Php load zip extension

PHP Zip Extension

PHP Zip Extension

  1. Install ZIP Extensions in Ubuntu
  2. Use the ZipArchive() Class to Create a Zip File in PHP
  3. Use the ZipArchive() Class to Create a Zip File in PHP
  4. How to Use PHP Zip Extension to Get Information of All the Member Files of a ZIP

Zip extension is one of the most important items in file handling. If you want to compress files or move multiple files through one file, ZIP will be required for this.

We need to install libzip to perform operations involving the ZIP extension for other platforms.

Install ZIP Extensions in Ubuntu

ZIP is already included in windows PHP. We will try to install this library for Ubuntu .

Run the following commands in Ubuntu to install the libzip library.

$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install -y $ sudo apt-get install libzip-dev 
Setting up libzip-dev:amd64 ( . Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.1-1) . Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-0ubuntu9.2) . 

The next step is to install a PHP extension for ZIP .

$ sudo apt install php7.4-zip 

Once it is successfully installed, you can use it in PHP.

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Use the ZipArchive() Class to Create a Zip File in PHP

ZipArchive() is the class used to perform ZIP operations in PHP. Using the ZipArchive() class, create a Zip file.

php $create_zip = new ZipArchive(); $file_name = "./";  if ($create_zip->open($file_name, ZipArchive::CREATE)!==TRUE)   exit("cannot open the zip file $file_name>\n"); > $current_dir=getcwd(); //Create files to add to the zip  $create_zip->addFromString("file1 ". time().".txt" , "#1 This is This is the test file number one.\n"); $create_zip->addFromString("file2 ". time().".txt", "#2 This is This is the test file number one.\n"); //add files to the zip  $create_zip->addFile($current_dir . "/too.php","/testfromfile.php"); echo "Number of files added: " . $create_zip->numFiles; echo "
echo "Failed to add:" . $create_zip->status ; $create_zip->close(); ?>

The code above creates two text files with some content and adds them into a zip file.

Use the ZipArchive() Class to Create a Zip File in PHP

Let’s extract the zip file created in the first code using the ZipArchive() class of PHP.

php $extract_zip = new ZipArchive; $open_zip = $extract_zip->open(''); if ($open_zip === TRUE)   $extract_to = getcwd();  $extract_zip->extractTo($extract_to); //extract to the current working directory.  echo "Number of Files to be Extracted:" . $extract_zip->numFiles . "
$extract_zip->close(); echo 'Files Successfully Extracted!'; > else echo 'Cannot Extract!'; > ?>

The above code will extract the file created in the first example.

How to Use PHP Zip Extension to Get Information of All the Member Files of a ZIP

The PHP ZIP extension can get the information of all the files inside a ZIP .

php $zip_file = zip_open(""); if ($zip_file)   while ($zip_members = zip_read($zip_file))   echo "Name of the file: " . zip_entry_name($zip_members) . "
echo "Original Size of the File: " . zip_entry_filesize($zip_members) . "
echo "Compressed Size of the File: " . zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_members) . "
echo "Method of Compression: " . zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_members) . "
if (zip_entry_open($zip_file, $zip_members, "r")) echo "Content of the file:
$buf = zip_entry_read($zip_members, zip_entry_filesize($zip_members)); echo "$buf
zip_entry_close($zip_members); > echo "
> zip_close($zip_file); > ?>

The code above uses built-in ZIP functions to get the information of files inside a ZIP .

Name of the file: file1 1644842283.txt Original Size of the File: 45 Compressed Size of the File: 39 Method of Compression: deflated Content of the file: #1 This is test file number one.  Name of the file: file2 1644842283.txt Original Size of the File: 45 Compressed Size of the File: 39 Method of Compression: deflated Content of the file: #2 This is test file number two. 

Sheeraz is a Doctorate fellow in Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China. He has 7 years of Software Development experience in AI, Web, Database, and Desktop technologies. He writes tutorials in Java, PHP, Python, GoLang, R, etc., to help beginners learn the field of Computer Science.

Related Article — PHP Zip


How to enable PHP zip extension in cPanel

Are you looking to enable PHP zip extension in cPanel? We can help you.

PHP websites using zip files needs zip extensions for data processing.

At Bobcares, we receive requests to enable PHP zip extensions as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s see how our Support Engineers enable PHP zip extension in cPanel.

Why do we need the PHP zip extension?

Website owners always look for ways to optimize website files. Zipping is one way to reduce file size.

A zip archive file format supports lossless data compression, thereby making it suitable for sending and storing data.

If websites use a zip file format, it needs a zip extension to process it. That is, zip extension allows the users to read and write into the zip files.

Now, let’s see how our Support Engineers enable PHP zip extensions in cPanel.

How to enable the PHP zip extension in cPanel?

1. Firstly, we log into cPanel and click on the PHP PEAR Packages available under the SOFTWARE section. The icon appears as in the image.

Enable PHP zip extension cPanel

2. Then we type zip in the search bar, and Archive_Zip will be available. Here, we click on the install icon.

3. After installing Archive_Zip, we go to the previous step and click the Select PHP Version icon.

4. Now, the Archive_Zip is visible here. Click the checkbox of the zip extension. And hit the save button to add the Archive_Zip to the current PHP version. This would install the PHP Zip extension.

How to enable PHP zip extension in WHM?

Zip extension is a very basic requirement for websites nowadays. So we enable it in all the servers we manage. Let’s see how we enable it via WHM.

Initially, we login to WHM and navigate as follows,

Software >> EasyApache 4 >> Customize >> PHP extensions. Here we search for zip and enable phpx.x-php-zip for all versions. Finally, we click on Review and Provision.

This enables the zip extension for all the PHP websites in the server.

Common errors while enabling PHP Zip extension

Now, let’s see a few common errors our customers reported to us while enabling the PHP zip extension.

1. Missing library

Recently, one of our customers approached us with the below error message

PHP ZipArchive Library is missing or disabled

Our Support Engineers checked the current PHP version using the command,

He used CentOS 6 with Apache and PHP 7.0. The PHP 7 provides a php7.0-zip package. We installed it using the command,

We used the below command to check the libraries,

yum list installed | grep -i php

Lastly, we ran the below command to restart Apache,

Finally, this fixed the error.

2. Installation command error

The PHP zip extensions can be enabled through commands as well. So, few customers try to install it via commands itself. But mistakes in the command lead to errors.

Here is an example where the customer experienced an error due to incorrect command.

The customer received the error Class ZipExtension not found . He was using CentOS 7 and PHP 7.0.27.

Our Support Engineers checked the command he used. The command was,

yum install php70-php-pecl-zip

The actual package was php-pecl-zip.x86_64. So we installed it using the command,

yum install php70-php-pecl-zip.x86_64

And then, we enabled it by running the command,

echo "" >> /etc/php.d/zip.ini

This fixed the error and the PHP extension was enabled.

[Need assistance in enabling the PHP extension? – We’ll help you.]


In short, PHP websites using zip files require zip extensions for data processing. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers enabled PHP zip extension in cPanel.


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How to enable PHP zip extension in your web hosting

Posted on Jul 28, 2022

PHP zip extension is used to read and write compressed zip files. This extension is usually required to make PHP-based applications able to interact with zip files.

Sometimes, you may see the “PHP zip is not installed or has been disabled message” in WordPress.

Here are the steps to enable the PHP zip extension in your hosting from cPanel:

  1. Log into your cPanel account
  2. Go to the Select PHP Version menu
  3. Click the Extensions tab
  4. Check the zip extension to enable it

The tutorial below will show you how to do these steps in detail:

Enable PHP zip in your hosting

Login to your cPanel account, then look for the Select PHP Version menu under the Software tab:

cPanel Select PHP Version

Next, click on the Extensions tab and see the zip extension under the Z entries as shown below:

enable PHP zip in extensions tab

Click the checkbox beside the zip extension to enable it.

What if you don’t see the zip extension?

If you don’t see the zip extension, then you may need to install it first.

Get back to your cPanel home page, then find the PHP PEAR Packages menu.

It’s also located under the Software tab as shown below:

PHP PEAR Packages menu

On the PEAR Packages page, use the search menu to look for the “zip” extension.

You should see the Archive_Zip extension shown in the search result like this:

PHP Archive_Zip module

Click on Install to have the extension installed on your hosting.

Finally, go back to the Select PHP Version menu and check the Extensions tab. You should see the zip extension already checked on this page.

And that’s how you enable PHP zip in your hosting provider. Good work! 👍

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