Php include file with parameter

How to pass parameters with `include`?

If you seriously want to pass an URL to the file, you can insert the URL into variable and in included file parse it with parse_url EDIT: and yes, I do not suggest adding query params to actual include url as it starts to mess up with GET array PaulPRO’s answer most likely tells what you want to achieve, but also other variables would be usable in the included file.

How to pass parameters with `include`?

I have a php script called customers.php that is passed a parameter via the URL, e.g.:

Inside my customers.php script, I pick up the parameter thus:

$employeeId = $_GET['employeeId']; 

That works just fine. I also have an HTML file with a form that inputs the parameter, and runs another php script, viz:

Then in my listcustomers.php script, I pick up the parameter so:

$employeeId = $_POST['employeeId']; 

So far so good. But his is where I am stuck. I want to run my customers.php script, and pass it the parameter that I pave picked up in the form. I am sure this is really simple, but just cannot get it to work. I have tried:

include "customers.php?employeeId=$employeeId&password=password"; 

But that does not work. Nor does anything else that I have tried. Please help me.

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You can’t add a query string (Something like ?x=yyy&vv=www) onto an include like that. Fortunately your includes have access to all the variables before them, so if $_GET[’employeeId’] is defined before you call:

Then customers.php will also have access to $_GET[’employeeId’];

PHP includes are really includes; they attach piece of code from that location to this location.

paulpro’s answer most likely tells what you want to achieve, but also other variables would be usable in the included file. So if you define $foo = «bar»; in index.php and include layout.php after that line, you could call this $foo variable in that layout.php file.

If you seriously want to pass an URL to the file, you can insert the URL into variable and in included file parse it with parse_url

EDIT: and yes, I do not suggest adding query params to actual include url as it starts to mess up with GET array and eventually you’ll just be confused what there should be and start smacking your head into wall.

Your include file will have access to the GET variables directly.

You can use $GLOBALS to solve this issue as well.

 $tit = "Hello"; $GLOBALS["docTitle"] = $tit; include ("my.php"); 

How to include PHP file with JavaScript and pass, You can use the second parameter of the load function which takes parameters that can be posted to the file in question: …

PHP, include with parameters

I have a PHP-file which will be called from a form. So it gets parameters over $_GET.

Now I need the exact same functionality of this file, but not in such a form-call. I will include it in normal code with fixed parameters (which normally come from the form). So my file can work with the form AND without it.

I know only the way with include and setting the $_GET in front of it. But I am not sure this is the most elegant way (I dont like the idea of setting things like $_GET).

any other ways of doing this?

You can convert the code to a function that takes an associative array as its parameter.

That way, you can just include it when necessary and call the function with either $_GET or an array you build yourself.

You could first do an if statement to see if the $_GET parameters are already set. If they are already set, assign them to variables that the script can use, and if they are not already set, just assign your fixed parameters to the variables.

since you should be doing some kind of parameter sanitizing in your file you could parse parameters like this

$someConfigVar = isset($config['someConfigVar']) ? $config['someConfigVar'] : sanitize($_GET['someConfigVar']; 

in this case you just need to fill the $config array before including your file. this code snippet expects sanitize() to be your sanitizing function (defense against xss and SQL injects etc)

If I understand you correctly, you could create an array full of default values. When this script is called it will check to see if $_GET is empty. If $_GET is empty, the default values are used, else, the default array is overwritten with $_GET and those values are used.

$def = array( 'keyA' => 'valueA', 'keyB' => 'valueB' ); if ( !empty( $_GET ) ) $def = $_GET; // $def contains either your defaults, or the user-provided values 

It’s important to note that this logic can be broken up into two files.

/* index.php */ $def = array( 'keyA' => 'valueA', 'keyB' => 'valueB' ); if ( !empty( $_GET ) ) $def = $_GET; include( 'doStuff.php' ); /* doStuff.php */ if ( !isset( $def ) ) $def = $_GET; echo $def['keyA']; 

Note that in doStuff.php we check to see if $def is set. If this script is being included into index.php , then we know $def is set and those default values are present. If doStuff.php is being called directly, then we know that $def is most likely not set, and that we need to set it based upon $_GET . Either way, when the script is ready, we will have a variable called $def where we will get all of our values.

Php — How to pass arguments to an included file?, You can’t pass arguments to include, but it has access to all variables you’ve already set. From the include documentation: When a file is included, the code it …

How to pass parameters to PHP template rendered with ‘include’?

need your help with PHP templating. I’m new to PHP (I’m coming from Perl+Embperl). Anyway, my problem is simple:

  • I have a small template to render some item, let it be a blog post.
  • The only way i know to use this template is to use ‘include’ directive.
  • I want to call this template inside a loop going thru all the relevant blog posts.
  • Problem: I need to pass a parameter(s) to this template; in this case reference to array representing a blog post.

Code looks something like this:

$rows = execute("select * from blogs where date='$date' order by date DESC"); foreach ($rows as $row) < print render("/templates/blog_entry.php", $row); >function render($template, $param) < ob_start(); include($template);//How to pass $param to it? It needs that $row to render blog entry! $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; >

Any ideas how to accomplish this? I’m really stumped 🙂 Is there any other way to render a template?

Consider including a PHP file as if you were copy-pasting the code from the include into the position where the include-statement stands. This means that you inherit the current scope .

So, in your case, $param is already available in the given template.

$param should be already available inside the template. When you include() a file it should have the same scope as where it was included.

When a file is included, the code it contains inherits the variable scope of the line on which the include occurs. Any variables available at that line in the calling file will be available within the called file, from that point forward. However, all functions and classes defined in the included file have the global scope.

You could also do something like:

print render("/templates/blog_entry.php", array('row'=>$row)); function render($template, $param)< ob_start(); //extract everything in param into the current scope extract($param, EXTR_SKIP); include($template); //etc. 

Then $row would be available, but still called $row.

I use the following helper functions when I work on simple websites:

function function_get_output($fn) < $args = func_get_args();unset($args[0]); ob_start(); call_user_func_array($fn, $args); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; >function display($template, $params = array()) < extract($params); include $template; >function render($template, $params = array())

display will output the template to the screen directly. render will return it as a string. It makes use of ob_get_contents to return the printed output of a function.

Include PHP file with parameter, newbie in PHP here, sorry for troubling you. I want to ask something, if I want to include a php page, can I use parameter to define the page which I'll …

How to pass arguments to an included file?

I'm trying to make the whole section its own include file. One drawback is the title and description and keyword will be the same; I can't figure out how to pass arguments to the include file.


Obviously this doesn't work; how can I pass arguments to an included file?

Include has the scope of the line it's called from.

If you don't want to create new global variables, you can wrap include() with a function:

function includeHeader($title) < include("inc/header.php"); >

$title will be defined in the included code whenever you call includeHeader with a value, for example includeHeader('My Fancy Title') .

If you want to pass more than one variable you can always pass an array instead of a string.

Let's create a generic function:

function includeFile($file, $variables)

Using extract makes it even neater:

function includeFileWithVariables($fileName, $variables)
includeFileWithVariables("header.php", array( 'keywords'=> "Potato, Tomato, Toothpaste", 'title'=> "Hello World" )); 

Knowing that it will cause variables $keywords and $title to be defined in the scope of the included code.

It's not an ideal solution, but I understand it's your first steps in php.

PS. Your Doctype doesn't match the code. I've adjusted your header html to be XHTML.

You can't pass arguments to include , but it has access to all variables you've already set. From the include documentation:

When a file is included, the code it contains inherits the variable scope of the line on which the include occurs. Any variables available at that line in the calling file will be available within the called file, from that point forward.


Well marc, when you are using include, you can simply just set up a variable to use:

Allow your previously defined variables are usable in any include you have.

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Using Parameters in PHP Include Statements

One possible solution is to create a new scope for the variables to be passed in your included file. This can be achieved by using a commonly used pattern. Another solution is to pass the parameter in the included file directly, as demonstrated in Solution 3. It's worth noting that an included page has access to all the variables in the current scope, as mentioned in Solution 1.

Include PHP file with parameter

All the variables for the current scope will be visible on the included page.

$title = 'image title'; include('title.php'); 

The variable exists in your title.php file.

Before utilizing a variable, it is advisable to verify if it has been set by using the isset() function.

To implement a function call approach, it is advisable to create a function that caters to the task performed by the incorporated file.

Uncertain if this is precisely what you seek, but an option could be to devise a function that encompasses the file and transmits a parameter.

function includeFile($file, $param) < echo $param; include_once($file); >includeFile('title.php', "title"); 

You have the option to perform the following action in your file that has been provided.

Subsequently, the parameter can be passed in this manner:

$callback = include('myfile.php'); $callback('new title'); 

An alternative approach, frequently employed, is to create a fresh scope specifically for the variables that need to be passed.

function include_with_vars($file, $params) < extract($params); include($file); >include_with_vars('myfile.php', array( 'title' => 'my title' )); 

PHP - include a php file and also send query parameters, If you are going to write this include manually in the PHP file - the answer of Daff is perfect.. Anyway, if you need to do what was the initial question, here is a small simple function to achieve that: Usage exampleinclude($phpinclude);Feedback

Passing parameter while including PHP script

Before including the file, it is possible to establish $_GET['text'] .

$_GET['text'] = 'hiii'; include 'script.php'; 

However, it is evident that the aforementioned will not have an impact on other factors such as $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] , and so on.

Once you have added a script, it will function as if it were on the same page.

When utilizing yourpage.php?text=hiii , script.php content will be included in the page, and hiii will be automatically printed for include('script.php') .

It was possible to perform a task similar to this.

Include PHP file with parameter, Include PHP file with parameter. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 6 months ago. Modified 9 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 5k times 0 1. newbie in PHP here, sorry for troubling you. I want to ask something, if I want to include a php page, can I use parameter to define the page which I'll be calling? Let's say I have …

PHP Include based on URL parameters

To obtain the minimum and maximum values, I'll iterate through the array.

Apologies for the confusion, I have realized that I misconstrued your question. It appears that you are not interested in ranges, but in singular calls. In that case, this answer is specifically tailored to your needs.

Php - How to pass parameters with `include`?, PHP includes are really includes; they attach piece of code from that location to this location. PaulPRO’s answer most likely tells what you want to achieve, but also other variables would be usable in the included file.


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