
$pos = 1 ;
foreach ( $b as $value ) if ( $value != 0 && $pos >= $def ) $c = number_format ( $n , $pos );
$c_len = strlen ( substr ( strrchr ( $c , «.» ), 1 ));
if ( $c_len > $def ) < return rtrim ( $c , 0 ); >
return $c ; // or break
$pos ++;
return number_format ( $n , $def );

To prevent the rounding that occurs when next digit after last significant decimal is 5 (mentioned by several people below):

function fnumber_format ( $number , $decimals = » , $sep1 = » , $sep2 = » )

if (( $number * pow ( 10 , $decimals + 1 ) % 10 ) == 5 ) //if next not significant digit is 5
$number -= pow ( 10 , -( $decimals + 1 ));

return number_format ( $number , $decimals , $sep1 , $sep2 );

$t = 7.15 ;
echo $t . » | » . number_format ( $t , 1 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ) . » | » . fnumber_format ( $t , 1 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ) . «\n\n» ;
//result is: 7.15 | 7.2 | 7.1

$t = 7.3215 ;
echo $t . » | » . number_format ( $t , 3 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ) . » | » . fnumber_format ( $t , 3 , ‘.’ , ‘,’ ) . «\n\n» ;
//result is: 7.3215 | 7.322 | 7.321
> ?>

have fun!


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