Php get http request status

Two PHP Functions to Check HTTP Response Code (Status) of a URL using Curl

We can use the following PHP function to send a request to the URL and get its HTTP status code.

 if (!function_exists("get_http_code"))  function get_http_code($url)  $handle = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); $response = curl_exec($handle); $httpCode = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($handle); return $httpCode; > >

It is based on the CURL library – which you can install using:

 echo get_http_code(""); // print 200 ?>

Another implementation is to shell execute (basically run/shell_exec the command curl in the shell e.g. /bin/bash). The -I means to retrieve the HTTP Headers only, and the -s means to disregard other meta information. Then we just have to extract the first line of the headers e.g. “HTTP/2 200”

if (!function_exists("get_http_code"))  function get_http_code($url)  $cmd = trim(shell_exec("curl -s -I \"$url\" | head -1")); list($http, $code) = explode(" ", $cmd); echo "$http and $code\n"; return (int)$code; > >
if (!function_exists("get_http_code")) < function get_http_code($url) < $cmd = trim(shell_exec("curl -s -I \"$url\" | head -1")); list($http, $code) = explode(" ", $cmd); echo "$http and $code\n"; return (int)$code; >>

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// Check HTTP status code
if (! curl_errno ( $ch )) switch ( $http_code = curl_getinfo ( $ch , CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE )) case 200 : # OK
echo ‘Unexpected HTTP code: ‘ , $http_code , «\n» ;

// Close handle
curl_close ( $ch );



Information gathered by this function is kept if the handle is re-used. This means that unless a statistic is overridden internally by this function, the previous info is returned.

User Contributed Notes 13 notes

Here are the response codes ready for pasting in an ini-style file. Can be used to provide more descriptive message, corresponding to ‘http_code’ index of the arrray returned by curl_getinfo().
These are taken from the W3 consortium HTTP/1.1: Status Code Definitions, found at

[Informational 1xx]100=»Continue»
101=»Switching Protocols» [Successful 2xx]200=»OK»
203=»Non-Authoritative Information»
204=»No Content»
205=»Reset Content»
206=»Partial Content» [Redirection 3xx]300=»Multiple Choices»
301=»Moved Permanently»
303=»See Other»
304=»Not Modified»
305=»Use Proxy»
307=»Temporary Redirect» [Client Error 4xx]400=»Bad Request»
402=»Payment Required»
404=»Not Found»
405=»Method Not Allowed»
406=»Not Acceptable»
407=»Proxy Authentication Required»
408=»Request Timeout»
411=»Length Required»
412=»Precondition Failed»
413=»Request Entity Too Large»
414=»Request-URI Too Long»
415=»Unsupported Media Type»
416=»Requested Range Not Satisfiable»
417=»Expectation Failed» [Server Error 5xx]500=»Internal Server Error»
501=»Not Implemented»
502=»Bad Gateway»
503=»Service Unavailable»
504=»Gateway Timeout»
505=»HTTP Version Not Supported»

And an example usage:
$ch = curl_init (); // create cURL handle (ch)
if (! $ch ) die( «Couldn’t initialize a cURL handle» );
// set some cURL options
$ret = curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , «» );
$ret = curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_HEADER , 1 );
$ret = curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION , 1 );
$ret = curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 0 );
$ret = curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 30 );

// execute
$ret = curl_exec ( $ch );

if (empty( $ret )) // some kind of an error happened
die( curl_error ( $ch ));
curl_close ( $ch ); // close cURL handler
> else $info = curl_getinfo ( $ch );
curl_close ( $ch ); // close cURL handler

if (empty( $info [ ‘http_code’ ])) die( «No HTTP code was returned» );
> else // load the HTTP codes
$http_codes = parse_ini_file ( «path/to/the/ini/file/I/pasted/above» );

// echo results
echo «The server responded:
» ;
echo $info [ ‘http_code’ ] . » » . $http_codes [ $info [ ‘http_code’ ]];


PHP – Get HTTP Response Status Code From a URL

This post shows you how to get the HTTP response status code from a URL. To do this, we will use get_headers built-in function, which returns an array with the headers in the HTTP response.

1. Exploring get_headers function

Let’s create a test to check what response headers we will get.

$url = ''; $responseHeaders = get_headers($url, 1); print_r($responseHeaders); 
Array ( [0] => HTTP/1.0 200 OK [Content-Type] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 [Link] => ; rel="" [Date] => Tue, 19 Jun 2018 07:42:10 GMT [Accept-Ranges] => bytes [Server] => LiteSpeed [Alt-Svc] => quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="35,37,38,39" [Connection] => close ) 

As you can see in the result, the HTTP response status code is in the first index value of the array ( HTTP/1.0 200 OK ).

The response status code can be:

  • HTTP/1.0 200 OK:
  • HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently
  • HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
  • HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
  • ect.

You can find the full list of response status code on this page.

2. Implementation

function getHTTPResponseStatusCode($url) < $status = null; $headers = @get_headers($url, 1); if (is_array($headers)) < $status = substr($headers[0], 9); >return $status; > 

In the above code, we have implemented the function that returns an HTTP response status code only from given URL, i.e. we have removed HTTP/1.0 string in the first index value of the array.

3. Usage

The below are two examples showing how to use the implemented function.

$url = ''; $statusCode = getHTTPResponseStatusCode($url); echo $statusCode; 
$url = ''; $statusCode = getHTTPResponseStatusCode($url); echo $statusCode; 


How to get the Status Code from HTTP Response Headers in PHP

We’ll see how to get the Status Code of any HTTP RESPONSE Headers sent by the server upon a HTTP REQUEST in PHP. For example, opening a webpage in a browser will send a HTTP request to the server and which in turn will be returned by a response. At times, we want to get the status code alone from the headers sent by the server for processing.


Get the HTTP Response Status Code

First use the PHP get_headers() function to fetch the array of all the headers sent by the server and then strip the status code from it.

 $statusCode = get_response_code(''); echo $statusCode; ?>

I hope you find this php tutorial useful.

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