Php http post fields


Returns the HTTP response(s) as string on success, or FALSE on failure.


Пример #1 A http_post_fields() example

$fields = array(
‘name’ => ‘mike’ ,
‘pass’ => ‘se_ret’
$files = array(
‘name’ => ‘uimg’ ,
‘type’ => ‘image/jpeg’ ,
‘file’ => ‘./profile.jpg’ ,

$response = http_post_fields ( «» , $fields , $files );

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Returns the HTTP response(s) as string on success, or FALSE on failure.


Example #1 A http_post_fields() example

$fields = array(
‘name’ => ‘mike’ ,
‘pass’ => ‘se_ret’
$files = array(
‘name’ => ‘uimg’ ,
‘type’ => ‘image/jpeg’ ,
‘file’ => ‘./profile.jpg’ ,

$response = http_post_fields ( «» , $fields , $files );

User Contributed Notes 4 notes

To use POST to submit a form to a site which requires a cookie for authentication you put the cookie in the $options array. Example:

$message = «RoboCodeDwarf now has the gold. \n\n» ;
$message .= «RoboCodeDwarf sez: [quote] » . ` fortune -s ` . «[/quote]\n» ;

$form_fields = array(
‘content’ => $message ,
‘add_signature’ => ‘add_it’ ,
‘submit’ => ‘Post reply’ );
$form_files =array();
$form_options =array( ‘cookies’ => array( ‘auth’ => $auth ) );

$response = http_post_fields ( $form_url , $form_fields , $form_files , $form_options );

$n = preg_match ( «/HTTP\/1.1 302 Found/» , $response , $matches );
if( $n < 1 ) echo "FAILED\n" ;
else echo «POSTED\n» ;

It was hard to figure out how to actually post files with this function. The «Array of files to post» is an array of associative arrays, each need the keys «name», «type» and «file». Consider this example code:

$files = array(
‘name’ => ‘somename’ ,
‘type’ => ‘text/plain’ ,
‘file’ => $filename
$http_response = http_post_fields ( $url , $data , $files );

comment to wormholio’s answer:
if you use regular expression, then use it fully:
«/HTTP\/\d\.\d 302 Found/»
Some servers still can use HTTP 1.0

Hear is an axmaple how to arrays as POST varibles:

$response = http_post_fields ( ‘’ ,
array( ‘val[0]’ => ‘val1’ , ‘val[1]’ => ‘val2’ ));

  • HTTP Functions
    • http_​cache_​etag
    • http_​cache_​last_​modified
    • http_​chunked_​decode
    • http_​deflate
    • http_​inflate
    • http_​build_​cookie
    • http_​date
    • http_​get_​request_​body_​stream
    • http_​get_​request_​body
    • http_​get_​request_​headers
    • http_​match_​etag
    • http_​match_​modified
    • http_​match_​request_​header
    • http_​support
    • http_​negotiate_​charset
    • http_​negotiate_​content_​type
    • http_​negotiate_​language
    • ob_​deflatehandler
    • ob_​etaghandler
    • ob_​inflatehandler
    • http_​parse_​cookie
    • http_​parse_​headers
    • http_​parse_​message
    • http_​parse_​params
    • http_​persistent_​handles_​clean
    • http_​persistent_​handles_​count
    • http_​persistent_​handles_​ident
    • http_​get
    • http_​head
    • http_​post_​data
    • http_​post_​fields
    • http_​put_​data
    • http_​put_​file
    • http_​put_​stream
    • http_​request_​body_​encode
    • http_​request_​method_​exists
    • http_​request_​method_​name
    • http_​request_​method_​register
    • http_​request_​method_​unregister
    • http_​request
    • http_​redirect
    • http_​send_​content_​disposition
    • http_​send_​content_​type
    • http_​send_​data
    • http_​send_​file
    • http_​send_​last_​modified
    • http_​send_​status
    • http_​send_​stream
    • http_​throttle
    • http_​build_​str
    • http_​build_​url



    Возвращает строку с HTTP-ответом(ами) при успешном завершении работы, или FALSE при ошибке.


    Пример #1 Пример использования http_post_fields()

    $fields = array(
    ‘name’ => ‘mike’ ,
    ‘pass’ => ‘se_ret’
    $files = array(
    ‘name’ => ‘uimg’ ,
    ‘type’ => ‘image/jpeg’ ,
    ‘file’ => ‘./profile.jpg’ ,

    $response = http_post_fields ( «» , $fields , $files );

    User Contributed Notes 4 notes

    To use POST to submit a form to a site which requires a cookie for authentication you put the cookie in the $options array. Example:

    $message = «RoboCodeDwarf now has the gold. \n\n» ;
    $message .= «RoboCodeDwarf sez: [quote] » . ` fortune -s ` . «[/quote]\n» ;

    $form_fields = array(
    ‘content’ => $message ,
    ‘add_signature’ => ‘add_it’ ,
    ‘submit’ => ‘Post reply’ );
    $form_files =array();
    $form_options =array( ‘cookies’ => array( ‘auth’ => $auth ) );

    $response = http_post_fields ( $form_url , $form_fields , $form_files , $form_options );

    $n = preg_match ( «/HTTP\/1.1 302 Found/» , $response , $matches );
    if( $n < 1 ) echo "FAILED\n" ;
    else echo «POSTED\n» ;

    It was hard to figure out how to actually post files with this function. The «Array of files to post» is an array of associative arrays, each need the keys «name», «type» and «file». Consider this example code:

    $files = array(
    ‘name’ => ‘somename’ ,
    ‘type’ => ‘text/plain’ ,
    ‘file’ => $filename
    $http_response = http_post_fields ( $url , $data , $files );

    comment to wormholio’s answer:
    if you use regular expression, then use it fully:
    «/HTTP\/\d\.\d 302 Found/»
    Some servers still can use HTTP 1.0

    Hear is an axmaple how to arrays as POST varibles:

    $response = http_post_fields ( ‘’ ,
    array( ‘val[0]’ => ‘val1’ , ‘val[1]’ => ‘val2’ ));

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