Php get all subdomains

List all the subdomains from a list of domains

I wanted A Records, Mail Exchange Records, Service Records, Text, Conical Records, and Name Server Records. Thanks, Solution: There is no way to query the DNS of a domain for all the sub-domains.

List all the subdomains from a list of domains

Whats the quickest way to list all the subdomains from a list of domains. I want to have a multi-threaded solution but with the import sublist3r module.

So I have a file, lets call it domains.txt, and it contains 100 domains. I want to find all/most of the subdomains for all the 100 domains listed within domains.txt (perhaps using SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt) whats your best way of doing this.

  1. There is no way to query the DNS of a domain for all the sub-domains. Only servers that support an open AXFR transfer will let you do this.
  2. If you have the list and just want to make it hierarchical, I suggest using a programming language with dictionary support and splitting all the domains by their labels (using a ‘.’ as a split character mostly works unless you have a very interesting list).

Search for ALL DNS TXT records of a domain and, There is no need to get all the TXT records for a domain and its subdomains to view the relevant configuration. If you want to get the SPF and DKIM information, just query the appropriate domains. Assuming you’re doing Return-Path domains and DKIM signatures on and then you should be interested in TXT records on Usage exampledig axfr @ns52.domaincontrol.comFeedback

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DNS records for subdomains and IIS bindings

We have some donamin It already has DNS A record that binds to some IP: XX.XX.XX.62

Now we need to add couple subdomains that will look like, that will point to other IP say XX.XX.XX.65 and will lead to corresponding sites within IIS.

What kind of records should be added to DNS and are any special adjustments on IIS site binding needed? A 300 XX.XX.XX.65 - In IIS binding hostname shoud look same A 300 XX.XX.XX.65 - In IIS binding hostname shoud look same 

How can I list ALL DNS records?, Type NSLOOKUP and hit Enter. The default Server is set to your local DNS, the Address will be your local IP. Set the DNS Record type you wish to lookup by typing set type=## where ## is the record type, then hit Enter. You may use ANY, A, AAAA, A+AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, or SRV as the record type.

PHP dns_get_record missing records for subdomains

I’m trying to get a complete list of DNS records associated with a domain, in PHP, if that’s possible.

I have been searching for a while, and most of the answers to related questions show code like this:

$result = dns_get_record("",DNS_ALL); print_r($result); 

However, when I use that code to check one of my domains, there are a lot of records missing. No records are shown at all for subdomains.

It is possible to get a complete list of DNS records for a domain along with the records for any subdomains, in PHP, without knowing ahead of time what those subdomains are?

As I posted, I would suggest using Pear Net DNS2. Here is a thorough example:

When you do a lookup, I prefer to check against Google Public DNS (, but you may have another preference. Here is an example of how you can set that:

"; print_r($_GET); echo "

\n"; > $host = trim($_GET['host']); require_once 'Net/DNS2.php'; switch($_GET['ns']) < case "google": $ns = array(''); break; default: if(isset($_GET['other']))< $ns = array($_GET['other']); >else < $ns = array($_GET['ns']); >break; >

My original code was being setup to work like an API. Users could make a GET or POST request and get Result Records in different ways. This project did not go in that direction, yet you will see some extra steps in the code toward that. Next you want to set or pick the Record Types you’re going to want to lookup.

I wanted A Records, Mail Exchange Records, Service Records, Text, Conical Records, and Name Server Records. I never tested with lower case, but had no interest in finding out if either worked.

I then went through and picked all the Sub-domains I wanted to lookup. Since I was potentially working with different Name Servers, I didn’t want to leave it to chance. If you ask for ALL or *, the NS may ignore the request. Ask for a specific record, it will always give you a response.

Now we can start iterating all this and collecting the results. Results can come back in different ways depending on the type of record or the Resource Data elements. Also if the lookup fails, maybe the record does not exist, we have to handle that. Hence the try<> catch() blocks.

I don’t actually lookup a sub-domain called ‘root’. I used this as a placeholder for the 2nd level: versus the 3rd level domains: .

$record_results = array(); foreach($_GET['r'] as $record)< // A Records if($record == "A")< if($_GET['s']['a'][0] == "root")< if($_GET['showData'])< echo "Performing A Record lookup on $host\r\n"; > try < $result = $r->query($host, 'A'); > catch(Net_DNS2_Exception $e) < //echo "::query() failed: ", $e->getMessage(), "\n"; if(!$suppressNoData)< printf("\t%s%s%s%d\n", $host, "A", "No Data", 0); > continue; > // // loop through the answer, printing out the A records returned. // foreach($result->answer as $arr) < $data = $arr->address; printf("\t%s%s%s%d\n", $arr->name, $arr->type, $data, $arr->ttl); $record_results[] = array( 'domain' => $arr->name, 'type' => $arr->type, 'data' => $arr->address, 'ttl' => $arr->ttl ); > unset($_GET['s']['a'][0]); > 

We then continue through, appending $sub on to $host for each of the different records we’re looking up and collecting the details.

MX And SRV Records can return lots of different data. For example, a domain may have 4 MX Records. So you will get an Array of Objects returned that you have to sift through. I think I copy/pasted that code block twice by accident.

Sure, it may be more effort yet you get the right results. I hope this helps get you going.

Dns — How do I get a list of all subdomains of a domain?, Enter the domain into the search box and run the search. (E.g. In the 3rd section from the top (named «Web statistics for all of») click Subdomains In the Subdomains section click More You will be able to see a list of sub-domains there. Although I suspect it does …


list subdomain of a domain using cpanel xml api php

If you want, it is possible to filter results using a PCRE regex:

$subdomainsList = $xml->api2_query($cpanelUser, 'SubDomain', 'listsubdomains', [ 'regex' => '\bMySubdomain\b' ]); 

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