Php функция http build query

How to Pass an Array in URL Query String with PHP

PHP includes the http_build_query() method for creating URL encoded query string. This method is available only on PHP 5 and above versions. In this snippet, you will learn how to pass an array in URL query string using PHP.

The syntax of http_build_query() will look as follows:

http_build_query($query, $numeric_prefix, $separator, $encoded_type)

Passing a Simple Array within http_build_query()

In this section, we are going to use $vars array for generating the URL query string. The $vars array includes the data of search keyword, as well as the page number.

Let’s see an example where this array is passed to the http_build_query() method for generating a query string:

 $vars = ['page' => 26, 'search' => 'w3docs']; $qs = http_build_query($vars); $url = '' . $qs; echo $url; ?>

The code, represented above will return the following url query string:

Passing an Indexed Array within http_build_query()

Now, let’s see an example where $vars is an indexed array that comprises an employee data:

 $vars = ['employee', 'brown', 'developer', 'emp_id' => '332']; $qs = http_build_query($vars); $url = '' . $qs; echo $url; ?>

The code above will return the following url query string:

Passing a Multidimensional Array within http_build_query()

In this section, we will consider $vars as a multidimensional array with employee data. Once passing through the http_build_query() method, it will return a complex url query string.

 $vars = ['employee' => ['name' => 'Brown', 'age' => 41, 'dept' => 'IT', 'dob' => '9/22/1980'], 'role' => ['engineer', 'developer']]; $qs = http_build_query($vars); $url = '' . $qs; echo $url; ?>

This code will return the following url query string:

Describing Query String

The query string term is considered a part of Uniform Resource Locator (URL). It is in the form of a series of key-value pairs. Generally, it is used for creating a typical url or getting data from URL.

So, you can use the query string for different purposes such as search keywords, url building, specific web page tracking, and many more.



Генерирует URL-кодированную строку запроса из предоставленного ассоциативного (или индексированного) массива.

Список параметров

Может быть массив или объект, содержащий свойства.

Если data массив, то он может быть простой одномерной структурой или массивом массивов (который, в свою очередь, может содержать другие массивы).

Если data объект, тогда только общедоступные свойства будут включены в результат.

Если числовые индексы используются в базовом массиве и этот параметр указан, то он будет добавлен к числовому индексу для элементов только в базовом массиве.

Это позволяет обеспечить допустимые имена переменных, в которые позже данные будут декодированы PHP или другим CGI-приложением.

Разделитель аргументов. Если не задан или null , то для разделения аргументов используется arg_separator.output.

По умолчанию PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 .

Если encoding_type равен PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 , тогда кодирование осуществляется по » RFC 1738 и типу контента application/x-www-form-urlencoded , что подразумевает, что пробелы кодируются как символы «плюс» ( + ).

Если enc_type равен PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 , тогда кодирование осуществляется в соответствии с » RFC 3986, а пробелы будут закодированы в процентах ( %20 ).

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает URL-кодированную строку.

Список изменений


Пример #1 Простой пример использования http_build_query()

$data = array(
‘foo’ => ‘bar’ ,
‘baz’ => ‘boom’ ,
‘cow’ => ‘milk’ ,
‘null’ => null ,
‘php’ => ‘hypertext processor’

echo http_build_query ( $data ) . «\n» ;
echo http_build_query ( $data , » , ‘&’ );

Результат выполнения данного примера:

foo=bar&baz=boom&cow=milk&php=hypertext+processor foo=bar&baz=boom&cow=milk&php=hypertext+processor

Пример #2 Пример использования http_build_query() с числовыми индексами элементов.

$data = array( ‘foo’ , ‘bar’ , ‘baz’ , null , ‘boom’ , ‘cow’ => ‘milk’ , ‘php’ => ‘hypertext processor’ );

echo http_build_query ( $data ) . «\n» ;
echo http_build_query ( $data , ‘myvar_’ );

Результат выполнения данного примера:

0=foo&1=bar&2=baz&4=boom&cow=milk&php=hypertext+processor myvar_0=foo&myvar_1=bar&myvar_2=baz&myvar_4=boom&cow=milk&php=hypertext+processor

Пример #3 Пример использования http_build_query() с многомерными массивами

$data = array(
‘user’ => array(
‘name’ => ‘Bob Smith’ ,
‘age’ => 47 ,
‘sex’ => ‘M’ ,
‘dob’ => ‘5/12/1956’
‘pastimes’ => array( ‘golf’ , ‘opera’ , ‘poker’ , ‘rap’ ),
‘children’ => array(
‘bobby’ => array( ‘age’ => 12 , ‘sex’ => ‘M’ ),
‘sally’ => array( ‘age’ => 8 , ‘sex’ => ‘F’ )

echo http_build_query ( $data , ‘flags_’ );

Результат выполнения данных примеров: (символы перенесены для удобства чтения)

user%5Bname%5D=Bob+Smith&user%5Bage%5D=47&user%5Bsex%5D=M& user%5Bdob%5D=5%2F12%2F1956&pastimes%5B0%5D=golf&pastimes%5B1%5D=opera& pastimes%5B2%5D=poker&pastimes%5B3%5D=rap&children%5Bbobby%5D%5Bage%5D=12& children%5Bbobby%5D%5Bsex%5D=M&children%5Bsally%5D%5Bage%5D=8& children%5Bsally%5D%5Bsex%5D=F&flags_0=CEO


Только числовой индексированный элемент «CEO» в базовом массиве получил префикс. Другие числовые индексы, найденные в pastimes, не требуют строкового префикса, чтобы быть допустимыми именами переменных.

Пример #4 Пример использования http_build_query() с объектом

class parentClass public $pub = ‘publicParent’ ;
protected $prot = ‘protectedParent’ ;
private $priv = ‘privateParent’ ;
public $pub_bar = null ;
protected $prot_bar = null ;
private $priv_bar = null ;

public function __construct () $this -> pub_bar = new childClass ();
$this -> prot_bar = new childClass ();
$this -> priv_bar = new childClass ();

class childClass public $pub = ‘publicChild’ ;
protected $prot = ‘protectedChild’ ;
private $priv = ‘privateChild’ ;

echo http_build_query ( $parent );

Результат выполнения данного примера:


Смотрите также

  • parse_str() — Разбирает строку в переменные
  • parse_url() — Разбирает URL и возвращает его компоненты
  • urlencode() — URL-кодирование строки
  • array_walk() — Применяет заданную пользователем функцию к каждому элементу массива

User Contributed Notes 24 notes

Params with null value do not present in result string.

$arr = array( ‘test’ => null , ‘test2’ => 1 );
echo http_build_query ( $arr );

will produce:

Number to string conversion occured in is affected by locale settings, which might not be obvious.

setlocale ( LC_ALL , ‘us_En’ );
http_build_query ( $params ) // v=5.63

setlocale ( LC_ALL , ‘ru_RU’ );
http_build_query ( $params ) // v=5,63 mind the comma

Passing null to $arg_separator is the same as passing an empty string, which is probably not what you want.

If you need to change the enc_type, use this:

http_build_query($query, null, ini_get(‘arg_separator.output’), PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);

http_build_query($query, null, null, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);

if you send boolean values it transform in integer :

$a = [teste1= true,teste2=false];
echo http_build_query($a)

//result will be teste1=1&teste2=0

This function makes like this

$query = http_build_query($query);
$query = preg_replace(‘/%5B9+%5D/simU’, ‘%5B%5D’, $query);

As noted before, with php5.3 the separator is & on some servers it seems. Normally if posting to another php5.3 machine this will not be a problem.

But if you post to a tomcat java server or something else the & might not be handled properly.

http_build_query($array); //gives & to some servers

If you need the inverse functionality, and (like me) you cannot use pecl_http, you may want to use something akin to the following.

// mimic the behavior of $_GET, see also RFC 1738 and 3986.
$Delimiter = ini_get ( ‘arg_separator.input’ );
$Params = array();

if (!empty( $NameValueParts [ ‘indices_present’ ])) $Indices = explode ( ‘][‘ , $NameValueParts [ ‘indices’ ]);

foreach ( $Indices as $Index ) if (! is_array ( $Param )) $Param = array();

if ( $Index === » ) $Param [] = array();
end ( $Param );
$Param =& $Param [ key ( $Param )];
> else if ( ctype_digit ( $Index ))

if (! array_key_exists ( $Index , $Param )) $Param [ $Index ] = array();
$Param =& $Param [ $Index ];

if (!empty( $NameValueParts [ ‘value_present’ ])) $Param = urldecode ( $NameValueParts [ ‘value’ ]);
> else $Param = » ;

Is it worth noting that if query_data is an associative array and a value is itself an empty array, or an array of nothing but empty array (or arrays containing only empty arrays etc.), the corresponding key will not appear in the resulting query string?

$post_data = array(‘name’=>’miller’, ‘address’=>array(‘address_lines’=>array()), ‘age’=>23);
echo http_build_query($post_data);

When using the http_build_query function to create a URL query from an array for use in something like curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_url), be careful about the url encoding.

In my case, I simply wanted to pass on the received $_POST data to a CURL’s POST data, which requires it to be in the URL format. If something like a space [ ] goes into the http_build_query, it comes out as a +. If you’re then sending this off for POST again, you won’t get the expected result. This is good for GET but not POST.

Instead you can make your own simple function if you simply want to pass along the data:

$post_url = » ;
foreach ( $_POST AS $key => $value )
$post_url .= $key . ‘=’ . $value . ‘&’ ;
$post_url = rtrim ( $post_url , ‘&’ );

You can then use this to pass along POST data in CURL.

$ch = curl_init ( $some_url );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POST , true );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , $post_url );
curl_exec ( $ch );

Note that at the final page that processes the POST data, you should be properly filtering/escaping it.

As noted, this function omits keys with null values. This could break some code which treats the key as boolean, and so has no value, or other code expecting the array to be populated regardless of value.

A workaround for this is to replace the null values with an empty string:

// Compensate for fact that http_build_query omits null values
foreach($data as &$datum) if($datum===null) $datum=»;

Losing the null-ness of the original is no real loss if it’s supposed to be a real query string. If the null is important, you could use a dummy value instead.

Be careful about Example 1 — it is exactly how *not* to implement things.

You should HTML encode your URL if embedding it in a web page. This is more involved than just replacing & with &. Doing as this example suggests is a security hole waiting to happen.

Correct implementation of coding the array of params without indexes (valdikks fixed code — didnt work for inner arrays):

I noticed that even with the magic quotes disabled, http_build_query() automagically adds slashes to strings.

So, I had to add «stripslashes» to every string variable.

on my install of PHP 5.3, http_build_query() seems to use & as the default separator. Kind of interesting when combined with stream_context_create() for a POST request, and getting $_POST[‘amp;fieldName’] on the receiving end.

When using http_build_query($args) where $args is an array; note that there is a limit to the size of array. See max_input_vars in your php.ini to increase this size.


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