Fread() function in PHP
If your line end of line is set to Windows and not UNIX they use . Make sure to check your editor’s line ending character.
Fread() function in PHP
The fread() function reads from an open file. The fread() function halts at the end of the file or when it reaches the specified length whichever comes first. It returns the read string on success. On failure, it returns FALSE.
The fread() function returns the read string on success. On failure, it returns FALSE.
Let’s say we have a file “one.txt” with the following line.
Cricket and Football are popular sports.
The following is an example that reads 7 bytes from a file.
Let us see another example that reads all the bytes from the same file “one.txt”.
Cricket and Football are popular sports.
Php — fgets() and fread(), fread reads raw data — it will stop after a specified (or default) number of bytes, independently of any newline that might or might not be present. Speed is not a reason to use one over the other, as those two functions just don’t do the same thing : If you want to read a line, from a text file, then use fgets
PHP fread problem
ive ran into an issue while creating a PHP telnet script at work to gather network data.
as the amount of data returned from the ‘Action: Status’ command could be of any size. im concerned about using a static number with fread() on line 13. I have also tried using fgets() instead but it only grabs the first line of data (the META HTTP line. without the table). how can I grab an arbitrary amount of data from the socket using PHP? please help
\n"; > else < fwrite($ami, "Action: Login\r\nUsername: 1005\r\nSecret: password\r\nEvents: off\r\n\r\n"); fwrite($ami, "Action: Status\r\n\r\n"); sleep(1); $record = fread($ami,9999);#this line could over run. $record = explode("\r\n", $record); echo ""; #refresh page every 9 seconds echo ""; foreach($record as $value)< if(!strlen(stristr($value,'Asterisk'))>0 && !strlen(stristr($value,'Response'))>0 && !strlen(stristr($value,'Message'))>0 && !strlen(stristr($value,'Event'))>0 && strlen(strpos($value,' '))>0) #remove blank lines php_table($value);; > echo "
"; fclose($ami); > function php_table($value)< $row1 = true; $value = explode(" ", $value); foreach($value as $field)< if($row1)< echo "".$field." "; $row1 = false; > else< echo "".$field." "; $row1 = true; > > > ?>
while (strlen($c = fread($fp, 1024)) > 0)
Edit: Your application hangs because it’s not closing the connection to signify the end of a HTTP request. Try
fwrite($ami, "Action: Status\r\n\r\n"); fwrite($ami, "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n");
$data = stream_get_contents($ami);
Just use a loop and look for the «end of the file»
You should probably consider using smaller chunks.
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PHP: fread and the newline character
If I make a simple text file such as the following:
And apply fread in the following way:
$fh = fopen("test_file_three.txt",'r') or die("Error attempting to open file."); $first_word = fread($fh,5); $second_word = fread($fh,6); $third_word = fread($fh,1); $fourth_word = fread($fh,3); echo $first_word; echo "
"; echo $second_word; echo "
"; echo $third_word; echo "
"; echo $fourth_word; echo "
The echo of the $third_word variable is just, as expected, «blank». I assume it takes in and stores the new line character. However, if I append the following code:
(or, alternatively, == instead of ===) Then it comes out as false; testing $newline_char = ‘\n’; in such an if statement, however, works fine. What is happening here?, is a newline character being stored?
I assume it takes in and stores the new line character.
Your assumption is correct.
Depending on how you created the file it will be \n (on Unix, OS X) or \r\n (Windows).
Make sure to check your editor’s line ending character.
Your if evaluates to false because ‘\n’ means literally a backslash and an n character .
Use double quotes to get the newline character: «\n» and your if should evaluate to true .
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP?
I really recommend you use a hexdump function, this way you know exactly what’s stored inside a string.
Here’s an implementation of a hexdump function.
Adjusting your code with calls to hex_dump instead of echo :
hex_dump($first_word); hex_dump($second_word); hex_dump($third_word); hex_dump($fourth_word);
0 : 66 69 72 73 74 [first] 0 : 20 6c 69 6e 65 2e [ line.] 0 : 0a [.] 0 : 73 65 63 [sec]
You can see $third_word consists of a single byte 0x0a , which is the binary representation for the newline character ( \n ).
The === operator checks for the value and the type .
$x === $y Returns true if $x is equal to $y, and they are of the same type
Php — Using fread() asynchronously, This code is executed when a HTML web page loads, the line where fread is used takes just over a second as can be seen: 1374008598.18 : Read begin 1374008599.75 : Read end. This incurs a great increase in page loading time, is there any way to execute the fread () command asynchronously.
Php: array function with fopen/fread
I’m new to php so please bear with me here. Its a rough example but lets say I have a file (which obviously does’t work :), say 1.php , there I have
";> $ext_file = '2.php'; $v1 = fopen($ext_file, 'r'); $data = fread($v1, filesize($ext_file)); //i assume some piece of code has to go here?? Or maybe i need a new approach . ?>
where I’m trying to basically read 2.php where I have
links1("gg1", "1.jpg"); links1("gg2", "2.jpg"); etc.
so that when I open 1.php I would see 1.jpg 2.jpg etc etc. How to do that?
And if its possible, how should I modify the code that I could only put
gg1 1.jpg gg2 2.jpg gg3 3.jpg gg4 4.jpg .
$data = file_get_contents('2.php'); $data = explode("\n", $data); foreach($data as $string)
If your line end of line is set to Windows and not UNIX they use «\r\n» .
You can simply include 2.php inside 1.php.
There are 4 different types of include:
- include — include a file, don’t error if the file exists (but it does throw a warning).
- require — include a file, throw an error if the file does not exist.
- include_once — include a file only if it has not been previously included.
- require_once — include a file only if it has not been previously required.
Use of fread() in PHP, How the content of the file can be read in PHP by using the fread () function is shown in this tutorial. Syntax: string fread (resource $handle, int $length) It can take two arguments and returns the particular content of a file as a string.
Указатель ( resource ) на файл, обычно создаваемый с помощью функции fopen() .
length указывает размер прочитанных данных в байтах.
Возвращаемые значения
Возвращает прочтенную строку или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.
Пример #1 Простой пример использования fread()
// получает содержимое файла в строку
$filename = «/usr/local/something.txt» ;
$handle = fopen ( $filename , «r» );
$contents = fread ( $handle , filesize ( $filename ));
fclose ( $handle );
Пример #2 Пример бинарного чтения с помощью fread()
На системах, которые различают бинарные и текстовые файлы (к примеру, Windows), файл должен быть открыт с использованием буквы ‘b’ в параметре mode функции fopen() .
$filename = «c:\\files\\somepic.gif» ;
$handle = fopen ( $filename , «rb» );
$contents = fread ( $handle , filesize ( $filename ));
fclose ( $handle );
Пример #3 Примеры удаленного чтения с помощью fread()
При чтении чего-либо отличного от локальных файлов, например потоков, возвращаемых при чтении удаленных файлов или из popen() и fsockopen() , чтение остановится после того, как пакет станет доступным. Это означает, что вы должны собирать данные вместе по кусочкам, как показано на примере ниже.
// Для PHP 5 и выше
$handle = fopen ( «» , «rb» );
$contents = stream_get_contents ( $handle );
fclose ( $handle );
$handle = fopen ( «» , «rb» );
if ( FALSE === $handle ) exit( «Не удалось открыть поток по url адресу» );
while (! feof ( $handle )) $contents .= fread ( $handle , 8192 );
fclose ( $handle );
Если вы просто хотите получить содержимое файла в виде строки, используйте file_get_contents() , так как эта функция намного производительнее, чем код описанный выше.
Учтите, что fread() читает начиная с текущей позиции файлового указателя. Используйте функцию ftell() для нахождения текущей позиции указателя и функцию rewind() для перемотки позиции указателя в начало.
Смотрите также
- fwrite() — Бинарно-безопасная запись в файл
- fopen() — Открывает файл или URL
- fsockopen() — Открывает соединение с интернет сокетом или доменным сокетом Unix
- popen() — Открывает файловый указатель процесса
- fgets() — Читает строку из файла
- fgetss() — Прочитать строку из файла и отбросить HTML-теги
- fscanf() — Обрабатывает данные из файла в соответствии с форматом
- file() — Читает содержимое файла и помещает его в массив
- fpassthru() — Выводит все оставшиеся данные из файлового указателя
- ftell() — Сообщает текущую позицию чтения/записи файла
- rewind() — Сбрасывает курсор у файлового указателя