Php frameworks with ajax

Here are some of the Top PHP5 Frameworks and PHP5-Ajax Frameworks that is around the Net. Almost all of them are GPL/Open Source.

  1. CakePHP Framework
    CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications. Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers write less code.
  2. PRADO PHP Framework
    PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented
  3. Avesta – Zend-based PHP5 web framework
    Avesta is a rapid development PHP5 framework built on top of the Zend Framework libraries that emphasizes strict MVC separation and development speed
  4. BlueShoes php application framework and php cms
    BlueShoes is a comprehensive application framework and content management system. It is written in the widely used web-scripting language PHP.
  5. Zephyr
    Zephyr is an MVC (model-view-controller) framework and supports complete separation of business logic layer from presentation layer. It is built using popular and tested libraries in backend
  6. Tigermouse
    Tigermouse is object oriented, LGPL licensed PHP/AJAX framework for development of highly interactive web applications in MVC architecture. It requires no to little Javascript coding, no manual callbacks handling and no configuration
  7. AModules3
    AModules3 is the whole new concept to fully use potential of PHP5. Having conceptually proper MVC implementation, support for multiple APIs and fully OOP design makes it very good choice for writing serious applications
  8. Akelos PHP Framework
    The Akelos Framework is Akelos is a PHP4 and PHP5 port of Ruby on Rails Web Development Framework
  9. symfony – open-source PHP5 web framework
    Based on the best practices of web development, thoroughly tried on several active websites, symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure.
  10. PHITE
    PHITE is a simple but powerful site framework written in PHP
  11. Carthag applications platform
    Carthag’s main purpose is to bring PHP at the Enterprise level. This is achieved by using new PHP 5 OOP features, adopting Design Patterns and bringing some other platforms ideas (in particular Java) to Carthag.
  12. Solar Framework for PHP 5
    The Simple Object Library and Application Repository (SOLAR) is a library-like framework organized in a fashion similar to PEAR and Horde, and is PHP5
    HTML_AJAX PHP and JavaScript AJAX library
  14. jMaki
    jMaki is an Ajax framework that provides a lightweight model for creating JavaScript centric Ajax-enabled web applications using Java, Ruby, PHP, and Phobos
  15. Cajax
    Cajax is a PHP object-oriented framework to create and handle server-side requisitions through javascript remote calls
  16. tppAJAX
    tppAJAX is a lightweight, yet feature-rich PHP and Ajax toolkit that is compatible with PHP versions 4 and 5
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Ajax PHP Frameworks

These libraries are comprised of a JavaScript part for the browser side, and PHP scripts working on the server.

Ajax and PHP frameworks

They are all compatible with PHP 5.

Prado is based on components, actually objects (more than 700), event-driven like JavaScript. It uses the MVC model. It includes HTML widgets too.
What does not give confidence however is that the site is a mixture of pages in English and French with many broken links.

Symfony is a framework and set of components for building elaborate web applications. Eases the use of databases. Among the most notable users, Dailymotion demonstrates that its possible to support heavy loads. This contradicts the results of the benchmarks.
The site gives six reasons for choosing this framework: its popularity among developers, its sustainability provided by the wider community, the many sites that use it, the constant search for innovation, many resources, interoperability through compliance to standard related to PHP.

It modernizes PHP and makes it easier to use with for example its templating system. Another example Composer allows you to load only the components necessary to the application, which makes the environment closer to Node. In combination with the 5.5 version which adds coroutines, it rejuvenates the language.

PHP only frameworks

Such pure PHP framework may be completed by a JavaScript Ajax framework but it is not part of it.

CakePHP is a fast, scalable framework with plugins. CakePlate distribution is a tool ready to use without complicated configuration with all commonly used extensions.

This framework allows the use of PHP in asynchronous mode, then working like Node.js. In a situation where a lot of user access the site, this may improve the speed.

HTML 5 frameworks. They work on the client side but provide greater interactivity with the server.


Here are some of the Top PHP5 Frameworks and PHP5-Ajax Frameworks that is around the Net. Almost all of them are GPL/Open Source.

  1. CakePHP Framework
    CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications. Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers write less code.
  2. PRADO PHP Framework
    PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented
  3. Avesta – Zend-based PHP5 web framework
    Avesta is a rapid development PHP5 framework built on top of the Zend Framework libraries that emphasizes strict MVC separation and development speed
  4. BlueShoes php application framework and php cms
    BlueShoes is a comprehensive application framework and content management system. It is written in the widely used web-scripting language PHP.
  5. Zephyr
    Zephyr is an MVC (model-view-controller) framework and supports complete separation of business logic layer from presentation layer. It is built using popular and tested libraries in backend
  6. Tigermouse
    Tigermouse is object oriented, LGPL licensed PHP/AJAX framework for development of highly interactive web applications in MVC architecture. It requires no to little Javascript coding, no manual callbacks handling and no configuration
  7. AModules3
    AModules3 is the whole new concept to fully use potential of PHP5. Having conceptually proper MVC implementation, support for multiple APIs and fully OOP design makes it very good choice for writing serious applications
  8. Akelos PHP Framework
    The Akelos Framework is Akelos is a PHP4 and PHP5 port of Ruby on Rails Web Development Framework
  9. symfony – open-source PHP5 web framework
    Based on the best practices of web development, thoroughly tried on several active websites, symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure.
  10. PHITE
    PHITE is a simple but powerful site framework written in PHP
  11. Carthag applications platform
    Carthag’s main purpose is to bring PHP at the Enterprise level. This is achieved by using new PHP 5 OOP features, adopting Design Patterns and bringing some other platforms ideas (in particular Java) to Carthag.
  12. Solar Framework for PHP 5
    The Simple Object Library and Application Repository (SOLAR) is a library-like framework organized in a fashion similar to PEAR and Horde, and is PHP5
    HTML_AJAX PHP and JavaScript AJAX library
  14. jMaki
    jMaki is an Ajax framework that provides a lightweight model for creating JavaScript centric Ajax-enabled web applications using Java, Ruby, PHP, and Phobos
  15. Cajax
    Cajax is a PHP object-oriented framework to create and handle server-side requisitions through javascript remote calls
  16. tppAJAX
    tppAJAX is a lightweight, yet feature-rich PHP and Ajax toolkit that is compatible with PHP versions 4 and 5

More AJAX PHP Listing at

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