Php ini url include

Директива Allow_url_include

Директива Allow_url_include позволяет использование подключение файлов через URL.

allow_url_include boolean

Директива Allow_url_include позволяет использование оберток Fopen, которые поддерживают работу с URL, в функциях Include, Include_once, Require, Require_once.

Директива Allow_url_include требует включения опции Allow_url_fopen.

Например, на сервере в корневом каталоге существует файл, который необходимо подключить функцией Include:

include( '' );

При отключенной директиве Allow_url_include, интерпретатор выдаст ошибку:

Warning: include(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in file.php on line . Warning: include( failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in file.php on line . Warning: include(): Failed opening '' for inclusion (include_path='.') in file.php on line .

Файл успешно подключится при использовании следующего выражения:

include( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/' );

Директиву Allow_url_include рекомендуется всегда отключать, чтобы запретить использование сторонних скриптов.

Директива Allow_url_include относиться к режиму PHP_INI_SYSTEM, поэтому значение может быть только в php.ini или httpd.conf.

Пример использования в php.ini:


How to enable allow_url_fopen, allow_url_include on a shared server using custom php.ini

You can simply enable/disable the php functions allow_url_include and allow_url_fopen by editing the php configuration file.

These functions may disabled in the php configuration file of some shared hosting server. You can simply manage these function by creating a custom php.ini file under your public folder.

Here is the way to do that 🙂

Step I : Create/Open php.ini file under the public folder of your domain.

Step II : Add the following lines to enable above php functions.

allow_url_fopen = On 
allow_url_include = On 

How to disable phpinfo(); in a shared environment/hosting?

The phpinfo() function in php has a lot of uses. Before going to disable the phpinfo function,you must learn the basics of it. Here is the link which helps you to create the phpinfo >> phpinfo()

What is phpinfo() function ?

The function phpinfo() displays the current information of PHP, which includes the php extensions and compilations, version, server information and environment (if compiled as a module), the PHP environment, paths, master and local values of configuration options, HTTP headers, and the PHP License etc.

You will get the PHP informations not only from the browser but also from the server command-line. READ MORE…

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Arunlal Ashok

DevOps Engineer. Linux lover. Traveller.
Always happy for an open discussion! Write to arun ((@)) crybit ((dot)) com.


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